My [M 19] son has a thing for my [F 41] girlfriend…

*Author’s note: on the off chance anyone remembers this story from several months back: yes, it’s originally mine and yes I’m going to complete it now.*

My son (19) has been eying my girlfriend (41) for basically his entire life.

It used to be a big joke when he was very young. He (Jake) met her (Courtney) when he was four, she was twenty-six, and I was a somewhat scandalous thirty-five seriously dating someone nine years younger two years after my divorce. He took to Courtney instantly even if my ex-wife (Jake’s mother) did not. Jake’s always been a sweet, affable kid and Courtney – who has no biological children of her own – adored him at once. All the stereotypical jokes in the world have been made about him “stealing her” from me due, perhaps in part, to the age discrepancy or perhaps just because they get along so damn well.

Having partial custody of Jake, Courtney and I got him on weekends and we had a lot of fun growing up taking trips, playing in the park, encouraging him to pursue his interests (and oftentimes learning them along with him), and so on. She’d help him with his homework once it started to stump me (I’ve always been weak at math), she’d play video and then PC games with him later into the night than I could bear to with my rigid work schedule versus her self-paced job, and in general she was like a second mom to him. In fact, Jake sometimes slipped up an called her “mom,” which always brought a huge smile to her face.

Courtney’s a beautiful woman, and always has been. She has large green-blue eyes set into a warm, inviting, and kind face; thick shoulder-length brown hair; and medium breasts packed on a 5’2” athletic frame. Her looks won me over instantly when I met her. She looks like she’s in her thirties.

Courtney and I never pursued children because I had gotten a vasectomy, and she was fine with Jake anyway. She grew up in a huge family and did not want the chaos of double (or more) what Jake brought into our life, despite our unquestionable love for him.

The trouble started shortly after Jake turned 19. He was attending junior college to knock out core classes and to identify what he was rally passionate about prior to pursuing a more expensive four-year university. He’s a smart kid in many ways, this being one of them. He lived with us at the time as his biological mother had at last re-married and was having a bit of a second start… which surely still included Jake, but he was old enough to know that he didn’t want to be an interloper for two newlyweds (and Courtney and I were happy to have him besides). All was even-keeled until the trouble in question started in the bedroom.

Something to know about Courtney and I is that we absolutely love and insist and on a regular and stimulating sex life. We’ve swapped partners, had sex in a variety of locations and occasionally with an audience (we do enjoy our local sex club), and role-played virtually any scenario you could come up with among many other things. Consensual incest has been a kink of mine for quite some time, and she’s been willing to role-play it with me in various brother-sister fictional matchups.

That being said, this one particular Friday night when Courtney and I were in bed (her lips wrapped around my cock as she blew me) she suddenly stopped, looked me dead in the eye and whispered, “I want to fuck Jake, and I think he wants to fuck me,” this came as both more of a shock and less of a shock than you’d think.

“What?” I managed after a long moment, feeling genuinely confused more so than any other emotion.

“You’ve seen the way he looks at me, haven’t you?” she whispered carefully; our bedroom is adjacent to the living room where Jake was theoretically studying late into the night. “I swear he wants to fuck me.”

I sat up a little on my elbows to look her more closely in the eye. “He’s 19, what do you expect? And what got you so interested in him, anyway?” Still stunned, I nevertheless wanted to hear her reasoning before rejecting anything out of hand. I like to consider myself fair, especially when it comes to Courtney who has always indulged my sexual appetite in any outlet I might have chosen.

Courtney sighed and smiled impishly, her face half cast in shadow from glowing moonlight coming in through the bedroom window. She hooked her hair behind one ear. “I think,” she said carefully, “your son is an attractive man who could use some pointers on how to have a love life. Considering the way I’ve caught him looking at me this past year, I think it’s reasonable to assume he’s interested.”

I winced a little, having to agree at least in part. Jake had turned into a handsome guy himself, identical in height to me (5’ 10”) and also built like a bear with broad chest and shoulders with light brown short hair. Unlike me, though, he’s clean-shaven and shy where I am bearded and gregarious. He’s never lacked in appearance or good-natured charm that would earn him a girlfriend, yet he never seemed to have one.

