The Sleeping Balloon [F/F, Hypnosis, Body Inflation]

There lived a woman who wanted a partner who would love her more for who she was. After all, she’s been searching for that kind of partner without any luck whatsoever. Then one day, a stranger came over to her house.

“Excuse me,” the woman asked, “who are you?”

“I’m the witch,” the stranger said. “And you?”

“I’m Marie,” the woman said, “and I sadly can’t find a partner who will love me for who I am.”

“Say no more,” said the witch. “Come with me to the meadow and then I’ll help you.”

Marie did just that and then the witch decided to explain something.

“First off,” the witch explained, “you’ve come to the right place. Second of all, while I’m more than glad to help you, I’ll have to put an inflation spell on you, and then I’ll make a notation for someone who might be interested in you. However, you’ll have to take your clothes off except for your lingerie.”

Marie did just that, only stopping at her sexy black sheer lace bra that would showcase her nipples as well as her areola and a matching Danskin now-show hipster panty with an alluring lace fabric on the back.

“Now what?” Marie wondered.

“You’ll find out now, my dear,” the witch grinned as she then pulled out the gold dust. “To get you started, this powder will put you into a trance, so that will make it easier to send you into a deep sleep while you’ll be inflating like a huge balloon.”

With that, the witch sprinkled the dust on Marie, sending her into a trance. Afterwards, the witch then pulled out the bottle with a strange colored liquid inside.

“This potion here,” the witch explained, “will cause you to inflate like a balloon. Well, what are you waiting for?! Drink up!”

Marie obeyed; as soon as she drank the potion, that was when the inflation began. Her tummy was the first to slowly inflate, gaining stretch marks and love handles in its process, during which the witch pulled out the pink dust.

“As you know,” the witch explained once more, “this dust will send you into a deep yet pleasant slumber while you inflate.”

As if on cue, the witch then sprinkled said dust on the entranced maiden, who continued to inflate.

“Sleep tight, dearie,” the witch crooned. “Rest in peace. Sleeeeeeeep…”

Hearing this, Marie smiled softly as she laid down on the bed of wildflowers and, enjoying the warmth that her inflation was giving to her, fell into a deep sleep as her body gradually grew more spherical. The witch gently stroked Marie’s blonde hair until the latter’s head, along with her arms and legs, began to sink into her bulging body while her bra and panty were already stretching like rubber. Then when the inflation eventually came to a gradual halt, her boobs had grown from a B-cup into a D-cup and only her head, hands a feet were left intact. The witch inspected Marie’s newly inflated body and admired how beautiful the latter had looked.

“Sleep well, my pretty,” the witch purred as she walked off, leaving the inflated beauty to sleep serenely.

Then as weeks passed by, a witch came to town and gave notations to different people and yet only one butch lesbian, whose name was Rachel, responded to said notation and with the help of the witch, came over to the meadow, where she saw Marie, who was inflated like a balloon and sleeping peacefully.

“Wow, she’s so beautiful,” Rachel breathed in astonishment.

Just then, she approached the inflated beauty prior to climbing up the latter’s spherical body until she crawled onto Marie’s stomach and began to enjoy its warmth. Then Rachel crawled up to Marie’s head and carefully dug out the flesh that the latter’s neck had sunk into, so she could take a look at Marie’s beautiful face and admire how beautiful Marie had looked as she slept. Marie’s inflated skin shone wonderfully under the moon as she slept.

However, Rachel decided that it would be better to wait until morning to kiss Marie’s beautiful face, so she decided to spend the night with the inflated beauty, falling asleep on the latter’s stomach.

Then when morning came, Rachel yawned and stretched simultaneously prior to sliding off of Marie’s round body and running towards the lake prior to brushing her teeth with the lake water as her mouthwash. Afterwards, Rachel ran back to Marie and climbed back up on her spherical body, after which she crawled up towards Marie’s head, after which she carefully dug out the same flesh; afterwards, she took one last glance at Marie’s beautiful, peaceful face prior to kissing her on the big, luscious lips for ten seconds, after which Rachel then broke the kiss and that was when Marie started to stir.

“Where am I?” Marie yawned. “How long did I sleep?”

“I think for ten weeks or something,” Rachel said. “I’m Rachel, by the way.”

“I’m Marie,” Marie smiled, “and I’ve been looking for—“

“Well, now you found me,” Rachel smiled. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

“Of course,” Marie squealed in joy, “I would love to be your girlfriend!”

Then after Rachel broke the sleeping spell on Marie, they began dating each other and, after they eventually married, the witch used her magic to make the newlyweds’s new house big enough to fit Marie’s balloonified body and they lived happily ever after.

The End
