Step Sister Corruption Part 149 – Day 77 Summer Gives Sabrina the Rules (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I walked into Kel‘s room to find Summer’s ass up in the air with her shoving a dildo up her ass.

I instantly spoke, “What the fuck?”

Summer jumped and twisted her body in mid air and landing on the dildo before jumping once again yelling “OWWWW!!!” And landing on her side quickly holding her ass.

I looked at Summer in disbelief.

Was all **my** girl’s wanting to having their brown eye penetrated?

I mean sure I mistook Kel **AND** Summer’s butt plug additions as a clear indicator that they were ready for anal domination but after watching what it did to Kel I wasn’t ready for a repeat performance.

Summer twisted and turned on her side holding her ass mildly cursing for a few moments as I tried to refrain from laughing.

After a moment Summer got over the pain as she looked at me with daggers in her focus as she spoke semi loudly, “Jesus Christ Gabe you could have knocked!”

I leaned against the door frame smiling at Summer, “In my own place?”

Summer looked at me and stammered, “Yeah ok but still.”

I smiled at her, “Anyways we need you upstairs with Sabrina.”

Summer looked at me confused, “Why?”

I sighed, “Because Kel dropped a bombshell and we need to hear your confirmation for Sabrina’s purposes.”

Summer looked at me skeptical, “Okkkkk…..”

Summer reached down to grab the dildo still lodged in her ass but I spoke, “No no.”

Summer looked at me confused but I spoke, “Keep it in.”

I walked up to the bed and found the toys that Summer had brought out for her obvious anal training. I picked up one of the toys that looked like it hasn’t been used yet. I handed it to Summer, “Here.”

Summer looked at the toy before looking up at me. I smiled, “Seeing how you want me to do anal on you I want you double stuffed.”

Summer shook her head, “No.”

She removed the toy and got up lightly rubbing her rear. She looked at me and poked me in the chest, “Don’t get any ideas on fucking my ass until I’m ready mister.”

I laughed holding up my hands, “Fine with me.”

Summer smiled at me, “Good. Now let’s go talk to Sabrina.”

As she walked away I heard her grumbled, “Fuck that hurt,” as she rubbed her butt cheeks as she walked.

I followed closely until we got upstairs.

Once in the room Sabrina and Kel were exactly where I left them…though Sabrina seemed more relaxed now and was actually laughing with Kel.

What the hell?

I had only been gone for a couple minutes tops. How in the hell did Kel get Sabrina to relax and laugh?

The moment we walked in Kel immediately looked at Summer and smiled, “Oh I know that walk.”

Summer instantly got defensive, “What walk is that?”

Kel smiled, “The ‘My Asshole Is Destroyed’ walk. Have we been doing something?”

I couldn’t help myself as I started laughing as both Kel and I got ‘the look’ from Summer that told us both volumes before Summer eventually cracked and started laughing right with us.

Once our laughter was over Summer spoke, “Ok what is going on here? Gabe was telling me you dropped a bomb Kelly?”

I spoke, “Yeah….”

And I filled her in what had happened with Sabrina wanted to be free, her comparing herself to Kel, me getting tired of her shit when she continued to fight me tooth and nail. Summer smiled at me when I told her that.

I continued as Sabrina finally admitting in her own words, after Kel lightly threatened her, to use the words whore and slut in her admission. Us trying to figure out the best path forward for her. Her not wanting to join our circle because she’s afraid she’ll get attached and won’t be willing to share like we have.

Then I told her Kel’s huge bomb.

Summer looked at Kel shocked, “You fucking admitted it?”

Kel looked at her and nodded.

Summer looked at me, “And?”

I looked at her, “And what?”

Summer looked at me like I’m dumb, “And how do you feel ass?”

I blinked, “You mean like me admitting that I love her and won’t leave her?”

Summer nodded.

I looked at her with my eyebrow raised, “You want me to admit the same thing?”

Summer growled at me.

I walked up to her with a smile and wrapped my arms around her. I grabbed her chin and lifted her face so she was looking in my eyes, “Because I love you too and if you’ll have me I’ll never leave you as well. You and Kel are my friends, my lovers, my everything.”

