My fingernail fetish explained. Story time. [MF]

Don’t you hate it when you see a thread, and you want to post your story, but the thread is already out of control and you know your post will just get buried?

That just happened to me, and I have to post this story.

The thread was about specific fetishes and how you got them, so, here’s my story.

Warning, it’s long…

So my primary fetish is that I’m an exhibitionist, which isn’t very easy to pull off as a straight, pale white, skinny, father of several teenaged kids.

I tend to be as careful as I can, but the whole idea is that you’re always somewhat in danger of being caught – that’s 90% of the thrill.

That’s not what this post is about though, but it’s related. My secondary fetish is super long french tip style fingernails on women.

Now, let me explain how we got here…

Eight or nine or so years ago I was on the road for work, at a convention where we saw people who work in the same industry. We’d see the same people twice or three times a year when we all came together at the same events.

It’s the typical, boring conference filled with endless meetings, and small talk with the people you haven’t seen in months.

The first day is coming to a close, and I’m in meeting we’re sitting in a conference room with rows of tables one in front of the other, all facing the person speaking at the front of the room. I was in the second or third row of 10, with maybe 75 people in the room. At some point I had to get up to go to the bathroom, and left my stuff in the room when I went.

I came back, started taking more notes, and the meeting ended…

Meeting is over, a group of about 15 of us get together at a bar for drinks and to talk shop. We all decided to roll out somewhat early, maybe 11pm because we had meetings early in the morning.
Now at most conferences, there’s a “host hotel” where most of the people attending the event stay.

There’s a group rate, everyone is close to each other for meetings and stuff, but I NEVER stay at the host hotel.

I stay at a hotel that’s near the host hotel, but since I love getting naked and walking around the hotel hallways in the middle of the night, I always try to minimize my chances of getting caught by someone I know.
Yes, I plan my exhibitionism ahead.

Anyway, back to the front of the bar. Everyone is out front grabbing a ride to the host hotel, and I tell them I’m staying offsite, so they can go ahead without me – I’ll grab another cab.

One of the women at the event says she’s not at the host hotel either, and asks me where I’m staying – I tell her the Hilton, and she asks if we can split a cab.

I say sure, we both hop in. When we get to the hotel, we both get in the elevator and she pushes the button for my floor.


Now she might catch me, and this is someone I see three times a year.

We get off the elevator, walk down the hallway, and of course her room is right across the hallway from my room. Her door faces my door exactly.

Whatever though. I’ve never been caught by anyone I know, so I put my normal plan into action.

I set my alarm for 3:15 in the morning, knowing this is the time of night when the bars have been closed long enough that everyone is back, and the hallways are empty, but still too early for anyone to be awake and roaming the halls. From 3:30am until 4:15am or so, hotels are so quiet.

We say goodbye, plan to grab a cab back to the host hotel in the morning, and both go into our rooms for the night.

Maybe 20 minutes goes by, and I hear a knock on my door. It’s Sue, she wants to know if I have a spare charging cable I can lend her. I say sure, she walks in, I hand her the cable and say, I’ll see you at 8:30 in the lobby, right?”

She says, “Not if I see you first”, and goes back to her room.

I watch a little tv, and fall asleep until a few minutes before 3:15am, just before my alarm is about to go off. I’m pretty excited to take my naked walk through the hallways so I get up to hit the bathroom real quick, before I drop my robe and take my naked walk.

Right as I’m about to walk out the door, I take a quick peek to make sure the lights are off in the room across the hall, and the coast looks clear.

Door closed, lights off, no one in sight.

So I open my door, take a quick peek around the corners to make sure it’s really clear, and then I throw my robe on the floor. Just as I’m turning around to close the door quietly, my alarm goes off. I forgot to turn the fucking thing off and the hotel alarm clock was loud as hell.

I’m startled, and the heavy metal hotel door slams shut as I’m racing back into my room to turn the alarm clock off.

My heart is beating a mile a minute at this point. I thought I was caught.

No harm done.

