Sarah, who lives next door [M/F] pt2

This is a continuation of the story which can be found here. [pt 1 of the story](


 The front door opened  “  Hey babe”  A voice said.  Brad got up with a fright.  He had fallen asleep on the couch, the day’s incident taking a toll on his mind.  He straightened his shirt then went into the hallway.

“Hey hon,”  He said as he saw Elizabeth (or Liz as he called her)

She came in from the cold and dropped her hand bag on the floor along with the paper bag of groceries.  He kissed her then picked up the groceries.

“ How was your day?” 

“  O you know the usual.  The client changed their mind again so now they want to go back to the original plans”  She said her voice exasperated

“  The Panda account?”  He said as he made his way to the kitchen.  She followed him.

“  Yeah, I just wish clients would just make up their mind you know, but whatever, it’s their money in the end”  

He put the groceries on the counter and began to sort each item.

“  Anyway I thought we could have some steak and mash today”

“  Sounds good”  

“  Anyway how was your day off?”  She edged her way along the counter to him, demanding his attention.  “  Get a lot of work done on the car?”  

He felt uncomfortable lying to Liz, she had always been there for him and now this is how he treated her he thought.  He replied quickly so as to not arouse her suspicion.  In all their years together she had built up a sense for knowing when he told lies.  

“  Some,”  He said.  He pecked her on the lips.  “ Babe you mind if I go and clean up, I’m a bit filthy.”

“ I don’t mind,”  She said, sticking her tongue out of the side of her mouth.

He put his hand around her waist and pecked her again then moved away.  “ I’ll be down in a bit.”  He pried himself from her and for a moment she stared at him as he walked away, in bewilderment.  Did he just reject me? She thought.   She quickly dismissed the incident putting it down to him being tired and went to the task of making dinner. 

Brad remained silent during most of dinner.  Liz went on about her day and work tribulations.  He nodded automatically at certain points and smiled as he ought too.  But as he looked down at his steak and peas all he could do is think of Sarah.  Those breasts, so perfect and supal.  It played over in his mind, to the point that he became erect just picturing it.  

“  O by the way we’re going to the Dentons for Dinner on Saturday”  Liz said as she cut a piece of steak with precision.

“  what”  Brad replied, coming back to reality.

“  The Dentons, I bumped into Harry as I was walking up the driveway and well they invited us.”  she said about to put the steak in her mouth.

“  Well can you cancel?” Brad said.  Liz paused, the steak held in mid air.

“  Well what do you mean?”

“  I mean can we get out of it”  

Liz put her folk down back on the plate and smiled, covering up her mild annoyance.

“  Honey I already told them that we’d go”  

“  I can’t go that day, I’m busy”

“  Busy doing what?”

“  Well there’s the car, I still need to finish that, and then there’s some other things I–”

she leaned over and rubbed his hand.  “ Honey I know you don’t know them, but this will give us a chance to, get, to know them.”  She raised her folk again intending to put the piece of steak in her mouth.  Brad scratched his head.  

“ I don’t think I’m going to go”  He said.  Liz put her folk down again, rolling her eyes and shaking her head in exasperation.  

“  What is with you today?”

“  What do you mean”  He said.  He kept his voice as calm as he could.

” Your just in a mood, did something happen today”

Brad tensed in his seat.  His neck rigid.  ” No nothing happened, I just want some time to ourselves you know”

“. Awww that’s sweet Hon, but I think it’d be good for us, to meet some of the neighborhood”

” Fine”.  He said begrudgingly.

” Good that settles it, the five of us can have a nice meal”

” The five of us?”. He looked at her startled.

” Yes, Harry, Ruth and their daughter Sarah.”

Just the mention of her name brought flashes in his mind.  The way she smelt, the way she felt as he thrusted in her.  

He nodded forcing a smile.  He ate the rest of his dinner in relative silence, listening to Liz but thinking of Sarah.


The Denton’s  house looked different at night, Brad thought.  Liz led the way, her arm around his and in the other a Bottle of red wine she had picked out.  As they approached Brad looked at the garage door.  He could picture the contents of it, indeed the environment was practically embedded in his mind. 

