Groped, But Not Blackmailed or Forced, Not This Time….[MF], [Consensual], [Cheating]

Laying in bed that night, her husband asleep beside her, Vicki thought back on what she had done that morning. She couldn’t believe she had actually gone through with it, willingly, just to save money. Admittedly, it was a fair amount of cash to her, just for letting a guy fuck her. Still, she would have never even considered it had it not been for what had taken place in her life a couple of years or so ago. She had tried to put that all behind her. Mr. Earl was no longer in the picture, she had not shaved her bush, like he was so fond of making her do, she had hardly even trimmed it, since then. The wild sex with her husband, wild for them at least, had cooled. While they stilled fucked, it had become more like you would expect from someone their age. She still saw Lisa occasionally, but that affair had mellowed also. They had needed each other for awhile as they tried to make sense of what Earl had done to her and forced the two of them to do. In the end he didn’t have to force anything between them, but he never knew it. Their lives had all settled down and become blissfully mediocre. But the decision she made this morning was surprisingly easy. to let this younger guy down the street have sex with her, instead of paying him for his help.

She and her husband had a small pop up camper that they hardly used and had decided to sell it. Billy lived a couple streets over and operated an “at home” car wash and detail operation. That, and doing other odd jobs was how he supported himself. He lived with his elderly mother until she died recently and now lived alone. He agreed to clean the camper, and let it sit at his house where it would be more visible to potential buyers. He turned out to be an excellent salesman, and it less than two weeks had helped sell it by setting it up, taking it down, answering questions and talking to interested people who stopped by. Having found a buyer, Vicki stopped by that morning to let him know, and ask how much they owed him. She and her husband had decided to offer 400-500 dollars for all his help, but she wanted to give him an opportunity to name a price. It was a hot summer morning and she was wearing shorts and a sleeveless top. While standing in the camper looking things over one last time, she asked him how much he wanted for his efforts. What he said to her came as a shock.

Billy had been eyeing her as they moved around in the small space inside the camper. They had both broke out in a sweat, and for him, it wasn’t entirely from the heat. He had been nervously watching Vicki as she moved around, bending over to check cabinets, reaching over her head in front of him, letting down curtains. When she bent over, the short, stretchy, exercise shorts she was wearing would really show off her ass, and reaching up really accentuated her tits. Sweat was beginning to run down her cleavage and the sports bra she had on was damp from sweat. Her nipples were beginning to poke through the thin material as her shirt pulled tight over her body.

“So, if you’ll give me a figure,I’ll settle up with you as soon as the buyers settle up with me”, she told him, flashing her familiar smile. She could tell he had been acting sorta strangely, nervous like the entire time they had been finishing up in the camper. Now, he stammered a bit as he answered her.”I don’t know, I’ve really enjoyed visiting with you the last few days when you stopped by. Just seeing you and spending time with you is payment enough”. “Oh, I hardly think I’m that good of company, you spent a lot of time on this thing getting it ready to sell, then did most of the work selling it”. What came out next, was really a struggle for him to say, and her jaw dropped hearing it come from him. Maybe the shock had something to do with her response.

“Well, I’d like to spend some more time with you” if you know what I mean”. Puzzled Vicki answered, “No, I don’t think I do”. Billy was really beginning to sweat, beads running down his face. “Well, I mean, I know you’re married and all, but…well, it really turns me on being around you, It always has”. “I would really like to spend time with you…alone”.

Vicki wrinkled her brow and said “alone?, exactly how do you mean?” “I want to have sex with you” Billy blurted out. It was all he could do to say it, but he knew this was the best chance he’d ever get.”I don’t know what it is about you, I mean I think you’re gorgeous, and so friendly, you always seem to be so happy. Everything about you makes me want you”. Vicki was startled to hear what he just said. He was no youngster, but she was 10 or 12 years his senior. He had girlfriends from time to time she knew, but no serious relationships. Without thinking, she said, “you want to have sex with me ?…here ?”. BY now sweat was running down both of them, her shirt was soaked. She could feel it running down her ass. Billy was drenched,but when she said that, he felt his cock twitch. She hadn’t laughed, she hadn’t slapped him, and she hadn’t said no…indeed, she had asked where ? Billy laughed a bit, “no, it’s much nicer and cooler in the house, I was thinking…she interrupted him, “and that’s all you want ?” “Oh yes, god, that would be great, we can go in the back door, no one will see us, and… She had stepped out of the sweltering camper. Billy was quick to show her the way to the backyard. She followed him, somewhat dazed. Never in a thousand years could she have imagined this. It was like she was in an altered state as she followed beside him to the house. Inside, he led her to a room and opened the door. Inside, there was no doubt, this was his late mothers bedroom. It obviously had been closed off just as she had left it. Bed neatly made, family pictures on the wall. Her belongings scattered about. Lotions on the night stand by the bed. He closed the door behind them. His hands were shaking with excitement and anticipation. He could feel his cock straining against its confines, struggling to be free. He led her beside the bed, and stood there, looking at her. For her part, she felt confusion, wondering how this had developed so quickly, why was she standing here, in a strange house, in someones bedroom, with a guy she barely knew standing in front of her, leering at her. With trembling hands Billy reached over and began to slowly unbutton her shirt. She did nothing to stop him. When he reached the last button, he slipped the sweat soaked shirt over her shoulders, and gently lay it aside. He then knelt, and reaching inside the elastic waistband of her shorts, he slowly worked them down her legs. When he reached her feet, he gently removed her sandals, freeing the shorts from her legs at the same time. She stood before him in her bra and panties. Her own breath was becoming labored as she stood before him, not really believing how quickly she had made the decision to allow herself to be fucked by this person, led into a bedroom in his house, allowing him to undress her without a word, and stand before him, waiting for his next move. Still breathing heavily, but somewhat more sure of himself now, he reached beneath her breasts and raised the bra cups up over her tits. She in turn, raised her arms allowing him to remove it over her head. Again, he folded the soaked material and put beside her shirt. He stepped back, admiring her heaving chest. She could feel her face flushing, moving down her chest as he stared at her. The bulge in his own shorts was clearly visible. He stepped forward, kneeling before her again, and put his fingers beneath the waistband of her panties and worked them down her legs. She lifted each foot and picked them up off the floor. Before laying them in the pile with her other clothes, he picked them up and buried his face in them, breathing deeply. Vicki couldn’t help wincing as she watched him sniff the sweaty underwear.

