[Chapter 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ogs3ss/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_1_rescued_mf_nc_humil/)
[Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oh67sk/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_2_trained_ff_nc_humil/)
[Chapter 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ohojx2/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_3_tormented_mf_nc/)
[Chapter 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oinxmh/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_4_conditioned_mf_nc/)
[Chapter 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ojttrw/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_5_tempted_mf_nc_humil/)
[Chapter 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oli6df/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_6_mocked_mf_nc_humil/)
[Chapter 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/opjrh2/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_7_unleashed_mf_nc/)
[Chapter 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/orflao/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_8_cowered_mf_nc_humil/)
[Chapter 9](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/otvvvx/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_9_cornered_mf_nc/)
[Chapter 10](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ovnq14/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_10_inflamed_mf_nc/)
[Chapter 11](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/owph5a/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_11_gods_and_demons_mf/)
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Ivy was scared out of her mind.
She had been training under Lily’s watchful gaze when, all of a sudden, a thunderstorm of dread, pain, and anxiety had hit her soul out of nowhere. She had had no choice but to stop what she had been doing and curl up against the wooden wall of the training room.
Lily was in an even worse situation. Probably because she was just a Remnant, her soul connection with Master ran way deeper. Ivy’s Mistress was crying and could not stop shaking. The cruel woman was gone, replaced by what looked like a terrified child.
“M-Master no! What’s going on? H-how can he be dying?”
Was that what was going on? Was the pain and fear she felt her Master’s? It wasn’t the first time she had felt his or Lily’s emotions through the link, but she had always thought it intentional on their part. Was the Soul Brand more of a two-way street they had led her to believe?
Ivy didn’t know how to feel about that. She had come to accept her role as Master’s pet after finding herself lacking as a human being. The idea of fighting against him felt like lunacy, given his absolute control over her. Now though, despite the anguish she felt through her soulbond, she found herself able to think clearly about her situation.
She was still terrified of Master and was still craving him physically — how could she not, after how good it had felt? — but something was different. Her Soul Brand seemed way weaker than usual, and she could feel fragments of her old self coming back to her.
“Mistress, what is going on?”
“Shut up! J-Just take a break and shut up!”
“Yes, Mistress. As you wish.”
Ivy almost wanted to comfort Lily but knew better than to approach her. Usually, she felt only hatred and fear towards the Remnant but seeing her in this state awakened something in the mage. She was a victim as well, she realized. Who knows what cruel trials Master had put her through to make her so obedient. Hells, he had broken her in just a couple of weeks. She couldn’t imagine what five years under Master could do to a person. How strange, she mused. Why had she never thought about this before?
Something was going on. Fuck. It hurt so much Ivy could barely breathe, but she was able to center herself this time. Whatever maddening influence the Soul Brand used to have on her had always made her too agitated to think clearly. Like a background noise her brain had learned to ignore, Ivy could now feel the absence of it.
She had to take advantage of Lily’s distraction and of the fact she had regained part of her sanity, but she didn’t know how. She didn’t believe Dyne would die. That would be far too convenient, and a Mage had to always plan for the worst anyways. He would be back, and she would turn back into the helpless little fuckpet she had been for the past few weeks.
Another bout of extreme pain left her and the Remnant breathless. However, it had also unsealed her powers, and she couldn’t complain about that. Whatever was happening to Master must have been something that required all of his attention.
Ivy tried casting a minuscule amount of fire, careful not to shed enough light for Lily to notice. She was checking if the Remnant was keeping an eye on her through their connection. But the Remnant was sobbing on the floor, too distracted to keep an eye on her. Lily ignored the ember that had appeared in Ivy’s palm, confirming the mage’s suspicions.
Her chance had come. She would never have another moment like this. Without wasting any more time, she closed her eyes and concentrated on her Soul Brand, looking for a way to break it. Maybe she could find a way to free herself from this nightmare and escape from those lunatics.