Courtney continued in a quiet tone, “Let’s just assume for the sake of argument he truly did want to fuck me. You’re telling me you wouldn’t go for it because…?”

“Because he’s my son,” I said reflexively.

Courtney rolled baleful eyes. “As if that truly makes a difference to you. Come on, we know taboo isn’t that taboo for you. It’s actually your kink, right up there with…. Wait, what was it again?” She played dumb with a smirk on her face, knowing the answer.

“Hotwifing,” I admitted. I always had extreme pleasure watching Courtney get dicked by select other men.

Courtney resumed her attention to my cock with a slow handjob at first. “That’s right. And how hot would it be to watch your son fuck your girlfriend – essentially his stepmom?” She kept jerking as she waited a long minute for my reply, her eyes never leaving mine.

*Pretty damn hot*, I had to admit at length. The idea of seeing Jake fuck Courtney was surprisingly tantalizing; I’d never thought of it before, but it added up well enough with my erotic interests. “You have a plan?” I asked, signaling my approval.

Courtney’s grin split the darkness like a knife.


The next morning (Saturday), I padded into the kitchen barefoot and reached for the coffee pot, yawning ferociously as I saw Jake across the kitchen sitting at the table reading the news on his tablet and munching on a waffle. We exchanged “good morning’s” perfunctorily. After half my first cup of coffee, I sat down across from Jake and decided to let him have it.

“Jake,” I said, “The pandemic’s been a nightmare. Fair to say?”

Jake didn’t bother to glance up from the news, and just nodded absently.

I continued, “And you know Courtney and I would do anything to support you, encourage you, and help you through a time where you were limited socially, emotionally, and relationally.”

Jake looked up briefly. “Sure, of course. What’s up?”

I shrugged as casually as I could. “Courtney’s going to come in here in a minute, and she’s going to say some things. And all you need to know is I 100% stand by them and support them, no matter what. You can go with what she says and take it as coming straight from me.”

Jake blinked and set the tablet on the table faced down. “Uh… you want to tell me what this is about?”

I shook my head. “This is a conversation you’ll need to have with her. Don’t sweat it, ok? Just go with your gut. I can’t emphasize that enough.”

Jake blinked again and started to open his mouth to reply, when Courtney breezed in wearing a loose and very deeply scoop-necked white tank top (braless breasts bouncing and brown nipples visible through the thin material) with simple gray sweat pants rolled down a bit at the waistband to show the beginnings of her butt.

Courtney came over and I could smell the lightest touch of perfume on her. Her hair was back in a fashionable approximation of a ponytail. She looked good for all her dressed-down casualness. She gave the seated Jake a big hug right away. “Jake! Love of mine, how have you been?” she joked as she frequently did with him, only this time she was a little more robust with the morning hug and nearly pinned his face between her dangling breasts.

“Great!” said Jake, suddenly cheerful in the presence of his hyper attractive “stepmom.” He perked up and seemed to forget about everything else in the room but her. I swear I saw his pupils dilate like a drug hit him when Courtney walked into the room.

“I’ll just go in the living room,” I announced abruptly, standing to head one room over where I would be at Jake’s back and still able to hear the conversation fairly easily. “You all have a good chat.”

Jake looked suddenly uncomfortable. “What’s wrong?” he asked Courtney.

Courtney slid into a chair across from Jake, and I could see her hit him with her wry half-smile – a signature move that could give the most relationship-committed male on the planet butterflies – and laughed slightly. She absently scratched a breast causing it to jiggle, finally shrugging her shoulders heavily and nearly causing her other breast to topple out of the neck line of her top, the nipple almost totally visible. I could only imagine the effect this was having on Jake, whose face I couldn’t see. The breast was permanently exposed; Courtney made no move to cover it or acknowledge it.

She finally said, “I know you’ve been packed into this place with us for a while now. And, you’re nineteen. Nineteen year-old boys are supposed to be out there having fun, getting into low to medium-grade trouble, and having fun with the opposite sex – assuming that’s what they’re into, of course. My point being, you have to have been dying to get some real, shall we say, ‘social contact.'”

