Lost Keys (MF)

Tropical depression Wanda was set to make landfall in Miami in about 5 hours. I was working late on a “vacation” (euphemism for a business trip). I was held up in a meeting that ran late, and we all filed out at nearly a quarter past ten at night.

I took a quick cab back to my hotel, on the beach, of course, and got undressed for the night. With the district supervisor riding everyone to improve sales performances, I was still burning the midnight oil when a knock came at my door.

I quickly threw on some slacks and went to the door. I figured it was probably hotel management coming to warn everyone about the storm, so I wasn’t prepared for when a thirty-something woman dressed down in ripped jeans and a white blouse greeted me on the other end.

She was stunning to look at, athletic but still had a bit of “mom” weight on her. Her tan skin contrasted against the cream of her blouse. Long locks of dark brown hair fell against her face, nearly covering her aqua-green eyes. Her chest protruded in two teardrop-shaped globes that strained against the buttons on her blouse. Her lips, twisted with a cool-aid smile, were lush and full.

She spoke with a deep soft, almost sensual voice, “Hi, sorry to bother you, but I lost the keys to my car down at the beach earlier, and I was wondering if you had a flashlight or something. Yours was the only light on, so I thought I would ask.”

It took me a moment to register that she was speaking to me. I was entranced by her beauty that I almost didn’t hear her.

“Um, sure. Just ah, let me get my keys. I should have a flashlight in the trunk of my rental for emergencies,” I stammered out while trying to tear my eyes away from hers.

I moved back to the room, leaving the door wide open, and went to the dresser for my keys. Keys in hand, I went out to the rental, a decent black sedan. Popping the trunk, I searched around until I found the emergency kit and opened it up. Sure enough, there was a small flashlight tucked inside.

She was waiting by the door when I came back. I handed her the flashlight, wished her good luck, and went to open my door. Too late, I realized my keycard was inside, tucked in with my work. As luck would have it, I still had my wallet in these slacks, so I should have no trouble getting a duplicate made.

She paused, seeing my predicament, and laughed, a genuine laugh full-bodied with a hint of tease. “You lost your keys too, huh?” she said with a grin, “maybe if you help me find mine, we can both get new cards.”

I smiled at the invite, partially to cover my shame at not asking if she needed help, to begin with, and partially to cover my excitement that she would offer.

“Sounds like a plan,” I said, “after you.”

It was only a short walk to the beach proper from my room. She clicked on the flashlight and began sweeping the area in a slow back and forth motions. Try as I might, though, the ground was not what I was interested in looking at.

The wind was picking up but, while we searched, neither of us took notice. It wasn’t until the first thick drops started falling in rapid succession that we noticed the weather change.

“I love this time of year,” she said with an inward smile as the rain steadily started rolling off clouds. Overhead, flashes of lightning played out among the clouds in the distance; soon, the storm would show its true strength.

There was something, an air of ecstasy in the way she stood, head cocked back, eyes to the sky, watching, accepting, and waiting. I watched her as she breathed deep, my hunger for her growing stronger.

Lighting flashed in the distance, close now. She lowered her head to look at me just as a jagged blue bolt streaked out. Her eyes flared to life like green fire.

I gazed into her eyes, and my own lust echoed from hers; rain fell heavy now, her blouse nearly translucent showing meaty cleavage. Not a word passed between us but, something, carnal, was understood.

As the rain dripped off her skin, she shot forward, wrapping her arms across my neck, and kissed. My world rocked; the intensity nearly shook my knees out from underneath me. I threw my arms around her waist, and with zeal even I was unprepared for, I returned her kiss, tongues wrestled for dominance, arms wrapped tight around each other.

Rain falling in sheets now, thunder reverberating through the sky, she pulled her blouse, now sopping wet, and threw it to the ground. Instinct more than forethought caused me to tear away my t-shirt and toss it next to hers.

Her hand wound tight behind my head as she pulled me to her bared breasts. I greedily kissed, slurping saliva and rain, tasting the salty spray of ocean breeze with the flavor of each nipple.

I busied myself tugging off the rest of my clothes, not an easy thing to do in torrential rains, high winds, and with your face buried in someone’s chest.

She fell to her knees, silently judging my cock as rain ran rivulets down the erect shaft. Her lips encircled the head, tongue playing along the rim. I let out an involuntary groan. My spine shivered at her touch. She moved my cock down further into her mouth, pulling me closer, deeper inside her. When she got to the base, I could feel her throat contracting with a rhythm against my tip. She began to bob back and forth, alternating teasing with lips, tongue, and throat.

It was too much. I must have tensed early because she stopped. Hands quivering along my cock, leaving me on the edge, just shy of going over.

“Not yet,” she said with an evil smile.

She quickly stripped out here in this storm. Her body, illuminated by the distant lights of the hotel, gave contrast to the darkness around us. She again grabbed my head, pulling me to her lush lips for another wave of kisses, deep and passionate.

We sank to the sodden earth, sand sticking to our bodies only to be washed away by the downpour. I made my way down her body, kissing and slurping as I went, resting briefly across each nipple, taking time to draw each breast into my mouth and suck.

I kissed down to her belly, licking her belly button, sucking, letting my lips caress her soft flesh. I passed my tongue down along each thigh, tracing mystical patterns of erotica along each.

She shivered as my lips finally found her clit. My tongue ran firmly, yet softly, along and around it. I moved a finger down to her entrance and started gliding it in and out of her wetness.

Her hand slammed my head into her, fiercely forcing my mouth to her slit. I licked and sucked, pushing and pulling my tongue along her.

She arched, legs tense, squeezing my head on both sides. I felt her convulse, then relax, breathing coming in ragged gulps.

She lay there for a moment, collecting her breath as I softly traced a finger down her leg, drawing splashes of rainwater along. We held each other for a moment, too dark to see much more than the outline of our bodies.

She stood, kissed me quickly on the lips, gathered her clothes, and without so much as a word, ran off towards the hotel. By the time I got my slacks on, not easy to do in this storm, she was nowhere to be found.

I headed for the office, as I was still locked out of my room, and asked for a replacement key. As I reached for my wallet, I realized with a shock that it was missing. She had stolen my wallet!

To this day, that remains the best $300 I have ever unknowingly spent.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ow8pa3/lost_keys_mf