Pulling Maggie up from her prone position across the desk, she turned her around, and lifted her up on the desk, while pushing her to lay across the desk on her back.
Lifting the spreader bar up, and over her head, to rest across her back.
Once done, she leaned forward, and swiped her tongue across Maggie’s clit.
This had the effect of having Maggie raise her butt off the desk, while trying her best to draw the woman’s face deeper into her pussy.
This however proved impossible, due to Maggie’s arms being encased in bondage behind he back.
The best Maggie was able to accomplish was to hike her butt forward, while attempting to clamp her thighs across the woman’s head.
Part 6
As this was going on, Stan spoke up.
“My, my, I fear that I have neglected the social niceties, please let me introduce to you my friend Elizabeth.
Elizabeth is one of my oldest and dearest friends, she has been by my side since we were kids growing up on the same block.
We have a sort of partnership that includes the operation of my business, along with our shall we say outside activities.
She has been a driving force in making us the number one supplier of new and innovative metal products.” Stan informed us.
While Stan was talking I, and I have to assume Maggie was not hearing his words, as we were transfixed on the delightful torture that Elizabeth was performing upon Maggie.
It had to be torture, I could tell this by looking at Maggie’s face, and listening to her moans.
Her face was contorted, and her voice was coming out in gasps, and a series of cuss words.
This horrible torture lasted only a few minutes before Elizabeth pulled away from Maggie’s body.
Standing she looked down at the bound young lady, and emitted a laugh that could best be described as sardonic.
Still upon the desk, Maggie was cursing the entire world for having been left yet once again at the edge of her orgasm, only to be denied her release.
Walking over to me, Stan undid my bonds, followed by him undoing Maggie’s bonds, and helping her up from the desk.
Walking over to Maggie, I gathered her up in my arms, and led her to Stan’s bathroom.
Once the two of us were in the privacy of the bathroom, I walked her over to the shower, and turned on the water that allowed us to rinse off the sweat that coated our bodies.
We didn’t linger, we stayed just long enough to refresh ourselves.
Taking up the towel that was on a rack behind the door.
I wiped down her body, and she returned the favor, by drying me off.
Grabbing two of the robes hanging on the back of the door, and making our way back into Stan’s office.
Finding Stan and Elizabeth in an embrace that was worthy of a Bogart and Bacall movie, we stood in silence watching this wanton display of lust.
Turning towards Maggie, I drew her into my arms, and did my best to recreate the scene we were witnessing.
While I have kissed a few girls in my time, none of them encompassed the passion that I was on the receiving end of at this moment.
Then and there I decided that I wanted to be kissed like this, from this girl for the rest of my life.
Maggie’s lips, and tongue tasted like salvation to a starving, and dying man.
If only she would see me as something other than a co-worker that she was having some fun with.
The truth is, I have never fallen for someone like I have for Maggie.
Breaking away from our kiss, I held her tight, and said to her, “Maggie, I look into your eyes, and I see ourselves fifty years from now sitting on the porch of our home watching our grand children playing in the yard.” I confessed to her.
There must have been something in the air that was irritating both our eyes, because we both began to cry.
Reaching out to wipe away her tears, she intercepted my hand, and said, “Leave them, those are tears of love, and joy.
They deserve to fulfill their existential purpose.” She confessed to me.
Reaching out, Maggie grabbed me up in a hug that promised to break my spine.
When her kisses resumed there was a palatable difference.
In seconds I was lost, lost in her eyes, and lost in her soul, a price I was gladly willing to pay.
“OK you two, get dressed, and get out of here.
You have the afternoon off, well, kind of.
The two of you have an appointment at this address, indicating a packet on his desk.
You are expected there at four this afternoon.
When you are finished there, the proprietor will give you an envelope.
Inside this you will follow the directions to a tee.
Failure to follow these instructions, will result in a penalty.” Stan told us.
“Yes Sir,” Maggie and I said in unison.
The two of us were ushered out of the office, and headed out to my car.
We had exactly thirty minutes to make our appointment.
As I started the Jag, Maggie tore open the top of the packet.
“Well, what’s in there, where are we to go?” I inquired.
“We are going to a shop downtown, the address is twenty six Monroe st.
when we get there, it says we are to ask for Mr. Quinn.
That’s all it says.” Maggie said.
“Well we are in luck, that place is only five miles away, an easy drive.
If we are lucky, we’ll find a parking spot.
This strip of shops is very popular, and parking can be scarce.” I mused.
Pulling onto the street in question, we got lucky, there was a spot open only three spots from the store in question.