The ivy-shaped mark covered her soul completely. She had gained an instinctual awareness of it after being subjected to Dyne’s control for weeks — damn, it felt good to say his name. She could always feel his presence somewhere in her consciousness, and she knew it had to be where her core was.
Dyne’s influence was still very much there, but it seemed distant, asleep almost. She could tell he was unconscious, even though she had no idea how she knew that. Desperate to achieve something, Ivy extended her awareness to cover the whole brand. She focused on a single leaf of the plant-shaped seal, trying to break it.
Her consciousness touched the Soul Brand and slipped inside of it. She had tried doing this in the past, but some force had always repelled her. After, a horrible headache would always stop her from messing around with it too much. This time though, Alissa — She let the name roll on her tongue — could feel an unstoppable force dragging her somewhere else, in mind only, leaving her unable to open her eyes or move her body.
The initial shock and fear at the bizarre situation intensified when she began to be assaulted by a series of thoughts and memories displaying themselves as if they were hers. A web of images, sounds, and impressions threatened to annihilate her sense of identity. She was impacting full force against Dyne’s soul, and despite the man not looking particularly old, there were centuries worth of experiences crashing against her twenty-four years old mind.
Fragments of memories assaulted her from all sides, each more intense than the previous one. In a few seconds, she found herself way past wanting to continue but had no way to stop sinking deeper and deeper into him. After what felt like days, she crash-landed on the cracked, marble floor of a floating island. She had somehow regained her body, a projection of it at least, and was now lying on her back, looking at a black sky filled with fragmented memories, illuminated by five bright stars. One of them felt familiar to her, but she didn’t have time to ponder. She had to get out of here before Lily noticed what was going on.
“What are you doing here?”
Dyne’s voice called to her. Alissa’s blood drained from her face as she quickly assumed a kneeling position.
“I-This cunt is sorry, Master. I-I was worried about you and touched the Soul Brand by mistake.”
“Master? Cunt? Did you hit your head?”
“W-what do you mean, Master?”
“Why are you talking like that? I sure as Heaven am nobody’s Master, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard you call someone a cunt.”
Alissa could not help looking up at the man. He was Dyne, of that there was no doubt. Yet, his perplexed expression and the gentle look in his eyes only deepened her confusion. Was this a trap? Even his clothes were not those she remembered. A white robe inlaid with gold adorned his body, and he looked different than usual. Younger, despite his appearance being the one she remembered. Also, his eyes contained no trace of the thunderous energy she had been mesmerized by a few days ago.
Her gut was telling her the man held no malice towards her. Something about his demeanor made her feel welcomed and at ease. Was this some sort of Remnant or fake persona? She knew Dyne could be a great actor, but if this man was lying, she had no way to tell.
“Who are you?”
“Freesia, is the fever back again?”
“W-what do you mean? Who’s Freesia?”
A look of profound sadness overcame Dyne’s features as he approached her. She wanted, needed to run, but was rooted firmly in place by his gaze. Hundreds of thousands of shards descended from the sky, covering her with images and words from a distant past. In every one of those fragments, Alissa could see a woman. She was beautiful but fierce, with white hair similar to hers even though they were long and unkempt. Her eyes were so blue they almost looked white and exuded a feeling of power and pride. She was a warrior. Of that, Alissa had no doubt.
The mage could feel the pressure of Dyne’s subconscious — that was her running theory — trying to force the memories onto her. She could feel her sense of self begin to crumble under the weight of his memories. He was trying to turn her into the woman he remembered, shattering her ego in the process. Frees— No, Ivy — No! Alissa! — was terrified. She had to run before it was too late. Dyne needed her, and she had to prote- no! Lily would kill her if sh- Dyne! My lov- Mother of all that is Mercif- Please! Let me g- I love yo- No! Run! Ru- How are they here? Do they not fear retributi- The Shrine! The Shrine is under att-
Ivy opened her eyes, gasping for air. Master’s terrifying face was staring at her, smoldering rage evident in his eyes. Her Soul Brand was back to normal, tightening around every facet of her being. She quivered in front of him like a small animal in front of a deadly predator.
