Friendly neighborhood sluts 2 – Vanlife Edition [Group] Long

Sorry I have been mostly MIA but since the beginning of June the wife and I have been working out of and driving fitted out vans around the west with our neighbors Jamie and Kristen. At first Jamie and I came up with the idea after scrolling instagram one night in his basement while heavily intoxicated after a day hanging out by his pool. If you want to skip the background of the story and get to the physical part, scroll down to the line.

When I woke up the next day he messaged me asking if I was still serious and if Danielle and I would be into joining him and Kristen given that all of our work situations are still working from home. We had found a company in the next state about a 3 hour drive away that rented prefabricated vans that are converted into land yachts with kitchenettes, beds, showers and toilets as well as extra amenities depending on the package you choose. At first we looked at sharing the one van where the package included two built in bunk beds as well as a full size bed, but with all four of us we quickly realized that we preferred comfortable sleeping situations as well as work space and having two showers (one inside and one outside) which the bunk beds would eliminate the inner one. So we ended up renting two sprinter vans with the larger bed and duel shower option.

Danielle, Kristen, Jamie and I planned over a few days before deciding to rent the vans, that we all wanted to start with being out on the road for two weeks to see how we would like it and how it worked with each of us working out of the van on the road with our laptops. The days leading up to our first day on the road were exciting with all of us planning different stops along the route we decided to take and figuring out what we should and shouldn’t pack since it was a new experience for us all. Danielle and I have been camping numerous times before so we knew enough to pack light and pack only essentials and limited ourselves to one backpack of clothes each. For me that meant one bathing suit, two pairs of shorts, one pair of pants and a few t-shirts leaving one polo in case I needed to be on a video call. For Danielle that meant she was able to use half of my backpack for smaller things like underwear, bathing suits and leggings/yoga shorts and pack hers full of summer dresses, tank tops, a few blouses, a pair of jeans and one professional outfit in case she also needed to be on video for a call.

**Week 1:**

Our first two days on the road were longer than we had all anticipated largely due to detours and traffic so we opted to park in walmart parking lots over night rather than risk falling asleep at the wheel to get to the first two campsites we had planned. It didn’t seem as glamorous as Instagram had made it seem at first and unfortunately those first couple days were exhausting and migraine inducing.

BUT, by day 3 we ended up getting to one of the national parks we had added to our stops and were able to spend the entire afternoon hiking around and getting great tips from more experienced van nomads who were able to fill us in on some sweet spots. That night the four of us were able to relax and have a few cocktails surrounded by nature and not the bright walmart parking lights and we practically fell asleep by the campfire laying in our hammocks. The next morning Danielle and I took turns driving to our next hike to allow the other to get some work in while we followed Jamie and Kristen.

This new spot was the first of many fun memories so far to be added between the four of us. Following the directions from one of the people we had met at the national park the day before, we found ourselves driving down a long dirt and windy road surrounded by trees into the valley of the wilderness. When we got the fork following our elders instructions we took the path left until we reached a small clearing in the woods where both our vans could just fit for our campsite for that night. Wanting to explore and discover what we had heard so much about we all packed a backpack and trekked our way down a narrow footpath just wide enough for us to walk down in single file formation.

Just under 2 miles in we had found our own private paradise. A small 4 foot high waterfall presented the backdrop from the river above which began at the top of the mountain we were now at the bottom of staring up in its beauty. The waterfall developed a large oval like pool just deep enough below the falls to dive in without getting injured, surrounded by smooth rocks around the sides of the pool which created shallow areas for us to sit in or sun tan on. The water was nearly crystal clear and although slightly chilly, it was a refreshing delight from the hot hike in with the sun right above us. With no other people for miles around us and not realizing the “small stream” that had been described to us was swimmable none of us packed our bathing suits for our hike. So in the spirit of adventure and being free in nature as well as an energy from the group that always lead us down a sexual path, the four of us stripped out of our sweaty hiking clothing down to our birthday suits and jumped in to cool off.


Although we have built a great friendship as a group, any time the four of us are together its likely things eventually turn sexual even if its the mildest way and with the environment we were in at our private paradise at the base of a mountain its no surprise our natural instinct took over. After a few minutes of swimming and taking in mother natures beauty, Danielle and I kicked things off first after we had both jumped down from the waterfall a few times and were taking a break in the shallow end where I was leaning against a rock and Danielles legs were wrapped around me tightly holding on for warmth. It started as a few quick pecks teasing each other that our kisses weren’t long enough while Danielles teeth chattered from being cold which quickly led to a full make out session where I walked us out of the water into the sun and laid down on a big rock letting the warmth of the sun hit Danielles back while she laid on top of me.