As I pulled into the spot, Maggie began to wonder aloud what we were getting ourselves into.
Answering her own question, Maggie told me that in all the time she had worked for Stan, she believed that he would never do anything that might cause us, or others to be harmed.
Dropping a couple of quarters into the parking meter we entered the shop.
Above the door was a small bell that rang whenever the top of the door swept across it.
Before the door could close, an older gentleman came around front from a back room.
“Good afternoon Sir, we have an appointment with Mr Quin is he in?” I inquired.
As I was speaking, I handed the gentleman the envelope that was entrusted to us.
“Well, well, well, welcome to my shop, I am he whom you seek.
You may call me Master Quinn.
I take it you are David, and Maggie?
If the two of you will follow me, we will begin.” Master Quinn said.
Following Master Quinn behind the door in the rear of the shop, we came to a screeching halt as the sight before us unfolded.
It was if we had stepped into the fourteenth century.
Before us was a dungeon, right out of the Spanish inquisition.
“The two of you will remove your clothes, and stand on the wooden crates over by the St Andrews cross.
Be quick about it, and no talking unless spoken too.” Master Quinn told us.
Stepping over to the crates he indicated, I began to ask a question.
“Did I tell you no talking?” Quinn asked.
If you haven’t guessed disobedience has consequences.
David, I am not going to punish you, instead for every infraction of my rules, I am going to punish Maggie.
It is on your head that she is now to suffer the punishment that rightfully belongs to you.
Maggie, step up to the cross, and extend your arms above your head, and place your hands atop the straps you see hanging.
As Maggie stepped up to the cross, her arms held high, and her legs spread, Master Quinn fastened the straps around her wrists, and ankles.
Maggie, you have a pair of safe words, if you say yellow, I will slow down, and back off a bit.
If you say red, everything will halt, and our session will end.” He told her.
With those final words, Master Quinn uncovered a cart that held an assortment of belts, paddles, floggers, etc.
Picking up a wide leather belt, Master Quinn looked over to me, and asked if he should precede.
“If you don’t answer me I will deliver one hundred strokes to this young ladies backside, speak and I will be lenient.
So what is it to be?” Master Quinn asked.
“Maggie, I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do, other than spare you further punishment, Master Quinn you may proceed.” I told him as my heart sank.
Turning my head so as to not have to witness what was about to happen, Master Quinn yelled at me to keep my eyes on Maggie, or he will deliver the hundred blows.
Looking back at Maggie, she told me that it was OK, and not to worry.
The moment her face turned towards me, Master Quinn swung his arm.
As the doubled over belt swung in an arc that terminated upon Maggie’s bottom, there was an audible whack.
The first few blows were relatively light, at least until the tenth.
At this point Master Quinn began to amp up the punishment.
Each hit was aimed so as to not fall upon the same spot each time.
I could see Maggie’s bottom redden in strips, that reflected the width of the belt.
By the twentieth, Maggie’s eyes were leaking tears.
Yet she refused to utter her safe words.
Replacing the belt on the table, Master Quinn picked up the flogger.
It was hard to determine how many strips were at the end of the handle, my guess would be around fifteen or twenty, thin strips of leather.
As each strike landed, Maggie let out a moan.
At the count of thirty, Master Quinn released Maggie from the cross.
Handing me a tube of cream, I was instructed to soothe Maggie’s bottom.
“Now, because you also spoke when not spoken to, you are to assume the position on the cross.
This time, Maggie will deliver your punishment.
Maggie, if you fail to deliver a proper punishment, I will have no recourse but to find an interesting method of correction.” Master Quinn told us.
Stepping up to the cross, I was strapped to the wooden cross members.
“Begin.” Master Quinn ordered.
As Maggie stepped up to the cross, she became hesitant to deliver the punishment.
After a few seconds of hemming and hawing, she received a stern look from Master Quinn.
With a sigh of resignation, Maggie pilled back her arm, and swung the belt.
Her first hit was rather mild, after a stern look from Master Quinn, Maggie began to put her back into the task.
The next series of hits were of a far sterner type.
Each one stung as if I had sat on a wasp nest.
In only moments, I could feel the heat being generated by the blood rushing into my bottom, where the belt had landed.
The remainder of my punishment was the same as Maggie’s.
In the end, I was taken down from the cross, my bottom smoothed by the lotion Maggie applied to my throbbing bottom.
Master Quinn had us stand in the middle of the room while he began to rummage around in a large chest against the wall.
With a loud “Ah, there they are.” he danced over to us.
When he unwrapped the items he had searched for, he presented them to us.
What he unwrapped were a pair of chastity belts.
