UPDATE: I Made the MAGA Girl Cum 4 Times On My Rigged Erection (Pt 2) [MF]

After sharing with you all my first PoDeg experience, I was blown away by the level of interest in this new type of degradation kink. Admittedly it’s very new…as in I invented it last week. But from the notes I received, I think it has potential to hit the top 5 genres on pornhub by the next election cycle. If you haven’t had the chance, [check out part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/omu2vn/i_colluded_inside_a_maga_girl_3_times_last_night/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb)

As is customary, I’ll pause here to once again describe my penis. It’s approximately 25 cubic inches while erect. Slightly two-toned in color. For reference, Spun Sugar and Inviting Ivory are its two closest matches according to Sherwin Williams samples.

Anyhow…after that long first night of bipartisan boning with my new EWB (enemy with benefits), we didn’t talk for several days. I was busy with work, and to be honest, I still wasn’t sure if I wanted this intimate insurrection to continue. Plus, I assumed she was busy as well…probably off somewhere “doing her own research.” So I had almost forgotten about our tryst when I saw the text.

“Hey snowflake ❄️😘🍆”

I didn’t respond for a few minutes. Then a second message came in.

“Oh ok… did I get canceled or something?”

“My apologies,” I replied. “I actually texted you several times. That damn 5G tower must’ve been so busy spreading cancer that it forgot to deliver it.”

She knew my weakness and cut to the chase. The flood of nudes followed, ending with one of her bent over her bed, panties around her ankles.

I rationalized to myself that I would do this just one more time, grabbed my keys, and said a prayer of forgiveness to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

I told Kellyanne that I would be over in 30 minutes. Wait—is her name Kellyanne? Shit I forgot. She seems like a Kellyanne. Yea let’s go with that. Kellyanne.

I sent her a link to the sweatiest Alex Jones video I could find on YouTube and told her that she better be watching it and touching herself until I arrived.

As I approached her door, I heard the unmistakable cries of female pleasure mixed with an alpha male grunting loudly about chemicals turning frogs gay. The voice from her laptop reached his apparent conspiratorial climax just just as she found hers, both of their screams seeping through the door frame. Then I heard his gentle pillow talk bringing her down to earth as he described the importance of purchasing copious amounts of his colloidal silver.

I pushed the door open and was immediately reminded why I’d responded to her text. The sight of her leaning back against the headboard, knees slightly bent, panties stretched between her ankles, one hand sliding along her lips…god it was hypnotic.

“Since you two are finished, I’ll step in now,” I teased.

Of course, I was wearing a mask just to piss her off. She mumbled something about Fauci and Bill Gates while still mindlessly thumbing her clit.

“Trust me, there’s nothing micro or soft about what’s coming your way, princess.”

Her eyes rolled as her legs and the smirk on her face both spread wider. I walked to the side of the bed, never breaking eye contact. As I reached her side, I hooked the strap of her bra, starting to slide it off.

“Is it getting hot in here or is it just an environmental hoax perpetrated by the Chinese?” I asked as her bra slowly dropped to the bed. Her only response was to turn around, rest her arms and head against the headboard and stick her ass up. She gave me that coy look over her shoulder that said everything I needed to hear.

“I’m going to repeal but definitely not replace these panties. I’m assuming you won’t mind that,” I said as I pulled them off her ankles, climbed myself onto the bed and inched closer, trying to decide where my tongue would land first. What caught my attention was how tight her sweet little asshole looked. I’m telling you, that thing was more tightly puckered than prime time Tucker Carlson’s confused mouth expression.
I teasingly licked it and told her that if she behaved, I’d be sure to properly fuck her Tucker pucker. She moaned approval. It occurred to me that I might have just used the first ever PoDeg triple alliteration, and my cock swelled.

I pulled away and asked if she’d mind if we used protection. She gave me an affirmative moan of desperation, to which I responded by handing her a mask.

“Then put this on, please.”

