Symbiotic Invasion pt 4: Tiffany

School can be such bullshit sometimes. First, my exotic little friend from England gets suspended for however long, then she won’t really even give me a straight answer about what’s up? Now I’ve got a stupid report due on some ancient white guy or another, and to top it all off I get ketchup on my favorite neon top! At least no one noticed when I rushed out of the lunch room. Gotta be the first time these people didn’t take notice of the only minority in school making a “sudden” move. 

Suppose that’s still thanks to my friend Ashley being the main topic of conversation. Did she really go full lezbo with Shelby? How much longer until the rumors turn to her and me? We’re always hangin’ out, no doubt people will start to think we have something going on. I don’t want any more unwanted attention, but in this day and age a rumor like that could be helpful? Maybe? I don’t know, just gotta get this stain out before anyone notices…

“_What the fuck_?!” I shout, the scene in the bathroom pretty much calling for it. Shelby, the other accused lesbian (or victim, depending on the version of the story) was on her knees, her skirt pulled up over her waist, and some weird fur ball thing rolling around. She snagged it and threw it in my direction before I had much time to react, and the fuzzy object hit me square in the chest. I tried to get it off, but my arms wouldn’t react. Nothing wanted to move, I couldn’t even scream! I slumped against the wall and slid down to the floor, eyes bulging in abject terror as Shelby got to her feet and turned to face me.

It felt like my chest was on fire where the thing hit me, burning into my skin as it melted into me. I could feel it seep into my flesh, this stranger merging with my body as I sat too stunned to do anything else. Utterly paralyzed in fear and growing agony as this creature probed into my chest, lashing tendrils digging into bone before fusing with nerves. Shelby approached, a look of wonder on her face as she watched the creature absorb into my body. She took my hands, but I couldn’t feel her touch. Every nerve in my body screamed as waves of agony crushed up and down my arms, spine, and legs. Light faded as she dragged me, and I drifted from the waking world.

Eyes rolled with a piercing migraine. Toes curled so tight I thought they would never straighten, calves twisting with wicked cramps, but my back. My spine felt like it was shattered and on fire, I’d never been in so much pain in my life! 

_good, you’re up_

I groaned, the only noise I could make. My eyes were opened, I was sure of it. But there was only darkness. 

_we have job for you_

Who? Where? I really just wanted to die. Whatever Shelby did to me must have done- the thought was interrupted by searing pain as my migraine doubled, searing agony shooting down my arms as I writhed in the darkness, bumping against something that rolled back, sloshing as something else clattered around. Despite the extreme pain, I couldn’t bring myself to scream. I could hardly even breathe.

_air and words are for good humans. you good human?_

The pain had started to fade, but my anger was just beginning. Who does this fucker think it is? Saying air is-

_master, you may refer to me_

…Ok, it’s in my head. Or psychic. Or I’m having a psychological break, and this is how I die.

_would human like to know?_

I waited. My breathing was labored, the darkness and inability to move was becoming more than a little unnerving, and I was having difficulty not _completely losing my shit_, so I waited to hear what this strange voice might have to say.

_I am inside you, yes. here to help your slow, backwards, stupid, pathetic race_

“Well, that’s a little insulting, but ok. Can’t really turn help down now, can I? Especially while stuck in a supply closet.”

_clever girl, knowing where she is despite not being able to see_

“I can feel the janitor’s cart against my arm. Who’s stupid now, dipshit?” A new wave of agony swept through me, my whole body curling on the cool floor. The janitor will be here any minute, see me on the floor, and get me some help. All I gotta do is hold out.

_we don’t really need you to give approval, just thought you might be interested in the plan_

With that, my arms flipped around in the darkness. Like the world’s clumsiest puppet, I lumbered to my feet in the small closet. 

_see. your approval is inconsequential to our success_

“Would it be easier?” I asked inwardly. 

_of course. I wouldn’t have to do all the work, you wouldn’t be actively resisting. plus, there would be less this_

I fell to my knees as the pain flared up again, my head smashing against the side of the janitor’s cart as I fell. The ache dissipated quickly, replaced by a different kind of ache. My body burned, the sensations starting around my chest and pubic area.