Jake had to have noticed the nipple, but he didn’t deign to point it out. Unable to see his expression, I could only judge the tenor of his words: “I think,” he said, sounding careful, “I’ve done well with my schoolwork and kept friendships going as best I can with the pandemic. Online school -”

Courtney cut him off with a wave of her hand. “That’s not quite what I mean.” She gave him another big shrug, causing the exposed breast to quake, and the other to nearly become exposed. “When I say ‘social contact,’ it’s a euphemism. What I mean is…” and her blue-green eyes flicked up to his coolly, “… having, practicing, or otherwise engaging in sex.”

I could see a small flush begin to creep up the back of Jake’s neck. “Ah,” was all he said.

Courtney continued, “Look, you’re an adult and I’m and adult and your father is an adult. We can talk about adult things, right? Without getting too weird?” She scratched the now bare breast again, acting as if she didn’t notice the feeling of an absence of clothing material covering it.

Jake just nodded, apparently unsure of how else to respond.

“So, I have an offer for you,” Courtney said smoothly, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. “I can help you relieve some of the pressure you’re under from a lack of sexual outlets, and perhaps even teach you a few things about how to go about… certain things.”

Jake’s neck was now red in earnest. “Certain…things?” he inquired tightly.

“How much experience would you like to gain when it comes to sex?” Courtney asked, her expression open and charming. “I can probably teach you anything you’d want to know, or at least what any male of your age group would kill to know about.” She ticked off fingers on her right hand. “How to delay an orgasm, how to give a female an epic one utilizing any number of methods, how to be assertive in the bedroom without being a dick…” Courtney shrugged once more. Both breasts were now fully out. Her voice got suddenly soft and intimate; her eyes took a gentler cast. “How to get away with staring at exposed titties without turning red,” she said, finally acknowledging my son’s interest in her breasts.

Jake’s crimson somehow got redder. “I… sorry, I couldn’t help – “

Courtney’s hand gently touched his forearm; she made no move to cover herself. “If it bothered me, I would have covered up. I think you probably need some real-life boobs, don’t you? Like I said earlier, you must be… having some serious sexual pressure.” She cocked an eyebrow. “Wouldn’t that be fair to say?”

Jake blew a sigh. “I guess so? I’m not really sure how to answer that question to my dad’s girlfriend.”

“Honestly,” she encouraged. “Because after all I’m sitting here willing to expose myself to you quite literally for your benefit,” she gestured to either breast. “These are out to give you something to work with.”

“Work with how?”

“I’m trying to help you get off,” Courtney said quietly but sincerely, “by feeding you something real so you don’t lose your mind. And I’m offering to be a mentor of sorts when it comes to sex.” And I saw her bite her lower lip. “That is, if you want me.” She lowered her chin and look up at him with her large eyes, the picture of a supplicant.

Jake seemed to nervously run both hands through his hair. “OK, what… Look, Dad comes in here saying he backs whatever you say 100% which is weird, and now you’re saying you want to be my sex coach? Which is also a first…” Jake trailed off, at an obvious loss.

Courtney put her hand back on his forearm. “I want to help you, and your father sees the need as well, as awkward as it might sound on paper,” she said calmly. “But, Jake? I’m not going to pretend to not know that you are deeply excited at this prospect.” Her voice lowered to nearly a whisper that I could only just make out. “I know you want me. I want you, too. And your father doesn’t mind at all.”

Jake suddenly stiffened in posture. “You… what now?”

She continued softly, “I see how you look at me, and I don’t doubt that your natural adolescent desires are being magnified by the pandemic. I am a good-looking female, you’re a handsome male, we’re adults, and we’re in closer quarters. Why wouldn’t there be sexual tension between us?”

Jake sputtered, “Because you’re my dad’s girlfriend!”

“Doesn’t bother me. Or him. We just want to see you happy. We have… some flexibility in our relationship.” She shrugged again, then made a move to take off her top entirely. “You mind if I ditch this? I figure I might as well give you the full show instead of teasing you…”

Jake made several wordless noises and made to stand up to presumably leave before she stopped him with a firm grasp of the wrist. “Jake, I want to masturbate with you today if you’re interested,” she said matter-of-factly. “You’re lonely, I like variety, your dad as discussed is fine with it, we’re adults… I see no reason not to try it.”

