Car sex with a Japanese exchange student [MF]

FYI – u/taketomygrave, this isn’t the Japanese exchange student story I mentioned in the other post’s comments, but still Japanese nonetheless (if that’s your thing!)

This story takes place nine years ago – I was 19 years old, and this was the second girl I’d ever had sex with. I had known her for the better part of four hours before it happened.

In my second year of university, I had a part-time job at an English as a Second Language (ESL) school. The job was simple – allow students to practice their English by socialising with them. In other words, get paid to just hang out with hundreds of international college students. It was an amazing gig, and every shift was excitingly unique. One day, we could be planning an international talent show; on another, we could be taking a bus full of Korean students to a night club. On this particular evening, I was tasked to take a group of students to watch a local football/soccer match.

I was told to meet the students at a train station in downtown – about 12 of them had signed up for this event. There was a mix of Saudi students, Korean students, and two Japanese girls (the ones we are interested in). The Japanese students’ names were Saori and I can’t remember the other one because I didn’t put my penis inside her. Saori and her friend showed up together, arm in arm – they were clearly friends.

Objectively, I would say Saori was a cute Japanese girl – even, dare I say, “kawaii”. She had dyed brown hair that curled at the ends, a cute smile, and probably A or B cups (I’ll post a pic below for reference). She was skinny and probably 5’5″. It was a September evening – not too cold or hot, so Saori had on a flowy, yellow summer dress that ending around her knees (summer skirt?). I remember it was so thin and flowly that I could see the outline of her panties when the wind blew from behind her. It was practically translucent. By the way, I would like to add I’m not always a complete perve – I had taken notice because a homeless man grabbed her ass. But to be fair to the homeless dude, I later discovered Saori was one to enjoy a nice ass grabbing session.

For someone new to the country, Soari took the unexpected ass grabbing very well. Basically, we were walking through downtown as a group, towards the football stadium. Jason, a Korean student, was very confident he could lead the group via Google Maps, so I had followed the group from the rear to ensure we didn’t lose anyone. I was walking along with Saori and her friend, just chatting about football and Japan, when a homeless guy stumbled past us. Just as he passed Saori, he “stumbled” into her and, without a doubt, grabbed a handful of her ass. Maybe he lost his balance and that was the nearest source of stability, who am I to judge? Saori just gave a puzzled look at the homeless guy, and then her friend, and kept walking. Interesting. Also, I suppose that attests to Saori’s objective cuteness as well – out of a group of 13 decently attractive college students, that homeless man hand-picked Saori’s ass to grab.

When we arrived at the football stadium, we occupied two rows of a small section in the back. I sat on the aisle, and beside me was Saori’s friend, and then Saori. I’m not a huge sports guy, but clearly Saori and her friend weren’t either. I guess they just came out for a bit of cultural exchange. I basically spent the entire match flirting/talking with Saori and her friend. Luckily, the rest of the students were engrossed in the game.

I used all the typical lines one might use when trying to seduce a Japanese exchange student: Oh, how are the guys in Japan? “Shy.” Do you have a boyfriend in Japan? “No.”Do you like American guys?” *Anime Giggles*. At one point, Saori had to squeeze out of the aisle to go to the bathroom: “Sorri, I go toi-reh”, she said with a smile. On her way back, as she was squeezing back into the aisle, (and I remember this sensation perfectly to this day), her ass brushed against my knee/thigh. With only her thin summer dress separating our skin (I was wearing shorts), I could feel the juiciness of her ass. Literally, it might have be the juiciest ass I’ve ever felt – like she had never done a squat in her life. 100% fat cells.

As she sat down, I said something funny/goofy to the two of them. I can’t remember what I said, but Saori responded by giggling with her friend and said I was “cute” (in Japanese). Or maybe she said I was “pitiful” (there’s only a difference of one sound). In any case, that was the moment, I thought I might have a chance with Saori. I had never fooled around with these students before, and especially not on the job, but that ass brushing pushed me over the edge – I began to believe it was an intentional ass brushing.