Summer teared up and lightly murmured, “You mean that?”

I leaned down and placed my lips on her’s. I could feel her melt into my arms as I lifted her and naturally she wrapped her legs around me so she could embrace my kiss better.

After a few moments we heard someone clear their throat and we broke our kiss. We looked towards the source which turned out to be Kel.

Kel simply moved her eyes towards our watcher….Sabrina.

We looked over at Sabrina who stood there dumbfounded at our display before she shook her head at us, “I don’t know if I should be jealous or amazed at what I just witnessed.”

Summer spoke, “Go with jealous it’s easier to deal with.”

Kel quickly added, “Because I think she is.”

Sabrina turned beat red, “Ok I am jealous. Still I’m amazed.”

I looked at her, “How so?”

Sabrina stammered, “B-because I just watched you tell two different girl’s that **you** love them and will never leave them **IN** front of the OTHER girl *AND* they’re both happy *AND* both are still willing to share **you** with each other. **I’VE** never seen that.”

Both Summer and Kel chuckled before Summer spoke, “What can I say we have a special bond.”

Kel added, “And a strong foundation.”

I smiled at Summer, “Strong enough for me to put it in your butt?”

She smiled at me, “Later mister,” she rubbed her ass, “I still need to train myself.”

Kel barked, “I think I still need to train my ass.”

Summer looked at her, “Bitch Please you already took his cock in your ass.”

Kel looked at Summer defiantly, “And he nearly tore me in two. Hence why I need training.”

Summer smiled, “I’m sure we can work something out.”

Kel smiled and nodded.

Sabrina actually smiled and chuckled as my two loves bickered like they normally do.

Summer turned her attention to Sabrina, “And now what should we do with you?”

Sabrina looked at her, “I don’t know what you mean?”

Summer smiled, “Well are **you** wanting to be part of *our* special circle, aren’t you?”

Sabrina seemed dubitable as she thought about her situation and what she should do. She finally answered, “You still want me after everything I’ve said and done?”

Summer looked at her with her fake mask I was beginning to see before she looked at me, “Do you want her Gabe?”

I looked from her to Sabrina judging her before I looked at her with a smile, “As long as she agrees to your terms.” I turned my attention to Sabrina, “But I think you’ll need to do some things before we can agree to being added.”

Sabrina gulped, “Like what?”

Summer quickly spoke, “First you have to agree to our terms.”

Sabrina thought about it before she nodded, “Ok. What are your terms?”

Summer unwrapped her legs around me and dropped to the ground before she walked up to Sabrina to face her.

Summer stopped and spoke, “First know that Gabe is mine.”

Kel cleared her throat.

Summer corrected herself, “Kelly and mine,” she looked at Kel before she returned her attention to Sabrina, “Meaning he will always return to our beds.”

Sabrina blinked but nodded, “Ok.”

Summer continued, “Two until you can be trusted either myself or Kelly will be around for all activities. We’ve had a couple incidents and want to make sure everyone involved is safe.”

I smiled as she was referring to my incident with Dr. Braxter and Brynn…..then Brynn again. Seems like the only ones who can’t be trusted was Brynn and Dr. Braxter. The rest of the girl’s have been pretty much loyal but they have been around Summer and/or Kel for *our* sessions.

Sabrina looked at Summer, “Has something happened?”

Summer smiled, “Just a couple of girl’s who couldn’t be trusted best to not mention them.”

Sabrina nodded.

Summer went on, “And three for any reason you think any of this puts you off or no longer feel like you can agree to the main thing that Gabe is being shared to you and start having feelings of jealousy or wanting to keep him to yourself please come to myself or Kelly.”

Sabrina thought about it, “Ok that makes sense but what if I want him to be with me and me only?”

Summer smiled, “He won’t but if you feel you want him to yourself you will be removed from the circle until you either get over your feelings or we feel you can be trusted.”

Sabrina sighed but thought about everything, “Wait what if I become pregnant?”

Summer smiled, “And That’s the last item, thank you for reminding me, you **will** have either an IUD or an O Plug installed along with having a daily pussy ball inside you before any activity can be started.”

Sabrina spoke, “But what if I want to get pregnant?”

