Step Sister Corruption Part 146 – Day 77 Towel Physics (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


Well my hopes to have some fun didn’t last long as I was officially kicked out of **my** bathroom when I tried to play with Kel.

In retrospect maybe I shouldn’t have smacked Kel‘s ass as I tried to play with her.

Eh maybe I’ll give her a little bit of space until her asshole isn’t so…..what’s the word I’m looking for……oh yeah….sore.

The clear dead give away was as soon as I smacked her ass she instantly yelled out ‘***MOTHERFUCKER***’ gave me the dirtiest look as a tear formed in her eye and proceeded to push me out of **my** bathroom as she huffed, “I need more time,” just as Sabrina yelled out of the shower, “What was that?” And the door was closed in my face.

What you were expecting Kel to be ready for sex so soon after having her rear iris stretched?

Yeah I didn’t think she’d be ready….still had to try.

So I sat there on my bed simply waiting…..horny.

Yeah I was mad at myself for getting carried away and ruining a good thing.

I looked at my hard on and spoke to my dick like it had ears, “This is all your fault.”

So I had a dilemma on my hands….a massive problem in my shorts to be exact.

I could go downstairs and have my problem handled by the talented and capable Summer but knowing her at the moment she was probably still punishing Brynn for her fooling us.

I could have Summer send up Morgan but Morgan was probably still in the place I put her probably long forgotten. Maybe I should go downstairs and save her ass.

I knew I had sat on my bed too long contemplating my plight of what I should do when the door to my bathroom clicked telling me someone unlocked the door and Sabrina exited the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body followed closely behind Sabrina was Kel still completely nude and her hands were still behind her guarding her ass.

I looked at Kel absolutely sorry for the pain I caused her.

If I knew it would have been that painful I would have never done it but with the girl’s putting plugs in their assholes was, what I thought, a clear indicator that they wanted their rear entrance penetrated.

I made a mental note to actually apologize to Kel and find a way to make up for my misconstrued thinking.

I honestly felt bad for doing that though at the moment it was a new sensation that was so intoxicating that I ignored what it might do to the owner.

Maybe I can pay for a spa day or something.

I would do anything to help make Kel feel better….well almost anything if they told me that they would need to *peg* me so I understood what it felt like I was out.

Then the thought of having my own asshole penetrated made me cringe and I had a small understanding what she went through.

I looked at Kel with watery eyes, yes thinking of that made my asshole pucker, and Kel saw the look in my eyes a little confused as to what would make my eyes water.

I looked towards Kel‘s groin trying to signify her asshole and she finally got why my eyes watered. From behind Sabrina Kel mouthed ‘We’ll talk later’ as her eyes moved towards Sabrina who was still standing in front of me with her towel still wrapped around her petite frame.

I nodded signifying that I would talk to Kel about my sudden urge to feel her unused orifice though at the time felt amazing though weird and tell her exactly how sorry I am not knowing the effects it was still having on her. She nodded in truth and simply smiled at me hopefully letting me know it was ok….I think.

I looked at Sabrina who was looking at me weird and she spoke, “Why are your eyes watering?”

I smiled, “Just something in my eye.”

I stood and approached her, “So let’s see what you’re working with now that you shaved. I trust you did shave?”

Sabrina turned beat red as she spoke, “I hope you appreciate what I did.”

I smiled and nodded as I put my hand on her shoulder and instantly felt her tense up at the touch. I spoke calmly hoping to instill some reassurance, “Trust me any guy would appreciate anything you’d be willing to do for them.”

I felt her relax and was happy my words of endearment worked, “So show me.”

Sabrina looked at me and I saw her eyes flutter as her hands started trembling more and more as she reached up to grab the towel that she had tucked around her body.

I in the mean time was getting more and more anxious to see Sabrina’s nude form again but this time in a more glorious form that I’m more accustomed to….. hairless.

What I’ve been spoiled with Kel and, mainly, Summer’s propensity to be completely bare. Probably why I’ve also gone hairless especially after Summer **threatened**…..I mean *convinced* me to shave or **she would hold me down**….I mean *assist* shaving me within the first week saying she liked me hairless as well.

First time I shaved myself bare my hands were shaking so bad that I nearly cut myself and possibly give myself a second deeper lower circumcision as I felt like I was going to cut my third leg off at the root. And let’s not forget I **almost** gave myself my very own special vasectomy by nearly cutting off my own balls.

