[CNC, BONDAGE, TOYS] The Education Bureau

*Continued from Part 1*


‘*Damn it*,’ a disgruntled voice echoed in a dark corner of a room. The man reached for his phone as it continued ringing, flipping it around to read the message.

‘CARGO LOST. REACQUIRE 1A IN 48 HOURS.’ The concise alert read.

‘*Damn it*!’. His voice grew louder as he dialed a three-digit number.

“*Hey, got the message?*” He asked.

“*Yes*,” a voice from the other end answered.

“*I checked with Rio, it seems they lost 1A during transport. They figured she’s not able to move from all the sessions. Lowered their guards, unshackled her. Next thing they knew, she jumped off the back. They’ve launched a search party.*” The voice at the other end had a tone of fear in her.

“*So, now what? I just got done here, and I’m not due for another education this month. You know how these things strain you*.”

“*About that, boss wants you to find another one. A replacement for 1A. I know she’s going to be hard to replace, and you’ve educated her for the past few weeks…*” the voice continued, ignoring the man’s rant.

“*Fine*,” the man cut short the conversation. “*Brazil?*”

“*Yes,*” the voice replied.

The man lowered his phone. He successfully trained and delivered over seventy cargoes, and he wasn’t about to let 1A scrub his record.

He pulled out a small notepad from his pocket and opened a new page as he looked at empty check boxes next to the items written in red.

*‘Heterosexual Submission 01*

*Cavity Expansion 01*

*Liquid Acclimatization 01*

*Same Sex Submission 01*

*Oral 01*

*Anal 01*

*Equipment Practice & Contraption 01’*

He grinned. ‘*Poor soul*,’ he laughed.

Well, perhaps this isn’t so bad after all.


*Two days later.*

A young woman tightens her grip, holding onto her backpack as she marches through the woods. It’s half past midnight, and yet her determination to take photographs of unsuspecting animals on the prowl after sundown does not waiver. She wipes the sweat off her forehead as the rest soaks her blouse, outlining vividly the shape of her bra. Laura has always been accustomed to wearing long trousers but her guide recommended some shorts for trekking. Good thing there’s no man around, she thought to herself. This is a dangerous country, and she is in an even more dangerous territory. She’s heard tales of poachers and their torturous kidnappings.

She advances further, before a cowering figure by the corner of her eyes made her stop. Fearful of what it might be, she quickly grabs her rifle and prepares to shoot the trembling silhouette.

“*Water*,” the figure whispered. “*Please, help me…*,” it spoke again.

“*Who are you?*” Our young lady demanded of the ghostly silhouette as she raises her flashlight. What she saw shocked her.

“*My name is Silvie, please…they’re right behind me*,” the figure responded with a wispy voice before collapsing. Laura rushed to hold her up as she tried to make sense of what is happening. The woman, who seems slightly younger than her, had dirt all over her naked body. Her wrists and ankles showed signs of bruising from restraints. Her long flowing hair covered her nipples which were engorged. She had dried layers of sandy, white liquid on her inner thighs. What surprised her was how beautiful this young Silvie’s face was. She must have been a model or an actress, Laura thought. But what would a young beauty like her be doing out in the woods, dozens of miles to the nearest town, this time at night?

“*Let’s get you back to camp, my jeep is right around that big tree,*” Laura said as she pointed to the vegetation along an adjacent ridge. As she helped Silvie stand up, she noticed a small inked number on her upper-right arm, as if it was freshly tattooed onto her.


To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/owbjmd/cnc_bondage_toys_the_education_bureau