A Sorcerer’s new pet – Chapter 9 – Cornered – [M+F+] [NC] [Humil] [Magic] [Fantasy] [Edging]

[Chapter 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ogs3ss/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_1_rescued_mf_nc_humil/)

[Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oh67sk/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_2_trained_ff_nc_humil/)

[Chapter 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ohojx2/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_3_tormented_mf_nc/)

[Chapter 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oinxmh/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_4_conditioned_mf_nc/)

[Chapter 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ojttrw/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_5_tempted_mf_nc_humil/)

[Chapter 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oli6df/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_6_mocked_mf_nc_humil/)

[Chapter 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/opjrh2/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_7_unleashed_mf_nc/)

[Chapter 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/orflao/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_8_cowered_mf_nc_humil/)

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Ice-cold dread gnawed at the pit of Lily’s stomach. Her worst nightmare was about to descend on her again. Breaching all etiquette, she implored Master with her eyes but could see only coldness reflected in his.

He was disappointed, and it was all that cursed slut’s fault.

Lily had done her best, but the bitch had not only interrupted Master – something she had just learned rifling through her recent memories – but had also refused to follow his orders in front of his associates.

She had redeemed herself in the end, but it had been too little, too late. Master was furious with Lily, and she couldn’t blame him.

The Remnant made sure her loathing for the cunt flowed through their connection. She would make the slut pay dearly later. First, though, she needed to survive the evening.

When the portal opened, moments later, she was already on the floor. Lord Elzor wanted his slaves to act like the worms they were. Lily was Master’s property, but the Devil who was about to appear was a member of the Cabal, and she had to afford him the same level of devotion unless instructed otherwise.

His massive, gnarled horns were the first thing to pass through the portal, almost scraping the tall ceiling of the country house. The monstrous body of Lord Elzor followed soon after.

He was twelve feet tall, with leathery, crimson skin and an enormous pair of black wings on his back. Sharp obsidian protrusions were spread almost randomly around his body. Devils grew those to maim whoever was stupid enough to face them in close quarters, including other devils.

His face was deformed and terrifying, with huge obsidian fangs sticking out of his mouth. The wooden floor creaking under his weight caught on fire with every step, extinguished a second later thanks to a silent spell from Master.

Lily could hear the needy slut whimper but was too preoccupied with keeping her bladder in check. Unfortunately, the bodies Master created were indistinguishable from the real deal. Another indication of his mastery of Soul Magic.

“Welcome, Elzor. I apologize for the mess, but our intruder here made quite the entrance.”

Lily could not see the warrior, but the pungent odor wafting from her direction was proof enough she was suitably terrified. Rei had no idea how much worse it would get, Lily thought with a smidgen of satisfaction.

“You’re fine. I don’t give a shit. How is this whore still alive? I thought Seymour had snuffed her.”

Lily could feel Elzor’s gaze upon her. Her muscles clenched, and she did her best to press herself to the floor as much as possible.

“She’s a fake. That’s just her Remnant.”

“Asmodeus’ Balls, that’s a fake? I’d rent a pair of those if you had mana to burn. Gotta survive the next hit for that, though. What’s your best guess, soul-fucker?”

Lord Elzor was the only member of the Cabal who could be so casual with Master. Lily had overheard Mistress Diana once, saying they were the two strongest Sorcerers in the group. Lord Elzor was an Archdevil, only one step below the Seven Sins, while the extent of Master’s power was unknown.

“We’ll pull through, somehow. It’s a shame you cannot join us, but Asmodeus wants no Devils wrapped up in this.”

“Yeah, I’m not happy about this shit either, but what can you do. Can’t go stomping on the Boss’s hooves.”

Master sent a mental jolt to Lily, and she quickly left the room on all fours before standing up. She fetched the most precious spirit they had, one she couldn’t even name. Master had told her before that the obsidian bottle was reserved only for the most esteemed guests, and the Archdevil fell squarely in that category.

