Midnite Vienna: The Final Chapter

Sweet Dream

(Warning: Heavy Themes of Mind Break and N*n-C*ns*nt)

Reilly sat down at the bar, trying to keep a calm exterior over her boiling blood. Almost any person she had come to like or get close to at the station had been broken by this piece of shit. Now wasn’t the time for anger however, she needed to get inside of Calvin’s mind. Her niche may give her an edge, but she had no idea if it would help here.

Calvin pushed an espresso martini towards Reilly, and laughed at the skeptical look she gave it “After everything you’ve seen here, you think I’d resort to something as simple as drugs?”Reilly guessed that sounded logical enough. She picked it up and took a sip. The fact that it was delicious almost made her angrier

“So what is it really you wanted to talk about” Reilly said, waiting for her niche to kick in and give her the secret to beating him “Im just a rookie officer, by all accounts, I don’t think i should have even made it up here” it was the truth. The long walk of no traps, and the luck she had experienced with the ones she’d seen, Calvin had to have been holding back on her.

Calvin tipped his glass at her and drank it in one gulp “Very astute of you. I have two things I want to discuss with you. Firstly, you stole something from me”

Reilly almost choked on her drink “You mean Jesse?”

Calvin nodded “Exactly. I’ve never been one to trade slaves like other tetepaths, i don’t give up my toys. And to have someone like you just take him from me…well let’s say I wasn’t too happy”

Reilly gritted her teeth “Well I wasn’t too happy when I found out how badly you hurt Captain Tanny. So pardon if I don’t care how that made you feel”

Calvin barked out a single ‘ha’ and poured himself another drink. A gin and sour this time “I can tell you mean that. Don’t worry, you received punishment for that later. I want to move onto my second point”

Reilly finished her drink and threw the glass behind her, the glass shattering on the floor. “And that is?”

Calvin shook his head at her action. And continued “I don’t know if you realize it, but your niche is uniquely tantalizing for upper level telepaths”

Reilly nodded “I’ve been well informed on how powerful it can be”

Calvin waved his hand “No, not like that. The more powerful a telepath gets, the more curious they become about being broken”

Reilly raised an eyebrow “What, like they get bored or something?”

Calvin shrugged “Essentially. They begin to wonder and fantasize about what it would take the break them. Your niche answers that question immediately. It presents a unique problem for upper level telepaths.” Calvin drank the rest of his drink “And your way of using it presents an even more unique problem for me”

Reilly stood up. She had a feeling that the fight was going to begin in earnest now. The room felt like it was getting hotter. Sweat was starting to drip down her forehead. She wiped it away and said “Oh? My niche scares you in particular?”

Calvin began walking around the bar, closing the distance between them. “Yes. You see, I can read the minds of anyone I face in a duel. I can read every move they’re going to make before they’ve even decided to make it. You however.” He stopped walking, six feet away from Reilly and pointed at her. “You let your niche take over, and don’t think about what’s happening. There’s nothing to read, and I can’t react. So not only am I curious what my ultimate weakness is, I also have to wait until you’ve already started the attack to see it”

It didn’t make much sense, Calvin just up and telling her all this. God it was fucking hot. The leather felt slick almost across Reilly’s entire body. Reilly unzipped the front of her suit, all the way down to her crotch. She didn’t even notice the confusion on Calvin’s face as she asked “Why are you telling me all this? You just gave up a major weakness for you in this duel”

Calvin laughed loudly “You must understand, I have enough psychic energy to take down national level telepaths with little resistance. You need all the tips you can get to make this as interesting as possible. And, I also like whoever I break to understand exactly what’s going on before they lose”

Reilly couldn’t stand it anymore. She shrugged off the leather suit, and it dropped to the floor, dripping wet with some sort of slippery substance. It wasn’t sweat, sweat didn’t have bubbles. Wait. Reilly realized what was happening.

