Midnite Vienna: Chapter Ten [MF/MM/FF]

Chapter 10- Too Young to Die

(Warning: Heavy Themes of Mind Break and N*n-C*ns*nt)

Reilly was not happy with the current situation. She and two Agents had spent the last half an hour avoiding traps, gloryholes, pitfalls, and pools of goo in the narrow hallways of the *Midnite Vienna*. Reilly was feeling very lucky in a weird way. Almost every trap they had encountered, she had been able to avoid qt the last second. Eventually, they had run into two more agents just as lost as them. Reilly almost had a heart attack when she smacked into them while turning a corner.

Now the journey continued, but Reilly felt a little safe since she had a group. They weren’t talking,, and the tension was high, but at least they were together. Each member looked experienced, and she could feel they had a sizable amount of psychic power. One Agent was taller then all of them, almost 7 feet. She wore a flowing white sundress, and a white hat with a full brim. Her breasts were and her ass was full, and Reilly could tell that there was no underwear under that dress. She took the lead, and everyone felt safer following behind her.

The next agent was short and slim. He reminded Reilly of Jesse, if Jesse had been introverted. The agent was wearing a tight bodysuit, almost like a wetsuit for scuba diving. The zippers at the nipples and crotch revealed its true purpose. It made Reilly feel better about her own leather outfit, knowing someone else had a very similar wardrobe.

Reilly was the next person in their caravan, and had the two remaining Agents following behind her. The first one was another woman, and she had a large bulge at the front of her yoga pants. Reilly wondered if it was natural, or the result of some sort of niche. The agent didn’t wear a shirt, and her sizable breasts were only covered by a spandex bra that was clearly too small for them.

The last agent bringing up the rear was very slim woman in a acrobats attire. She had a chest like a washboard, and an ass very much the same. Even so, she had her own cuteness about her that seemed to turn those aspects of her body to her advantage.

Every door caused Reilly and the agents to hold their breath. The acrobat agent and the feminine man has already seen several agents fall to the traps of the *Midnite Vienna*. Eventually worse, they said that they had been on just the fifth floor when they started. Which meant they had been idea how long it would take them to get out. Or if there even was a way out.

Reilly pushed that thought away, and focused on the path in front of her. Calvin Thomas had to eventually grow bored of taking out Agents from a distance. Reilly theorized that what Calvin was really doing was weeding out those he didn’t want to deal with. If they could be taken out this easily, then it wasn’t worth dealing with them face to face.

It made her feel a little better, but not ny much. It still meant she and the others had a hard road to travel before they could get to the top. And even then, they would have to face Calvin Himself.

The tall agent leading the group reached a door, and turned around to nod at them. They had done this every time they made it to a door. Turn. Nod. Prepare. Open. The lead agent would wave then through before closing the door behind them, and keeping an eye out for any people following them. Reilly assumed that the tall agent had the greatest amount of experience amongst their group, as the agents would always follow her lead.

Quickly they walked through the door, and the lead agent closed it behind her. Just as she turned around, the ceiling dropped by a foot. This change only affected the 7 foot agent, and the ceiling instantly swallowed her head. The other Agents jumped in to help her, and the tall agent began pushing against the roof, smacking it repeatedly. Then the agents began to step back and stare

Reilly looked at the agents throat, and understood. The bulge growing and shrinking could only be one thing. The tall agent was being throatfucked, and she couldn’t get away. At first, the agent kept hitting the roof, pulling at the hole that her neck disappeared into. Reilly and the agents remained silent, and in the silence they could hear the agent gagging and choking on the cock.

Eventually, her arms began to go limp. They slowly went up to her tits, and down to her crotch. They hesitated a moment, then touched. After the first touch, all hesitation evaporated. The agents hands pinched her nippled, and she was two fingers deep when Reilly and the other Agents turned away. Sticking around would only out them at risk.

Someone had to make it to the top. Someone had to beat Calvin, or tell the Task Force what was happening. And as much as Reilly hated to admit it, she desperately hoped it would be her.


Lily had stopped slowly opening doors long ago. A mixture of impatience and anxiety made it so she just wanted to get it over with. At a new door, she swung it open with all her might, and felt a wave of relief at what she saw.

It was the kitchen. The kitchen on the first floor that they had entered this hellhole through. Lily stepped into it slowly, now becoming cautious again. If Calvin had made a way out, then he was definitely up here. Lily wasn’t planning on letting any of his tricks get her now.

She slowly made her way through the kitchen, and out into the main dance hall of the *Midnite Vienna*. And there he was, sitting on one of the couches like it was a throne, and drinking a fucking martini.