“W…why?” he choked out.

“Because,” Courtney said, now removing her shirt and tossing it to the floor for good this time, exposing her flat stomach and the totality of her breasts, “Every adolescent needs to work on endurance so they can be good lovers, and why not practice with someone you’re attracted to who likes you just as much?”

“But… now?”

“Yes,” she said. “Now. Right now. If you’re worried about getting hard, we can work on that, but –“ and she half-stood to peek over the table. “No, I think you’re doing OK in that department.” Courtney grinned wickedly. “Happy to see I have an impact on you.”

“Dad?” Jake managed to half-call over his shoulder, his series of questions unspoken but very much understood by me.

“Go for it if you feel comfortable with it,” I said with forced calm in place of my unmitigated excitement from the living room. “We’re not forcing you into anything, but we are offering. I know this is sudden, but it Is overdue I think.”

“Lesson one,” Courtney said by way of assuming Jake was on board now, “is going to be watching each other and edging a bit. Let’s go to my bedroom and get comfortable. I think your bed is too small for both of us unless we’re on top of each other… which, I’m sure, is a little too advanced for today at least.”

Jake finally turned in his chair to look at me, wild-eyed. It was everything I could do not to laugh. The man had won the lottery, and he was making absolutely sure I wasn’t going to yank the rug out from under him. “Go for it,” I urged him. “You’re not going to damage anything by pursuing this if in fact it is what sounds good to you.”

Jake looked at topless Courtney who was waiting expectantly, looked to me who was trying to look neutral while bursting with anticipation, looked back to Courtney and her affected placidity and said, “Alright. Let’s do this.”

He stood, and then Courtney did. He somewhat stiffly gestured for her to lead the way back to the bedroom which was immediately behind the wall I was sitting against. Courtney reached up to cup his check with one hand as she passed, a loving and intimate gesture. “I’ve been hoping for this for quite some time, Jake,” she admitted as she slowly stepped past him, then walked straight back without another word. As they entered the bedroom I heard Courtney say, “Leave the door open in case your father needs to come in.”

“O…okay…” Jake said sounding uncertain.

“Your father likes me naked just as much if not more so than you will,” Courtney said simply as I heard the rustle of pillows and covers as she made the bed ready. “Don’t worry about him being in here or not being in here, just focus on me as much as you can.”

“Deal,” Jake said, sounding relieved.

I rose and cut the living room lights off, edging my way to the bedroom door but at a small distance so as to be somewhat hidden in shadow.

I saw Jake take his shirt off and lower his shorts (but not boxers) to reveal a substantial tent.

Courtney gave a low, appreciative whistle. “Nice, Jake!” She met his eyes with warmth, honesty, and a heaping helping of seduction, saying, “I can’t wait to see your cock.”

Jake swallowed heavily. “I really want to see your… you know. Too.”

Courtney chuckled and shook her head as she lowered her sweatpants but left a pair of black boy shorts underwear on. “You have to say it to see it. I know this is a little or a lot awkward, but trust me – it’ll get easier the sooner you dive in.”

Jake swallowed again. “I really want to see your pussy,” he said quietly.

Courtney grinned widely. “How long have you wanted to see my pussy, Jake?”

“Quite a while,” he said. “Long enough that I’ve lost count how many times I’ve cum to you.”

Courtney’s face softened at the remark, and she took several steps towards Jake, holding her arms up and out for a hug. “That’s what I like to hear, baby,” she said as she embraced him, pressing her tits against his bare chest as she looked up to him expectantly. A moment passed before she said, “Wouldn’t you like to kiss me?”

“Can I?” he rasped.

“Of course. You can ask to do anything – and I do mean anything – and I’ll give you an honest answer. No limits to asking, ok?” Courtney licked her lips expectantly, tilting her chin up slightly in invitation.

Jake dipped his head for a soft, semi-brief kiss on Courtney’s lips. Courtney looked up with a patient smile, and said, “Try again. Only this time, kiss me like you actually really do want in my pants. Mean it. Even if your technique isn’t perfect – “

And she was cut off as he kissed her with much more passion, causing her to make a small “oof” noise. Jake made out with my girlfriend – his stepmom, for all intents and purposes – assertively for several minutes, kissing and parting at reasonable intervals indicating that at the very least Jake wasn’t clueless how to deliver a good kiss.

