I [F] 24yo have been a lesbian my whole life, but lately I’ve been thinking about men….

I decided to make a somewhat polite title for this post, but to put it bluntly, I’ve been thinking about cock… (I posted this a few days back on sluttyconfessions, but I’m hoping some more of you can help with ideas around this)

I’ve always been into girls, throughout school, college, and university I had no interest in men. I had my first experience with a girl in college and from that point I knew I was a lesbian. I’m not a feminist, but a woman’s body just always turned me on, the soft skin, beautiful curves, and the ability to connect much easier on an emotion level being the same sex.

I’ve been with 5 girls in total and I’ve been with my current gf, who I love very much, for over 2 years. I recently had a night out with a group of friends (nothing special just wine with friends at one of their homes), all the girls started talking about their partners during sex (they’re all straight) and the subject of cock sizes started. Not sure how we got to the next stage, but one of the girls starts showing all of us pictures of cocks on reddit (I’ve never used reddit before but that’s how I got the idea to post this here lol).

If I’m being brutally honest, some of the cocks were gross lol, but some of them were spectacular…. including some vids of guys jerking their cocks which made me feel uncomfortable aroused for the first time towards men.

Since then (this all happened last week) I’ve been thinking if I’ve missed out a huge part of my college and university years. Anyways, to get to my main confession I guess, I’ve spend the past week waiting for my partner to go to work in the morning (she goes to work and I’m currently working from home) so I can spend my days watching porn; videos of men jerking their cocks and normal porn too. I’m at the point where just the thought of a cock turns me on…. and tbh I’m not sure where to go from here

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/okelif/i_f_24yo_have_been_a_lesbian_my_whole_life_but


  1. So it seems like you are interested in trying out straight sex, which there’s nothing wrong about that. It’s different with man/woman vs woman/woman. However, if you find that you enjoy it, it does not also mean that you are now attracted to men. It’s just the cock and sex that you enjoy, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re attracted to the guy himself, you know what I mean? I know it sounds pretty harsh to be like “yeah I like his cock but that’s it”, but you get my point, right?

  2. Talk to your partner and see what she thinks, not random Reddit strangers. Maybe she’s kinda curious too, and you can explore it together. Lots of ways to go from there…

  3. I have a funny feeling you’re about to get hit up. A lot. Like, a lot a lot.

    If you’re happy in your relationship, treat it like a kink. Enjoy it. If you’re really open with each other about your fantasies and kinks, it could bring you closer together.

    Here are some questions to consider: Does she also like to watch men handle their business? Would she be open to being with you while you watch a man close up? Maybe she would be open to bringing in a man to be a toy for you both. Have you ever pictured a cock pounding her pussy? Would you like to see her pussy stretched out by a cock?

    There are really a million ways to go with it and be open with your partner at the same time. I’ve actually know a couple who bring a guy into their bed every few months and use him like a toy. He’s pretty happy about it.

    If you eventually conclude you’re bisexual or something else, then you’ve learned more about yourself. That’s pretty cool.

    Either way, I hope it all works out for you!

  4. Sexuality and romantic attraction arent always hand in hand, and it really is a spectrum, everyones preferences are very specifc to themself and no two people have the exsct same experience, no matter how similar. It could be that your romantically and sexually attracted to women and sexually attracted to men. It could be a one time thing or a phase, it could be a door opening into bisexuality. The best advice i can give is dont be ashamed by whatever comes of it, you are you and you cant change it. Things change and people find out things about themselves late in life, thats perfectly alright. I will also say you should definitely tell your partner about this. She deserves to know what your thinking and feeling, especially seeing as this affects your sex life and thus hers as well.

  5. Step one might be working out if it’s the cock, not the men that you’re turned on by. Because, well, there are women with cocks.

  6. Well obviously don’t do anything crazy but maybe there’s a way you can talk to your partner and find a way to…explore this new point in your sexuality

  7. There’s an entire sub that’s dedicated to this kind of situation which is r/lesbianstrydick, though it is not very active (and the name is maybe not well-chosen either, it used to be a porn sub but now the front page is half spam half testimonies in the same vein).

  8. I agree with the other posters, be honest with your partner and let them know this is something you’d like to safely explore with her, let her know its not because of anything lacking in the relationship. Just something you feel like you’re now ready for, if she’s game finding the right guy and setting ground rules ahead of time is important. Also remember that there’s no rush, take your time

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