I fucked a stranger at a plush hotel during my work trip putting an end to my faithful life of 1.5 years. [MF]

Going through my profile will make you understand the kind of man I have become. My wife is a wonderful woman, a great human being , a perfect mother , and a perfect family person.

She is the only woman I love , if I have achieved anything in my life it’s because of her being there for me always. The lack of sex with her has made me the man I am now. After understanding and accepting the fact that sex is important to me and being patient for many years and finally deciding to stray 5 years ago. Every women I have had sex with was someone I knew .

The kind of work I do at times can be extremely confidential and work like these are not something you can do from home . I work in corporate finance in general. The project required me to be physically present in an other state. Since I had to travel to Delhi an other state in India I was asked to come 8 days before the meetings would happen as I had to be in quarantine for a week .

While I was waiting at the lobby for the room service to finish as I had completed my quarantine. I saw her there dressed in a elegant black outfit , both of us looked at each other for a second . Then at the hotel restaurant she sat in the opposite table facing me and again we looked at each other while having food.

She came to me after she had finished her food and sat next to me and spoke to me and asked me how am I and the casual talk to break the ice between us. She then said me her room no. The first thing I could think of was she was a high profile prostitute or a whore considering the place I was in. But it looked like she was there for work reasons as I had seen her using her laptop while she was eating.

Although I was nervous I decided to go to her room as I am a shameless man now. Her room was in the same floor I was in. We started talking for sometime she said me she was here for work reasons and personal reasons as well and then just in a few minutes she asked me if I had a condom and since this was unexpected I did not carry one.

Just like how wolves hunt for food , I was looking for the nearby pharmacies from my phone and I found 2 of them very near me but one of them was closed and the other one did not exist anymore with so much anger I kept looking around and had managed to find one and brought what I wanted, the person inside the pharmacy seeing my happiness just through my eyes asked me smiling do I need lube and I decided to buy that too so I don’t have to visit later on for any reason.

The only thing she had told me was I should not ask her any personal questions and this is just a one time thing and truth be told it was calming for me as I also did not want to reveal myself. As both of us started to slowly take our clothes out she said me she cant and asked me to leave . I was surprised as she was the one that called me.

I definitely understood she wasn’t a prostitute. I left her room with anger as she had just made me run around the whole time. Later after a few hours she knocked my room and asked me can she come in and although I wanted to say her get out I said her to come in.
She said sorry and said me she was a bit afraid although she had the courage to ask me but when things got real ,it made her a bit terrified and she told me she is ready now.

I knew I wanted her as I was extremely horny and it’s been almost 1.5 years since I have had sex outside marriage and I was starving for sex. I let her be calm first and convinced her I would not do anything to her against her will . She asked me how old was I and when I said her I am 45 she was surprised I was that old , she thought I was similar to her age and that’s when she told me she is 33.

In just a few mins we were kissing slowly and as she got comfortable , I placed my hands on her breasts And in no time we were fucking. We had real good sex for almost an hr with few break’s and talk’s .
I had let her know not to be afraid of me and she was still gasping satisfied with the sex . My wife had called me just after we finished the sex asking how I was as she knew I was tensed about the project the whole time as this was something that came up so quickly .

As I was speaking to my wife , I look at this woman whom I didn’t even know lying in the bed completely naked with my cum on her face and chest.
As I continued speaking I look in the mirror trembling in shame of how desperate I was for sex that I had let it happen with a woman who was a complete stranger to me.

The next 2days I kept thinking about her while I was immersed in work and I could not see her anywhere and since it was a one time thing I did not know if she was there or she had left the hotel. Just after I had finished my food . I saw her and by that time 2 nights had passed by . She came and sat with me and told she will be leaving in 2 hrs and although she did not explicitly say she wanted to do it again she gave me some hints so I asked her if she wanted to and quickly after her finishing her food , We wait for the lift impatient that it’s taking forever and awkwardly smile at each other .

As I entered the room I pinned her towards the wall as I knew this would be me my last sex for a long time to come with covid new wave and variants emerging and the chances of another possible nation wide lockdown happening is high , she almost ripped my shirt off and we had extremely rough sex thankful to the pharmacy guy who asked me for lube it helped as she let me fuck her in the ass just after I helped her with the packing since there was again 30 mins left for her to leave .

I haven’t had anal sex in a very long time ,all I could see was she was quivering in pain with a towel in her mouth so others would not hear the loud moans. After all this when both of us were calm, she opened up to me although not revealing anything much. She said me she was in a toxic marriage and decided to leave him and she haven’t had sex in many years.

She said me the fact she was craving for sex and was in an other state with not much people knowing her there , she had thought about hookup and decided to ask me when she knew I was alone.
Her taxi had arrived in a few mins and I would probably never see her again . I said her to take care and be happy where ever she is .She looked at me for the last time making me feel she wanted me more . Now I am back in home thinking who she really was.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ovmurv/i_fucked_a_stranger_at_a_plush_hotel_during_my

1 comment

  1. You may have let your true love get away. Your wife isn’t your true love obviously ?

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