With trembling hands, she poured the dark, green liquid in cups big and hard enough for Lord Elzor to handle. She still remembered how sharp his claws were, and knew that if even a drop of liquid got wasted because of her carelessness, there would be Hells to pay.

“That your new bitch? Do you want me to break her in as well?”

Lily could feel Ivy’s abject horror coursing through her soul. The whore was still serving as Master’s footrest. Lily would give everything to be in her place right now.

“We’ll see. It all depends on how well she behaves going forward. Ah! Here are the drinks.”

Lily had crawled to Lord Elzor’s feet, carrying the tray on her arched back. It was no easy feat, and she had cheated a bit with a balancing spell. She had to follow Infernal Etiquette, and no slave there could stand on their feet. Devils stood on two legs, and no member of the Enlightened Races could emulate the Devils who ruled the scorched hellscape.

“Bring that drink to your Master, then come here. My cock misses your pretty tears.”

Lord Elzor pulled Lily by the hair, almost ripping them off. She struggled to keep the drink from falling until he let her go. Her body was shaking.

“T-this cunt is unworthy.”

Lily crawled to Master, bringing him his drink, before returning to Lord Elzor’s seat.

“This pathetic slut implores you to let her worship you, Lord Elzor.”

With her head pressed to the floor, she recited the formal address in Infernal. The language was extremely taxing on human vocal cords, to the point that teaching it could be considered a form of torture. Master had made sure she could speak it fluently.

“Shut it, whore. Your Masters are talking.”

Lily scuttled between Lord Elzors enormous legs, avoiding his deadly hooves. His cock was monstrous, gnarled, and scorching hot, which made servicing him a torment. No human woman could take it without being rent apart. Lily knew this well.

At least her body was made of mana this time. After taking a deep breath, the Remnant clenched her fists and got to work.


Ivy was having a terrible nightmare. She was sure of it. There was no way a Godsforsaken Devil had just appeared in the room. Who was her Master? This Devil was treating him like a friend, and they seemed to be working together. Ivy knew Rei was about to be taken by the horrifying creature, but the mage could only quiver in despair.

Master had sealed her powers again, making her little more than a simple mortal. No matter how hard she thought about it, there was nothing she could do to help Rei. The Devil looked in her direction, grinning and making her whimper. A small part of her was glad that Master had decided to gift Rei to him rather than herself.

What a fucking disgrace she was.

The simple act of sucking him off looked so painful that she couldn’t help but cringe when glancing at Lily. She was grateful to Master when he motioned for her to service him as well because it gave her an excuse to look away. Her tail had even stopped wagging, for there was no room for arousal when dealing with a Devil.

The two spent the better part of an hour discussing while she worshipped Master’s cock in silence. She could not understand a word because they had switched to speaking a guttural language that must have been Infernal.

At the end of their meeting, Elzor backhanded Lily with enough strength to kill a horse, sending her crashing into the wall. The Remnant took it in silence, her body reinforced by Master’s mana. Despite her body being intact, Ivy could feel Lily writhing in searing pain through their connection.

Before Lord Elzor left, Master came into Ivy’s mouth, making her tail spring into action again. Before she could swallow, he stopped her by pulling on her hair.

“Well then, Ivy. It’s time to prove where your loyalties lie. If you’d rather stay here with me, I want you to swallow the cum in your mouth, knowing that you are condemning your friend here to The Hells. She will be serving under Elzor, who I can assure you is a far crueler Master than me.”

Her Master emptied his glass before continuing.

“Or, you can spit it out and take her place. You will serve under Elzor, and I will take your friend as my new pet. You have ten seconds.”

Ivy’s blood drained from her face, and she looked at Rei, who was still lying on the floor. Her friend was kicking and screaming, despite being tied and muffled. Ivy’s heart threatened to burst through her chest. The weight of the choice she had to make clawing at her throat.

Ivy loved Rei. She had been a great friend and a faithful companion for the past year. She could never forgive herself if she condemned her to literal damnation. Everything had been her fault for accepting a spiked drink like an idiot, what seemed like an eternity ago.