Reilly body was covered in soap. Some sort of body wash like substance, that made her skin smooth and slippery to the touch. A grin grew on her face. An oddly specific fetish, but a simple one at that. She could see on Calvin’s face that he was beginning to understand.

Reilly took a step forward, almost sliding across the room to close the gap with Calvin. Calvin was seemingly transfixed by her, and Reilly was desperately curious what he must have have thinking at that moment. It didn’t matter, the die was cast and her niche was doing its job. While her body acted on instinct, she would focus on taking care of Calvin’s mind.

Calvin put his hands up, as if to stop her from getting any closer. Reilly slid past them, her arms wrapping around his and soaking them in the soap. Her hand went up his shirt, twirled around his nipples in a figure 8 motion, and up to his neck. Within a couple seconds his hirt was completely unbuttoned and thrown aside. Reilly pushed her tits up against his chest, rubbing them up and down across his belly and down to above his crotch.

While down by his crotch, Reilly undid the button and slid them down to his ankles in a single motion. A few waves of her hands and his legs were slick. His boxers followed his pants, and in a few seconds Calvin’s erection was dripping with bubbles. The entire time, Calvin’s hands kept trying to get ahold of her, but they slid right off.

Reilly slid around his body and to his back. She grinned her chest against his back, her hands going down his back and groping his ass. It felt so easy, almost too easy. But she had gotten this far, and it was her best chance to beat him.

With a playful smile, Reilly pulled Calvin to the ground. They collapsed in a pile of arms, legs, and arousal. Calvin flailed around, trying to get past her to stand back up. Reilly moved around his body like a python, stopping him from even getting a grip on the floor. Soon, she was onto of him, and he was staring up at her, in a daze.

Reilly could feel his mind trying to move away from hers, but the tendrils of her psychic power were quicker. She was in control, and she would catch her prey. Reilly took hold of his cock and put its tip at her pussy. She slid it inside of her with almost no effort, and at the same moment the tendrils of her energy caught hold of Calvin’s mind. Calvin groaned, his cock hot and pulsing inside of Reilly.

Reilly let out her own moan, one of triumph, nor of submission. This piece of flesh below her, and inside of her, was a toy made to please her. All she had to do was break it in now. She placed her hands on his chest, and began bouncing her hips on his cock. Calvin did his best to keep his hands by his sides, resisting the pleasure. But soon, his hands grabbed onto her hips like magnets. Pushing down, wanting more of his cock inside her tight pussy, and grunting all the while.

Reilly pinched his nipples, and bent down to lick them while staring into his eyes. Calvin’s hands went wild, grabbing at her slippery tits, and sliding down to her ass to grope its flesh. Reilly slammed down, and grinned on Calvins hips with his cock deep inside her. His breathing was getting heavier, and by the flexing of his cock, Reilly could feel that he desperately wanted to cum.

Reilly slammed down again, bent forward, and whispered in Calvin’s ear. “Cum inside your mistress’s pussy little boy” Calvin obliged, shuddering and pushing up into her, hot cum pumping deep inside of her womb. His mind went with it, crumbling as Reilly started to orgasm. She grabbed his shoulders tightly and let out a loud moan, throwing her head backward and staring towards the ceiling.

Breathing heavily, Reilly stood up. Cum dripped out of her pussy and onto the floor. Her head began to exit the daze of the afterglow, and she sighed in relief. The officers and agents of the task force may still have their minds broken, but at least she could give them lives where they would be treated with dignity.

Something didn’t feel right. Reilly had expected the feel at least a little different when taking on this much psychic energy at once. The answer to her thoughts came in the form of a slap to her ass. She yelped and jumped away. She turned around quickly.

There was Calvin Thomas, smirking just as smugly as he had before Reilly had had him to the ground. Even worse, Reilly could feel that his mind was completely intact, as if she hadn’t done anything in the first place. Reilly yelled “How the hell- I felt you mind break! You shouldn’t even be standing motherfucker”

Calvin laughed and stretched. “My sweet, no telepath has ever, or will ever stand a chance against me. Reading minds isn’t my original niche”

Reilly took a step back “W-what do you mean?”