Master was wounded, she noticed. Multiple scorch marks, cuts, and bruises covered his body, and his clothes were in tatters. Despite his fierce expression, he could barely stand and had to rely on the help of an Eastern-looking woman to walk.
“I need to get some sleep. Daisy, you’re in charge. Teach some actual discipline to these two idiots.”
Was this her chance to flee? He seemed weak enough for her to overpower him, so why was she so scared? She couldn’t move a muscle, and she noticed Master had sealed her powers again. She had wasted her chance, but did she even deserve one after what she did to Rei?
In the end, the only thing she could do was kneel in submission next to Lily, who was crying tears of joy.
“So you’re the new fuckpet, huh?”
After Master had retired to recuperate from his wounds, the eastern girl had led Ivy and Lily to the living room, both girls crawling behind her. Ivy was still too distracted by what she had witnessed in Master’s soul to get a good read on her. Her name was Daisy, and if memory served her right, that was the name of Lily’s previous Mistress. Judging by the latter’s submissive attitude, her guess was probably correct.
She had always assumed the woman to be dead, or at least kept as a Remnant somewhere. Apparently, she had been wrong, and the girl was very much alive. Or maybe Master had given her a body as he had done with Lily.
“Yes, Mistress.”
An invisible whip snapped in the air, hitting her on the buttocks. Ivy could do nothing but yelp in surprise.
“Too slow.”
“This slut is sorry, Mistress.”
“I bet you are. Fucking liars, you’re all the same. Lily.”
“This cunt is listening, Mistr-aargh.”
One after another, invisible whips hit the Remnant leaving bright red lines on her skin. Lily couldn’t help but whimper with every lash.
“You have been a disappointment, as usual. Sometimes I wonder how it must feel to be so pathetic. You make me want to gag.”
“This c—Aaaah! Cunt is worthless a—Argh and is grateful for your contempt!”
“You are even weaker than before. It’s so fucking sad. You could have begged Master to join him from the start as I did. Instead, he had to break you first to make you into something somewhat useful.”
Lily could not answer. Mistress Daisy had crouched next to her and was stuffing her mouth with her hand, making The Remnant gag on it.
“And look at you now. The little you had left, you squandered against your father. Now you are just a worthless weight on his soul that he lugs around for nostalgia’s sake.”
Daisy was using her other hand to choke Lily, who was slowly turning blue. Mistress Daisy’s grip was unyielding, despite Lily’s desperate thrashing. Ivy was sure The Remnant was about to die. She wondered if she should try to intervene. But before the mage could do anything, Mistress Daisy relaxed her grip. Lily fell to the ground sputtering for air, tears streaking down her face, ruining the makeup she had obsessed over earlier in the evening.
Daisy sauntered across the room, dragging Lily by the hair. Ivy hurried to follow them, determined to avoid other lashes. Daisy seemed to be focusing on Lily, and the Remnant was terrified. At least, this is what Ivy could glean from their soulbond. How strong was this person to make that bitch so scared? The mage had been under the impression that the Remnant was top dog among Master’s servants, but she realized she might have been wrong.
A big part of Ivy was afraid of Mistress Daisy. But she was also enjoying Lily being humiliated alongside her. She loved when Master put Lily in her place and couldn’t wait for Daisy to bring her down a peg or two after everything Lily had put her through.
Ivy couldn’t believe she had almost felt empathy towards the cunt earlier. Her Soul Brand was caressing her thoughts, fanning the flames of her hatred. It felt so good to see her suffer. She started to get wet at the sight of Lily trying to regain her breath — had she always been so cruel? Her thoughts were scaring her.
“After all the time I wasted trying to knock some sense into your pretty little noble head, you go get snuffed by your daddy like a common whore. But don’t worry, after tonight, Seymour will not be annoying Master anymore.”
The lashing began anew as soon as Lily had regained a modicum of breath.