Rei would never be in this position if not for the fact that she had come looking for her. To Ivy, this was proof of how loyal the warrior had been in her darkest moment. Ivy could never repay what she had done for her.

And yet, she knew exactly what answer she would give.

Without hesitation, she swallowed her Master’s cum, well before the ten seconds had elapsed. She couldn’t risk ending up in The Hells because she had gone over the time limit. The hideous Devil cackled at her blatant betrayal.

“Damn, bitch. You really shoved your friend to The Hells without even blinking. I like you!”

Before she could even cower, Master rewarded her with a massive orgasm that sent her reeling on the floor. Tears of joy and relief warred with the gnawing feeling of self-loathing and revulsion bubbling in her stomach.

The last thing Rei could see, as her horrifying new Master picked her up, was her friend squirting on the floor.


“Eat up, don’t waste a single drop.”

True to her word, Lily had made sure that Ivy’s diet consisted of nothing but cum for the foreseeable future. Ivy didn’t know how she managed to make it nutritious enough to sustain her. Or even where it came from. She guessed the Remnant was using a Transmutation spell to turn real food into a cum-like substance. Even the taste was identical to that of Master’s seed.

After Lord Elzor had left, Master had taken them to a different safe house through a series of Teleportation Circle spells. Master Jade had supposedly made sure the new mansion was not traceable back to them. Her recollection was fuzzy, the events of that day leaving her too traumatized to pay any serious attention to her surroundings.

Master had then left, his destination unknown to her. Lily was now in charge and was making her pay for her mistakes. Ivy was exhausted and tired but accepted the Remnant’s abuse without ever complaining. Day after day.

As she had been doing for the past week, Ivy knelt in front of the bowl. In hushed tones, she recited a quick prayer to Master before eating her meal.

“This fuckpet is grateful for the food her Master grants her.”

As she lapped up the sticky liquid, Lily pushed her deeper into the bowl by planting a foot on her head. The mage could do nothing but hold her breath as her face got caked in cum. She would have to clean it off with her fingers later and lick it all up. Pets were not allowed to use tools.

Her Mistress had ramped up her training considerably since her first walk. Something Ivy had thought impossible at first. The Remnant had resorted to healing her sore muscles regularly to make her endure her crawling and etiquette lessons without collapsing. When that wasn’t enough, the heavy doses of aphrodisiac kept Ivy motivated to keep going, chasing a climax that never came regardless of her efforts.

Despite everything, Ivy was grateful for the constant torture.

The first reason for this was that she had begun to realize the mountain of minutiae her Master demanded from his pets. After the meeting with Lord Elzor, Master had rewarded Lily for her quick thinking by granting her a body for a whole month. For this reason, Ivy could experience the insane standard The Remnant had set for serving Master’s needs.

True, Lily had five years of experience on her, but Ivy doubted that a lifetime would be enough to match her effortless grace and impeccable behavior.

It was like the Remnant treated serving as her religion and Master as its God. She could anticipate his moods, needs, and demands as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Ivy realized she had to do the same if she wanted to keep the number of punishments to a minimum. For now, Master had been pretty lenient with her, but the more she learned, the more demanding he would become.

The second reason she was grateful was that she didn’t have any time to ponder, not even in her dreams. She would welcome the thousand different degrading acts Lily forced her to perform at night. She had begun looking forward to going to sleep so that she could give herself up to Master without rest.

She would do anything to stop thinking about Rei.

Ivy was sure that if she stopped for even a minute, she would break down and start obsessing over her friend’s fate. The ease with which she had sacrificed her companion made her feel rotten to the core. The Remnant had quickly picked up on this fact and would often make Ivy beg her to push her harder.

“This cunt implores Mistress to teach her some more. She doesn’t deserve your time but wants to serve Master to the best of her meager ability.”

Ivy prostrated herself on the floor at Lily’s feet. The beautiful Remnant’s eyes held nothing but contempt for the mage. Ivy could feel how unworthy of their Master Lily judged her to be.