Summer shrugged, “Find someone else to knock you up. It won’t be Gabe.”

Sabrina looked at Summer, “Come on You’re telling me that you haven’t made up a rule for an accidental *oops* and during one of your romps Gabe accidentally knocks up one of the girl’s in your *circle*?”

Summer smiled, “Between the IUD and the ball there shouldn’t be any ‘*oops*’ moments.”

Sabrina sighed, “Fine. I’ll go get an IUD tomorrow.”

Kel spoke, “You will get an O Plug.”

Sabrina blinked, “Why would I do that?”

Summer and Kel, like Karinna, gave Sabrina the cliff notes of the ‘plug’ mainly focusing on the money that could be earned and leaving out the down time.

The moment Sabrina heard ‘earn money’ I pretty much saw in her eyes that she was on board.

Looks like Sabrina didn’t pay attention in class when Dr Braxter went over the plug in her lecture…. honestly nor did I. And why not Dr Braxter did a broad brush stroke of the different contraception types not really focusing too long on each one beyond the basic pros and cons.

Granted if there was a way where a guy could earn as much as a girl for our sperm I would do it too. But unfortunate society, and Muschi, doesn’t put a high value on our sperm compared to their egg’s. Probably because it doesn’t take much sperm to fertilize an egg and it’s not like girl’s drop a metric fuck ton of eggs compared to a guy releasing a metric fuck ton of sperm when they cum.

I dared not think if Muschi, or any company for that matter, found a way for girl’s to produce a metric fuck ton of egg’s then our society would boom so much we as a human race would over run our planet.

I shook my head as my thinking was getting me distracted as Summer spoke. I looked at her, “Huh?”

Summer looked at me with a smile, “Go somewhere did we?”

I looked at her and shrugged, “No more than I usually do.”

Summer just smiled at me, “I asked if you were willing to purchase Sabrina some things to complete her tasks?”

I looked at Summer a little confused as to why **I** had to supply money for Sabrina.

Summer sighed, “You really didn’t hear a thing did you?”

I slowly shook my head, “Sorry.”

Kel spoke diverting the ire of Summer for my unwillingness to actually listen, what I’m a guy……a guy who can easily get distracted.  “Sarbina agreed to Summer’s *LOOSEN THE FUCK UP* instructions.”

I looked at Kel a little shocked before I looked at Summer, “Loosen the fuck up?”

Summer smiled and nodded.

I looked at Sabrina, “And you agreed?”

Sabrina grumbled red faced as she looked down, “I guess.  Not really a fan of the name.”

I nearly laughed my ass off.  Obviously while I blanked out Summer and Sabrina went over some *terms* before she could join our little *fun circle*.

I blinked and looked at Summer, “Wait why do I have to pay?”

Summer sighed, “Because my money is already spoken for.  Besides, I can’t finance every girl that joins **YOUR** love circle.”

I pointed at her, “Hey it’s not **MY** circle it’s **OUR** circle.”

Summer looked at me, “Ok.  But I still think it’s **YOUR** turn to supply Sabrina’s items.”

Kel spoke, “I supplied the last time.”


I sighed, “What am I getting?  And what is it going to cost me?”

Summer smiled, “Only $400.”


My voice nearly cracked as I spoke loudly, “FOUR HUNDRED FUCKING DOLLARS???”

Summer nodded.

I looked from Summer to Sabrina who actually flinched at my expletives.

Sabrina quickly spoke, “I can pay you back once I have the money.”

Summer smiled, “If you join the circle and remain a good girl, call the toys an investment in you to help you grow.”

I opened my mouth but Summer looked at me making me close my mouth and sighed.

Summer grabbed Sabrina and walked her to *MY* computer chair and turned on *my* computer.  The two girls *SHOPPED* for Sabrina’s new items before I reluctantly handed over my debit card for Sabrina’s *rehabilitation*.

Within a blink of an eye I was $437.14 poorer….fucking tax got me……and shipping.

At least, because of how much was being spent, the entire order will be shipped free so at least that’s something.

Oh well.

With the purchase complete Sabrina looked at Summer, “So when can I join?”

Summer laughed and spoke the words that made Sabrina happiness plummet…..



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