As they parted seemingly on cue, Courtney breathed, “That was… very nice,” she admitted. “I could do that all day,” she said with a laugh and a megawatt smile.

Jake’s smile lit the room to hear the praise. “Thanks! I could, too. With you, I mean.”

Courtney laughed again, her hands tracing Jake’s faint abdominal muscles as she looked down at his barely-concealed rock-hard penis. “Let’s get in bed and see what we can do about this.” She patted it through his boxers very gently, causing him to moan. Courtney grimaced, saying, “Sorry, I should ask to touch.”

Jake’s eyes widened. “No! No, no – feel free to touch anything you like,” he said. “You have my permission.”

Courtney smirked. “Well do ask me before you touch anything that isn’t PG-rated, ok? Only because I want to take this a step at a time, not because I’m planning on denying you anything.”

“A…anything?” Jake wondered aloud.

Courtney ignored him, pulling him onto the bed with her and scooting back a ways to be on the opposite side of him. “On three,” she said playfully, her thumbs under her underwear’s waistband as she waited for him to do the same. “One, two, three!” she called, and revealed her neatly kept black-haired bush (call me what you will; shaved pussy bores me) while Jake uncovered a ramrod-straight dick that at a distance looked roughly equivalent to my own. Courtney let his eyes wander over her while she looked at him. “Like what you see?” she asked.

Jake nodded, his cock actually twitching in apparent anticipation. “Very much,” he said. “You’re so fucking beautiful I don’t know where to start.”

Courtney actually blushed. “Thanks. You’re a handsome devil yourself,” she looked down, then back up to his gaze. “Hope you’re OK with unshaven pussy.”

“Absolutely,” Jake said. “I… I really hope I get to taste it someday,” he said, trying to say the words as naturally as possible.

Courtney smirked. “One day at a time, cowboy. Today’s agenda is you stroking your cock while I play with my clit. Think you can keep your hands to yourself while we do that, unless offered otherwise?”

“Definitely, Courtney,” Jake said stoutly. “I’d never dream of… well, you know. Being an asshole, basically.”

Courtney laughed at that. “Alright then.” They scooted together to the head of the bed, propped themselves up with pillows and settled in next to one another. Courtney said, “Feel free to look at me, talk to me… say anything you like, in fact, while we play with ourselves. But don’t cum until I tell you to, OK?” She casually threw one bare leg over the top of his in a wide “V” shape that allowed her to access her pussy more easily. “A little physical contact won’t hurt anything, right?” she asked.

“Right,” he agreed. He was staring at her breasts again, and said, “God I wish I could suck your nipples.”

Courtney blew him a kiss as she began to gently play with her clit. “Soon enough, my dear.”

Jake’s eyes widened a touch as his hand circled his cock, and he began to pump. “You mean… I’ll be able to?”

Courtney giggled. “Honey, let me put it this way.” She put a hand on his shoulder, and said with eyes shining, “I can’t wait for your fucking cock to explode inside me and fill me with your cum. That’s where my head’s at right now. I don’t know about yours.”

Color drained from Jake’s face as if he was going into shock. “I… that…”

She put a hand on his thigh instead of responding directly, rubbing about a third of the way up from his knee. He gratefully put his hand in the same spot on her thigh as they leaned in and made out for a bit, tongues working back and forth as Jake clearly learned how to French his stepmom.

After a time, Courtney broke the kissing off and said softly, “When you cum, you’ll have to choose where you shoot it on me. I don’t need it on the sheets, you know?” she said. She began to strum her clit more forcefully, and was lightly squeezing Jake’s thigh now, rubbing up and down somewhat more than before.

Jake nodded and licked his lips. “Can I shoot anywhere?” he asked.

“Where were you thinking? And don’t bother being shy about it.”

“Your pussy,” he blurted. “Right on top of it. If I can.”