I waited a few minutes because the clock and door had made so much noise, grabbed the ice bucket, my hotel key card, threw the robe back on the floor a second time and walked down the hall naked as the day I was born to get some ice.

The ice machine was all the way down the hallway, right near the elevators, in a little nook kind of room as they typically are.

Everything is going fine, my dick is getting harder by the minute, when I get to the ice machine room. I walk in, fill the bucket, and take a quick peek at the elevators to make sure they’re not coming up before I leave the room.

Coast is clear, I step out into the hallway and…


She’s about 150 feet away, but I can tell it’s her.

And she’s sitting in front of MY hotel room door in a white, hotel bathrobe.

FUCK ME! I’m caught.

Too late at this point, I’m 100% naked, no jewelry, no shoes, no hat, no nothing. and I’m frozen in the hallway, cock at full mast, with a bucket of ice in one hand, and my room key in the other.


A this point she’s seen me, but… wait a minute… she’s not outside getting some ice herself. What is she doing? What the fuck?

She’s just fucking sitting there, on the floor, in front of MY hotel room door?

So at that point, I decide to just own it as best I can.

My face is bright red, by dick is throbbing up and down from my elevated heart beat, and I start walking towards back towards my hotel room – which means I’m walking right at her.

Then, I froze for a second.

What the hell am I doing? I know this woman, she knows me, we know the same people. How am I going to explain this if she tells anyone?!?!?!

It couldn’t have been more than a second or two, but in what felt like it must have been a full minute, I’m just standing there – rock hard cock pointing straight down the hall right at her, as she’s staring right at me.

I was freaking out. I’m starting to shake a little, and then I see her raise her hand, give me a “hello” wave, and then put her hand back down.

I’m still frozen.

Then her hand comes back up, and she gives me a “come over here” motion – so I just started walking.
I didn’t know what else to do.

As I’m getting closer, I can hear the ice in the ice bucket rattling around because I’m shaking so hard. I normally have a plan if I’m caught, or it’s a total stranger who sees me – not someone I actually know!

It felt like I was walking towards her for hours, as she’s been staring directly at me the whole way. Her eyes didn’t move, they didn’t blink, she seemed so calm. ( I sure as fuck wasn’t )

When I’m about 10 feet away or so, in a cracking, nervous voice I say, “Excuse me, I need to get into my room”, because I don’t know what the hell else to do.

She doesn’t move.

She doesn’t say anything.

She’s just sitting there, starting right at my dick as it’s visibly bouncing slightly up and down with every pump my heart makes.

I say, kind of half begging, “Come on Sue, please?”.

Then she look up, stares right into my eyes with an intensity that would win 1000 staring contests, and
then looks right back down at my dick for a few seconds.

She grabs her bottle of water, takes a quick little sip, and starts to get up.

Thank the fucking lord.

Then she kind of giggles, and sits right back down still blocking my door.

I don’t know what to do at this point.

I can’t get to the door.

If I tried to get close enough to put the room key card in the lock, my dick would be inches away
from her face.

So again, I say “Come on Sue, please move, I need to get back in my room”.

Finally, she says something…

“Ok, ok, give me a second and I’ll move.”

It was NOT a second. She takes another sip of water, definitely taking her sweet time milking the
hell out of my complete and total embarrassment, when she reaches out her hand and says…

“Aren’t you going to help me up?”

Holy shit.

Is she fucking kidding me.

I say, “No, just please get up, come on Sue”.

And she says, “Ok, ok. That’s kind of rude of you, but I’ll get up”.

She stands up, and as she’s getting up she says, “Oh, do you mind if I slip my robe off too?”.

And before I could manage to get a word out of my mouth, her robe is slipping off her shoulders and falling straight for the floor, right in front of my hotel room door.

I’m starting to feel things down there, like I’m about to cum in the middle of the hallway right in front of her. It was such a nervous rush for an exhibitionist like me, I’d never felt anything like it before.

That’s when it hits me…

As her robe is falling, I notice she’s wearing shoes.

