[Part 9] Closing Time (female pov, oral, rape, rough, creampie, pregnancy, story conclusion)

[Rachel’s Saga Erotic Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/odwnf8/rachels_saga_erotic_story_hub_female_pov/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – Links to the previous chapters are at the top of the post if you’d like to read them. The bottom of the post has plot and character summaries for those who’d like to get up to speed a bit faster (warning summaries may contain minor plot spoilers!). 😉

Chapter 9: Closing Time

“Open slut,” Kevin said in a stern voice.

I slowly opened my mouth and he began to slip a long purple dildo inside. “We’re going to see if we can get you to take this a little bit deeper, try to relax your throat.”

I was sitting naked on the stage at this point, as a few of the other men looked on in amusement. Kevin was convinced he could get some of us girls to learn some new tricks to make sex more exciting for the men. Things had become a bit tense as of late, and discontent had been growing among some of them.

No new girls had been grabbed in a long time. To make matters worse Danny and Maya had vanished without a trace after the party several weeks ago. No one knew where they were, or at least they weren’t telling us. I hadn’t seen Holly or Jacob since that next morning either. Rick said she was fine, but I was starting to worry. That left just myself, Emily, and Carol to entertain all the men when we had these parties. Occasionally videos of Kristina would be played on the big TV in the large room where we gathered, but none of us ever met her, and no one but Sam and Keven ever appeared in those videos anymore. I wondered how she was faring after all this time alone, tied up in that small room.

I felt pressure growing against my throat as the dildo tried to work it’s way down. “akkmm!” I sputtered in discomfort. Kevin kept holding pressure on the dildo. I felt it slip a bit deeper inside, then my throat contracted involuntarily, and my face began to redden. It bobbed up a bit, but Kevin was firm with it, and tried to push it back down. I could feel it inching ever deeper, but it hurt. A bit too much.

In panic I pushed Kevin hands away and lowered my head. With a choke and a cough the dildo popped out of my throat and I laid on the floor coughing and struggling to breathe. “Please… no more!” I managed to whisper weakly between gasps.

“Yeah you need more practice,” Kevin said, sounding disappointed. He turned towards the room “okay boys, sorry she’s not ready yet. She’ll have to keep you entertained like normal.” With that said he turned and went through the doorway into the kitchen.

I turned to watch him go, my hand rubbing my sore and tired throat, trying in vain to ease the pain. Suddenly an arm wrapped around my waist.

“Come on, you heard him. It’s play time!” one of the men jeered as he pulled me off the stage. I tried to get my feet under me, but was thrown roughly to the floor. Landing on my hands and knees I gathered myself and waited patiently for the men to begin their assault.

It didn’t take long before one of them moved behind me. One hand grabbed my inner thigh, and pulled me back towards him. The other pressed down on my back. It forced me to arch my back and hips, presenting a better angle to the man behind me. He chuckled in amusement and then I felt the warm touch of a penis on my folds.

The man tried pressing his penis forward and thrusting, but made little headway, his penis jamming into my fold and wedging itself just below my clit. “Damn it slut, get wet!” he growled in frustration.

His hands moved straight to my hips now and grabbed on firmly. He continued to press forward with his penis, somehow missing his mark again. He grunted and grabbed, becoming more frustrated. I tried to angle my hips slightly to help, but his arms didn’t let me move much. Finally I felt his cockhead part my folds slightly, and dive a little deeper. He was lined up better finally, and seemed to realize it. I felt the pressure of his cock as it began to push forward with strong intent now, the tip just beginning to enter me.

The man pushed firmly with his hips, and I could feel a burning pain from my crotch. I normally didn’t have trouble getting wet for the men, but I think after choking on the dildo my body was a little unprepared. He pressed hard, his dry cock burrowing into me slowly. I winced in discomfort as he pulled my hips back, forcing me to engulf his cock further.

Mercifully he drew back out a bit, and I felt myself finally starting to moisten. When he thrusted forward again it went more easily. The pain slowly began to fade and he began to find his rhythm, my body reluctantly providing a bit of the lubrication he wanted. Thankfully he seemed satisfied now. I just kneeled there on all four listening to the men chat for a bit with Emily as she was bringing out food. She was begging them to let her finish bringing people drinks before she started servicing them, but one man in particular wasn’t in the mood to listen.

There was a slam and I saw her body fall to the floor next to me. Emily winced in pain as she landed. One of the men was on her an instant later and began to fumble with his pants. Emily tried to sit up briefly, but the man held her down. After a second of struggling she gave up and surrendered to his lust. I could see the frustration and passiveness in her eyes as the man began to penetrate her.

While this was happening the rhythmic thrusting from the man behind me slowed, and I felt his cock twitch slightly and begin to stiffen. He leaned forward laying down on my back, and under his weight we collapsed to the floor. His cock was still firmly wedged inside my body. He let out a loud satisfied groan and I felt his penis begin to pulse. There was a series of small contractions as he pumped his semen into my helplessly trapped body. A couple of seconds later it was over the pulsing stopped, and he lay on top of me seemingly satisfied.

