[Part 6] Two Pink Lines (female pov, captivity, rape, submissive, creampie, pregnancy)

[Rachel’s Saga Erotic Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/odwnf8/rachels_saga_erotic_story_hub_female_pov/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – Links to the previous chapters are at the top of the post if you’d like to read them. The bottom of the post has plot and character summaries for those who’d like to get up to speed a bit faster (warning summaries may contain minor plot spoilers!). 😉

Chapter 6: Two Pink Lines

“38 days.”

“Or has it been 39?” I wondered aloud to myself. I leafed through my pad of paper trying to count again. “I’m pretty sure it’s July 13th” I said with a little more confidence this time. Either way it had been too long. Either way the sun was up now as well, so it wouldn’t be much longer until Rick showed up for his morning visit. I wearily stumbled over to my small bathroom and looked at my reflection in the cracked and dirty mirror. Did my skin have a bit of a glow? I wasn’t sure. It was too early to think.

I used the toilet and winced a little. The burning feeling was back when I peed. It had taken nearly 2 weeks of pleading to get Rick to get something for my last UTI, and I wondered how long it would be this time. I swear the men here rarely bathed, and with my sparse access to a shower I wasn’t much better. Sighing in resignation I undressed. Rick had been a bit forceful lately, and had ripped one of my only two pairs of panties. So much safer to do the unwrapping myself I guess. Now nude I sat back down on my mattress and looked out the tiny window near the ceiling again, marvelling on how fat the tiny spider that lived there had become lately. She was growing fast.

Crrreeekkk…. Thump… thump… thump….

There were the familiar footsteps. A creek-clunk of the lock, and the door to my makeshift basement prison opened.

“Mornin’ beautiful!” Rick’s smiling face said as he waltzed in. He stopped and looked me up and down really slowly before nodding his head. “My girl must be super horny and ready for her morning breeding,” he joked “got yourself naked already!?”.

I smiled slightly and nodded, “you like when I do this right?”

“Damn right I do,” he shouted jovially back. Rick closed the door behind him and pulled down his shorts. His flaccid cock popped free as his shorts fell to the floor. As he stepped out of them he pointed to his cock, “let’s go girl, you know what I like!”

I got up to my hands and knees and crawled slowly over to him, faking a smile the best I could, and making eye contact. Remembering to sway my hips a little as I went. When I reached his feet, I took his already hardening dick in one hand and drew it to my mouth, giving it a quick kiss on the tip.

“Mmmm girl,” Rick sighed, “I’m so glad I grabbed you.” He put one of his hands on the back of my head. I opened my mouth and waited patiently as his hand guided his hardening cock inside. I curled my tongue around it a little as it went in and then gagged slightly as it bumped into the back of my throat.

A few short seconds of pulling himself in and out and Rick was fully erect. He let go of my head and popped his dick out. “Git on the floor girl, it’s time to ride!” he announced.

I lay down on my back on the hard concrete floor, and shivered a bit. This never got any easier, no matter how many times we did it. I lifted my knees up to my chest and parted my legs. I grabbed one knee in each of my hands and lay there on the cold floor exposed to him. I did my best to fake a smile as Rick got down on his knees and leaned greedily over me.

“Ooo I can’t wait to put a baby in that belly!” he said excitedly. He let himself collapse on me and I gasped a bit under his oppressive weight. I could feel his slimy wet dick poking against my inner left thigh. I wrapped my arms around his back, stared up at the ceiling, and waited.

After a few seconds of wriggling around Rick found his mark and with a shuffling flop his dick pierced into me. I was still dry, but with my saliva coating Rick’s penis it was enough for him to burrow his way inside without too much resistance. I did my best to hide my sudden discomfort in a moan, and Rick seemed to buy it “Damn, I love hearing your sexy voice in the morning girl.”

Without waiting for a response Rick began thrusting. Small sharp jobs of pain ran up and down my back as I was rubbed against the concrete floor. I held onto him tightly for a few seconds and then lifted my head to his neck. I went to kiss him there as I always did, making a small circle a couple of times with my tongue first, I touched my lips to his skin gently and gave a small suck. Almost on cue his dick began to stiffen inside me. The boy almost made it 30 seconds this time.