“Ahh— ahh this whore begs for your forgiven— ahhh forgiveness, Mistress. D-Did Master finally kill this cunt’s idiot father?”
“No, he managed to escape when things got rough. But now that Master gave me this new body, I am stronger than ever. He won’t be able to take both of us on.”
Daisy plopped on a recliner, kicking her boots to different sides of the room before pushing her feet in Lily’s face. The Remnant started licking them with practiced motions. There was something mesmerizing about someone so beautiful and refined performing such a servile act. Ivy couldn’t help but stare at the scene, transfixed.
“Somebody betrayed Master, and if it not for some quick thinking on his part, both of us would be dead, and you would be slowly drifting towards the Hells right now, right into your beloved Lord Elzor’s arms.”
A huge shiver coursed through Lily at the mention of the Archdevil, and Ivy couldn’t help but tremble a little as well. That monster was terrifying. What Mistress Daisy had said was interesting, though. Someone had betrayed Master. This news did not sound good at all. He would probably be mad, and it was already a miracle that he hadn’t punished her with Soul Pain after catching her snooping around earlier.
“B-but who would dare?”
“That is not something for you to worry your little head over. You are not in any position to help anyway since you’re so useless now. Your Mistress is going to hunt those motherfuckers down one by one and get all the credit.”
Lily did not answer, but Ivy could tell she was trembling in rage and frustration. The Remnant hated feeling useless to Master more than anything else, and Mistress Daisy knew how to push all her buttons.
The woman was not what Ivy had expected. She didn’t have the same servile attitude Lily had but rather gave off the impression of a bloodthirsty warrior. Mistress Daisy had the same manic smile Ivy had seen on Rei — fuck! She’s probably in agony right now — when she was in the middle of battle. The only difference was that Daisy’s expression was utterly devoid of mercy or common sense.
She was a beauty, of that there was no doubt, but not in the same delicate way Lily was. Daisy was slim and taut as a bowstring, with well-defined muscles that were almost too evident. Her hair was short and unruly, her breasts on the small side, and she didn’t dress to impress. Still, her new Mistress exuded an aura of violent sexuality. She was confident, aggressive, predatory. The same way seniors at the academy would sometimes act towards first-year girls.
“What are you daydreaming about bitch? I haven’t forgotten about you.”
With a yelp, Ivy found herself levitating towards the girl. She hadn’t used any spells; did this mean she was Sorcerer?
“What do you say we play a little game, you and I?”
Mistress Daisy stood up and removed her trousers, kicking Lily out of the way. From thin air, she plucked what looked like a wooden dildo. To Ivy’s surprise, the object started moving and pulsating slightly in her Mistress’ hands. Daisy conjured a leather harness and affixed the dildo to it. She then motioned to Lily to help her put it on. The Remnant kissed and licked the dildo with reverence before fastening it to the woman’s pelvis.
“Yes, Mistress, whatever you wish this cunt to do.”
Ivy would not give Mistress Daisy any excuse to complain about her. She planned to keep the woman’s focus on Lily by following her orders as precisely as she could. Not that she could do much, held in the air by invisible hands as she was.
“Come, sit on my dick. This gizmo here dates back to the Old Empire. Imperial Mages were nothing more than glorified sex toys back then. It’s funny how you have kept the name after the Empire’s fall, almost as if you all wish you could go back to those days.”
For some reason, Ivy could not help but blush a little. Imperial Mages used to be one of the main branches of the Empire’s military before the Revolution divided the continent almost five centuries ago. In the last decades of its existence, the Empire had reached horrifying levels of debauchery and depravity, sowing the seeds of the violent uprising that finally ended its rule.
“Whoever made this thing knew what they were doing. It was made to give the wearer the feeling of having a real cock. It makes disciplining sluts like you way more enjoyable.”
The Imperial Mages had been famous for carrying out body modification experiments and developing all kinds of corrupting spells and artifacts. It was true that they had kept their name despite a complete overhaul of the organization.