But not only shoes, she’s wearing shoes, and jeans, and a shirt, and a sweater – the same outfit she’d been wearing all day long. The same one she was wearing in the conference room, and at the bar, and in the cab, and in the elevator.

And then she says…

“You didn’t think I was going to get naked too, did you?”.

“Get back in your room and I’ll see you in a few hours – hopefully with more clothes on this time”.
As she moves over to let me put the keycard, I’m still shaking like a leaf, so of course I drop the key card as I’m trying to get it in the little slot on the door.

It’s sitting there, she’s standing behind me at her door at that point, and when the key card hits the floor in the middle of the dead silent hotel hallway, of course she hears it and asks…

“You’re going to pick that up, aren’t you PURPLETWISTO?”.

Without thinking, and still holding the ice bucket, I kind of half squat, half bend over when I felt something like nothing else I’ve ever experienced in my life.

Picture me standing there, ice bucket in one hand. standing naked in the middle of a cold hotel room hallway, half squatting, half bending over to pick something off the floor while I’m at bouncing full mast, hands shaking visibly,

Of course I can’t get a good grip on the card, and as I’m fumbling around with it on the floor I got a sudden jolt of electricity through my entire system…

You know when you get that full body convulsion, the kind where everything shakes and you just stand straight up – that’s exactly what happened.

But no, I didn’t cum.

I don’t know how I didn’t, but I didn’t.

As I was half bent over, half squatting, I don’t know what was running through her mind as she’s staring right into the center of my asshole – but she touched it.

No, not my asshole…

She saw my sack, taut from being cold, but swinging low because of the position I was in to grab that key card – and she touched it.

But she didn’t grab it.

She didn’t poke it.

She gently caressed the bottom of my sack with the tips of all 5 fingernails and kind of gently closed her fingers as if they were the claws in a claw machine, just dropping the toy out of its arms as it drops out of its grasp.

That was a sensation I’ll never forget.


I shot straight up, and let out a noise. I don’t even know what it was, I can’t even begin to explain it because I didn’t hear it myself…

But Sue did.

She immediately bent down to pick up the key, and I could hear in her voice that she was shocked and embarrassed when she said, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry! Did you just cum?”.

“No, um… No. Just give me the key”, I said…

She put the key in the door for me, and pulled it out illuminating the green light on the handle that it felt like I’d been waiting hours to see.

Then I grabbed the handle as she handed me the key, and I fucking tripped over my robe, spilling the fucking ice all over my hotel room floor as I raced through the door.


Did that just happen?

What in the fuck?

What am I going to do?

What do I say in the morning?

Do I say anything?

I’m in a state of shock at that point.

I have no idea what’s going on, what to do, or how in the fuck I didn’t blast a fucking tanker load of cum right in front of her. I was on the verge of blowing from the second I took my robe off and stepped out the door.

Then I feel something cold, and realize, I need to get this ice off my floor before I slip and crack my head open or something…

So I get down on floor of my room, on my hands and knees, and start picking the ice cubes up in a panic when I hear a knock on the door.

“PURPLETWISTO, open the door!”.


So I walked on my knees backwards towards the door, turned around at my waist and kind of pawed at the door handle just enough to open it – still fucking rock hard, still 100% naked as a person can possibly be, and for some reason, and as she swings the door open just go right back to the fucking ice.

If you’re not picturing this, she’s now standing in my doorway, looking down at me on all fours, ass in
the air spread straight at her, as though I’d intentionally opened the door with my ass pointed right up
at her face.

I just had no idea what I was doing. My mind was not working, like, not even a little bit.

Then she says, “I’m so sorry, but I need to get my key”.

Um, what???

Her key? What the hell is she talking about. I don’t have her key…

“I don’t have your key”, I said.

“I know”, she says, “but it’s in your room”.

Um, what again????

At this point I decided to stand up, and we’re both in that tight little hallway area at the front of the hotel room right by the door.

