Wife’s friend helps with their marriage part 2 [FF+M] [Teasing]

*I enjoyed the format of* [*part 1*](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/otd2pr/wifes_friend_helps_with_their_marriage_ffm/) *so much that I decided to continue this story. Again it isn’t as long as the format makes it look. I hope you enjoy.*

Jane: Hi Rob. It is Susan’s friend Jane.

Rob: Hi Jane, how are you? I didn’t know you had my number.

Jane: I’m great thanks. Been away in the sun for a few weeks.

Jane: Susan gave me it.

Rob: Yeah Susan said you were away.

Jane: I had fun last time we texted. Did you?

Rob: I think we both know I did.

Jane: And I hear you had even more fun after. ;)

Jane: She told me she barely got in the door before you were ripping her clothes off

Jane: And that she came more times that night than in months!

Rob: She told you that!

Jane: Girls talk, remember?

Rob: Of course they do.

Jane: Anyway I bet you are wondering why I am texting you?

Rob: The question did cross my mind.

Jane: Turns out Susan had fun too.

Rob: Ok

Jane: Turns out she was hoping we could do it again sometime?

Rob: Was she indeed. Does she know you are texting her husband about her sex life?

Jane: No. Why don’t you tell her.

Rob: I can’t she is out just now, she went shopping for a new outfit for that wedding we are all going to in two weeks.

Jane: You’ll have to tell her later then, or not, it is up to you.

Rob: I will do. Not sure I am comfortable talking about this with you, without her knowing.

Jane: Ha ha! She says she doesn’t mind.

Rob: What? Are you with her?

Jane: She wanted a girl’s opinion on her dress. Apparently, you are rubbish at clothes shopping. And shopping is best done after Prosecco, and you can’t drink Prosecco alone.

Rob: Can’t argue with that.

Jane: So what do you say? Do you want to get together some time, maybe just you and me, and she can be the one getting all excited in the toilet! ;)

Rob: Give her your phone, I need to know she is ok with this conversation.

Susan: Hi babe, its me.

Rob: Hi, did you tell her to text me?

Susun: No, but it’s cool unless you don’t want to?

Rob: It is just that we didn’t discuss this happening again.

Susan: Do you not want it to?

Rob: I think I do, as long as you’re sure you do?

Susan: I’m sure! I’ll pass back to Jane now. I love you x

Jane: See I told you she was ok. Of course, that could have just been me replying ;)

Rob: Hmmm. I think I need to discuss code words with her. But why do I think she’d only tell you anyway.

Jane: So what do you say. I think I promised to give you a target to aim for that is more appealing than the floor of your work toilet.

Rob: Wow, that is pretty direct.

Rob: If Susan is ok with it, then I suppose I am too.

Jane: You suppose! She says stop asking her permission all the time.

Jane: You know I am a bridesmaid at this wedding you are going to?

Rob: That I did not know.

Jane: So turns out I need an outfit as well.

Rob: Doesn’t the bride buy you a dress?

Jane: Yes. But she doesn’t buy what goes under it ;)

Jane: Are you thinking about me in lingerie now?

Jane: I can see you typing and then deleting it you know.

Rob: Ok fine, yes I am, tell Susan I love her.

Jane: Aw, are you embarrassed? How cute. And she knows.

Jane: Since we will all be at the wedding together, Susan and I had an idea. Want to hear it?

Rob: I’m not sure…

Jane: We thought, if we bought matching lingerie then you’d be thinking all day that you know what I am wearing under my dress. And it would drive you mad.

Jane: What do you think?

Rob: I think you two are dangerous when you get together.

Jane: lol

Jane: I think it would be hot. I’d spend the whole night feeling your gaze, wondering what your wife’s underwear looks like on me. Would you be thinking that Rob?

Rob: I will be now!

Jane: Good

Jane: Susan has chosen a dress, I won’t spoil the surprise but trust me when I say she looks hot in it.

Rob: She looks hot in everything.

Jane: Aww you’re so sweet. She says thank you.

Jane: Now we’ve chosen her dress, we’re in a very nice underwear store. Much classier than I normally go to. Expensive.

Jane: Susan says you are paying for us both, thanks! I better choose you something nice.

Rob: Wow now I’m buying sexy underwear for my wife’s friend.