“Fuck you,” she moaned as she obediently slipped the mask on. My tongue returned to her Tucker, eventually bringing her to a brow furrowing orgasm.

We invented several new positions that night. The Bad Hombre. The Lock Her Up. And, thanks to her recent months of mental gymnastics and occasional yoga, I was able to fold her in half as we contorted ourselves into the very challenging, Hunter Biden’s Laptop.

After a couple hours, I was exhausted and ready to cum. I spotted a pair of boots sitting by the closet and tossed them onto the bed.

“Put these on now,” I growled.

“Yes, daddy.”

Then she sat there staring at me with pleading eyes, waiting for me to make the next move, as I stood beside the bed.
“What are you waiting for,” I prodded. “A handout or subsidy or some shit?”

“Pull your tight little self up by those bootstraps and put your lips on my cock.”

“Yes, daddy.”

And damn did she get to work. When she started pleading for my cum, I told her she would only have it when she begged me for my economics.


“Economics, princess. You want it to slowly trickle down your body, right.”

“Yes daddy. Cover my face in your economics. I need it to trickle down. Start it up here at my forehead so I can watch it trickle down my tight little body, where it will most definitely make its way all the way down to my toes, having fairly distributed itself across my body. I need that cu—-I mean economics so bad, daddy. Please”

And with that, I lost control. Three more pumps from those sweet lips and I pulled out and absolutely coated her face. As expected, the creamy gobs did very little trickling, remained largely concentrated on her face, and she greedily gobbled it all up like the capitalistic cum slut she is.

We parted ways a few minutes later, both having sold our souls to the devil for a few hours of pleasure. And was it worth it? Probably.

So I encourage you to find that special someone with too many repulsive bumper stickers, strike up a conversation, and get to some down and dirty PoDeggin’. Let’s set aside our differences and fill the gaps between us…with a sturdy 25 cubic inches.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/otejiq/update_i_made_the_maga_girl_cum_4_times_on_my


  1. >Spun Sugar and Inviting Ivory are its two closest matches according to Sherwin Williams samples.

    LMFAO @ the thought of you taking the time to go through the entire Sherwin Williams sample catalog, carefully comparing each individual color next to your dong until you found the closest matches!

  2. 25 cubic inches?

    You can piss Kellyanne off even more if you start giving that measurement out in metric instead.

    The next time I’m licking a woman’s asshole I’m going to curse you for making me think that I’m “tonguing her Tucker Pucker.”

    This was really creative and funny. Loved it. :)

  3. This is great. Hope to see the other permutations of PoDeg played out. I think I may have actually seen a reverse situation where a LGBT feminist vegan submits to a MAGA oaf. But it.would be fun a hear about a female maga top or female Resistance top degrade a male EWB counterpart. And same-sex or gender combos–the possibilities are endless 😂

  4. When you said the “sweatiest Alex Jones video” I stopped reading and said to myself I hope it’s the “frogs turning gay episode” and I read the next paragraph and died 💀 laughing

  5. Handed her a mask

    Hahahahahahaha this is amazing on so many levels

  6. Alex Jones’ pillow talk should have been him literally talking about My Pillow, but otherwise excellent as usual. You have a real talent for comedy erotica, which I never knew I needed to be a thing until your previous post. Nothing like spanking and crying at the same time.

    (The crying is tears of laughter, in case anyone needed clarification.)

  7. You know what? I don’t give a fuck if this is true or not, it’s so damn well written that I enjoyed the ride.


    Good luck, godspeed, keep fucking across the aisle.

  8. Again, this is dogshit. It’s not funny, it’s not erotic but for some reason people love this. Wtf? Do you guys hate Trump so much that this is entertaining?

  9. I’ve never experienced this combination of hilarity and hotness before, but I have to say that I am hooked.

  10. As an Australian who doesn’t get half the references. I find this hilarious. Well done.

  11. Next time she needs to be waiting for you wearing nothing but a tinfoil hat.

  12. This was a great story! The hilarious political humor and jokes, particularly the Microsoft one, killed me. 😂

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