It had been 3 days since he had that encounter with Sarah but the memory of it was still raw.  He even masterbated to Sarah one night.  Liz had fallen asleep, but there he laid, in bed with only his thoughts for company.  His mind had wandered to that day.

 Now, approaching the porch of the house a sense of dread loomed over him.  She obviously hadn’t told her parents he thought, otherwise they wouldn’t have been invited to dinner.  Liz pressed the doorbell then squeezed his arm for him to be present.  He straightened.

“Heeeeyyy”.  Harry said in unison of opening the front door.  Brad managed a smile.  He so did loath the man, that cheesy grin, his overall manner.

They went into the house.  Brad proceeded tentatively, his eyes ever watchful for Sarah.  He soon eased when he realised she must have been upstairs.  Maybe she might just stay in her room he hoped, after all a woman her age would find dinner with her parents rather dull. 

Harry guided them to the living room and soon after Molly joined them.  Liz and Molly began to talk lively about how nice the house looked.  Brad looked over at Harry who smiled at him with a big grin.  He politely nodded, smiling back, then looked around, the eye contact a bit too much.

” So Brad”. Harry said after a moment of awkwardness.  ” How’s the car?”

” It’s good thanks, yeah.  Just a few bits still to do on it but it’s going well.”

He took a swig of his cherry. 

” Heard you came over for some motor oil.” Harry said. Brad broke out into a violent cough as the cherry went down the wrong hole.  The two ladies stopped in mid conversation, Liz with a concerned look on her face but Molly’s eyes lasered in on the cherry, and the very expensive couch.  She batted an eye at Harry, who promptly got up and took the glass from Brad, under the guise of concern.

” You okay there buddy?” Harry said.

“Yeah yeah,”  Brad let out a couple of coughs clearing his throat.  ” Just went down the wrong hole.”

Setting the glass down on the table Henry returned to his seat.  ” Anyway sorry couldn’t help you out with the oil, Sarah said you helped her look for it in the garage?”

Brad cleared his throat.  ” Yeah, we uummm, couldn’t find it”. 

” Aahhh sorry I ran out ages ago been meaning to get some more”

” Na no worries, I got some now so it’s all good”. Brad said, picking up his glass again.

After a while Molly got up and beakoned them into the dining room.  The table was set but Brad’s heart began to leap when he saw that there were five plates at the table.  He sat next to Liz and on both ends of the table sat Harry and Molly.  There were a number of dishes: Roast potatoes, carrots, Chicken.  Molly called for Sarah.  

” Honestly that girl, I do apologise Liz.” Molly said.

They heard the sound of a door opening and closing, then the quick pace of footsteps on the landing and down the stairs.  Brad tried to act normal.

” Wonderful spread here.” Brad said to Harry.  

” Yes, Molly does all of it, the I do all the dishes”. Harry laughed and Brad played along.

Then out of the corner of his eye she arrived.  Sarah made her way to the seat opposite the Harrisons.  She wore a sleek, fuck me in the evening dress with just enough height on the hem.  Brad couldn’t help himself, he gawked at her body as she sat.  Her breasts full and perky.  Liz, noticing his lingering gaze and kicked his foot under the table.  She smiled at Sarah as she sat.  Sarah for her part paid no attention to Brad, she did give Liz a polite smile with her striking red lips.  

” Sorry I’m late” she gave a quick glance to her parents at either end.  

” We were beginning to think you had died up there.” Molly scoffed

” No.  Just had to finish up an assignment.”. She brushed her hair back looking alofe.  She shot a side glance at Brad which heated him to the core.  ” Good evening Mr and Mrs Harrison.  How are you guys?”  Sarah said.

” Very well dear it’s nice to finally meet you, please it’s just Liz.” Liz said. 

” Yes, you too” she turned her gaze to Brad.  ” Hi Brad, nice to see you again.”

Brad froze in his seat.  He began to feel hot under his shirt.  He shuffled in his seat.

” Did you manage to get the oil in the end?”

” Yes thank you, ended up buying it from the autoshop.”

” We had quite the adventure the other day.”. She looked at Liz then back at Brad.  

” Hahhaa, yeah.” Brad replied hoping she would change the subject.

” We made an awful mess of Daddy’s old things”. She looked at Harry

” No no, it’s quite alright.  A Lot of old rubbish anyway you know.” Harry said.  They all laughed and Sarah gave Brad a look at the corner of her eye.  What was she playing at? He thought.

