Bloodletting Song: A Fairy Tale of the Transylvanian Concubines [supernatural]

Bloodletting Song: A Fairy Tale of the Transylvanian Concubines

by Dmitri Storm.

Once upon a time there lived a girl named Magdalena. Magdalena was smart, beautiful and fast to learn any skill she set her mind to. Magdalena could have been anything she wanted, but life is cruel, and she was born a slave.

Magdalena served in the court of Tsarevitch of the Mountain, a petty warlord who called himself a king. From her youngest days, Magdalena’s life revolved around her Master and the men and women at his court. She served them food and drink, danced for them, and, when she was old enough, was used by them sexually.or sang for them, or danced for them.

When she was old enough, Magdalena became a pleasure slave. She was expected to look pretty, to make the cocks of men hard and the slits of women wet, and then to pleasure those organs. If she failed, her Master would look less impressive, and Magdalena was frequently beaten when she was not satisfying enough.

It was a hard life. Magdalena slept with her fellow slave girls in a small room on straw. She would sleep at best for five hours a day before being woken up for her duties. Magdalena cried herself to sleep each night dreaming of being rescued by a handsome prince who never came.

One night, after pleasuring every man and woman at a feast Tsarevitch had thrown, twice, Magdalena made a determination. Her body dripping with sweat, semen, and blood, she decided she wouldn’t wait for the handsome prince anymore. She promised she would find a way out on her own.


Magdalena had heard stories of Baba Yaga, the Witch of the Woods since she was a small girl. Baba Yaga was fierce, but she was known for helping pretty young girls if she chose not to eat them. Magdalena decided freedom and being eaten were both better than her life. She had heard of deseperate girls running into the woods to escape wicked stepmothers or arranged marriages with the aid of Baba Yaga’s magic, but Magdalena couldn’t run off, she was a lowly slave. She would find a way to get Old Grandmother’s help.

As a girl, Magdalena had worked in Tsarevitch’s kitchens. She had learned the herbs and plants of the land better than anyone one. She knew the vision plants, and she knew which mushrooms the Priest used when talking to God. One of the guards, Radu, was smitten with her but had still never actually tried to use her. Magdalena paid him for her herbs, by sucking his cock and pretending to enjoy it, drawing his seed out and into her belly.

Magdalena created a magic potion, and she drank it one night after everyone had thought they should all sodomize her. In her sleep she saw Baba Yaga. Magdalena had expected an ancient woman with sagging breasts, but the witch had taken another form in the land of dreams. Baba Yaga was an intensely beautiful queen, dressed in gold that showed off her exquisite body.

Without a word, the Witch Queen grabbed Magdalena’s blonde hair and pulled Magdalena’s head to her crotch. Magdalena had pleased many women in her life, and tended to Baba Yaga reverently. Sexual fluid flowed from Baba Yaga, and Magdalena was shocked that it was red. This was not the Woman’s Curse, it tasted like the sweet wine Magdalena had only ever tasted on the lips of others. Magdalena drank deeply, beginning to feel drunk as she pleasured the witch. Baba Yaga guided Magdalena’s head to direct how much pressure she used and where to place her attention.

When she finished, the WItch Queen said “You have made your Grandmother happy, child. In your Master’s stable you will find a cellar. Within the cellar you will find a garden Within the garden you will find a prison cell . Within the cell you will find a box. Within the box you will find a man. That man is the Deathless, and he will save you.”

“Thank you grandmother! Thank you!”

But the beautiful queen had vanished.


The next night, Magdalena followed Baba Yaga’s instructions. She snuck away at night and found the cellar, the garden, the cell, and the box. She opened the box and found an old, thin man, wrapped in chains. “Please.” he said “Blood.”

Magdalena had expected a sorcerer, or a warrior. She scoffed. “There is nothing you can give me with your long beard and bony fingers.”

“Life. Freedom. Immortality..”

“How can you do all that when you can’t even get out of a stupid box?”

“Bring blood. I will show you.”


Magdalena killed Radu. He would not be missed and was eager to follow her into the cellar. She slit his throat and gathered the blood into a large wine jug. She opened the box and again saw the old man. She held the jug to the lips, as she had done so many times for so many men, and he drank in large gulps. When he was done, Magdalena looked and was surprised to see he appeared much healthier. He looked less like a skeleton and more like an old but well kept warrior. He was also very attractive.

“I need more, my sweet girl.” The man said “Bring me more blood”

“What will you do for me?” She said

“I am to be king. And I will make you my Bride.”

He looked at Magdalena with eyes that made her heart flutter.


Katerina was not well liked by Tsarevitch and his court. Pushing the drunk, fat woman down the stairs was easy. Dragging her to the stables was harder physically, but fluttering her eyes and telling the guards Miss Katerina needed a place to sleep and not embarrass herself or her husband was enough to get her past them.

For a second night she brought the man in the box fresh blood. He smiled at her when she opened his box. “Good evening, sweet Magda.”

He was soon drinking again. When Magdalena moved the jug away, a handsome if disheveled man looked back at her. “I should thank you. Let me give you a kiss.” Magdalena drew her face close to his. “Not those lips. Your other ones.”

Magdalena was a pleasure slave. She gave pleasure, she never received it. The man allowed Magdalena for the first time in her life to feel this ecstasy herself.

When he was done, he said “One more night, and I can free myself. Bring me blood one more time, and we shall both escape.”

“Who are you?” she asked him breathlessly

“I am Dracula, but you may call me the Count”

Magdalena kissed his cheek and ran back to the room with her straw bed, her ankle bells ringing.


Magdalena led Vasilisa to the secret place. Vasilisa and Magdalena had been best friends since they were little girls scrubbing floors together. This also meant Magdalena knew exactly how to manipulate the other girl to do what she wanted.

Magdalena shoved her to the floor and with no remorse murdered the girl who had always been a little sister to her. Magdalena needed to escape. She needed to become a Countess. And she needed her Count.

Vasilisa’s blood dripped into the wine jug, looking just like the sexual wine Baba Yaga exuded in Magdalena’s dream. Magdalena tasted some and was surprised by how sweet it was. The rest she gathered and brought it to the Count in his box.

Magdalena was surprised when her Count burst from the box, freed of his chains. He was as white as an albino, with black hair and his ragged beard replaced with that of a handsome prince.

“But, you said…”

“I could have freed myself anytime after that first boy’s blood, sweet Magda. But it took more time to make you mine. Come. Drink my blood and my seed, and become my Bride.”

As he penetrated her, there, in the cellar with a garden and jail cell, Magdalena cried out. “She shall be queen of the earth, sweet girl. But you shall still be my slave, my property as well. You shall be as high as the stars and as low as the dirt, princess and whore, my Bride. Do you want this, Magdalena, do you want it?”

“Yes! Yes my Count! Please! Make me your Bride!” As she answered she felt his cock pull out of her. The Count ejaculated into a chalice which already contained blood. He handed her the chalice and she drank each drop, the two fluids mixing together and bringing her own body to orgasm.

“Come, my little slut. We have much to do.”

Together, they left the cellar, and Magdalena and her husband floated away from her old life as the pale moon shone on their pale, pale skin. And so Magdalena found her prince they lived happily ever after.