_and so much more of this, if you cooperate_

My legs slipped out from under me, a foot kicking into the door as an orgasm exploded instantly. A jet of liquid ecstasy erupted from my throbbing pussy, spraying freely across the tile floor and sounding like it hit the wall. Through the endless waves of relentless pleasure; fingers pinching my nipples and toying with my sensitive clit, arms rubbing against my sides, knees quivering against the cool stone wall, it eventually dawned on me.

“I’m naked?” The thought ran across my mind as soon as coherent ideas could be formed. I was still spasming, twitching as I bumped against unseen objects. 

_we thought it would be best_

I took a deep, settling breath. The first long breath I was allowed since this all started. It felt good. Not as good as the orgasm I was still trying to come down from, but still pretty high up there. “We?”

_your friend, her master, and myself_

“Shelby.” I thought flatly. “Not really a friend.”

_no, so much more, now_

“We’ll see.” I pulled myself up using the janitor’s cart and flipped on the light. My eyes needed a moment to adjust to the harsh fluorescents. I took the time to clean up the wet mess I’d made, scanning the small closet for anything I could use to cover myself. 

_clothes are insignificant_

“Well, here on Earth, they play an important role. Especially at school. And other public places.”

All I could find were trash bags. I tried to reach out for them, but my arms wouldn’t move. “What the hell gives?”

Without any response, my puppeteer twists me around and forces me into the door. My body falls into the thick wooden obstacle, hands lacking the coordination necessary to grab and turn the knob before pulling the door open under the shoddy commands of some strange alien…

“Parasite. That’s what you are, you need me way more than I need you.” A fresh wave of crippling pain knocks me to my knees, arms crossing helplessly across my stomach.

_master is what I am to you_

“Unable to open a fucking door, _master_?” I offer sarcastically, teeth clenched in both pain and frustration. 

_if you’d be so kind?_

I knelt at the door, considering my options. Either I wait here in utter agony for however long it takes the school’s janitor to arrive, or I open the door and step out into the hall. Naked. Neither one seemed particularly appealing, but the prospect of walking through school completely naked, for anyone to come across _did_ stir something deep inside. Or was that the parasite?

_all you, your deepest desires brought closer to the surface_

My cheeks burned as they turned a shade of red. I brushed the hair behind my ear, looking down at the thin purple streak accenting the otherwise black strands of silk cascading over my shoulder and down my chest. I do have a body to be proud of; smooth honeyed skin, perky b-almost-c cup breasts, firm bubble butt, tight legs packed with muscle. Then there’s my hair – near buzz cut on one side with long hair on the other, and the aforementioned purple streak. Pain had given way to arousal just reflecting on my own physique, and I hadn’t really even thought of getting caught yet!

A trembling hand reached up for the door handle, fingers circling around it. I twisted and pulled the door in, opening the room to the world outside, peeking my head around to an empty hallway. Most lights were off, and it appeared to be late evening. Somewhat anticlimactic, but also fairly relieving, maybe I can make my naked journey to the locker room and get my gym clothes. Or at the very least, steal a cheerleader uniform? If the bare walk goes well enough, might even take an extra lap around the school.

_good idea_

I’d somehow nearly forgotten about my hitchhiker. “So, what’s your deal?” I asked, each forbidden, bare-foot slap against the tile floor driving me even more wild with desire.

_already said, here to help. make better_

I rolled my eyes. Nerves fluttered in my stomach and I sent a subconscious hand to brush hair behind my ear, when something stuck out. A band of fur at my wrist? I looked at both wrists, and they had identical straps of fur. As black as my hair, with a thin strip of purple on each. “What the fuck?!” I screamed in my mind, stopping in the hall.


It didn’t seem to be prepared to offer more information, but suddenly snapped me to attention. 

_there, this way_

Clumsy feet clunked this way and that, somehow keeping me upright while we flopped against a wall of lockets. “Just tell me which way to go, and I’ll go that way, ok?” 


I walked much more gracefully straight down the hallway, after bouncing off another locker in an attempt to openly mock my Mast- captor. As we walked I started hearing something. Was that, moaning? It sounded like someone was getting their freak on, but that couldn’t be right. Not in the school? I went further, now following the sound, and looked into one of the classrooms. Through the long, thin window of the room’s door, was Shelby. Right up against it, looking back at someone as they pounded into her from behind. She was topless (probably just as naked as me, frankly) and making it sound like she was having the best sex of her life. I closed my eyes and turned to walk away.


