First time casual sharing [MMF]

Hi everyone !

First of all, I’m not an english native speaker so bear with me as I’ll try my best to write my story :)

I won’t disclose any names as I don’t think this is necessary and I wanna stay anonymous.

The following happened 3 days ago. My GF [23F] and I [23M] were at a lil party with 3 of her friends [FMM] from school, around the same ages as us, all students like us as well. We were at one of her friend’s house.

It was a quiet, chillin party with some beers, etc., nothing crazy ! Just the casual night with friends, talking, laughing, listening to musics and stuff.

Around 11pm, 2 of her friends [FM] had to go as the day after they both were working as interns and couldn’t stay up too late (You know like a degree with a mix of Studies and Intership. That’s what I do as well!).

So both of them take off and there are just 3 of us left after. My GF, one of her guy friend and I !

We had planned a few weeks ago that we would on this occasion do some MDMA all together. We’re not regular drug users, we stay very casual as her friend had done MDMA like 3-4 times and I just once. My GF tho never did, so I was careful with the whole thing so that the night go well for her.

So at around midnight we decided to each take on pill. They were pink skull shaped pills btw, I dunno if the shapes mean anything tho.

We then waited, just chatting and stuff. My girlfriend was a bit nervous but nothing alarming. We actually waited quite a bit, more than what I expected.

At around 1am, we more and less started to feel it, all of us at the same time. My GF was the first to feel it actually.

It basically gave her a very powerful rush in a matter of seconds ! It was very fucking funny to watch, she was ecstatic, and couldn’t believe the feeling it gave her lmao.

It quickly it the remaining two of us after that ! All three of us were jacked up, enjoying life in pure ecstasy haha.

Then we did a bunch of shit, I’m sure if you’re familiar with MDMA you’ll understand. We danced, we talked about everything and nothing, did a bunch of non sense stuff, hugged, all that stuff. I also expressed my love to my gf every 2min and she did as well, I was feeling so happy to realise again and again that she was mine. We had some cool visuals too ! It was awesome.

As we continued talking frantically and such, I couldn’t keep my hands of my gf. At that point I was very horny. She was too.

The three of us were on a big couch. My gf was laying on me on my side, one arm around her with my hand on her thigh (she was wearing a shortie and a large sweater hoodie) and my other hard on her belly. Her friend was on the other side of the couch, facing us.

As we were talking, it was very obvious that her guy friend was checking her out her body. I honestly didn’t mind at all and she didn’t as well.

At one point, we were joking around and debating about foot fetish. Out of the blue, my gf asked me for a foot massage, but before I could answer she said she actually wanted a scalp massage. I give her scalp massage very often and she just love it so I obliged.

My gf jokingly asked her guy friend to her a foot massage as he was basically at reach of her feet. He jokingly agreed but started doing it for real then. Normally I would’ve maybe said no way but at this time I was ecstatic and happy so I didn’t fucking care. I actually was very happy for my girlfriend to receive all those massages, idk !

After a while, I noticed that he was getting more and more into it and was slowly starting to massage her legs. My gf was in nirvana, and again I couldn’t have been happier about that, she kept saying of much she loved me, etc.

Now prepare yourselves. As what followed was I think the turning point in what happened after.

She very quickly flipped upside down and layed on her belly. She got into a position were she was kinda laying on both our lap. Her « top body » on mine and lower on his.

I was not on my normal state, and again I would have found this very weird normally but I swear to you, I was having fun ! Actually this is the first time of the night where the idea of my gf being « shared » crossed my mind. You could say that it wasn’t the case, but she was literally laying on our laps and idk, it got really exciting for me all of a sudden.

Fyi, she is a very petite girl (1m50).

All this went on and on, and at one point she had her hand on my crotch. I was very hard and very horny.

We weren’t saying anything much at this moment, just listening to the music. But I could feel it was getting very heavier horny wise lmao.

She turned a little on her side, right on my lap, took my hand, and cupped her breast with it.

I was very aware of what he was doing, and when he saw that, he started slowly massaging on her upper thighs. When I saw that, my hearts started racing, not because I was mad but because this was making me very horny. So I let the guy continue.

It went on. And he slides its hand down her shorties, on her buttcheek. She was wearing a tonga, so his hand was definitely touching her skin.

At this moment, I became just one bit concerned so I asked my gf is she was good. She told us yes and to please continue.

It went on. At one point she looked at me and asked if I was good, and I said yes.

It went on for a little while like that. I could tell she was feeling reaaaaally good. And her friend was now fully playing with her butt. I couldn’t tell but at some point I think that he was grabbing her ass down to her pussy because sometimes she was giving me sudden squeeze while holding onto me.

Now I’m warning you ! If you expect a full on threesome story, I’m sorry but it never went further that this ! Yup this is the end.

After a while, she started talking again and moving and stuff, and finally she got up. I could tell she was very happy, we kissed and hugged.

We pretty much didn’t talk about it, we kinda went on other subject just after.

At this point we all had started to come down. I was still pretty jittery for a while but I was fine.

After a while he asked my gf if she wanted to go for a smoke (cigarettes only) on the balcony. I can’t stand the smell of it so I kissed my gf and let the two of them together.

At first I thought about waiting for them to come back and chill but I felt extraaaa tired from the whole thing so I told my gf I was going to bed.

She came to bed maybe 1 hour later. I do not know about what they talked about or what they did. I doubt that anything happened but I choose to ignore it and go with it. I decided that for this night only she wasn’t only mine anymore, and I let my imagination run wild !

When she came to bed I was pretty much awake, I had trouble getting sleepy because of the MDMA.
In fact I was tired but still pretty horny. I was convinced that I would fill her up before going to sleep but she basically crashed on the bed and went to sleep.

You would think that would’ve made me upset or disappointed but it actually got me excited even more because I figured that the reason she didn’t let me have her this night is possibly because she came when we were on that couch. And if that’s the case i’m pretty sure that he was mostly responsible for it. I could be wrong, but I’ll probably never know !

We didn’t talk about it since and I don’t think we will. I kinda like that this question will always be in my mind.

So yea, that’s it for my story. As I said in the title, it’s pretty much a casual sharing I guess. I don’t think it will ever happen again, I mean we weren’t sober, I think it’s a good thing it was a one time thing !

I’m very happy it happened the way it did. I don’t think I’ll forget this experience. I’m keeping this horny memory as the night when my girlfriend (kinda) wasn’t mine anymore.

Thank you for reading ! :)



  1. If those pills were kinda rushy, they probably weren’t just mdma. They were probably cut with speed. Unfortunately a common practice.

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