Courtney’s eyes shone. “If that is your heart’s desire, we can make that work. I like the thought of your seed on my cunt, anyway,” she admitted, squeezing his thigh again and allowing her fingers to trail to the inner portion a bit more than they were. She leaned over slightly to study his cock. “You know,” she said, “you are dead on for length with your father but you might be a little thicker.” Her eyes flicked up to him and she grinned. “Can’t wait to feel it for myself.”

Jake’s eyes briefly flicked to the doorway where he’d apparently forgotten I may have been (and in fact was) standing while rubbing myself through my pants. If he did see me, he gave no sign and besides Courtney leaned in to kiss him just then. “Sorry,” she purred after breaking the kiss. “Just keep your attention on me, remember?”

“Gladly,” Jake said, picking up the speed of his jacking.

“Tell me how badly you’ve always wanted to fuck me. How, and why, and when, and where,” Courtney said, massaging his thigh more blatantly now and sliding two fingers inside herself briefly before returning to her clit. “And I’ll tell you how badly I want to fuck you, and why, and when, and where.”

Jake went crimson again; Courtney smiled at his distress and said, “I’ll go first if it helps. I want to fuck you in every position, in every way, at every time you desire, from now until you tire of me. And I’ll do that for you – make myself available to be your personal fuck buddy at any time day or night, no matter what happens between now and my dying day – under exactly one condition.”

He looked enraptured at the prospect. “What’s the condition?”

She said flatly, “What we’re doing is heavily frowned on by society. You cannot tell anyone about what we do. Ever. You can’t hint at it, suggest it might be happening, let something slip, or otherwise give it away because bad things – very bad things – will happen to all of us if you do. So keep your mouth shut, and I’m yours in perpetuity. Otherwise, it ends the second I find out you told some friend or person something about us they doesn’t need to know. Make sense?”

He nodded solemnly. “Yes.”

She looked at my son almost dreamily. “I want to suck your cock, ride you, bend over in the kitchen for you, jack you off in the car… there’s no limit of what I’d do with you. If you can think it, I’ll almost certainly say ‘yes.’”

Jake looked simultaneously jubilant and confused. “I love what I’m hearing, but why?”

“Because you’re a good man trying to do the right things in life, and it sucks having blue balls from what I’m told,” Courtney said. “Because I have a high sex drive and you have got to have one under that 19 year-old body of yours, so we might as well enjoy it together. Because I’ve often wondered what it would be like to get pounded throughout the day by a teenager again.” She leaned in and kissed him, a long press before parting and nearly whispering, “Because in my own way I love you, not entirely unlike your father but in a definitely different way. It’s complicated. You’re a son to me, and I am so proud of you… and I also want to fuck you.”

Jake replied sincerely, “I love you too. Not quite like a girlfriend,” he admitted, “But definitely as a mom… who I desperately want to fuck.” He smirked for the first time in a while.

Courtney noticed his change of demeanor and poked his ribs before settling her hand back even further up his thigh, much closer to his crotch. “There’s that sexy sense of humor!” Her fingers thrummed her clit more quickly, and I could see her kneading his thigh more deliberately. “How closer are you to cumming now?” she asked. “I’m definitely noticing a lot of precum…”

“Not as much as you’d think,” he admitted. “I’m going kinda slow and I usually use lube, which we don’t have, so…”

Courtney’s expression changed to something mischievous. “We do have lube. Right here.” She pointed at her pussy. “I’m as wet as they come right now. Want to use some of my cum to give you a little more to work with?”

Jake nodded at once, so Courtney dipped three fingers into herself with a small bit of effort and withdrew them, showing them to be covered with her own cum. “Want me to put this on your cock for you?” she said quietly. “Am I OK to touch it for a second?”

“Fuck yes you are,” he said, dropping his hand. “Touch it all you want.”

She wrapped her wet fingers around the head of my son’s cock and applied her own cum there before going back for more from her own pussy, applying that, and then going back for yet more. Jake was obviously trying to keep it together at this point. “How close now?” Courtney asked.

“Three quarters of the way there,” Jake admitted, sounding somewhat dejected.

“That’s damn good for someone your age. Half of the 19 year-olds I know would’ve shot the load in their pants before I got ‘em out,” Courtney said. “And besides, we practice this a few times a day for the next week or so, you’re bound to show progress.”