Despite the numerous petitions to change their name every year, the High Council had been adamant about keeping the original denomination. They often cited tradition as the cause, but after finding out from Lily that Master had many friends in the Academy’s High Council, Ivy was beginning to think there were more obscure motives behind that choice.
Without hesitation, Daisy grabbed Ivy by the hips and floated the mage directly above her wooden cock, thrusting it deep inside her by ending the levitation spell. The dildo assaulted her senses when penetrating her, delivering many different sensations together: movement, lubrication, heat, vibrations, and small electric shocks at random intervals. The stimulation was so intense Ivy came within less than a minute. The mage was surprised and appalled — She didn’t deserve any pleasure — that Daisy hadn’t stopped her and basked in the feeling of envy bubbling in Lily’s soul.
“Lily. Eat her asshole while I fuck her. Starting now, you’re bottom bitch until you prove yourself more than a burden. You did a shit job as a teacher, so you might as well be everybody’s broken toy.”
“W-What? M-Mistress, but Master sai—”
“Master said I am in charge, so you better use that tongue for something different than digging your own fucking grave.”
“Y-yes, Mistress Daisy. As you command.”
Oh, fuck yes! Did this mean she could boss Lily around now? Her Soul Brand trembled in excitement at the thought of getting her revenge, and she came again. This time she squirted on Mistress Daisy’s lap, who came as well. Her wooden cock swelled and moved and vibrated before reaching an explosive climax as her strong hands groped her sensitive tits. A thick, cum-like substance filled her womb, making her scream in delight. Somewhere inside her, a small voice kept insisting that the Remnant did not deserve her hatred. But Daisy’s next words made her so wet she had no trouble ignoring those thoughts.
“Beg Mistress Ivy to let you eat her ass, Seawhore.”
“Yes! P-please, Mistress Ivy, have mercy on this cunt and let her worship you.”
Was this really happening? Ivy couldn’t think straight due to the dildo filling her up. She could swear it was growing with each passing second, and the sticky substance it released must have been some kind of aphrodisiac. She felt feverish like she had during the orgy at Master Jade’s mansion. Daisy’s grip was so powerful, and her face was so beautiful. Fuck, she looked just like Rei — would Lord Elzor be impaling her friend on his enormous cock right this moment? She screamed.
“Ahhhhh. Fuck you, Lily! Eat my ass!”
The Remnant buried her face between Ivy’s buttocks and began stimulating her anus.
“Gods, this feels so fucking good, thank you, Mistress Daisy. Keep licking cunt, don’t stop!”
“Enjoy it while it lasts, cunt. I’m just warming you up. Ngh.”
Daisy came once again, triggering another shattering orgasm from Ivy. Daisy turned Ivy around so that she faced the Remnant crawling between their legs. Still impaled on the wooden artifact, Ivy reached down and pulled the beautiful Lily by the hair, burying her perfect face in her drenched pussy. The Remnant began lapping up the mix of juices and aphrodisiac, while Daisy’s cock kept sliding in and out.
Lily abandoned herself to the ecstasy of being dominated and dominating someone at the same time. Her Soul Brand was extending its roots deeper into her wounded soul, corrupting her. Her brush with her Master’s memories had left numerous cracks on her being that had yet to heal, leaving her open to the seal’s invasiveness. Yet, despite the ivy-shaped brand spreading its influence, a single leaf hidden deep in Ivy’s core, away from prying eyes, had changed color, assuming a light blue, almost white tint.
Inside that leaf, in the hidden recesses of Alissa’s soul, a wayward fragment of a distant, frozen memory began to thaw.
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oxp2cf/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_12_unravelled_mf_nc
Just blanket statement I’m checking this sub-reddit for your story updates daily at this point. I’m in for the long haul. And it isn’t just for the sexual content. The world and the story you are crafting in said world is super interesting and I want to know more. Like Christ dude the lust arch-demon section in your last post stuck with me all day thinking about ways I could use some of that in my d&d campaign should the party travel to the hells. All this to say thank you for these chapters and any future ones you might post.
Please don’t stop….