Calvin’s face broke into a mischievous grin “Several years ago, I was an up and coming telepath. I signed up with Rogue Psychix, I had many wonderful slaves tending to my home. However, I was just a lowly city level. Out of nowhere” Calvin frowned “A damned international level task force agent came out of nowhere. She toyed with me, humiliated me, and just before she broke me i made a vow. No matter what, no matter how, I would break that woman. I would make her scream in pleasure, twist her face into the purest of animalistic ecstacy. That rage formed my niche”

Reilly stayed silent. There had to be a way out of here. If she couldn’t break him, a global one had to be able to. Right?

Calvin continued “So she broke me. Two weeks later however…my mind reformed” he spread his arms and gestured at himself “I had gained the greatest niche any telepath could hope to have. Even if my mind is broken, I can reform it, and come back just as strong as I was”

Reilly gasped. It couldn’t be true. That would mean he was invincible. Nobody could beat him. The task force needed to know about this. Reilly steadied herself, and took a breath. She had broken him once already, she could do it again, and leave while he was distracted.

Calvin chuckled “The bitch never saw it coming. Even after all these years, seeing the look on her face as a lowly city level telepath reduced her to a quivering slut is one of my favorite memories.”

Reilly gritted her teeth and began walking towards Calvin. “Talk all you want, I already know what your weakness is you pathetic slave” after a couple more steps Reilly suddenly realized something.

Reilly was no longer covered in bubbles.

They had just stopped forming out of nowhere. Calvin smirked at her “Having am issue? Like your niche isn’t able to figure out what my weakness is?” He began to laugh, moving jer confusion.

Reilly clenched her fists “What the fuck did you do?”

Calvin wiped a tear from his eye “My dear Reilly, your niche can’t beat me for two reasons. One is  because my abilities, and one is because of a fatal flaw in your personality”

Reilly tried to stay calm. Eventually, her niche would figure out how to beat him again. She just had to be patient. “Oh yea? What makes you so confident?” She said, full of false bravado.

Calvin sat down on a barstool. “In almost every case except this one, your niche would be unbeatable. However, my ability to read minds has a fun little side effect. I am very aware of what thoughts I have, and that includes, what my favorite kink is” He smiled “You see, your niche targets whatever their weakness is *at the time*. Someone’s kinks can change over time you see. So all I have to do is wall off certain parts of my mind, and I can decide what kink effects you”

Reilly shook her head. He had to be lying. This had to be some sort of trick meant to throw her off, and undermine her mental state. “You’re full of shit Calvin” Reilly said “I’ll break you as many times as it takes, with whatever kinks it takes”

Calvin grinned “Thats the spirit, don’t waver even for a moment, up until I decide it’s time for you to break. If you don’t belive me, how about we make ny favorite kink…milfs”

Reilly instantly felt her body begin to change. She aged, her breasts grew larger but sagged a little bit. Stretch marks appeared at her sides, and her hair grew longer with some strings of Grey. “You…” she said with a more matured voice “You animal!”

Calvin laughed “or how about…femboys?”

Reilly shrunk down a full foot. Her breats disappeared, and her hair recceded into her head. A cock appeared at her crotch, small but fully erect. “You motherfucker!” She yelled in a feminine but definitely male voice. Calvin snapped his fingers, a d Reilly returned to her normal body. Or at least she hoped it was hers.

Calvin leaned forward “You see? Your niche just cant compete with mine. You transform into whatever I want. And that brings me to the second reason you can’t win. Your fatal flaw.”

After the transforming of her body, Reilly was desperately thinking of ways to beat Calvin without her niche. She had used it like a crutch up until now like a fool. She went back to mind control 101. Humor the target. “And what flaw is that?” At the very least, she had to distract him enough to make a run for the door, or for help to arrive.