Yes my hands were shaking that bad.


You try *shaving* yourself without having your hands shake for fear of ruining your favorite organ.

Yeah I thought so.

So once Summer saw my actual fear she helped *convince*, **more like dragged**, me to go to a salon as a girl shaved my junk for me which felt both weird and comforting as her hands were steady, sure as fuck more steady than mine, and gentle as she carefully shaved my entire region.

Summer greatly appreciated me *deciding*, I still say I was **threatened**, to go hairless downstairs as she proclaimed it was more sexy and gave my dick a more pronounced bigger look.

I still say she made me do it so she didn’t have to pick hair out of her teeth after each time she went down on me but the whole *making me look bigger* was a nicer and more flattering way of convincing me to be hairless.

Which ever way you look it Summer *helped* me face my fear of having a razor get within something that was dear to my heart.

But I’ll admit the frequency that Summer and Kel have accepted my bald one eyed snake into their warm wet teeth lined mouths increased is a *HUGE* benefit.

And no I didn’t make my decision based on when Summer withheld her velvet goodness between her legs until I shaved my dick and nuts.

Ok yes it was.

It was a stupid easy choice.

And I’ll admit I return the favor as I do taste and eat my way to both girl’s heart….through their sensitive pussy’s.

The world felt like it was moving in slow motion as Sabrina’s hands finally found the towel wrapped around her body and undid the mystery tuck to finally let go letting natural physics take over.

The towel fell and slowly I got to see Sabrina’s perky pierced hard nipples begging for a warm mouth to wrap around them.

I refrained from the urge…. barely.

I watched the towel continue to fall as her stomach was revealed.

Then her hips.

I smiled when her pelvic region was shown….and to my delight….no hair.

The towel fell and her lower lips were bare.

Then her legs.

And finally the towel folded on itself as all of it found the ground.

In front of me stood a naked Sabrina….with my hand still resting on her shoulder and I felt her body tremble.

I dared not look down to ogle her goods I tried to keep my gaze focused on her face.

Ok I may have glanced down once or twice while the towel fell.

Ok I focused on the towel the entire time as her body became more and more seen.

I’m a guy not a saint. Sue me.

I smiled at Sabrina and spoke, “Thanks for trusting me.”

Sabrina looked up at me and simply nodded.

I tried to test the water’s by moving my hand from her shoulder and trailed it down but stopped just before I got to her breasts and noticed she started to tense.

I looked at her, “Relax.”

Sabrina looked at me and nodded as her face remained red.

My hand trailed down easily finding her exposed perky breasts. She sharply inhaled as my hand groped her small cup breast and her hard metal nipple pressed against my palm.

I moved my hand towards Sabrina’s other breast and felt her tense up but she didn’t squirm away just kept her eyes on me as if judging a multitude of thoughts.

After a few moments and feeling her hard nipples push against my palm did I release her breast and let me hand drop to my side without feeling more of her teenage pliant body.

I smiled at her, “There that wasn’t so bad was it?”

Sabrina looked up at me with her face red from embarrassment but slowly shook her head, “No.”

I reached up and put my hand on her shoulder, “See you can be gorgeous in your own right. You have to be confident in your body.”

Sabrina pouted as she looked over at her shoulder to look at Kel before she returned her gaze to me, “I doubt that.”

I chuckled, “Ignore the fact Kel is standing beyond you and stop trying to compare your body to her’s.”

Sabrina looked at me and was about to retort something but I stopped her, “You want to know what I see?”

Sabrina looked at me and I could tell she had a mix of emotions but she eventually nodded with a hopeful look.

I composed myself and decided it would be best to put my original thought through a few *diplomatic* filters but essentially saying the same thing.

Really want Sabrina to be *relaxed* and *accepting* as possible. Not have her put her guards back up because I was being a *guy* giving a *guy* answer.

I smiled, “You’re a beautiful creature with an amazing figure that any guy would be appreciative to marvel you’re unrivaled beauty.”


You were expecting me to say she had nice tits and an amazing pussy?

Well I basically did but….nicer….and definitely more…..romantic.

Yeah surprises me too.

Sabrina looked me in the eyes and her eyes waters as she let out an appreciative sigh of relief.

At least I hope the sigh was appreciative because as soon as I said that I felt her body relax any tension she had.

I heard Kel lightly chuckle at my words.

I looked at Kel and she looked at me and mouthed ‘*that was a lot of bullshit Gabe*’.