I mean, we’re inches from each other at this point. I’m still hard as a rock, and I guess my nerves kicked in right when I realized that I was once again, totally fucking naked, standing in front of Sue, for the second time in a minute.

My heart rate shoots up, my dick fucking spasms or something and moves, just barely brushing against the outside of her jeans.

She just stood there for a second, looked down to confirm that yes, it was in fact my cock that just touched her leg, and then she said, “When I went into the hallway to wait for you, I slid my key under
your door so I wouldn’t chicken out”.

That didn’t process at all at the moment, but it didn’t matter. We had to find that key.

But, it wasn’t there…

It wasn’t anywhere.

A few seconds goes by, and we’re both on our knees at this point crawling around the floor looking for her key. We hasn’t said another word to each other.

We’re frantically looking around at this point, just trying to get out of this situation. Neither of us know we’re supposed to do. We’re just starting to process…

I looked under the bed. When I did that I realized I stuck my ass straight up, spread wide open again,
this time not a foot from her face while she was on the floor on her hands and knees right behind me.
Oh my god, I need to stand up.

She’s still on the the floor on all fours, looking around, when I stand up.

That’s when I feel something wet hit the top of my foot, and I look down.

Oh my god – It was pre-cum.

And it was still hanging there, glistening in the hotel bathroom lights, a good 12 inches long just dangling off my slightly bouncing dick like a single spider web waiving in the breeze.

As I reached down to swat it away, I looked up and Sue couldn’t have been more than two feet away, on her knees – eye level to the single strand of pre-cum dangling right in front of her face.

She saw it. Of course she fucking saw it, and her eyes went super wide.

She’s just frozen for a second, like a deer caught in the headlights staring straight at my now bright
red cock with a little something glistening on the end of it.

She reached down, grabbed my robe, and threw it at me.

I don’t know if she was throwing it at me for me to put it on, but it felt more like she was throwing it at me in a playfully embarrassed way. I could see her cheeks turning red when we heard a sound.

It was the hotel key card.

It must have gotten wrapped up in the robe as I tripped over it earlier.

She picked it up, and without saying a word, kind of simultaneously got up, grabbing the side of my naked hip to use as leverage, and slowly walked towards the door.

She turned around, gave me one quick, but very odd feeling look up and down, and she pushed the door open with one hand and walked right out without touching it again.

But, before the door had a chance to close…

It stopped.

It didn’t close all the way for some reason.

It was almost closed, but it was like something stopped it.

I start walking towards the door, and just as I’m walking towards it, it starts opening towards me.

She opened it, and was now standing in my doorway.

She flipped on all the light switches by the door so it was super bright in the room…

Then she looked at me, tapped her nails on the door, and said…

“Leave the door open when you finish”.

I was in shock for like the third, or fourth, or fifth time and didn’t know what the hell was going on so I said, “Do what now?”.

She looked down towards my crotch, looked back up at my eyes, pointed to a chair in the corner and said, “Sit in that chair, leave the lights on, and leave the door open UNTIL you’re finished… ok?”.


Then she turned around, put the robe in front of the door so it wouldn’t close, walked across the hall, opened her door, and walked in.

Post nut clarity had NOT hit at this point, so I ran over to the chair in the corner and just stood there. I didn’t know what I was supposed to be doing, if anything at all.

It was a typical office type chair with casters, and two arm rests, and I sat down.

Then I heard something slam against her door. I’m pretty sure it was her belt buckle, but it could have been a shoe, or who the fuck knows, but I’m pretty sure she was getting her pants off as quickly as she possibly could to take care of herself.

That’s when it hit me.

Keep the door open ‘until you finish’.

Now I got it. (taps head)

I threw one leg up over each side of the chair so I was legs spread wide, kind of just barely above the
chair because of my leg position, dick straight up in the air, and grabbed my now totally dripping cock.
I don’t know what came over me, but when I realized how much pre-cum I had, I kind of touched it and as it stuck to my finger I kept stretching until I touched it to my mouth.

