[MF] I caught my neighbor’s wife using my hot tub with another man

When it gets hot in the summer, I’ve had the habit of sleeping on the first floor. Our house is in an area where houses weren’t traditionally built with A/C, and the first floor has the additional benefit of being cooler than the upstairs since cold air goes down, etc. Somewhere along the way, since I’m on the first floor anyway, I’ve picked up the habit of waking up around 2 or 3 am and going for a glass of water from the fridge.

With that habit becoming fairly routine, I went to get some water around 2 am and heard what sounded like a woman’s laughter coming from my patio. Confused, and slightly out of it, I poked my finger through the blinds of the back door and discerned the familiar glow of hot tub lights.

*‘What fucking time is it?’* I thought, glancing over at the stove. It was 2:15 am, apparently. As I gripped the door handle, I heard another burst of laughter – this time including the deep tones of a man along with the woman.

“Uh… what’s going on out here?” I asked, my head poking through the doorframe. I was still pretty tired but my body’s adrenaline was quickly escalating at the recognition I had intruders.

“Oh, Evan – sorry!” I heard from the familiar voice of Emily, my neighbor. Emily and her husband Matt had lived next door for about a year at this point, and I’d made a point to tell them they could use our hot tub any time they wanted as long as they told me they were going to do it.

“Did I miss a text or something?” I asked, my nerves slowly easing.

“No, no… I’m sorry,” Emily said again, as she began to half-way rise out of the tub. Despite the offer to let her and Matt use our hot tub, they’d never actually done it, and this was the first time I’d ever seen her in a bikini. She was spectacular. I knew she was fairly fit since she was a Pilates instructor, but she had always dressed so modestly that I wasn’t aware of what a knockout she was overall. She had her dark brown hair pulled up in a ponytail the way she usually had it, but her olive skin was glistening from the water and drawing noticeable attention to her perky, C-cup breasts that were just barely inside her navy bikini. I had completely underestimated the size of her chest and was trying not to make it obvious that I was staring at it.

In averting my eyes, I suddenly realized that it wasn’t her husband Matt that was in the hot tub with her. This guy was considerably thicker than her husband. He wasn’t fat by any means – just built thickly, the way that farmers are sometimes built, with a full, dark beard and a fair amount of body hair. How it hadn’t dawned on me sooner that this wasn’t the lanky, hairless, dirty-blonde husband of hers, I still don’t know.

“Have we met?” I asked, turning my attention go the other occupant as Emily began wrapping a towel around herself and exiting the tub. I could have sworn I didn’t see her bikini bottom, but that didn’t seem right, I thought.

“No…” the fellow said, also rising to exit the tub. “…uh, I guess I better go,” he then continued, talking to Emily and virtually ignoring my presence. He was in drab green trunks with a grey back pocket, and I could see that his legs were even thicker than his arms. The dude looked like a tank.

Without saying anything else, he began to follow the lights along the flagstone of my side yard and walked towards the street in front of our house.

“Wait – I better walk you out!,” bubbled Emily, trying to be casual about the scene. I followed them both as they went through my yard, stopping to stand by my front patio as I watched Emily convene with him by his truck door. They both seemed aware that I had followed them out, and he just lumbered onto his seat after she rose on her toes for an awkward hug. The truck wasn’t loud as it fired up, but it sounded angry – as if the truck was embodying his feelings.

I could sense the awkward tension as Emily began her walk back.

“Emily…” I began, as she met me where I’d been standing.

“That was just my friend Dave,” she said, nonchalantly. Emily seemed to want to return to my yard but had an air about her that she didn’t want me to follow.

“Dave?” I asked. “…does Matt know Dave?”

“Uh… you know, I don’t think he does,” she said, trying to evade what I was getting at. Her eyes darted again towards the side gate, and it was becoming more obvious she wanted to go back into my yard before going home.

“Don’t worry, I’ll close the tub up,” I said, indicating I was aware of her darting eyes. “It’ll need a scoop of bromine, and you don’t know where I keep that inside.”

“Oh… okay, well, I’m happy to turn off the lights or whatever while you get that,” she said, with a nervous bounce to her step.

“Uh.. okay,” I replied, walking towards the gate.

“Oh… uh… do you keep it out back?” she asked, following about two steps behind.

“No, but the front door’s locked,” I replied.

“Oh, okay,” she said, as we reached the back patio again.

“I’ll be right back,” I noted. I kept the bromine in a cabinet by the fridge, so I wouldn’t be gone long. Obviously, however, Emily had been hoping it was across the house, as she seemed startled when I returned so quickly. It was then that I noticed a navy bikini bottom balled up and clutched in her hand.

“Emily…” I sighed. “… what the fuck?”

“Look, I’m so sorry,” she said, now realizing that her story didn’t have a lot of outs left. “Could you please keep this between you and I? Nothing even happened.”