At the time when we had began our little make out session, Jamie and Kristen were swimming closer to the waterfall on the opposite side of the natural pool from us. By the time Danielle and I had switched things up on our end and I had flipped over to begin going down on Danielle I could see Kristen was already hard at work going down on Jamie before I buried my face between my wife legs. The four of us had our way with our respective spouses feeling more connected to nature than ever in our private oasis between the two mountains. After finishing up and cleaning up we took a dip in the cool water once more before we all got semi dressed again and headed back to our vans where the fun continued after dinner.

The next few days and nights the four of us were either finding beautiful secluded outdoor places to take in and enjoy as well as let our dirty sides loose or we painfully waited patiently until the night came and we could all cram into one of our vans where our wives would spend the night rotating between Jamie and I while Netflix movie after Netflix movie played in the backgrounds behind us as we tested the vans shocks. At the end of the first week all four of us were hooked on the van life high and the sheer beauty of our planet with the sites we got to explore and see.

**Week 2:**

For the second leg of our trip Kristen had come up with the idea to swap vans/husbands for the remaining week of our trip to increase the naughty adventures that were to come. We agreed that we would play it by ear and see how the first few days went, but 7 days later when we pulled back into the van rental company Danielle remained in Jamies van and Kristen in mine. During that week we followed the same routine as our first week by discovering amazing views of the country side and meeting other van dwellers while still sneaking off for secluded group sex among the four of us or enjoying the private company in our vans at night.

The most memorable part of that first two week expedition came midway through our second week when we had another van join us for the night in one of the more private spots we had found for camping. The four of us had come down from a long hike one day during the week just before sunset and were sweaty and ready to take our outdoor showers which we had come to prefer over the indoor ones due to more space and the excitement of bathing in the open to mother nature. When we got back we saw that there was another older looking van and one small truck parked next to us with a group of 4 boy scout looking guys (later found out they were headed into their senior year in college) who were cooking their dinner in the small remaining space next to our two vans.

They greeted us asking if we minded that they were there to which we responded they were welcome to use that space and we asked if they minded if we started a fire even though it was now past sunset (9 PM) and was getting later. They responded that it would actually be great and asked if we minded if they joined since they were still unpacking their campsite and didn’t want to waste wood if it wasn’t needed. Jamie and I began building the fire under the close supervision of the former boy scouts while Kristen and Danielle went to get the showers ready. It hadn’t crossed my mind until I heard the water that the girls would be in plain site of our new campsite neighbors while using the outdoor shower which essentially is just a pump coming from a water container attached to the top of the van and spouts out at the back doors.. Despite the sun now setting sun, the flickering of the campfire as well as the moon in the sky provided a brightly lit night light cascading down on the vans providing a still very clear view of the girls for our new campsite friends to see from the campfire which was less than 50 yards away.


Our backs were to the girls at first and the 4 college guys were facing our vans. We made small talk finding out that they were headed to a dude ranch to work on it for a month for some cash to fund their trip across the country and they passed a bottle of fireball between them taking big swigs while Jamie and I only took a shot or two. After about 5 minutes we began to realize the distractions that must be happening behind us based on the looks in their wandering eyes. When I glanced back quickly I saw that the girls had opted to use only one of the showers and were completely naked under the one shower head together soaping each other up and washing off the sweat and mud from the days hike. With clear visibility the boys could see everything from those two girls and it became apparent that our attempt at conversing with them was useless given the distraction. Jamie and I both made the excuse that we needed to grab a few things from the vans and let the boys be on their own while taking in the two beauties of our wives.

When Jamie and I got to my van (the one the girls weren’t using) he muttered how we should really give them a show with the girls and began stripping as he walked around the van to the other to join our wives. I began stripping out of my clothes and by the time I made my way around the van to turn on my shower my wife Danielle was already lathering up Jamies growing erection with soap at his van and Kristen was slowly strutting her way over to me grinning with excitement. The boys were also grinning ear to ear when I looked over with a direct line of sight at the four of us. I turned on the water to my shower and Kristen quickly embraced me with a long kiss that began the next steps to putting on a free show.

