[f] High school escapades 1

I went to a large high school and grew up in the same town my whole life. We have two middle schools that feed into a single high school. Freshman year was fun because you have opportunity to meet a lot more people and everyone is forced into many of the same classes.

This story is short and takes place during gym or phys Ed class. All freshman are required to take PE. I was always athletic, so I didn’t mind it, and we had a great class that included a guy I was immediately interested in, Steve . During class, we would often be flirting or joining the same team, etc. It was pretty obvious he was into me too.

One of the “units” in the class was swimming. We’d need to be able to tread water for 20 minutes, learn a few strokes, and play some water polo and other games for fun. During these couple weeks, the flirting picked up. Even though we were forced to wear one piece suits, mine was still pretty cute and Steve would often sneak a grab of my ass while underwater or graze my boobs while fighting for the water polo ball. I was all for the fun flirting as I loved the attention from him.

One day during the 5-10 minutes they gave us to get ready for the pool, I had finished early and walked out into the role call area in my suit and holding a towel . The only other person there was the Steve, shirtless and with a towel draped aver him. He was looking good as usual and we immediately started our flirty banter. I called him out about being handsy underwater and that jokingly told him to “watch it.”

He was a little embarrassed I had called him out, but I told him I didn’t care, but that he was also pretty obvious. I don’t know what came over him, but with the risk of someone else joining the room to prepare for roll call he reached out with both hands and grabbed both of my boobs over my bathing suit while saying something along the lines of “since it doesn’t both you.” He felt me up for a second, and gave them a squeeze. My nipples hardened and it was obvious in my suit. He grazed my nipples and then started to pull the neck down to expose one of my boobs. I went along for the first few seconds but showing nudity in class was definitely a limit I wasn’t willing to exceed as a 15 year old

During class that day, Steve was extra handsy. Had plenty of butt and boob grabs. I believe he was actually able to slide his hand down my top at some point that day, or at least that week, but he was no longer being sneaky after that interaction. Instead he would just place his hand on my ass and squeeze/ massage it for a few seconds while the ball was on the other side of the pool. I was too nervous to reciprocate, but it was obvious he was hard at various times.

All of this flirting lead to Steve asking me to homecoming and we ended up being a couple for almost the entirety of high school (couple breaks). Gym class was especially fun that semester because we could often sneak off and make out or avoid a game and spend time together.

While this is very timid, as a freshman, I didn’t have a lot of experience and having someone just grab me was such a turn on. Plus there was the risk of being caught. Steve and I have a number of stories I will share another time.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/os6p2w/f_high_school_escapades_1