Dedicated to the COUGAR who made me into a MAN. [MF]

I didn’t plan on making this two parts but got carried away. I’m going to post the second part regardless. No amount of likes necessary, no click bait. I apologize for grammar errors, their will be plenty.

Let’s start with a little bit of background. I was 24 y/o and a college student. I dropped out a few years earlier and decided to go back so I had some catching up to do. I was taking 6 classes and working 2 part time jobs in order to barely stay afloat. I literally worked 7 days a week and had classes 5 days a week. On some of the days I have morning classes and work both jobs, one after another. So my hands were pretty full.

One of my jobs was working as a counselor at a local youth center for the afternoon school program. This is where I met Auna. She was a 45 year old bomb shell. 5’2 at max, tiny waist but hips that were created for breeding and an ass so plump I can’t even find words to describe. She had piercing hazel green eyes that changed with the day. What really drove me crazy was her lovey British accent. Her youngest child attended the day care which I worked at so I got to say hello but never carry on a conversation. All of our exchanges consisted of me simply saying ello luv (in my terrible English accent) and good bye. However just hearing hey say Good bye luv, as a witty retort were enough to make my cock rock hard.

Auna managed the pools on the property and occasionally stood in as a lifeguard. Auna wore a wedding ring and conducted herself with the utmost respect. She never quite looked my way for much longer than a glance and a smile. Auna would always catch me looking at her. In the afternoons she would come pick up her child from daycare. Since she worked in the building she was friendly with all the employees and management, so she would hang around and talk a bit. I wouldn’t try stare but my eyes constantly drifted towards her and only the lord knows how many times I got caught checking her out.

So at some point schools are closed for teachers convention and the day care host a optional morning care program for the parents that can’t afford to stay home. Typically it’s a small handful of kids so only one or two counselors are needed. The programs asked if I was available to cover for a few of the days so I did agreed. When the day came for me to work this daycare program I came down with a flu like cold (pre-covid life) I couldn’t call out cause there was no other coverage so I toughed it out and worked anyway.

One of the activities available to the kids were swimming. So all the kids get changed and we head down to the pool. To my luck Auna is life guarding and she comes to me with no prior engagement other than Hello, her hand on my forehead and says go take a nap you look terrible. Give me your number I’ll call you when swim time is up. I thank her and exchange information and I’m on my way to nap in the break room.

Some time goes by, I get a call swim time is up and I come down to get the kids. Auna hops out the pool when I get there she had jumped in for a swim while the kids were waiting on the side already changed. She walks towards me dripping wet and places her hand on my forehead and tells me I look a little better. The day goes on and she text me and checks in on how I’m feeling. She even offers to bring me up some Advil. I thought she was just being nice but tried to push my luck and flirt back a little. We engaged in conversation and I learned about her life, she learned about my goals and ambition. The major take away I got from this conversation was that she was separated from her husband but kept the wedding ring on. (It’s complicated) Flirting ensued. I would send the good ol fashion good morning text and establish my interest. Sooner or later our conversations got more personal and in appropriate memes were sent and met with equally flirty and inappropriate replies.

A few weeks go by and another opportunity comes up for daycare. This time I volunteer with some other counselor. Swim time comes around, i am the only one to get changed as well, hop In the pool and play with the kids for a bit. Marco Polo, teaching some to swim, breath holding contest. A this point I’m winning all the time and Auna comes over and taunts with the kids that’s it’s not fair. She says how about some real competition. All the kids cheer and she whistle for them to all get out the pool and sit on the side as we compete. She hopes in and swims real close. When the kids countdown and cheer we both duck below water and I’m holding my breath for dear life to prove how macho I am. Under water she reaches out and tickles me to which I gasp out all my air pop up and she remains under for a little while longer. She she comes up she says no competition and playfully pushes me away, hope up on the life guard chair and blows the whistle for the kid resumes swim. The entire time my eyes are fixated on her. Finally I get out the pool dry off and text her cheater. She says stop “Staring at me you are going to give people the wrong idea about us. I’m a happily married women 😉.”

At this point I’m feeling dangerous. The kids go to change and l so I go over to her where’s she’s sitting alone and I take a knee and whisper some shit I saw on the internet.

I whisper “I want to bury my cock so deep in your ass when I pull out I’m gonna be crowned the new king Author” she turns to be with a bewildered rage and says can you repeat that. I’m thinking oh fuck, I’ve crossed a line. Fuck it no going back now so I repeat it slowly.

She grabs Me by the earlobe pulls me close and whispers “I’ll bring the lube” than plants a kiss on my cheek and says “Now go to work”


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