[MF] Ex-GF and I cheat on our SOs

My ex was introduced by a work friend; but we only had a short dating phase. She (F30) and I (M30)didn’t hit it off at the time. We stayed in touch, casually running into each other at parties. There was a one-time “hookup” after our relationship ended sexless; but she was clear I wasn’t the guy she wanted long-term. Such is life.

We stayed in contact on snapchat of all places, and eventually she was telling me about her engagement. Her boyfriend got her pregnant with her second child and he put a ring on it. Only problem was, for whatever reason, he refused to touch her after she got pregnant. Like, AT ALL.

She quickly changed the topic to her son’s school field trip and how she wanted to borrow $40. Fiancee didn’t even pay half of the bills because he can’t keep a job; and she needed cash THAT morning, can she borrow $40? We met at her house after work because field trip first thing in the morning, etc. We both work late shifts, I showed up as soon as I changed and showered after my sweaty job.

At 3AM, she answered the door in a long sleeping T-shirt and what I can only describe as a comfy version of “booty shorts”. She hurriedly ushered me to the bedroom to not wake up her son. While telling me the engagement story, she explained how her fiancee currently refused to touch her, and all of these pregnancy hormones, and what should a woman do…and then she checked her phone. She put a tracker on his phone (that she paid for), and he had been parked outside of his ex’s house for over an hour; when he was supposed to be out drinking with the boys.

As she bit her lip and made up her mind, her mood and demeanor changed in a single moment. She instantly pulled off her nightshirt. Beneath was a beautifully-lacy bra with crimson fabric; delicate lace cradling the cups that cut off halfway up, letting the cups THOROUGHLY runneth over while just barely containing her nipples… and just enough underwire to make her already-voluptuous girls beyond too tantalizing to resist. She looked at me with a mischievous grin and said “He’s cheating on me with his ex RIGHT NOW. What should I do to get back at him?”

I should have resisted. I should have… but I did not. I looked her in the eye, gently circling her lace-covered nipple with my fingertips, and told her as our mouths met “If he’s going to cheat with his ex, you should too!” I kissed her deeper and more passionately than we had ever kissed when we were dating. She pulled me closer with one arm, and pulled down her shorts with the other arm, revealing the matching crimson lace panties. (Later, I found out that she bought that set just for him; but he was totally uninterested.)

Quickly, our clothes left our bodies. We melded as one quivering, moaning, frantically-thrusting mass of pure pleasure for the both of us. She knew exactly what she wanted, and I was doing what I could to deliver. It was not my regular method of me taking control, but her hurried needs and her absolute pleasure was something I had not experienced before. It was an altogether-new feeling to me as a staunch condom-wearer; one I quickly became addicted to.

After the climax, she checked his tracker and he was already en-route back home. I had to frantically dress and made a point to cheekily shove two 20s down the front of her panties, kissing her and patting her ass on my way out the door; saying “Call me back when your man won’t take care of you!”

She did.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/oknrxa/mf_exgf_and_i_cheat_on_our_sos

1 comment

  1. I’m assuming from your story that you went without a condom that time? Very hot that you kept taking care of her needs ;)

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