Might be one of the worst things I’ve [F] ever done. It was at a funeral so… [FM] [MF]

Sorry for not being on reddit recently. Been busy with life and family stuff. Also thanks in advance for any prayers or condolences you’re gonna offer. I appreciate all of you.

So, anyway… My aunt died a few days ago. Yesterday we had her funeral. It has been a stressful time. She wasn’t that old and was kind of a big part of our family. At the funeral, there must have been like 250+ people. She knew a lot of people, had a lot of friends and our family in itself is pretty big.

So as the funeral was getting underway and people were arriving to the church, I decided to take a minute alone. I went down this hall and was looking at artwork that was hanging up in it. Eventually I got to this bench around the corner in front of this huge picture of St. Michael the Archangel and his battle with Satan as he cast him out of Heaven.

After sitting there for a few minutes, this guy came down the other side of the hall. He sat with me for a bit. I’ve met him before. He’s the cousin of my cousins (if that makes sense). So my aunt is my mom’s sister. It’s my blood related aunt’s husband’s (my non blood related uncle by marriage) sister’s (some woman I see at random events) son. I suppose another way to say it is my aunt’s sister-in-law’s son.

The two of us talked for about 3-5 minutes before we moved closer to one another. Then he straight up asked if I wanted to make out and I literally just jumped on him. My short black dress riding up as my legs straddled him and I grinded on him. He was grabbing me all over. His hands caressing my ass, my back, my arms, my thighs, my sides, my tits, etc. I could feel his cock growing as I grinded on him.

We made out for about 5 maybe 10 minutes before we both realized: “WTF are we doing we’re at a funeral.” I got off of him, stood up, we gathered ourselves, went into the separate bathrooms to fix ourselves properly, then walked back to the funeral with the rest of the family.

After the funeral and luncheon, he texted me. I guess one of my cousins gave him my number or something because I don’t know that I ever gave it to him.

Idk what it is about funerals, but I get more worked up at them than any other events and I really shouldn’t. Am I too slutty for this?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ovqtq1/might_be_one_of_the_worst_things_ive_f_ever_done

1 comment

  1. I don’t know your emotional state right now, so I’m just going to say that parts of this comment will be talking very frankly about death, grief and loss; if you’re not in the right mental space for that, please feel free to skip this. I certainly won’t be offended.


    So, grief and loss can affect us in strange ways, and it’s not always the sad, depressive reaction shown in most media. Sometimes, people can express brief spurts of manic or impulsive behavior in response to grief (note that this is not a full-fledged manic episode as with bipolar disorder, but simply as part of a coping mechanism). That would be coping through avoidance, trying to find something good or happy to focus on; something to distract yourself from the pain and loss that you’re feeling.

    To be clear, trying to avoid the painful feelings (at least at first, or if you need an occasional break from it) is an ***entirely normal response*****.** ***Everyone does this sometimes.*** ***It is a normal, human reaction.***

    And while fooling around with a distant relative-by-marriage is perhaps not the best coping mechanism (at least in terms of your choice of partners), sex isn’t an inherently bad choice of coping mechanisms. It’s certainly better for you than escaping with alcohol or drugs.

    Additionally… people mourning and experiencing grief are quite prone to having an increased sex drive. This is [actually](https://www.mic.com/p/why-grief-makes-some-people-horny-21797923) [a](https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/yes-grief-can-absolutely-make-you-horny) [fairly](https://observer.com/2015/08/better-bed-than-dead-why-mouners-often-hook-up-at-funerals/) [well](https://www.maxim.com/maxim-man/funeral-grief-sex-2016-2) [documented](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/a30835755/stages-of-grief-horny-reasons/) [phenomenon](https://www.vice.com/en/article/8xwd5v/grief-can-make-you-horny).

    After grieving, and after dwelling — even subconsciously — on thoughts of our own mortality, trying to do something life-affirming (like having sex) is a ***completely natural response*** to that.

    So, no. You’re not too much of a slut. Not at all.

    You’re a human being, a perfectly normal one, who is grieving. And I’m so so sorry for your pain, and your loss. And I’d offer you a hug if I could.

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