Lily gritted her teeth and walked out into the center of the room in front of him. Only a couch another couch and a coffee table stood between her and Calvin Thomas. Calvin smirked up at her “Ah, you’ve made great time. Only two agents have made it up here so far. No officers however, poor saps have hearky been wiped out by the fun house”

Lily’s vision almost turned red, she had to calm herself. It was fairly obvious the agents had not succeeded in beating Calvin. Lily grinned back at Calvin and leaned forward onto the couch, holding herself up with her hands. “It was quite the fun house. With that kind of power, I’m surprised you let anyone up here at all” Woo the man. Catch him off guard. He may be international level, but as long as the cock at his crotch could get hard, he wasn’t invincible.

Calvin leaned back and took another sip. He was taking the bait. “Most of those agents and officers down there are fodder. Slaves that will dance and fuck whenever I tell them to. The ones that make it up her however, those are the ones that I want to have around me.”

“Oh?” Lily said with a raised eyebrow. She unbuttoned her pants. They dropped to her ankles revealing the bottom half of a one piece swim suit. She threw aside her shirt, revealing the rest of it. Lily wasn’t a fan of swimming, but this outfit showed off her thighs and ass perfectly. It was a dangerous act. Undressing could have as much of an effect on her mind as o. He opponents. If you’re undressing, are you doing it to entertain them? If you’re just entertaining them, do they have some sort of superiority over you?

It required concentration and a strong will to do. But the surprise of an opponent suddenly undressing could throw off even experienced psychics. Lily put her hands by her head, and slid them down her body. Across her breats, and down he thighs, and all the way to her ankles, bending forward. “Does that mean I’m one of the ones you want around you?”

Calvin looked at her body, and licked his lips. Lily thought it was working, and tried to send a tendril of psychic energy to probe the defenses of his mind.

Except it wasn’t there.

It didn’t make sense. From hers Lily could feel that he had a mind, but as soon as she reached out to it, it seemed to just…move out of the way. Like he knew where she was sending her energy. Calvin’s chuckles brought her back to reality. “Im sure you’ll be wonderful to have around, just like Watson here.”

Lily tried to turn around, but the couch came to life in the spots on the couch where her hands had been. They hooked around her wrists, and pulled them flat down onto the couch again. Lily turned her head, and saw a very different looking Watson swinging his had towards her ass. The impact of the slap echoed throughout the room, and Lily yelped in surprise. Her ass jiggled, and a wave of pleasure filled her body, like she had entered a hot tub of aphrodisiac.

Lily gasped and tried to pull away from the couch. “Motherfucker, what did you do to Watson?”

Calvin’s eyes twinkled with glee. “My toy Watson has had a few changes, but mostly his body is filled with the urge to break anything I tell him too. Or, for example, spank you for trying to lie to me”

Another slap. Lily yelped again, this time higher pitched then she would have liked. She had to be strong, especially now. Just because she liked being spanked didn’t mean she had an excuse. At the very least, she needed to hold out until more people arrived. That was a worst case scenario though. For now, she needed to pull him in. It would be risky, but..

Lily began exaggerating her breaths, and moving her ass side side. If Calvin thought she was giving in, he had a chance of putting his gaurd down. Calvin’s smirk confirmed this strategy had promise. He took a another sip of his martini and nodded at Watson. Lily braced herself, and the same slap hit her other ass cheek. Again her plump as bounced around, and Lily pretended to be weak in the knees. She gasped and let out a little moan, on purpose. Or at least she hoped it was.

Calvin stood up, and Lily got her mind ready. Calvin’s mind was able to do something she hadn’t seen before, but if she timed it right, she could get him with his pants down. Lily felt another slap on her ass, then another im quick succession. She moaned louder this time, beginning to wonder how much of it was an act. She gritted her teeth, and took a deep breath through her nose. Calvin was unzipping his pants, once his cock was in front of her lip, she would be able to get him.

Calvin seemed to be purposefully walling slowly up to her. Lily’s body was hot with arousal, and she didn’t notice it, but her ass was swaying back and forth for real now. The cock was taking to long to get to her lips, she needed it now if she was going to get through this.

Finally, Calvin stood in front of her. The couch had shifted so that he could stand comfortably, and have his cock right in her face. Lily got ready, this was the moment she nee- *her ass was smacked again*. Lily gasped loudly, and her concentration disappeared. Alright, she could try again. She gathered up her psychic energy a- *smack*. Lily almost fell down as her knees began to shake.

It was like every time she was about to strike, Watson wo-*smack*. Lily’s mouth opened wide in a moan, and Calvin took his own chance to strike. His cock easily slid past Lily’s lips, and straight to the back of her throat. Lily gagged as the hot member violated her mouth, and began trying to gather her energy again. He may be in her throat, but that could be a better time to strike them any.