“Damn it girl, that’s smokin hot!” Rick cried as he thrust sharply into my hips. I moaned as best I could manage and squeezed him tightly in my arms. I could feel his penis beginning to jump and pulse, rhythmically pumping his semen deep into me yet again, as it had every morning for the last many weeks.

After we finished Rick laid still, still buried inside me. “Gotta keep that sperm inside you till it makes a baby!” He laughed, wiggling his hips playfully as my own shouted in pain from being rubbed against the concrete.

“Rick?” I spoke up.

“Yeah, what is it sexy girl?” Rick replied, “you have a good time?”

“I’m late” I blurted out, my eyes blurring a bit with tears a little as I finally managed to speak the words.

Rick looked confused, “late? What? Don’t be dumb, you don’t have anywhere to be.”

I could feel a frustrated frown grow on my face, “No!” I said more forcefully this time “my period never came.”

Rick lifted his torso up off me and looked me in the eyes. “What? Wait, what really?” he said in excitement. “Hold on!” With that he popped himself out of me and hurried through the door to my room. I just lay there a moment staring at the ceiling as I heard him rummaging through the cabinet outside my door.

He dashed back in holding a small white box. “Here let’s check!” he exclaimed, “this is so exciting!”

Rick helped me up and handed me the box. Dribble of his cum running down my leg I made my way to the small bathroom and flicked on the light. The single dim lightbulb did it’s best to help me as I sat down reading the instructions. I opened the box and undid the wrapping as Rick’s sperm trickled out of me into the toilet bowl. After I was sure it was done I stuck the test between my legs and peed on it the best I could.

“Well?! What’s it say?” Rick was standing in the doorway to the bathroom, and looked as excited as a kid on Christmas day.

“It says it takes a few minutes” I replied.

“Oh okay” he said disappointedly, and left to pace my room.

I sat there for what felt like an eternity waiting for the test to determine my fate. It felt a bit like I was 10 again playing with my Oujia board, and asking questions about my future. A bit more stressful this time though.

After a couple of minutes of staring at the stick of plastic and pondering my fate. I stood up and left the bathroom. Rick looked at me like an excited puppy dog waiting for a treat. I simply handed him the test and the box and went to lay down on the mattress.

“Wait, so what’s it say?” he asked dumbfounded.

“Read the box,” I replied in a defeated voice.

Rick shuffled around for a moment, and I heard him reading the instructions out loud to himself. For my part I simply wrapped myself in the blanket and curled into a ball.

“Yes!” I finally heard Rick exclaim as he finally managed to put all the puzzle pieces together in his brain. “Girl this is awesome! I’m going to call Danny! Oh, and the boys will all be so happy they can fuck you now. They were wondering how long it was going to take for you to be knocked up!” I looked up to see him jumping happily around the room. I just wanted the floor to open and swallow him whole. Never did happen, of course.

Rick bent over to give me a kiss on the forehead before bounding out of the room. “Rest up and grow that baby girl! I’ll bring you something special later!” A quick lock of my door and Rick thumped his way loudly up the stairs.

“So this is how my life turns out?” I asked no one in particular. “What happens to me now? What happens to… us?” I wondered, folding my arms around my belly as it really dawned on me that this wasn’t just about myself any more.

I pulled the covers over my head and cried until I was too tired to stay awake.

To be continued…


Hi again horny friends and strangers! 😊

Chapter 6 is now complete! A little shorter this time, but the next chapter will probably be back to the usual length. As always I love to hear what you thought about the story and any feedback is welcome! Hope you all have an awesome day! 😉

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ojstik/part_6_two_pink_lines_female_pov_captivity_rape


  1. Very well written piece! You find good way to show the dark side of things. Especially here, things become quite bleak for Rachel. Gone are the times of moans and orgasms. I’m intrigued how things will play out in the future, now that she has the pink lines…

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