“A few times a day?” He looked like he had ascended into heaven.

Courtney nodded, beginning to gently jack him off as if it was something she did with him all the time. “For sure. And if you want to touch my breasts right now, you can,” she said, one hand around his cock now and the other playing with her puss.

Jake’s free hand immediately went to her closest breast and toyed with it, feeling its weight and squeezing in approximation before playing with her large beige nipple. Courtney sighed. “Yeah, just like that,” she said. “You can pull gently, too. A little nipple play goes a long way.”

He took her advice as her hand sped up around his cock even more, milking his shaft with the wet sound of her cunt juices echoing at every stroke. “You… can feel how wet I am, if you want to,” Courtney offered as she looked up at him. “How wet you make me.” She sighed seductively. “How badly I want your cock inside me.”

Jake reached for her cunt at once, but stopped as if unsure what to do.

Courtney stopped playing with him long enough to manipulate his hand into two pointed fingers with the rest curled into the palm, and gently inserted it inside her pussy as both she and Jake sighed. “Like that, baby. Hook or wiggle them up a little bit – you’ll get the hang on it, just go by my reactions – as you move your fingers in and out.”

After a couple minutes, Jake had a good rhythm established pumping his fingers in and out of Courtney’s black-haired cunt. She was moaning softly and regularly between his ministrations and her own on her clit, and he was starting to tense up from her own handjob. “I’m getting kinda close,” he admitted after a minute.

“Good,” she sighed, smiling. “Jake, I’ll give you as many handjobs as you want from now on if you do one thing for me.”

“What’s that?”

“Let your father always watch us. He should get something out of this, too. He likes to watch, you see…”

I watched my son consider this, and shrug. “Fair enough. Hasn’t bothered me this time.”

Courtney called me over. “Come watch your son cum on my pussy,” she said shakily, obviously at the height of her arousal. I got up close as she maneuvered Jake around until he was on his knees, straddling her pussy with his cockhead pointed directly at her pubic hair and slit. She milked him faster still, and her hand which had been playing with her clit now slid slowly up his thigh to the join in his legs as he began to breathe heavily.

“Do you want me to make you cum on my pussy?” Courtney asked softly. “Do you want to cum on me now, baby?” The tempo of her pumping increased as she ever so gently began to fondle my son’s balls to encourage him to shoot even more.

Jake groaned. “Courtney, I’m gonna blow… real soon,” he managed, beginning to tense up.

Courtney scooted her cunt closer to his cock until the two were nearly touching. “Shoot on me and I’ll have your dad plow your cum into me with his cock. Would you like to see that?”

Jake’s groaning intensified. “Y…yes. I’ve been listening to you two…fuck… all year. I’m… fuck, I’m cumming!”

Courtney growled, “Cum on my pussy, baby! Cum for me, Jake! I want your sperm on my cunt right now!”

Jake nearly doubled over with a huge shout, and then he sprayed Courtney’s pussy with semen in a series of heavy bursts that soaked her pubes and dribbled down her entrance. I was desperate to have her now; she read my mind.

“Baby,” she said to me, half panting and not too far off her own orgasm, “Fuck me, please.”

Courtney leaned over as she adopted doggy style on hands and knees and gave Jake another kiss, this one more forceful and urgent which he heartily returned as I lowered my pants, freed my cock and began to slide it into her wet slit slowly from behind. “Come take a look, Jake,” I said as I aligned myself. “I’m going to shove your sperm inside your stepmom.”

Jake moved to where he could see my dick push inside her. His breath caught as he watched the first few strokes until I was all the way in, fucking her slowly. The smear of his cum was thrust inside her again and again, his semen for the first time inside her vagina. “God,” he said to me, “I can’t wait to do it exactly the way you are with her.”

“Give it time,” I said as I began to fuck her in earnest.