Jane: Your wife’s BEST friend! And I think we are passed that now Rob, don’t you. So tell me, what would you like to see us in?

Rob: I don’t know, a nice red panties and bra set?

Jane: Red, you’re such a cliché. Has nobody ever told you that most red underwear is bought by husbands for their wives and that most of it is returned unworn? Try again.

Rob: Ok black.

Jane: Better. But I think I can see why Susan wanted me instead of you to help her shop.

Jane: Maybe you better let us choose.

Rob: I think that would be best for us all.

Jane: The problem is we both have strapless dresses, so I was thinking no bra.

Jane: What do you think?

Rob: I can get behind no bra.

Jane: I’ve chosen us a few nice sets, but we’ve picked our favourite. Would you like me to describe it for you?

Rob: Send me a picture

Jane: Now now Rob, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. That isn’t how this works.

Jane: Besides the whole idea is you don’t see me in it. I want you thinking about it all day at the wedding.

Jane: I want you to be hard all day at the wedding from the moment I walk down that aisle.

Jane: Then maybe if you behave, I’ll show you it later, in your hotel room.

Rob: Is that a promise?

Jane: No. I said maybe. It depends how many drinks you buy me while I dance tipsily with your wife. Maybe we’ll make out for all your friends to see.

Jane: You ready?

Rob: Yes

Jane: Wow! Susan has just come out in the underwear we chose. She looks amazing. You are a lucky guy!

Jane: If there weren’t other people here, I’d fuck her right now.

Rob: Wait, what! There are other people there? And she is modelling lingerie for you.

Jane: She is modelling lingerie with no bra Rob, remember? There is only the woman serving us and the man who owns the shop is around. I think Susan is a little shy.

Rob: OMG

Jane: She’s got on a pair of white lace panties, they are a little see through at the front. I can see her pubes as she moves.

Jane: A white lace suspender belt

Jane: And to finish it off she has on almost sheer nude colour stockings, with a delicate white lace trim along the top to match the set.

Jane: We are going to look so hot in these! They feel smooth as I touch her legs and her ass.

Rob: That sounds so sexy. I wish I could see them!

Jane: In due course. I’m off to try mine on now. I’ll be back in 10 mins.

Rob: Jane?

Rob: Jane you there?

Jane: Back. We tried them on together. I’ve got pictures. It was so hot being naked together in the changing room. I wanted to touch her, to put my fingers in her, to make her cum.

Rob: Pictures, for me?

Jane: No, for me. I’m going to touch myself tonight when I’m alone. I’m going to masturbate while I look at pictures of your wife Rob. Does that turn you on?

Jane: Does it turn you on to know you won’t be the first person to cum looking at your wife in this underwear? Maybe I’ll share the pictures with some of my friends.

Rob: That is so fucking hot!

Jane: You won’t see her in them for two weeks. But I can cum looking at her every night if I want to, and right now I really want to.

Rob: I can’t wait for this wedding! I’m so hard right now.

Jane: Susan and I’ve had a chat about that.

Rob: Oh god, I don’t like the sound of this.

Jane: If we model our underwear for you together after the wedding, would you like that? Would you spend the day anticipating it. Would you be hard for us both on the dance floor as we moved to the music?

Rob: Yes. Yes. Yes.

Jane: :) horny much? lol

Jane: Ok, I’ll turn that ‘maybe’ from earlier into a ‘definitely’ but there’s a condition.

Rob: I’m almost afraid to ask…

Jane: Any time between now and the night of the wedding I tell you to, you have to make your wife cum. I call the shots, you obey, no arguing.

Jane: But you are not allowed to cum until then, only Susan. Not when you’re with her and certainly not when you’re alone!

Jane: No sneaky wanking in the shower like yesterday. She knows when you do it, and …

Rob: … girls talk?

Jane: See, you’re learning.

Rob: You two are fucking evil!

Jane: We thought you’d like it. ;)

Jane: Is that a deal?

Rob: Like I have a choice.

Jane: Glad you see it that way. It starts now Rob, Susan is leaving, she’ll be home in 15 mins. I want her to be cumming in less than 30. Text me when she arrives. x

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ovwzo6/wifes_friend_helps_with_their_marriage_part_2_ffm

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