I eyed Kel basically communicating my best *shut up* look to her which I think she got as she simply smiled at me but didn’t say anything.

The whole exchange took less than a second before I returned my attention to Sabrina and tried to use as much charm as I could muster, “Now with that said does that make you feel better about your body?”

Sabrina thought about it for a moment but so she couldn’t help herself from looking over her shoulder as she once again was obviously comparing herself to Kel.

I stopped her, “Stop comparing Sabrina.”

She looked at me and pouted, “But why?”

I looked her in the eyes and pointed to my eyes, “Focus on my eyes.”

She looked at my eyes, “Ok.”

I spoke, “It’s just you and me.”

She huffed, “And her.”

I continued, “Ignore her.”

I repeated myself, “Look into my eyes.”

She did as I asked.

I reached down and glided my hands down her clavicle. Her eyes fluttered.

I spoke calmly, “Just you and me.”

My hands reached the top of her breast. I used my finger tips to lightly glide them along the protruded flesh that outlined her cup.

Sabrina’s eyes fluttered again but still kept her eyes locked on mine.

I circled her cup with my fingers slowly each revolution around her breast made her breath sharply inhale before she let out a ragged exhale. Still her eyes locked on mine.

After the fourth revolution I spoke, “How does that feel?”

Sabrina let out a deep moan as she answered, “Good.”

I smiled while my hand was still near her breast. Without warning my asshole-ness showed as I moved quickly and pinched my thumb and index finger latching onto her pierced nipple.

Sabrina let out a high pitched ‘*IEEEEE!*’ followed closely by a groan before she twisted her body trying to get her nipple free from my grasp and cover up her now assaulted pleasure center.

Sabrina’s face became red as she freaked out, “WHY’D YOU DO THAT?” A slow tear started to fill her eye.

I smiled, “Because it was begging to be pinched.”

Sabrina huffed, “That fucking hurt asshole.”

I looked at her, “Yet you enjoyed it.”

Sabrina looked at me with fire in her eyes, “The hell I did!”

I looked at her then looked at Kel, “I don’t know Kel I think she’s lying. What do you think?”

Sabrina looked at Kel as Kel shrugged, “I don’t know Gabe that looked like it hurt.”

I looked at Kel, “Maybe but if she was all about giving up guy’s why keep the piercings?”

Kel looked at Sabrina who was still holding onto her breasts hiding her pierced nipples then looked at me flat faced, “That’s a good question. Maybe you should ask the owner.”

Sabrina huffed, “Stop talking about me like I’m not here.”

I looked at Sabrina, “Well how about it?”

Sabrina glared at me, “How about what?”

I looked at her devoid of emotion, “Why keep the piercings if your swearing off men and obviously sex?”

Sabrina turned blush red more than she already was. She opened her mouth but I continued cutting her retort off, “See Sabrina this is what I think.

It’s obvious that a guy hurt you seeing how what Summer told me. A guy which she personally paid back on your behalf.

But if I were you and really wanted to swear off guy’s and swear off sex really. I would have taken out **my** piercings and not keep them in.

Seeing how you didn’t do that and your piercings are still in you. You secretly want sex back in your life but are afraid to get hurt even though you just admitted that having your piercings *turns you on*.

Case in point, you begged Summer for me to fuck you. Which I did. Then when **I** was done you couldn’t get enough wanting to enjoy the full experience again.

So I asked myself why would a girl who on the outside talks all this nonsense of hating men but behind closed doors would let me fuck her and use her body?

You know what I came up with?”

Sabrina looked at me still holding herself but didn’t say anything.

I leaned forward to where my face was near her face.

I whispered, “She loves the attention and is hiding a bigger secret.”

Sabrina looked at me looking into my eyes.

I smiled, “Tell,” I reached up and touched her hands covering her breasts, “Me,” I gently pushed down on her hands which her hands freely fell, “I’m,” and positioned my thumb and index fingers on both her nipples but didn’t apply any pressure, “Wrong.”

Her eyes watered but she let out a moan as she felt me slowly apply pressure.

I spoke my question again, “Well?”

Sabrina moaned as my pressure was enough to where I could feel the barbell in between the flesh.

Still she didn’t say anything.

As soon as I twisted her nipples in opposite directions that agreed with my wrist rotation Sabrina answered my question.



1 comment

  1. Love it ! How much of your life have you spent on your incest issues? Do your parents know what you do in life? Great work btw ❤️

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