It dropped, landing on my chest and my stomach.

Then I heard it…

It was the tapping of fingernails, on her hotel room door.

She was watching at me through her peephole!

Holy shit, it’s fucking go time.

I moved my hands around slowly, and when I got my finger close to my asshole, I heard another tapping on the door. And she kept tapping… and tapping… and tapping.

Pinky, Ring Finger, Middle Finger, Pointer. In quick succession.


So I swirled my finger around the top of my cock, lapped up all the pre-cum I could get, and slid that
thing as deep into my ass as I could get it.

The taps continued.

I continued for another few seconds, until I pulled it out and started to grab my dick with that same hand and started furiously stroking the hell out of the thing.

The taps stopped.

I froze.

Did she realize what was happening?

Did she hear something?

Was she done?

Was someone coming?

I didn’t know, but as I kind of just let my hand fall down by my ass again – that’s when I heard it…


So I swirled around the tip of my dick with my finger again, and jammed that pre-cum lubed finger right back in.

Then I grabbed my dick with my other hand, and as I was going to town with my right hand jackhammering my own ass, I was stroking all 7 inches of my granite hard, freshly shaved dick with my

The veins in my dick felt like tree roots they were so hard.

I’m not a lefty though.

So maybe it was just because I was using the other hand?

At that point, it did not fucking matter because I’d been ready to blast off since the second I woke up before my alarm even went off.

I’m stroking, and stroking, and stroking and I heard some kind of noise come from her room.

It sounded like a moan, but I honestly don’t know. I heard the noise, then something hit the door pretty hard, and then I shot a load literally straight up and onto my own fucking face.

A few seconds later, I got up, gave a little wave, and closed the hotel room door with my face still covered in my own cum.

I went to the sink, turned on the water, and started washing off my face. Then I turned on the shower, and as I was just about to get in I heard a door open in the hallway, and I’m assuming it was hers, but I was in post but clarity freak out mode at that point.

I hopped in the shower, cleaned myself up, and after letting my heart beat get back to normal, I went straight to sleep, or at least I tried. I was probably up for an hour before I finally managed to fall asleep.

Being a moron, I completely forgot to set my alarm to wake up in the morning, so I slept right through the time when we should have been sharing a ride back to the convention hotel.

Honestly, I was kind of relieved.

Post nut clarity had hit hard at that point, and I was starting to worry.

Why didn’t she knock on my door to see if I was ready?

Did she record something through the peephole? I didn’t see her naked at all, but she saw all of me, and then some.

It wasn’t until around just after lunch when I rolled in, and met up with some of the rest of the crew from the conference, and we were headed into another session shortly.

But I didn’t see Sue anywhere.

That had me worried.

At that point I was just hoping for the best.

I walked into the session room, the same one from the day before, and sat down in the second to last row because all the other seats were already taken. Maybe 60 seconds later, Sue walks in the door and sits down, directly behind me, just like she had the day before.

She didn’t say a word.

I didn’t say a word.

We just focused on work.

Or, at least I was trying to focus on work.

I was in my head the whole time. Was she going to say anything? Should I?

But, a few minutes before the session ended, she got up, grabbed her laptop, and walked right out without saying a word.

What – The – Fuck ?

She couldn’t exactly say anything in the middle of a crowded conference room in front of all our peers, but then again, she didn’t have to leave before the session was even over, right?

I had no idea what to do at that point, so I just continued along as though it was another normal day.
It’s getting close to 8pm, and I’m on a panel in the last session to wrap up the day. As a panel member we’re getting questions from the audience, and answering on the fly.

With about 10 minutes left in the session, I see Sue walk in.

She’s not supposed to be in this session.

It’s not even her area.


What – The – Fuck???

And that’s when I almost had a heart attack. I see Sue get up, and walk over to the end of the line to ask a question to the panel – the panel that I was sitting on, as a respected expert in my field.

It doesn’t look like she’s going to get her question in before we run out of time, but of course, the guy running the session decides that anyone standing in line will get to ask their question before we leave for the night.