“Utterly useless, but at least your attitude has improved somewhat. Balance training. Get on the dildo and fuck it for an hour. You can lick the cum off your face while you’re on it.”

“Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.”

Ivy dragged herself to the other side of the room, where a replica of Master’s cock was attached to the floor. She sat on it, balancing herself on the tips of her feet. She could not touch the floor with her hands – it was balance training after all – and her thighs had to be wide apart.

Ivy began moving up and down, straining her already sore quadriceps. She focused only on keeping her balance, distracting herself from the dark thoughts swelling in her mind. The feeling of Master’s cock, even if just a replica, was comforting to her. An island of pleasure in an ocean of despair.

She could not cum. Lily was adamant she needed to learn the value of sacrifice. After what had happened, Ivy couldn’t help but agree. She was selfish, disgustingly so, and was not worthy of receiving pleasure.

“Are you stupid? I told you to clean your face, not to doze off.”

“This cunt is sorry, Mistress.”

Ivy cursed herself for forgetting such a simple instruction and began scraping the cum from her face with her fingers before licking them clean. Her muscles were burning like crazy as she kept bouncing on Master’s dildo. Ivy had to give it her all to maintain her balance. However, no matter how badly she suffered, she would not stop.

This pain was nothing. She deserved far, far worse.


Selene Bay is a remote beach, well hidden in the Jungle of Lua at the south-eastern end of the Summer Kingdom. Here, the followers of Luna, have built a Shrine to honor Her.

Luna was, or more accurately is the Goddess of The Moon. Her fields of influence include tides, romance, mystery, and, according to some unorthodox canons, secrets. Luckily, despite ruling over many domains, her power is quite limited.

As a Soul Mage, I know this is due to a phenomenon called “Theological Gestalt”: the sum of contrasting beliefs. Many cultures on both continents worship the Moon, so She is powerful. But different meanings are attached to it. For this reason, Luna does not have a well-defined domain. This exact reason makes her a very versatile Goddess, but not a powerful one.

Her control over the domain of secrecy has probably allowed her to escape Asmodeus’ notice until now. The adjustments I made to Milo’s and Tamara’s original Soul Brands – Gods have been placing them on their champions for millennia – were the only reason we realized she was hiding encrypted information at the soul level. It took me a lot of effort to undo the seals the Goddess had placed on the Holy Priestess, but it had paid off immensely.

Asmodeus was very pleased with our Cabal, and now he was seriously considering us for the position of new Gods. This would make us his direct subordinates, something that doesn’t bother me. Every creature on this planet is already His, even if most of them don’t know it. However, becoming Gods will grant us eternal exemption from The Hells, which has been my objective for almost two centuries.

For this reason, Diana, Jade, and I are infiltrating the Shrine tonight, under the watchful gaze of the Moon. A Goddess is not someone we can truly beat, but that is not our plan. We only need to kidnap her and bring her to The Hells. This way Asmodeus can have His fun with her, and we can get our reward.

The Goddess is planning a blitz to rescue Lyra from The Hells. But she doesn’t suspect the Forsaken One knows all about it. That plan won’t work anymore, but instead of capturing Her Himself when She attacks The Hells, Asmodeus wants us to prove our mettle.

I spare a thought for my sweet Ivy before lifting a dark hood over my head. Lily should not have any more trouble training her after I took care of her annoying friend.

I share a look with my companions, who are all wearing tense expressions. They still need to learn how to have fun with this type of situation. We exit the jungle and start walking towards the entrance of the Shrine. Everything we have built is on the line tonight, and they are feeling nervous and on edge.

The most anxious of them is Tamara, on whose shoulders rides the whole plan. She is fully garbed in her Holy Priestess clothes and is trembling while stealing glances at me.

I take a breath of fresh air and feel alive for the first time in ages. It’s been a while since I got to let loose.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/otvvvx/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_9_cornered_mf_nc

1 comment

  1. You strike a balance of sexuality and world building. Well done Raiden.

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