“OK Maggie, spread your legs.” Master Quinn told her.
The chastity belt he produced was modified from the usual styles one sees.
There was an iron band that fit around the hips, this band was lined with a thickly padded leather liner.
The major difference was the pair of small dildos built into the strap that connected the front to the back of the belt.
Both of the lower straps were rather unique, rather than a solid metal band, the strap was made of tiny metal rings that looked for all the world like chainmail.
They were entirely flexible, and surprisingly soft.
In addition, for the male version, unlike your average chastity device, there was a pouch made of the same chainmail, that snugly encased your balls.
Coating both the front, and back dildo, Master Quinn first fitted and closed the waist belt.
Pressing her legs further apart, Master Quinn inserted first the anal dildo, followed by the front dildo.
When he had them securely seated, he yanked up on the strap to feed the rings on the under belt into their respective seats on the waist belt.
Turning towards me, he unwrapped the second belt, and repeated the process of lubing up the dildo attached to the rear of the strap.
After adjusting the waist belt, Master Quinn reached under me to insert the dildo into my bottom.
As he hammered the dildo into my bottom, he tugged the strap up between my legs, he fastened the ends into their hoops, and attached a lock to the front ring.
“OK both of you walk this way.” He ordered.
Falling in behind him, we allowed him to lead us over to a corner of the room.
Once in the corner, a rope was attached to the rear hoops of our belts.
From there the rope was tossed over a beam above our heads, and pulled taught.
A second rope was brought out.
We were placed chest to chest and the second rope was wrapped around our bodies, locking us together in a face to face position.
Once Master Quinn was satisfied as to our bonds, he left the room saying that we were to wait here.
When he left the room, Maggie and I finally had an opportunity to talk.
“Maggie, why would Bob send us here?
What did he have in mind by us being here?” I asked her.
“Dave, I don’t know.
What I do know is that he would never do anything that might endanger us, or cause us harm.
I remember a time a few months ago when one of his workmen in the shop was found to be abusing his wife.
Bob invited him to a meeting in his office to discuss the problem.
I happened to be in the outer office when the meeting was concluded, when the guy left the meeting, he was as white a sheet, and looking like he had just met the grim reaper.
I found out a few days later that he signed the divorce papers, packed up his things, and moved to the other side of the country.
I don’t know what Bob said to him, but when Bob has a point to make you had better pay attention.
So what I’m trying to say, is that there is a reason we were sent here, and you can be certain that Master Quinn would never supersede what Bob had asked him to do” Maggie said.
Listening to Maggie’s explanation, I began to relax.
While I was thinking about what was going on, Maggie spanned the three inch gap that separated us, and kissed me.
Not having anyplace to go at the moment, I decided to return the kiss.
I discovered that kissing Maggie while bound like this was a unique experience.
There was a intensity to our kissing that was unrivaled.
Unable to use our hands, we were able to concentrate on the art of the kiss.
Lips, and tongue working together to expound on the rapture that this kiss delivered.
The two of us spent the next twenty or so minutes exploring each others skill at kissing.
I have to hand the trophy to Maggie, her kisses were totally earth moving, and had the immediate effect of leveling my soul.
Behind us the sound of a door opening caused us to try to turn our heads, this however wasn’t possible, due to the way we were bound.
It didn’t matter, the person entering the room announced themselves.
“Well, I see Master Quinn went a little overboard in preparing you two.
All I asked him to do was fit the two of you with your new chastity devices.
Are you two OK?
He hasn’t caused you any harm, has he?” Bob asked us.
“No sir, we are fine, in fact Dave and I have been doing a bit of exploring, while we were hanging here.
It has proven to be a most enlightening experience.” Maggie informed him.
“Yes, I noticed the exploring you two were up to when I entered,” Bob said.
Oddly, the thought of us having been caught in the midst of our deep kissing moment, was far more embarrassing than the fact that we were bare assed naked, bound face to face, and on our tip toes from hanging from the ceiling.
Isn’t the human mind an odd, and fascinating thing.
“Sir, if I may be so bold as to inquire why this was necessary, I mean we would have gladly worn anything you asked us to wear, so why here, and why now? Maggie questioned Bob.
“Why here, and now, you ask.
Here and now, because that is what I asked you two to do.
As to the above, and beyond what Master Quinn has indulged in, well I will have a conversation with him later.
However, that being said, I wanted you to have these new chastity belts as my gift to the two of you.
The chainmail strap was a new innovation.
So I needed a couple of testers to help us refine the item, and I thought who better than my number one girl, and my new assistant.