Calvin gestured to the couches in the center of the room, and Reilly followed him. Make the target comfortable, and take him inside his comfort zone. Calvin leaned back into his couch “Watson told me how you got your niche. Such a tragedy, a woman having to see her mother reduced to a sexual creature like that. However…” He smirked, and Reilly felt her heart drop. He could read minds which meant- “Even then, I could tell you weren’t telling the hole story”

Reilly started to breath heavily. The images raced through her mind, and she was unable to control them. The extended hand, the aroused breathing, the panic and the psychic task force. Calvin nodded, seeing every image that went through Reilly’s mind. “Thats what I thought. You didnt run away after seeing your mother through the window. You saw how happy she was, how free and *fun* it was to be dominated like a stupid slut. You acted on impulse, and ran to the door. You opened it, and the two telelpaths looked at you. More importantly, your mother saw you. And what did she do?”

Reilly spoke without thinking. She had never told anyone this. “She reached out to me, asking Mr to join them”

Calvin nodded “And you almost did. Your body desperately wanted to go to them, to be ravaged right along side your mother. Instead, you panicked and ran. Before you went to a task force station, what did you do?”

Reilly spoke again, speaking like she was confessing her sins. All the while, her pussy was dripping wet onto the couch.  “I went to a gas station bathroom, and masturbated”

Calvin smirked “Thats right. You imagined her getting railed, again, and again. After a couple hours, you then decided to get the task force involved. They never found your mother, and sometimes you wonder how much fun she’s having out there. For months, you masturbated to the thoughts of gangbangs she could be in. Always wishing you had taken her hand that night”

Reilly shook her head, snapping out of it. “So what? What does that have to do with my niche?” She really wanted to know. This was almost therapeutic.

Calvun held up his hand “Im getting to that. That night, your niche was formed. You gained the ability to transform into whatever your opponent desired most, just like your mother had. This is not the niche of a Telepath.”

Reilly look at him, utterly confused “What the fuck does that mean? A niche is something onky a telepath can use”

Calvin nodded “Indeed, but it is not the niche of a proper telepath. A proper telepath transforms their slaves into whatever they want, toying toying them for their own pleasure. You however, transform yourself for their pleasure. You are not a telepath. You are a slave playing pretend. You are a sheep in wolves clothing. And ill be damned if am overly confident slave is ever going to get the best of me without my permission”

Reilly’s eyes widened. He had let her break him. She hadn’t stood a chance from the beginning. She couldn’t stop now. There had to be more telepaths coming soon. “And now what? You just wanted to gloat about how great you are, and how little my niche means to you?” Reilly stood up angrily. Fuck telepathy, fuck psychic energy. She was going to punch him in the face as hard as she could.

Calvin stood up as well “Of course not. I’m here to help you come to terms with what happened happened night”

The room shifted, like a melting painting it changed colors, folding in on itself and creating something new. Reilly gasped and fell back on the couch in surprise. They were in the living room of her mothers house. Reilly looked around frantically. She needed to get out of here. She turned back to where Calvin had been.

Reilly froze. Wearing Calvin’s clothes, standing where Calvin had stood, was one of the men that had broken her mother that night. She stepped back, five years of suppressed feelings beating against her chest. Another man walked into her view from behind her. It was the other man. Reilly began to shake. Not in fear. Not in anxiety.

But in pure arousal.

The faces she had seen every night in her dreams had returned. The dad bods that had tempted her, the slightly dirty clothes that she desperately had wanted to smell the sweat off of.

Then the final nail in the coffin. Her mother appeared behind the couch. She smiled warmly at her, and walked in between the two men. Her mother got on her knees, cemetery naked. Half of her head shaved in that “tough girl fashion”, even at the age of 45 she was drop dead gorgeous. Her mother held both cocks in her hands, stroking the lightly. Never taking her eyes away form Reilly.

