Orange Juice (M/F)

Tom woke up well before his wife, Jessica. After brushing his teeth, rinsing his mouth, shaving, and showering, she was still asleep. Poor thing, Tom thought. She must be tired from the meeting last night.Tom’s wife is an attorney for a well known law firm. Ever since a case came up involving the city’s mayor and his alleged involvement in gambling, she has been up to her neck in work. As Tom looked down at her peacefully asleep, he decided that he would treat her to something special.

Breakfast in bed, thought Tom, smiling.

Closing the bedroom door behind him as quietly as possible, Tom made his way to the kitchen. French toast with eggs and orange juice was his wife’s favorite meal in the morning. Taking the loaf of bread from the cabinet, as well as the egg beater, pans, and manual juicer, Tom began to get to work. It was just after he finished beating the eggs that his wife came into the kitchen.

“Hey, I didn’t expect you to wake so soon.”

“Oh, am I interrupting something?” she asked, coming close to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. She still smelled faintly of the peach scented soap she used last night when she showered.

After eight years of marriage the sight of his wife still caught Tom off guard, even looking at her now just as she had gotten out of bed, eyes puffy, no makeup. She was starkly pretty, jet black curly hair cropped down to her angled chin, sharp cheekbones, full lips, amber eyes. She reminded Tom of a fairy, especially because of the way she always kept her hair short.

“I’m making you breakfast. I was going to give it to you in bed,” said Tom, retrieving the cinnamon from the cabinet.

“Oh, you’re so sweet, ”Jessica said, leaning in close to her husband, sliding her hand under his shirt to caress his stomach and chest. Tom could not help, but turn away from the kitchen counter to face his wife.

“I’m about to make the French toast, it’ll only take fifteen minutes. How about you get back into bed? I can squeeze you some orange juice real quick to drink, so you’ll have something in your stomach in the meantime.”

Jessica’s hand under Tom’s shirt felt hot and soft on his skin, causing a stirring in his sweat pants.

“That would be nice, but I don’t want you to use the oranges we have.”

Tom looked at the fruit basket on the kitchen table. Puzzled, he asked, “Then what should I use? We don’t have any other fruit around here.”

Jessica took her hand from under Tom’s shirt and undid her terry-clothed robe. The sudden sight of her nude body shortened his breath in anticipation. Large, perfectly circular areolas centered by perky nipples on top of ample breasts that swung as the robe came undone, a round navel he fought the urge to kneel down and kiss, light hair covering the softness between her legs. He watched as she slowly slid her finger inside her sex and withdrew it. His eyes widened when he saw how wet it was.

“I’m sure you can find another fruit to make juice from,” she told him, holding the finger out in front of his mouth.

Tom took her hand and slowly sucked the wet finger, enjoying the salty taste of his wife. Tom then wrapped his arms around his wife’s waist and drew her closer. Since she was tall, he didn’t have to bend down much to kiss her breasts and take her hard nipples into his mouth. Already his cock felt hard, pushing up stubbornly against his wife’s thighs.

“Looks like you’ve already made a head start,” he managed to say between taking in each nipple and flicking it with his tongue.

“Fuck me,” she told him, her voice quiet, but urgent.

Tom slid the robe completely away from his wife’s shoulders, letting it drop on the floor. He lifted her up from the back of her thighs and placed her on the kitchen counter. Jessica moaned as she watched her husband delicately take her feet into his hands and kiss them and massage them. She tousled his hair as she watched him work his way up past her ankles, up her calves, and then to her thighs. With each hot kiss Tom gave, she felt the anticipation in her sex mount, the slickness increase.

As Tom was about to press his lips to her sex, Jessica noticed something on the counter beside her hand. It was the plastic manual juicer. Suddenly an idea came to her.

“Here,” she said, grabbing the juicer and holding it out to her husband. She smiled, devilishly. Immediately Tom knew what she wanted and smiled back at his wife, taking the juicer from her hands.

“You’re a bad girl,” he said.

Jessica leaned back against the kitchen counter, using her hands for support, and placed her legs on top of Tom’s shoulders. She watched as Tom placed the plastic manual juicer on her sex, and twisted it slowly clockwise and counter-clockwise. As he did so he leaned in close and took her clit into his mouth, sucking it gently, and grazing it with his tongue. Jessica let out a cry.

Tom was astonished how wet his wife became. Each slow drop that trickled down the juicer he licked, savoring it as if it were a fragment of his wife. His cock was so hard he felt like he was going to come without it being touched. He couldn’t remember having this much fun or when he had been turned on so deeply. His wife had been so busy lately that they hadn’t had time for sex.

The more he kept turning the juicer and taking in her clit, the more his wife moaned. Sometimes he would turn it tantalizingly slow and watch as his wife grabbed her tits and squeezed, barely able to contain herself. It came to a point where she began to shake and started breathing hard.

“Oh Tom, keep turning, don’t stop,” she panted. She moved her hips to match the rhythm of the juicer until she cried out, “Oh god, god . . .” and shook and closed her eyes as wave after wave of pleasure overtook her. She felt as if she had just drowned in orgasm.

After a short while Jessica sat up, adoringly running her fingers through her husband’s hair, smiling down at him as he once more kissed her legs.

“Mmm, I love you,” she whispered. “Tell me, how did it taste?”

“Well I drank every drop, didn’t I?” Tom asked, standing and holding up the juicer.

Jessica laughed. “You know, I don’t think I want orange juice this morning. I have a taste for something I haven’t had in a while.”

“Oh? And what’s that?” Tom asked.

He watched as Jessica pushed herself off the kitchen counter and slid his sweat pants down, taking in her husband’s cock in her hands.



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