Bam! Bam! Bang!

Suddenly there was a loud crash from the doors at the far side of the room. A bright flash of light filled the whole space and I squeezed my eyes shut. Several of the men shouted in surprise and I heard Emily scream.

“Down!” On the floor! Hands! Show me your hands!” There were several loud unfamiliar voices filling the room now. Shouting was coming in all directions. I stuck my hands out in surprise, as did the man on top of me apparently. His weight now firmly pressing on my body instead of resting on his arms making it hard to breathe.

“Hands now!” I heard more slamming of doors and crashing. “Hands up now!”

Pop! Pop! Bang! Pop!

A series of small pops from a nearby room, and an unfamiliar woman’s scream filled the air. “Shots fired!” I heard someone say as there was more commotion. Feet were thumping around the room, there was more shouting and crashing. I just lay still, fearfully hidden underneath the body of the man who had been having sex with me a moment earlier. Things continued a few more seconds then there was a bit of silence.

“You stand up slowly!” I heard a nearby voice say after a bit. The man who had been having sex with me a moment ago stood up and I gasped and breathed a thankful breath as his weight was lifted off of me. There were more firm commands and talking. I heard sirens in the distance now.

“Ma’am? Are you okay? Ma’am?” It took me a minute to realize someone was talking to me. Realizing my eyes were still squeezed shut I opened them. Through the blurriness I made out the outline of a man. A couple of more blinks and I realized it was a police officer standing over me!

At that point I lost it; completely.

“No I’m not!” I wailed in relief. As I turned onto my side the man’s semen began to spill from my pussy. I realized then, it would be the last time I ever had to experience that sensation in this horrible place. “Please, I want to go home!”



I learned a lot of things over the next few days. Holly had been successful. I was so proud of her. It had taken a few weeks but she had convinced Jacob to leave her alone while he did some errands. She managed to escape his home and called the police while he was gone. Sam was dead, he was the one who tried pulling a gun on the police when he was cornered in a basement room with Kristina. I was shocked to learn she was kept no more than 30 feet away from me the whole time I was imprisoned and yet we never met.

I went from a hospital bed to my sister’s home over the next week. So many people to meet again and catch up with it was overwhelming at times. Kathy was beyond relieved to see me again. She’d been tormented with guilt since the night I disappeared, and together with my family hadn’t stopped searching for me, despite being frustrated by a lack of leads. She was firm. I was never walking home alone again, and I couldn’t help but completely agree.

As I recovered I did my part making my statements to the police, describing many of the horrors of the previous months of my life as well as my emotional state would let me. As for the men, well, justice came slowly, if at all. Many who just came by for the sex parties pleaded ignorance of the whole scheme, pinning it on Rick, Danny, and Sam. When all was said and done their sentences were abhorrently light in my eyes, but there was little I could do. Jacob got caught after a couple of days of running and had a heavier sentence, thanks in large part to Holly and his history with her. Rick, thankfully, got the book thrown at him. One of the parts they managed to get right at least. He wouldn’t be able to torment me again. Danny and Maya were nowhere to be found, mysteriously enough, and no one had any idea where they had gone.

My son was born 4 months later, and despite all the horrors I went through, he became a pillar of hope for me to lean on as I made my way down the difficult path back to normal society. I received lots of warmth and support from friends and family, and no shortage of adorable presents and gifts for the baby. One congratulations card stood out however. It had a Panamanian postmark. I knew no one in Panama so it seemed particularly out of place. Inside was a picture of a baby girl, and a handwritten note:

“So happy you made it out. I knew you could. I knew you all could do it! I called an anonymous tip line, but I don’t know if anything ever came from it. So sorry I couldn’t do more to help. Congratulations on the little one! This is a picture of Anna. She’s my joy and my strength. I hope you have many happy years ahead of you together with your little one too. Maybe they’ll be able to meet one day. Please don’t worry about me. We’re okay, and I think I’m finally happy. I’ll write again when it’s safe for me to.



Hello again horny friends and strangers! 😊

Well that’s the end, or maybe not? I hope you enjoyed it! I’m not sure what my next project will be, but I do plan to continue writing stories for everyone here. If you have any story ideas you’d like to share I’d be happy to hear them. Any feedback is welcome as always too.

Hope you have an awesome day! 😁

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/osai2j/part_9_closing_time_female_pov_oral_rape_rough


  1. Well done. Sadly, what you wrote happens all too often. There nothing sexy or redeeming in the realities you portrayed. I’m glad in this story justice finally emerged. Though you’re right, too many times it doesnt. Lets pray that changes.

  2. Holy crap I’ve never cried happy tears like this for a story, it was amazing! The emotional rollercoaster I went through… You’re an exceptional writer indeed, and I eagerly look forward to reading more of your incredibly talented stories!

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