“Nothing happened?” I asked, incredulously. “Then why aren’t you wearing your bottom?”

“Look, no, I swear!” she said. “Things were maybe about to get out of control, but I was getting cold feet… and you saved me, really!” she claimed. Only I wasn’t really buying it. Emily had told my wife and I a few lies over the short time we’d known her, and I wasn’t exactly a model spouse myself. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t know that.

“Emily, look – I’m not stupid. And I like your husband. He’s a nice guy. A lot nicer than people like you and me,” I replied. It felt like the adrenaline was coursing through me rapidly at this point.

“People like you and me?” she asked, in a tone that sounded both confused and disgusted.

“Yeah,” I said. “People like you and me,” I repeated, now making no attempt to avert my eyes from her cleavage.

I didn’t say anything for a moment; I just stared at her chest and waited to see what her next move would be. As the silence loomed, I felt my cock beginning to stir from its hibernation.

“I’m not going to fuck you if that’s what you mean,” Emily said, fairly bluntly. I could tell she was trying to take the moral high ground all of a sudden, but I wasn’t going to let her.

“You don’t have to fuck me, but you better think of something… I’m not just going to look the other way on this,” I replied, flatly. I met her eyes while I spoke but glanced openly at her tits halfway through before finishing with eye contact.

Emily’s face contorted with fake (or real?) disgust as I spoke, and she made a concerted effort to ensure I saw her eyes roll when I looked at her tits.

“Fine, is this what you want?” she asked pulling at the sides of her top and exposing her breasts. I could see now why they were so perky – they were undoubtedly enhanced, as evidenced by fading scars just under her nipples. She must have had them done right before they moved in. I had not seen a fake pair as nice as these before, and was marveled by the medium brown tone of her areolas against her olive skin. Her nipples were hard in the exposed air of the backyard, and each breast rounded perfectly into the other as if masterfully placed by God himself.

“It’s a start,” I replied, my aching cock now pushing its way up my shorts. Emily was unaware of my own infidelity, and it was obvious she was trying to figure out the boundaries.

“You know, you’re fucking married too,” she said, suddenly hostile.

Her eyes met mine like daggers. I smiled, laughed a soft chuckle, and resumed staring at her tits.

“I never said I was a good husband,” I said. “And I don’t think you’re going to say anything and risk Matt finding out.”

In that moment, I could see the disgust was very real. By no means am I a bad looking guy, but it was apparent she didn’t like the loss of control. As such, I decided to ease back and see what else she would offer. After all, this didn’t have to be the only time I took advantage, and I’d have plenty of time later to use this against her if I wanted to.

“I’m not going to suck your dick either, if that’s what you’re thinking,” she said, curtly.

“Then what do you suggest?” I asked, my cock now throbbing and pushing against the hemline of my athletic shorts.

While she took a second to think it through, I walked towards the tub and put the scoop of bromine in and set it to ‘stir.’ As I did so, I also took the opportunity to stare at he breasts from much closer.

“There better not be cum in this hot tub,” I said, then killing the light and closing the lid. “Do you have any idea how hard that is to clean?”

“Yeah… I do,” she said, lifting up the edge of her top. I could now see the slight remnant of a cum stain, which hadn’t been obvious before. “This top is fucking ruined.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Is that from…”

“No, last time,” she said.

“Last time?!?” I nearly erupted. “Here?!?”

“Yes… but also no. He came after we got out.”

“How many times have you done this?” I asked, incredulously.

“Just that one other time,” she said. It was likely she was lying, but I wasn’t going to get a confession. I’d be better off just draining and cleaning the tub in the near future – and maybe remembering to finally lock it sometimes.

“Fuckin’ A,” I said. “How do you keep that from Matt?”

“He hasn’t seen it. He thinks I ruined it in the wash and threw it away.”

“Well… fuck…” I said, still steaming that she’d used the tub another time without my knowledge. With that, I moved towards her and no longer cared if she didn’t want me to touch. Her breasts fit into my hands nicely before she slapped them away.

“Hey!” she called out.

“Hey, nothing,” I replied. “If this is top is already ruined, there’s no harm in ruining it more.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, feigning disbelief.

“It means you need to sit your ass on these steps and let me do this,” I snarled.

Emily didn’t fight me on it and quickly sat down on the steps, her hands still holding her top to the sides of her breasts. She looked away in the direction of her house, as almost to say, ‘just do it already.’

With her tits now hip level, it didn’t take me long to pull my pulsing cock from my shorts and line it up along her cleavage. My swollen head was oozing with precum, and the veins were prominent along my thick, lengthy shaft. I caught Emily sneaking a peak at it as I moved her hands to put her top back in place. I then used the string connecting the pieces to trap my cock between her breasts.