Kristen covered me in soap and had me facing the campfire as she walked around me rubbing her hands all over my naked body. My dick quickly became hard feeling Kristen and watching Danielle and Jamie progress in their part of the show. While Kristen was lathering up my cock from behind with soap we both watched while Danielle now rubbed Jamies dick between her ass cheeks (which I now know to be called r/hotdogging thanks to a fellow redditor) allowing it to rest on the lower part of her back before slowly grinding down it again between her cheeks. When I looked at the campfire again the 4 guys were squirming in their chairs more watching the events unfold of our moonlight and campfire flickered bodies tangling with one another.

Kristen then turned my body facing the back of the van with my side to the campfire crew, Danielle and Jamie and then positioned herself bent over in front of me and without hesitating reached between her legs to guide my cock inside of her. The guys were now cheering clicking new bottles of alcohol together watching Kristen and I begin to fuck. Not long after Danielle assumed the same position and Jamie began fucking her in rhythm with Kristen and I. Our wet naked bodies slapped against each other causing the infamous slapping sounds which seemed to echo back to us from the thick surrounding forrest. Kristen and Danielle were moaning it up MUCH more than usual as if they were now suddenly pornstars performing for a live crowd. Neither Jamie or I seemed to mind as that added fuel underneath of us to begin fucking them harder.

After a few minutes I looked back at the fire and was able to see one of the guys standing behind his chair shyly jerking off, while one seemed to still be seated with his dick out and the other two were standing closer to our vans leaning against their van and were both jerking off under their boxers looking right at the four of us. Danielle and Kristen stared at the boys moaning out using their pornstar voices saying all sorts of things “do you like what you see”, “Are we making you hard” etc… Danielle seemed to be fixed on one of the guys closest near the car later encouraging him to cum and spanking her own ass while Jamie fucked her. That did the trick and moments later the guy came into the grass in front of him moaning out to Danielle. Jamie was fucking her harder now and after a dozen or so thrusts he pulled out and coated Danielles ass causing one of the guys near the fire to grunt assuming to a finish. Kristen and I kept fucking to our own groove now standing and facing the group while Kristen massaged her beautiful bouncing tits. The whole situation was exciting and with the way the girls were putting on a show and how the guys got a reaction to them it felt like we were celebrities.

Pulling out her pornstar screams one more time she said more loudly than normal ensuring they could hear her that she wanted me to cum in her mouth and “needed my cum” which quickly made me ready to explode. She knelt down in front of me and stroked me as fast as she could continuing to give the pornstar routine saying all sorts of dirty things that were making the guys (and myself) get closer until I finally tensed up and she stroked my cum out on to her warm tongue. The one guy left next to the vans cheered once again saying how hot Kristen looked continuing to watch and jerk off while she sucked and cleaned me up. Danielle and Jamie were now wrapped in their towels sitting on the bumper of their van and watched on. Kristen walked closer to the guy near the van and stood at arms length in front of him playing with her tits and saying the same dirty things to him which eventually lead to the guy to moan out really loud to her and have an explosive finish managing to hit Kristen in the shin with a rope of cum while the rest scattered around in the grass between them.

He immediately began thanking her in slurred drunken speak managing to tell her over and over again how hot she was and how he would never forget this before wiping his hands in the grass and receiving a quick kiss on the cheek from Kristen before she walked back toward us as he pulled his pants up and rejoined his friends at the fire. The shy one was now sitting along side them as well and watched while Kristen and I quickly cleaned each other off before toweling ourselves down. All we said from there was goodnight to the guys and the four of us retreated inside one van and relived and gossiped about the show we all just provided, which began getting us excited again and where Kristen admitted she was close to getting on her knees and finishing off that last guy to which Jamie said would have made the night.

That next morning the guys were up earlier than we were cooking breakfast and as one last feel good moment Danielle and Kristen went out to sit with them and sip coffee wearing only their pajamas which consisted of tiny crop top t-shirts without their bras providing clear nipple outlines of both girls in the cold mountain air as well as under boob from Kristen and small booty shorts without panties on underneath which essentially looked like cheeky underwear with Danielles ass. They even gave each guy a long extended hug before they hopped in their cars and left the campsite with the biggest grins I’ve seen on 4 guys faces.

After our two weeks were up we spent 1 week back at our own houses with our own wives and then decided to hit the road again this time from end of June until the first week of August. Currently I am killing time in the passenger seat while Danielle is driving us behind Jamie and Kristen on our way to a new state where we are meeting up with some of Jamie and Kristens old friends from their old neighborhood. The van life experience so far has been life changing and we highly recommend giving a shot even without the perks of having friends to bring along that you can fuck and get naked with in a river in the middle of nowhere! Hoping for more updates soon.
