Sienna P1 [multi-part] [no sex] [M/f]

Authors Note~ Hey guys! This is my first time writing so please let me know what I can improve. This will be a multipart series, though bear with me the first part is a bit slow.

Sienna threw open her apartment window. The heat wave was almost unbearable, and her wavy bob of black hair clung to her neck with sweat. Irritably, she stalked into the kitchen, grabbed a coke bottle, and climbed out the window to sit on the fire escape. She took a swing, and watched the traffic go by four stories below. Sienna smiled to herself as she raised her gaze upwards to the skyline. Downtown was famous statewide for its food, and her apartment was only a few blocks from her favorite restaurant. Sure it was a little rough around the edges, but what city wasn’t? Below her, people walked between the shops, sitting on porches, and calling out to one another as they passed. She sighed. It was so peaceful here, and though this week was ungodly hot, there was still room for enjoyment. Tonight seemed like a good night to go out, and the way work had dragged on, and Friday nights always made the city seem more lively.

She climbed back inside, and walked to her bedroom to find something suitable to go out in. After shifting through her closet she found a form-fitting lilac dress, and slipped a few pins into her hair. She stared at herself in the mirror; with a curvy frame and barely reaching 5’2”, it was hard to find clothes that fit right, which is why this dress was one of her favorites. She cleaned up the discarded clothes around her floor, and as she tucked them away she looked longingly at the box of toys tucked underneath her heels in the closet. But Sienna had places to be. She grabbed her purse on her way out the door, double checking that it was locked but neglecting the open window.

Her apartment was on West 2nd, and as she passed Brewers Alley she heard the calls of a group of drunkish men outside. “Hey sweetheart! Can I get a smile?” One of them shouted. She tried to ignore them, but another one yelled after her “Fuck you then!” She paused, debating if it was worth it to respond, when a man who was walking behind her spoke up instead. “She’s with me.” His voice dropped to almost a whisper as he leaned into her and said “Roll with it.” She nodded, and he walked her to the end of the block, turning the corner to get out of their sight. She turned around, getting a good look at him for the first time. He had dark straight hair, short on the sides, and stood around 5’10”, skinny but muscular. He had a light tan, and dark brown eyes. “You okay?” He asked with a slight accent she couldn’t place. “Yeah, I’m sorry.” She said. “Don’t apologize. I have no patience for men like those.” *Russian maybe?* She thought. “My name’s Sienna.” “Alexei. And I know, I’ve seen you around.” She frowned slightly, but brushed it off. “Well uhh, I was going to Isabella’s if you wanted to-” “Of course.” He said, cutting her off. *I was going to say talk later.* She thought, as he put his arm around her waist and escorted her across the street into the restaurant.

He seemed nice overall, but as they talked she couldn’t help but notice his authoritaveness, he commanded the conversation and had a slight habit of cutting her off, which she found frustrating. *This isn’t going to turn into a date.* She thought, as he talked. *I’ve been blocked from speaking at least six times, and he might be hot but his personality is so infuriating.* “I am going to use their bathroom, and when I come back would you like a refill?” He asked, pulling her out of her thoughts. “Oh, yes please.” She responded, and when he came back she noticed her drink tasted a bit odd, but shrugged it off as they resumed their talking.
After a while Sienna started to feel dizzy. “Alexei I don’t feel too good, I think I need to go home.” His eyebrows knit in concern. “Are you okay?” He asked, and without waiting for an answer, added “Come. You need to get home. And I am not leaving you for another man to find.” He put money on the table, and escorted her out. As they walked to her apartment she felt worse and worse, like she was about to pass out. He half carried her across Council Street, and when they arrived at her floor she didn’t think to ask how he knew where she lived. “Thank you.” She slurred. “Of course.” He said. “I trust you can get yourself in your own door.” She nodded, and as he walked down the stairs she stumbled inside, and collapsed on her bed. But Alexei didn’t go home. He stood outside the building and lit a cigarette, waiting about a half an hour for the drug to take full effect. He had used less than the usual dose, Sienna was such a tiny little thing, and he only needed her unconscious long enough to get set up. He walked around to the side of the building, and looked up, to where her window was still left open. Alexei checked his watch and sighed, leaving the cigarette butt in the dirt. He’d had his eyes on this target for a long time, and now that the hardest part was over, he could begin his fun.