Courtney was making small, sharp noises with each thrust I made into her, and her hips bucked and she fucked back into me at the apex of each stroke. “Jake,” she growled, her tits waving crazily from the motion of my slamming into her from behind, “Get your cock over here. Lay down with you cock facing me. Yes, just like that.” Then she nodded in direction of her phone on the nightstand by the bed. “I’ll make you another deal,” she gasped. “I’ll suck your cock as much as you want whenever you want – including now – if you’ll let me record every time we fuck. I want to be able to watch this with you, years from now. Your first blowjob from me. Your first everything. OK?”

Jake nodded and reached over to grab her phone while Courtney got her head into position over his rapidly-hardening cock. She called out to me, looking over a shoulder to make eye contact. “Watch me suck your son’s cock, if you can. I’m going to make him blow in my mouth for you, baby,” she said sweetly.

Jake activated the camera and faced it up and over at me and Courtney. “It’s on,” he said.

Courtney grinned into the camera as I kept plowing my dick into her, just about at maximum tempo as I speared her with all my length. “Jake,” said Courtney, her voice choppy from being fucked as rapidly as she was, “What would you like mommy to do today?”

Jake grinned seemingly in spite of himself. “Suck my cock… mommy?”

Courtney giggled. “Gladly, my boy. Make sure you tell mommy before you cum so I can show the camera how much you shot in my mouth before I swallow every drop of your seed.”

Her head dipped towards his now full-mast cock and she wrapped one hand around it while the other stabilized her torso, and she wasted no time in enveloping Jake with her mouth and tongue. Not in a teasing mood at the moment, I mused. Jake half-shouted at the sensation of his stepmom’s mouth wrapping around his sensitive cock and beginning to try and draw even more sperm out of him.

Jake kept the camera on her while she worked his tool, jacking and sucking him off for many minutes as I began to gradually reach my own limit. Courtney shuddered and came on my cock loudly with Jake’s cock still in her mouth as I began to feel the familiar pressure building and muscle groups tensing in preparation to deliver my load. “Courtney, baby,” I said, and Jake panned the camera up to me, “I’m gonna cum.”

She popped her head off his cock. “Jake, get around to where you can see your father shoot his load in me. I want to see both of your cum mixed together coming out of my pussy on camera.”

Jake dutifully obliged, getting back behind Courtney while I bellowed and came, shoving our mutual semen as deeply as I could over the course of another half a dozen slower thrusts before withdrawing from her cunt. After a couple seconds, my son and I watched our cum start to pulse out of his stepmom, pasting her pubic hair to the sides of her pussy. I reached forward with one hand and held his stepmom’s slit open so Jake could get a good shot of the torrent of semen leaking out before she wiggled her butt at us. “Jake, if you’re done back there I still have a blowjob to give you. Give the camera to your father and get up here!”

Jake hustled back up front where he lay down while Courtney continued to blow him. She went very fast now, jerking him with one hand rapidly while bobbing her head up and down and keeping eye contact with my son who gleefully leered back at her.
He was moaning almost continuously. “I’m gonna cum, mom,” he said. “I’m gonna shoot any second…”

Courtney moaned around his dick, humming slightly which was too much for him in the end; he shouted even louder than his first orgasm and fired into her eager mouth with abandon. Courtney’s bobbing head eventually halted as Jake gasped and writhed in pleasure while she worked her tongue all around his sensitive cockhead. She carefully let her lips slide off his deflating dick at last, and she looked up to the camera with sparkling eyes to open her mouth and reveal a tongue coated in my son’s cum, which she then swallowed. “Incest, baby, she said to the camera. “Can’t wait to fuck his brains out. This is the beginning of something beautiful.”

I shut off the recording as Courtney lay down in the middle of the bed with Jake to one side and myself on the other. The intensity of my orgasm (and apparently Courtney’s and both of Jake’s) was enormous, as we lay there in silence for some time, sweating and gasping – Courtney embracing Jake, Jake embracing Courtney, myself spooning Courtney who wriggled up against me tightly – before I began to drift off.



  1. That was an incredibly sexy and descriptive story. Can’t wait for more

  2. I remembered this one as soon as I read the first sentence. It’s still an excellent work!

  3. Holy shit, that was so freaking amazing! Your descriptive language was so intense that my mind was playing images of what I was reading! That’s some seriously powerful stuff!!! Great job and I sure aa hell hope that you continue writing more about these 3!

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