That means, Sue is going to get the microphone.

My heart is beating a million miles an hour again, when she steps up to the microphone and says, “My name is Sue, I work for BLAHBLAH and I have a question for PURPLETWISTO”.

“PURPLETWISTO, what would do if… ”


She’s tapping her fingernails on the side of the microphone, and then she just stands there for a second, looks up at the ceiling and says…

“On second thought, I’d rather ask you this in private if you’re willing. Can you hang around and talk to me after the session is over?”.

My voice cracked, and I said, “Uh, sure, no problem.”

Fast forward about 10 minutes, and the session is over. Everyone is saying their good-byes, a few people are heading to the airport, and Sue asks me if I can join her in a breakout room to ask her question.

In my mind, I’m so relieved at this point. She’s not doing anything in front of anyone else, she hasn’t said anything publicly that I know of, and no one else has been treating me any differently than normal.

As we’re walking to the conference room, she’s carrying a bare laptop in her hand. Fingers under it, just down on her hip, and the whole way I hear…


I turn around quickly, and asked, “Are you doing that on purpose?”.

She looks at me, and says, “Am I doing what?”.
I said, “The tapping, with your nails”.

She looks at me, gives me a sly grin and says “No, of course not. Why do you ask?”.

I know this is getting super long at this point, so you might be wondering, or you may have already forgotten this detail…

How in the hell did Sue end up sitting outside my hotel room door, in a bathrobe, fully clothed, at 3:30 in the morning?

Well, the answer comes from earlier that day.

When we were in our earlier session, I got up to go to the bathroom and when I closed down my notes to keep things private, what ended up being open in the background when I minimized my notes was a browser window.

And on my browser…


She saw my username.

She looked up my history.

And she saw the stories I’d posted about the specific times I go out walking naked in hotels when I’m on the road.

She didn’t know anything about it until she got back to the hotel, at least that’s what she told me.

When she got to the hotel, she looked up my post history the minute she got to the room.
Remember the charging cable she borrowed?

She told me when she came to the room, she looked at the clock snd saw I had my alarm set by the little dots on it – the ones indicating the alarm is on.

She knew my plan was on.

But what about the bathrobe?

How did she know about that part?

Turns out she was waiting to see if I’d go out naked, she heard the alarm, and the door slam when I made my first attempt to go out.

From that point on, when I thought the coast was clear, she was standing behind her door staring through the peephole knowing that at some point, I was going to come out naked.

She told me that when she got into the hallway she almost turned back, but she saw what she thought was me as I turned the corner into the room with the ice machine, and slid her key under my door so she couldn’t turn back.

If I was going to be stuck, so was she.

We were both just in shock that what happened, actually happened.

She told me she wasn’t going to say anything to anyone as long as I promised not to say anything to anyone either.

I agreed.

The next morning I happened to be walking through the hotel lobby around the same time she was leaving, and saw her at the taxi stand as waiting for a ride to the airport.

She waved me over, so I went outside to say my good-byes.

When I got close to her, she held out her hand.

She had long, milky white, slender fingers with perfectly finished, long, french tip fingernail polish.
A very light pink on the bottom, just barely off-white on the top.

She said, “Did you like my nails?”.

I almost came right there.

“They’re beautiful”, I said, “French tips, right?”.

“I’ll be at the Hilton again at the next conference”, she said, “Where are you staying?”.

I said, “I don’t know, probably the Hilton again.”.

She said, “Great. I’m looking forward to it. And now that I know you’ll notice my nails, I’ll be sure they’re just as pretty next time”.

“If I do them like this again, would you notice?”, she said.

“You can count on it, I can’t wait to hear them again”, I said.

She gave me a half-smile, and said, “Hear them huh? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see”.

And that right there is the reason that I’ll always be a sucker for women with long, french tip style, fingernails.

It’s also the reason I always, always, always remember to clear my Reddit history if my posts have too much specific information.
(Sue’s name changed to protect the innocent)