“Unhh…” I muttered as I began to slide my cock between her breasts, the precum slightly lubricating my efforts. I could feel her deep cleavage grabbing at my shaft with every push, and the softness of her skin caressing my head with each pull.

As I steadied my pace, I could feel her hands squeezing her tits together tighter for me, tightening the way in which they smothered and swallowed my cock.

“Do you let Matt fuck your titties?” I found myself asking, with the words coming out much more perverted than intended.

“No,” she muttered in response. “He doesn’t seem interested.”

“Ha!” I laughed, really driving my cock along her cleavage, my precum leaking everywhere. “Molly doesn’t let me fuck her tits either.”

Emily just huffed her nostrils at my comment and continued to look back towards her house while slightly shaking her head.

“Are you close yet?” she asked, annoyed.

“Not really,” I chuckled. “It’d really speed things along if you sucked my cock.”

“I’m not going to suck your cock,” she replied, her steely face shaking with her head.

“Are you going to suck my balls?” I boldly countered.

Emily sighed another heavy sigh as if to admit her defeat and waited for me to pull back from her tits. Without hesitation she then pushed my shaft up with her hand and put her eager lips to work on the bottom of my balls, caressing each testicle with her moist, plump lips.

“Unh…” I moaned again, my cock twitching from the feel of her mouth. I could sense spurts of cum trying to burst forth from my trembling head.

Emily shamelessly took a full ball inside her mouth and began sucking on it with remarkable effort, proving she was no stranger to taking a man’s balls inside her mouth before.

“Unh… unh…” I continued moaning, fighting back the impending launch and trying to prolong her oral efforts. Unfortunately, it wasn’t to be.

“Oh, fuck… fuck…” I cried out, pulling my hips back from her. She leaned back the against the tub, her hands once again holding up her tits.

I pulled my quivering cock downward to aim for top but the first shot burst with incredible speed and glazed its way across her cheek.

“Fuck…” I moaned again, with several more ropes following. I strained to get my cock aligned with her magnificent tits once more, but the second shot landed on her neck and the third high up on her collar before the fourth and fifth leapt into her cleavage. I fought to control my breathing as the sixth and seventh shots then burst onto her top, and I could feel the eighth and following releases begin to dribble with lesser pulses, oozing into her deep cleavage.

“Oh my God,” I moaned, admiring my artwork. “Fuck.”

“Fucking asshole,” Emily sneered, wiping the thick, white shot from her cheek.

“Oh, you didn’t like that?” I asked, regaining my sense of control. “It’s not like I did it on purpose,” I continued, now dangling my dripping cock next to her other cheek. She pushed it away and went to work on wiping the considerable load that had accumulated on between her tits.

“Do you have a towel or something?” she asked, trying to scoop a lot of it up with her fingers.

“I mean… you have a towel,” I said, motioning to the towel that was wrapped around her bare bottom.

This comment was met with a cold stare, followed by her retort that, “I’ve already ruined one thing tonight, I’m not ruining another.”

“Yeah, alright,” I said, laughing. “I’ll get you some tissues from inside.”

I went inside and wiped myself off first before going back outside, box of tissues in hand. I could see that I had also provided Emily enough time to put her bottom back on while I was gone.

“Shame,” I said, looking at her re-covered bottom. She just rolled her eyes as she dabbed my cum up with a handful of tissues.

“So are we settled then? No telling Matt?” she asked.

“Yeah, I think we’re settled… but you have to leave your top here.” I replied.

“What? No fucking way,” Emily responded.

“Hey, you said Matt thinks you threw it away anyway. And it’s clearly ruined.” I said, smiling.

“Fuck, whatever,” she said taking off her top and finishing use of the tissues before wrapping her towel around her upper half.

I smiled again as she handed it to me and told her, “You know, if you text to let me know, you’re still welcome to come by any time… with or without Matt.”

“Yeah… thanks,” Emily said, adjusting the towel. “How nice of you to offer.”

“How nice of you to accept my offer,” I said, with a beaming grin.

__…And that was the first time I hooked up with my neighbor Emily…__

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/oqb5w6/mf_i_caught_my_neighbors_wife_using_my_hot_tub


  1. Actually a story about how you blackmailed someone into performing a sexual act they didn’t want to. If this story is true, you’re a nasty piece of work.

  2. 100 bucks says she was turned on the whole time ..just pretending to not seem easy…women…dangerous creatures..!! she probably fingered her self hard afterwards…7 times afterwards confirms it!!!

  3. amazingly hot story, it’s actually really similar to a story of mine as well. I fucked someone’s wife in my hot tub but instead of a tittyfuck I got a blowjob and gave a facial all over her cute lil face. brings back a happy memory mate

    and please remember to tell us more stories about pounding your neighbor’s wife, it really gets me fired up

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