When the game finished, we all headed to our respective routes to commute home. Some students went down to the subway, but coincidentally, I followed the Japanese girls and a few others to the bus terminal. “What buses are you guys taking?” Saori answered “16”. Coincidentally (again), that was my bus. And coincidentally (again again), no other student was taking the 16. Saori and I were alone now, and waited for at least 15 minutes for the 16. It was about 10pm on a Sunday, so there weren’t too many buses running. While we waited, I asked her if she drank, or had checked out the bar scene in downtown. Before the 16 came, we decided to just walk over to a bar and grab a drink together.

I don’t know why, but in my memory, Saori is always wearing a white miniskirt during this part of the story. I know she definitely wasn’t, but it’s just how I remember it visually. Maybe it was just the lighting in the bar, or maybe because her skirt was around her upper thigh while we sat at a small granite table, chatting over Sapporo beers. It was a small square table, and we sat facing the window, on adjacent sides of the table – our shoulders were practically rubbing together. I don’t remember the conversation either (she actually had decent English) but at one point, I reach down and place my hand on her bare knee. And in almost the same way she reacted to the homeless man touching her, she didn’t flinch or react at all. She just kept talking and smiling, staring into my eyes.

My hand rested there on her knee as we talked for a couple more minutes. I tried to go a little further, and started sliding my hand up her thigh. I went halfway up, not on her upper thigh, but her inner thigh. Her legs weren’t crossed, and she left a bit of a gap (for me? Who knows). Still no response from Saori. Alright then. So I slowly continued sliding up, and eventually touched the crotch of her panties with the tip of my middle finger. Still nothing. At this point, I would also like to add that it was a fairly well lit bar. Anyone looking over at our direction should be able to see what we were doing (though I tried to shift my body to hide my hand/arm). It wasn’t until I started rubbing her crotch, Saori laughed, and abruptly crossed her legs. “You’re crazy. I like you.” she said, leaning in to cover her legs. I also leaned in, inches away from her lips. I slowed leaned in some more, and we shared a brief, but tongue-y kiss. “Do you wanna go?” We got the bill, and left the bar.

As soon as we got out, I pulled her into me and we started making out. At this point, there weren’t too many people on the street. I grabbed her ass with one hand, to which she responded to with Japanese porn sounds (i.e. eeuuhhh, da-me, yamete, etc.). I walked her over to the same bus stop, and nudged her gently against the advertisement screen, in attempts to conceal me grabbing her ass some more (although standing in front of the advertisement screen fully lit us up to passersby). We must have made out and ass fondled for at least 10 minutes until the bus came. Luckily we were the only ones at the bus stop. When it finally did arrive, I had the back of her summer dress hiked all the way up. I had slipped both my hands into the sides of her panties, and my middle fingers met together at her hairy, sticky pussy/asshole.

As we got onto the bus, I fumbled out some change, getting her juices all over my wallet. Though we sat in the very back, we didn’t fool around since it was fully lit and there were other passengers on board. It’s like the fluorescent bus lights snapped us out of our horniness, so we just continued our conversation on culture shock and living in a new city. Eventually I asked her which stop she was getting off at, and it turned out (coincidence #4), she was staying with a family just a few blocks away from my house. Bingo. Unbeknownst to Saori, I had began formulating my plan.

And my plan went like this: 1) get off at my bus stop together, 2) walk to my house, 3) I sneak in and grab the car keys (it was around midnight), 4) we take the car to a gas station to buy a 3-pack of condoms (much like the [previous story](, 5) drive somewhere discrete, and 6) finish what we started. I explain the plan to Saori so she could practice her English listening & comprehension skills. She comprehends, agrees, and we get off the bus.

Steps 1 to 3 were simple enough. When we get to the gas station, I tell Saori she can hang tight in the car – I’d be back in a flash, so I leave the keys in the ignition. Eagerly, I walked briskly to the convenience store, fearing her pussy might dry up if I was too slow. I must have burst into the store a bit too eagerly because the attendant gave me a little snicker as I paid for the condoms. “Someone’s getting lucky tonight eh, boss?” “Yes, boss. Very lucky, boss”, I responded to my boss. “She’s in the car waiting, haha” I said, pointing to the black hatchback in the parking lot. Then suddenly, almost on cue, the reverse lights of the car switch on, and I stood there watching, as Saori hijacked my car. No. Kidding. The attendant gives me a thumbs up and wishes me the best of luck on my future endeavours.