So all things considered, how do you like the new belts?” Bob asked with a chuckle, in response to our condition.
“Sir, all things considered, so far the belts are easy to wear, and allow a great deal of freedom.
If the dildos are removable, the design is very good.
Because the device hangs from a belt, rather than a ring around the balls, it is far more comfortable for long term wear.
Its the dildos that may cause a problem, it would be the same as wearing an anal plug all day long.
It’s doable, but you shouldn’t because of potential long term problems.” I told Bob.
While we were talking, Bob had begun to untie us from our bonds.
When we were free, I took Maggie’s hands, and began rubbing the circulation back into her hands.
Reaching for the hasp on my belt, I released the under-strap holding the dildo in place.
Once free from my body, I found the dildo was attached with a simple pair of snaps.
Dropping to my knees, I undid the latch on Maggie’s belt, and allowed it to fall from between her legs.
The moment it cleared her torso, I leaned inward and latched my lips to the top of her pussy.
My assault was directed right to her clit.
I must have been doing something right, because Maggie gripped the top of my head with both hands to steady herself as her orgasm began to overtake her.
The closer she came to her climax, the tighter her grip upon my scalp.
By now her fingernails were digging into my skull, even if she managed to draw blood from my head, I wasn’t stopping until her soul was on fire.
“OK you two, knock it off.
I don’t want either of you cumming right now, save that for later.
If you will remove the dildos from the belts, I want you both to put on the belts again, and get dressed.
I need to have a proper experiment as to whether or not these can be worn for extended periods.
If they can’t, well then it’s back to the drawing board.” Bob said.
Once dressed, Maggie and I fell in behind Bob as he made his way into the front of the shop.
Encountering master Quinn, as we wound our way through the shelving, Bob stopped to chat with him for a moment.
Shooing us away, and telling us to wait by the front door, Bob held an animated conversation with master Quinn.
At the conclusion of said conversation, master Quinn hung his head, and began to apologize profusely to Bob.
Turning on his heels, Bob marched towards us, and indicated that we were to follow him.
As we left the shop, we noticed that the sun was falling low on the horizon.
How it was that we lost track of time, I can’t fathom.
When I looked at the clock in the car, I discovered that we had been in master Quinn’s shop for the better part of three hours.
Following Bob’s car, as he wound a circuitous path among the roadway, was fairly easy, even though I had no idea where we were going, let alone where we were.
As I drove along musing those thoughts, Maggie’s phone chirped.
“Dave, Bob sent me an address that we were to head towards, it’s on the far outskirts of town.
I know this area a little, these are the homes of the very wealthy.
I don’t think there is a home there that isn’t worth less than a couple of million dollars.” Maggie said.
Driving along the winding roads, we came upon a guard shack at the entrance of the gated community
where our destination awaited.
Stopping at the gate we presented the guard with the address we were headed to.
Turning towards his phone, the guard made a call.
As he hung up the phone, he told us to park our car in a spot he pointed out, and told us a car will pick us up in a few minutes.
As we parked, I wondered aloud what we doing here.
Maggie’s only response was to tell me to have faith, and trust in Bob.
Minutes later a very large limo pulled up to the spot next to our car.
Once stopped, the rear door of the limo opened, and the driver rolled down the window and indicated that we were to have a seat in the rear.
Once the door shut, the intercom chimed, and the driver informed us that we were to place the blindfolds we found hanging in front of us.
After five minutes of driving among the twisting roads, our limo pulled onto a gravel drive.
The driver instructed us that we were to leave our blinders on.
When the driver opened the door, we were taken by our hands, and led to the front door.
Standing on the stoop, I could hear the door knocker as it sounded our arrival, with three very loud boom, boom, booms.
My first thought was this door must be massive to have such a low sounding reverberations.
As the door swung open, the driver said, “Madam, your guests have arrived.”
“Thank you Simon, that will be all for now, I’ll call you when the evening has concluded.” Our hostess said.
As soon as I heard the voice of our hostess, I knew it was Elizabeth, whose home we had entered.
“Welcome Dave, and Maggie, I’m glad you decided to join us.
Still blindfolded, Elizabeth spoke quietly to someone near us.
Moments later I felt a pair of hands begin to unbutton my shirt, and my belt.
As I was being undressed, I could hear Maggie undergoing similar treatment.
Thank God the room was warm, standing naked on a wooden floor in a room large enough to have it’s own echo’s, I was stunned to feel my cock and balls being stroked through the chainmail chastity devise, from the sound of it, Maggie was undergoing the same treatment.
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oq1pwk/the_summer_of_my_awakening_part_6_18_mm_mmm_mf