Billy then stood before her motionless, just looking at her. Vicki suddenly felt awfully self conscious standing in front of him naked. She was painfully aware of her mature body. She was in no way “sexy”. It had been years since Mr. Earl had accosted and blackmailed her into doing things she would gave never done otherwise. He had a fixation on her that she never understood either, but she had to admit she did look better unclothed then. Billy was not someone she ever be sexually attracted to. The the thing was terribly confusing. She wanted to run out of the room, to get away. Had She not been naked, or had Billy not been standing between her and her clothes, she might have. Instead she watched as he walked by her to the bed and turned down the covers, motioning for her to lie down. His excitement was undeniable. Vicki meekly did as instructed. Billy, never taking his eyes off her, quickly stripped and lay down beside her. As he scooted over next to her, Vicki took note of his hard, throbbing cock. She was relieved that it was not huge, like Earl’s and a couple of her early boyfriends were. He was closer to the size of her husband. At least she wouldn’t have trouble taking him.

Her breasts were the first thing he went for, first touching, rubbing and massaging them with his hand. He seemed to be fascinated by then gently running his hands over their shape, separating, then squeezing them together, over and over. Then he began to nuzzle them, burying his head between them. Vicki lay there with her eyes closed, neither encouraging, nor denying him. He laid his head on each breast, hugging them, feeling their softness against his face. Suddenly she felt his lips on her nipple, then a gentle pressure as he began to suckle her. With one hand, he reached beneath her shoulders and turned her on her side, facing him. From this position, he again nuzzled the space between her tits, then began sucking again, this time a bit harder, a bit more urgent, first one, then the other. Holding her close, sucking her tits so insistently, it was almost as if he was nursing on her. She had never had anyone pay so much attention to sucking her tits. The sensation from the constant, contented attention to her breasts was overpowering and not unlike the way she felt as she nursed her children. He would suckle awhile, ease up, and then suddenly start again. An overwhelming feeing of contentment and euphoria began to come over her, similar to, but not the same as a building orgasm. Then she felt it. She felt the moment her milk began to flow. She had felt it before, so many years ago after giving birth. Her breasts felt warm and tingly as the fluid coursed through them. The euphoric feeling she experienced was indescribable.
Billy briefly stopped sucking when he first tasted her milk, then hungrily restarted as the nectar filled his mouth. Moving from one tit to the other and pulling her closer, he moved his leg between hers and began to gently, slowly massage her mound as he continued nursing. She became aware of his hardness as it moved against her abdomen. His moaning and breathing was getting louder and faster. Having drank his fill, he then rolled her over on back and got on top of her. She spread her legs for him and pulled her knees to her chest, offering herself to him. In one quick motion he lined his cock up with her waiting cunt and plunged it in, immediately beginning to pound her. As he fucked her furiously, she fucked back, meeting his thrusts with her on. She was surprised by his stamina as he would bring her to orgasm over and over, and then stop thrusting, buried deep in her pussy, only to start over as her orgasms would begin to subside. Finally, moving up and putting her legs on his shoulders he began to pound her harder and faster. Releasing her legs, he put all his weight on her as the thrust bashed against her hips. As he started to cum, he totally collapsed on top of her as he filled her over and over with his hot, sticky fluid. Totally spent, he rolled off her. They both lay side by side as they caught their breath. Her breasts were still leaking milk pumping out her nipples as her chest heaved. When she was able to speak, she turned to him with a smile, and said “Did you get your monies worth?” Still panting he turned to her, and with a smile said, “I’m not sure, we may need to do that several more times”


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