All she had to do was-*smack*. Her throat tightened around the cock. The pain from the spanks felt heavenly now, the jiggling of her ass starting to embarrass her. She worry about that now, she needed to- *smack* think about how stupid and slutty her ass looked while she-*smack* sucked on this delicious-*smack* cock.

Lily wasn’t pretending anymore. Her whole body shook with pleasure, and shuddered wity every slap of her ass. She wanted to fight, but every time she tried to think her ass was smacked, and her kind went blank. Calvin grabbed two bunches of hair, using them as handles to pull Lily’s head back and forth on his cock.

Lily, in a desperate act, tried to look at Calvin’s face. If she could see his eyes, maybe she could get a psychic attack in. Once she looked up however, and she saw Calvin’s eyes, she melted into them. Her tongue worked fast on its own, her ass pushed out, begging to be smacked. Her eyes no longer shown with defiance, but instead gleamed with love and gratitude for her new master.


“We need to start thinking about triage” the acrobatic agent said as they jumped over what appeared to be a pit of tentacles.

“Triage?” Reilly asked once she got to the stairs that were at the end of the hallway.

The futa agent nodded and from up the stairs. “Right now we need to focus on getting out people with strong niches, or just one person who can get reinforcements”

The feminine man was behind Reilly, and said “I don’t think any of us here have niches, so that shouldn’t be a problem”

Reilly raised her hand nervously like a kid in class. “Uhm, actually….I have two”

The feminine man groaned “This is bullshit. 5 years on the force, two years state level, and I can’t get a single niche. But this officer has two. The world just isn’t fair.”

The acrobat was taking the stairs two at a time “Quit you’re bitching. She has two niches, and matter what they are we can’t let Calvin have the-” while climbing up a stair, a blast of pink gas hit her in the face. She fell to her knees, coughing “What in the– fuck was that?” The acrobat stood up and wobbled. She looked at her ass.

It was growing. Her hips and butt were swelling inside of her skirt. “Shit..shit. of course I breathe the ass gas at the last second. Hehe…ass gas…: the acrobat looked at Reilly and the agents, and Reilly saw that her lips had changed as well. Now they were thick, and a bright pink. Her hair was turning blonde from the scalp out. The acrobat took a step foward, and wobbled again. She fell to her knees and giggled. “Itss…it’s so hot in here right? I’m just gonna ummm, sit here for a while”

The former acrobat and now bimbo began to finger herself under her skirt, and groping her newly formed ass. Reilly looked at the agents, and they all continued on their way. Once a few flights of stairs away, the man swore “Goddamn it! This whole thing is FUBAR. How can a street level telepath gain this much power out of nowhere?”

They reached a new hallway, and it was suspiciously empty. The futa agent shook her head “I dont know, but we have to keep calm. Losing our heads will only make it worse once we get to Calvin”

The male agent scoffed “Thats if we get to h-” his words were cut off as several hands pulled him into the wall. No, a hole in the wall had opened up, and slaves had pulled him in. The top half of his body was swallowed by the hole, and only the bottom half remained. He must have been uncomfortable, his legs bent and his crotch pointed towards the ceiling.

The futa agent ran over to try and help him, pulling at his waist and putting her hip against the wall for leverage. This was a mistake. A new hole opened up right at the bulge of her crotch, and ripped open the front of her yoga pants. Her cock was pulled into the newly formed glory hole. The futa agent tried to pull away, but her eyes instantly crossed as whatever was on the other side began to play with cock. Within a few seconds she was leaning against the wall, unable to resist.

Reilly was horrified by the scene. So quickly the three Agents had been taken out, one after another. What chance did she have. She turned and ran to the door at the end of the hallway.

Reilly forgot about the traps she was supposed to be avoiding, but strangely, none appeared. Door after door, staircase after staircase, and not on trap. It remained this was all the way up to the final door. She opened it, and found herself in the kitchen where they had entered in the first place. She sighed heavily, and fell to the floor. She wasn’t sure if that had been the easy part or the hard part, but at least it was over.

Reilly took a deep breath, steadied herself, and stood back up. Now wasn’t the time to rest. Calvin needed to pay. She walked out into the lobby, and the sight she saw sent her heart into her stomach.

Lily was on one of the couches, ass red and face covered in cum. She was happily moaning and licking the white liquid off of her fingers, not a care in the world.

“Hello there Reilly, I’ve been waiting for you” Reilly turned to the bar, and Calvin Thomas was standing behind it. He smiled while shaking a drink in a mixer, and poured it into a martini class. “Please sit, we have much to talk about”

Reilly took one step forward, then another. And another. She had no time time be afraid. She had a job to do, and a mind to break.

*End of Chapter Ten*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oxe5t8/midnite_vienna_chapter_ten_mfmmff