Reilly looked away. If she watched this any longer, she wouldn’t be able to say no again. But every where she looked, there was more. Her mother at the knees of the two men. All across the room, in different positions and stages of sex. Some were sucking the cocks lovingly, some screamed in pleasure as two cocks violated their pussies, and others shivering in pleasure on the ground, their pussies pouring cum onto their thighs and the ground.

Reilly felt weak in her knees. Her thighs and pussy were soaked. Absent-mindedly her hands were getting closer to her pussy. She wanted to join them. She wanted to worship alongside her mother. God she wanted to *fuck them*

“Come on Reilly” Reilly turned to her mothers voice. It came from the first of her mothers she had seen. “Come gave fun with mommy, their cocks are so big and tasty~”

The other mothers began to chime in.

“Join me Reilly.”

“Get fucked by this juicy cock Reilly.”

“Come be a dirty slut with me Reilly”

Reilly looked around, the voices her drawing her in. She turned to the first mother, now in the very position position Reilly had found her several years ago. Her mother’s hand extended, beckoning for her to join in the pleasure.

And so she did.

Reilly ran over to her mother, falling to her knees in front of those two wonderful cocks. Hungrily she grabbed them both. She could could the pulse of them both, beating in her hands. Reilly rubbed both of them on her face, smearing precum on her cheeks and forehead. She stuck one in her mouth, and her body lit up like a set of fireworks. She sucked on it, and switched to the other one. Again, the pleasure erupted in her pussy.

Her mother was fingering her pussy, getting it ready for the cocks. Her mother helped her get a the arms of the two older men. One put a cock up to her pussy, and the other her ass. They both said in unison “Do you want this?”

For a moment Reilly hesitated. Officer Laine. Officer Watson. Agent Lily. Captain Tanny. All of them had been relying in her to do her part. Then her mothees voice “You want this right sweetie? Tell them to tear your body apart”


The two men shoved their cocks inside of her, and she was in nirvana. Every thrust, every part of her body that stretched, even the parts of her skin that were just touching the men were absolutely singing with pleasure. She was in the midst of her kmnd breaking, and it felg better then she ever could have hoped.

Reilly moaned and bounced on the cocks, feing them stretch her holes in unison. They were rubbing against each other inside of her, through the flesh that separated her womb and her ass. Her legs bounced next to her, her knees bent in the air. Her toes curled, and she repeatedly gasped and screamed in pleasure. She had no idea what she was saying, but she knew being vocal mad it all feel better. She wanted to be humiliated, to be torn apart by cocks, and to feel like this forever.

The cocks came inside of her. They might as well have injected heroin into her. The pleasure made her shudder, and a deep animalistic moan of pleasure started form the back of her throat. It traveled past her tongue and out her lips, shifting into a high pitched moan, and then into a squeal as she ran out of breath. Then she started again, the orgasm ringing throughout her body over and over. By the end of it all, she knew that she loved Calvin. She would do anything for him, if even to feel just a fraction of this pleasure again.

Calvin transformed back into his own body, and let Watson drop her to the floor. Reilly fell in a  heap of cum and sweat. She began licking the cum off the floor, giggling and hiccuping all the while. Calvin smiled down at her. Perhaps he had gone a bit too hard on her. She would take a few days to recover, but after that, she would make a wonderful servant at his home.

Calvin kissed her forehead and walked away. He snapped his fingers “Alright everybody! We’ve had our fun! It’s time to clean up and get ready to open in a few hours. I’ll be damned if our guests will find *Midnite Vienna* covered in the cum of slaves!”


(Thanks everybody for reading. It’s been a great time, and I hope you’ve all enjoyed it. Watch out for my upcoming series *Scenes from a Great Pretender*! Also, feel free to discuss your favorite, or least favorite, parts of this series. Until then, stay horny)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oy3etx/midnite_vienna_the_final_chapter