” Well it’s wonderful to have you guys over.” Molly said. She raised her glass. ” To neighbours and friends”.  “To neighbours and friends” They all repeated holding their glasses.  Sarah looked straight at Brad as she sipped on her wine.  She blinked ever so slowly.  Enticing.  

The meal carried on in a civilised manner.  They mostly talked about occupations and various tv shows.  Occasionally Brad met eyes with Sarah which he made sure not to extend.  A few times he had become hard under the table.  

Brad stood up.

” Babe where are you off too?” Liz said

” Just the bathroom.” Brad said, wiping his mouth with the napkin.

” O it’s down the hall on your left.  Wait I’ll show you.”. Sarah said. 

Before Brad could protest she got up from her seat and was by his side.  ” I’ll bring the cake out while I’m there.” She added. 

They walked down the hallway both saying nothing to each other.  When they got to the bathroom, Brad walked in but as he turned to close the door he saw that Sarah had already entered with him, she pushed him further inside but left the door open.

” What are you doing?” Brad said.  

” Anything I want.” Sarah replied with a mischievous smile.  Her hands gripped his groin area.  Brad flinched back but she moved with him keeping her hand where it was.

” You’re already hard for me.” She said moving her hand in circular motion, massaging it.  

” No, Sarah, are you crazy?  They’re just in the next room.”  He tried to push her away but she insisted.

“  Do you want me to scream?”  she stopped for a moment, he dared not call her bluff.

She edged forward letting her lips meet his.  Then she proceeded to go down.  Brad moaned as she unzipped his jeans, all the while messaging it.  The right thing to do was to stop her but then she would scream.  But in truth he didn’t want her to stop, and the threat of her scream justified his compliance.

She tugged at it through his underwear.  He looked down to see her gazing back at him, watching his reactions as he twitched at her touch.  She slid his penis from his pants, it throbbed in the air.  Paused for a moment she smiled at him.  Her lips kissed it gently at first.  Her tongue travelled up and down his shaft.  He struggled to hold on as she put him in her mouth.  It felt warm.  Sarah took as much of him as she could, and with her hand began to jack him.  Slow at first but then she sped up.  Brad gripped the side of the sink while his other hand caressed Sarah’s soft hair.  

“ Is this good?”  she said as she continued to stroke his cock. 

Brad replied with a moan as she built up speed.  She sucked his balls as she carried on, all the while she kept her eyes on Brad. 

Sarah leaned back.  She pulled the straps of her dress down, revealing her big tits.

Brad’s eyes fixed on them.  He grabbed one with his hand, pressing the soft skin.  Sarah let out a moan then like a crazed animal shoved his cock back in her mouth.  

She sucked on it hard.  Her head going back and forth while she stared at him.  If she keeps going like this I’ll come, Brad thought.

She took him all the way in her mouth, keeping him there for a moment, then taking his penis out, catching her breath.  Her saliva all over his dick.

” I want you now, give me your love.”. Sarah said looking up at Brad.

She shoved him back in her mouth.  Sarah grabbed his balls while she stroked at a steady pace.  Brad groaned as he felt his semen coming to the surface.


He looked her in the eyes. ” Sarah” Brad said her name as his cock throbbed.  He gripped the sink tight as he jetted in her mouth, holding nothing back.   

Sarah paused keeping him in her mouth as he came.  When she was certain he had given it all up, she backed up, swallowing it all.

Sarah gave her mouth a cursory wipe then, casual about the incident she got to her feet and straightened her dress. 

“  I’ll see you at the table.”  she said, turning and making her way down the hall.

Brad zipped himself up.  He could hardly believe what had happened and a splash of water on his face brought him back to reality.  Looking at himself in the mirror he checked his clothes and headed back to the dining room.

“ Everything okay dear?”  Liz asked as Brad sat back at the dinner table.

“ Yes thanks.”  He said.  Sarah appeared moments after and sat down.

“  Sorry, I was just checking something on my computer.”  she politely smiled.

As dinner went on Brad and Sarah exchanged glances a few times.  The image of her mouth around his cock got him hard, but as the evening came to an end, he rejoiced at the sanctity his own house provided



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