More pain, again the worst I’ve ever felt. Beyond anything I could have ever imagined, leaving me in the fetal position outside the room. The position I’d fallen just happened to be perfect to watch Shelby get fucked, her hair bouncing with every thrust, her face contorting in pleasure as mine twisted in agony. Her eyes rolled as she squealed in climax as mine clenched as I groaned in anguish. She screamed louder through ecstasy than any grunt inspired by my torment, all the while the voice chided.

_that could be you_

Shelby’s moans echo down the halls.

_screaming in delight with unparalleled ecstasy_

Shelby groans throatily, swearing loudly as her lover fucks her.

_but here you lay, defiant_

I whimper softly, tears streaming down my cheek as my body curls tighter through the unbelievable pain.

_why? just work with us, have pleasure while building a better tomorrow_

Shelby’s moans turn to grunts as the thrusts get harder, more urgent. She’s looking through the window at me.

_she wants pleasure for you, we all do_

I take uneasy breaths. Shelby’s little rendezvous seems to have been over, she is no longer in the window. No more wet slapping of flesh on flesh, no moaning, no pleasurable sounds heard from within. I can’t help but feel a sense of loss when suddenly, the door opens. Shelby comes out, naked and dripping sweat.

“Isn’t this a sight?” she says. There’s no menace or taunt.

“Hey,” I reply from my fetal position on the floor.

“Hey,” she says back. “Glad to see you made it out of the supply closet.” She offers a warm smile as a thick glob of semen streams down her thigh. I watch it slide a little way, then fix my eyes on her pussy. Her little pink flower is slick from her recent experience, the lips still parted. She notices where my eyes are looking, her smile twisting to something more fun. “You’ve been in there all day, must be starving,” she said. She stood over my head, heels on either side of my face. “How about a little creampie?”

She fell to her knees, fur wrapped ankles at my head and her recently filled pussy dropping to my face in a blink. My nose was buried between her ass cheeks, lips brushing her labia as she kneeled over me. A thick strand of their mixed pleasure oozed from within her pink, slowly stretching into my open mouth. I don’t remember opening up for the slimy combination of semen and pussy nectar, but I can admit that I brought my face up into her without any prompting. My tongue plunged into her warm tunnel, lips locking around her tender sex before suckling every delicious drop into my hungry mouth. I moaned into her as she echoed my sounds above. Shelby collapsed on top of me, presumably ready to return the favor, when I felt something push into my mouth. I moved away, and another furry orb wriggled free from her velvety tunnel. 

“Your turn,” she breathed, her lips inches from my pussy. I was too stunned to say anything, or make any resistance. Her furry orb had rolled off somewhere down the hall, I turned my head to see if I could find it, but then her tongue slipped along my clit. Fingers danced around my labia before digging into me, lips latching around my sensitive bean and sucking until I was screaming in all the best ways. My hands slid across the tile looking for something to hold onto as I was consumed by unstoppable waves of pleasure, each crashing spasm more forceful than the last. Shelby’s legs crossed under my head, then pulled me up into her. My screams became muffled against her soggy thighs, and I did my best to continue pleasuring her, but the orgasm was surging beyond mind altering levels. I couldn’t breathe properly and the world felt funny. Nothing made sense as my body convulsed, jerked, spasmed, and twitched through the growing tide of climax. I couldn’t keep feeling new levels of pain followed by new levels of pleasure. The contradiction was going to leave me in a drooling comatose state. One or the other, and ya girl is picking pleasure!!

_so good to hear, especially since you’ve already consumed your first sample of specimen._

I’m sure that makes sense, but Shelby’s tongue is somewhere south of my cervix doing this amazing swirly thing. Her hands push into my thighs, holding my legs firmly apart to give her the deepest possible access to my throbbing pussy, liquid pleasure steadily leaking around her entrenched tongue. I rub her warm slit absently, fully distracted by my mind numbing pleasure. 

_Sebby has been identified as the perfect specimen to reproduce more of us. you consumed some of his semen, and will produce offspring shortly._

Okie dokie, great. Shelby’s fingers pull my pink lips wider, stretching my narrow passage.

“Ooh, here it comes,” she says. My orgasm barely fades as something begins to emerge from my inner pink. She pushes her fingers into me, and extracts the furry orb. “Two more recruits!” she says cheerily. 