I get back into the car. I was ecstatic. I put on my seatbelt, turn on the ignition, adjust my rear view mirror, double check that Saori was still wet, and mentally check step 4 off the list. Perfect. On to step 5: find a discrete location. Before I put the car in reverse, I took a second to think about where to go. At first, I considered parking lots. My old high school had a parking lot (just a couple blocks from my house), but then I remembered they chained up the entrance at night. Why chain up a parking lot at night? Probably so kids didn’t drive there to fuck in their cars. Where else. A grocery store parking lot? Those weren’t chained up, but I was worried that a security guard worked the night shift and would come a’knockin while we were a’fuckin. Furthermore, a single car in a massive empty parking lot looked extremely suspicious.

Finally, I stumbled upon the answer – why not just in plain sight. It’s what people would least suspect. I pulled the car around the corner onto a quiet residential street, cleverly parking the car on the border between two houses. I would be taking advantage of what they call the groupthink phenomenon: if Saori was waking up all the neighbours with her moans and screams, each neighbour would think the other neighbours would call the cops; therefore, no one would take any action and the fucking would continue, uninterrupted (but with an audience).

We get out of the front seats, and into the back (whenever I think about this story, I always regret not folding down the back seats to create a bed – why drive a hatchback if you’re not gonna make use of all that trunk space?). The sexy times went as most sexy times go, but I’ll try my best to recall the details as I remember them:

I remember she started, fully clothed, with a blowjob. As a reminder, though Saori was the second girl I’d been with, this was the first “real” blowjob I had ever received (the girl I dated mostly just fucked and gave handjobs – maybe I should have wrote about her first… I was thinking of writing these stories chronologically). I shifted the driver seat as far forward as it could go, so Saori could kneel and suck while I sat in the back seat. Then we switched places. I pulled up her summer dress to reveal a pair of white panties with little geometric shapes on them (you know, like little squares and triangles and stuff). At this point, I hadn’t yet learned about the art of the build up, so I just pulled off her panties and started licking her hairy pussy. The familiar sweet and sour taste of pussy filled my mouth. My saliva and her pussy juice was all over my lips and chin. I continued licking, and started fingering her at the same time. She was moaning/screaming at this point – if you haven’t heard a Japanese girl moan/scream before, I would recommend turning on a JAV porn video in a separate window as you read this next part.

Despite the pleasant September evening weather, the windows began to fog up. By the time I slipped the condom on, all seven windows were opaque (this little hatchback had a sunroof, baby). I remember we tried doing it missionary, which sort of hurt my back and quads (I apparently didn’t do a single squat in my life either). So we switched to doggy, and eventually to cowgirl – she rode and grinded on me with everything she had. And of course, if you read my last story, you would know that this was my greatest weakness (but of course I wasn’t fully aware at this point). As she cowgirl grinded on me, I could actually hear our pubic hairs scratching together like velcro (yeah, we Asians like it bushy). I came into the condom while my dick is still inside her. As Saori is still straddling me, I pull her close, squeezing my face into her tits as I bite her nipples. Judging by how quickly she stood up and went to grab her panties and bra, I assume she didn’t cum, but oh well. I’ve never really been a good first fuck anyway. She looked at me with a grin “You’re a bad English teacher”. We chatted for a bit, randomly about how her family is living in the UK, and then I drove her home.

I would’ve liked to tell you that we continued fucking for the remainder of her term at the ESL school. But at least it wasn’t awkward whenever we crossed paths. We just pretended like it never happened, and that was that.

I’ve got one more Japanese story if anyone’s interested. If not, I think I’ll go back and write about the girl I dated prior to meeting Saori (the one I lost my virginity to) – a Swiss exchange student who was living at my house.

[Saori – reference pic]( (I never took a pic of her, but this is the closest resembling one I could find – maybe I could’ve just lied and said it was her, as to elevate your fapping experience haha)



  1. Good read. Can attest Japanese girls make totally different noise during sex than other women.

  2. Have you tried writing non-sex stories?(not that you’re bad at it or anything). I just like your writing style and sex doesn’t do it justice.

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