Links to Previous Chapters and how the Nexus System works
[Nexus System Introduction](
[Chapter 1](
As a note, chapter 1 was prewritten a couple of days ago, and I’ve wanted to continue this story, hence why I cut off voting early, todays chapter is fresh and new. (not even I know how its going to branch yet lol)if you enjoy please vote for the next branch, and consider an upvote if you liked it :) anyways, onto chapter 2**Prelude**
>As horny as you are your not surprised that your already nearing towards an edge again but just before the edge comes as if your cursed or something you start hearing noises again. This time coming towards you.
>Branch Winner: B. Try to finish before your caught [exhibitionism +2] [potential humiliation event]
**Chapter 2**
Fingers slick with your juices, your breath beginning to become ragged you simply can’t handle having your orgasm ripped away from you again. You begin to double your efforts, but you can’t help but feel like a slut for even attempting this [exhibitionism +2] [humiliation +1]
[Humiliation event]
[Roll 19 to reach orgasm without being seen]
[Roll 15 to reach orgasm, caught]
[Roll 10 to reach edge, caught]
[Warning failure could lead to increased Humiliation]
[Rolled 14] [applying conditions]
Going as fast as your fingers can go you push yourself towards that elusive orgasm, your small stint of embarrassment pushing your edge back just a little, but now your nearly there, there, on the edge… so close to orgasm, so close to finally cumming. Just before you finally cum you hear a voice call out which not only shocks you off the orgasm.”I knew it from the smell in the room. Your a little slut aren’t you?”
oh no. Anyone else but your new roommate of all people to see you like this. [Humiliation +5] You try to stumble out an apologies as you cover up but she stops you in your tracks.
“No no no slut, you don’t get to cover up. Not after what I just saw. No slut, I think you should stand up for me and put your hands to the side.”
You can’t believe this is happening to you. You also realize pretty immediately that if you don’t challenge her now she’ll own this power over you all year… and you have to share a room with her.
[willpower check] [Warning willpower critically low]
[roll 19 to pass]
[rolled 13]
[willpower check failed]Despite your mind begging you to fight back you feel incredibly submissive and simply can’t refuse her commands
“Oh, I honestly expected you to fight me on that… Didn’t think you were that week willed.” she laughs “Who knew, my roommate was a submissive slut who likes to get off in public. Well come along slut, lets get back to the room and well start discussing how our interactions will change.”
she starts leading you by the hand and its not long before you reach the door leading into the hall, your mind panics as realize she intends you to walk back naked.
“please, can I get the towel? Don’t make me walk back naked.”
[Persuasion Check]
[roll 14 to pass][rolled 1 Critical Failure]
[Persuasion Check Failure]
“Oh don’t worry slut. I wasn’t planning on making you walk back to your room naked.” she says, your face lighting up in relief.
“I’m just going to make you go to the front entrance completely naked!” she flashes an evil grin at you and your heart sinks. She can’t possibly do this can she? You feel yourself dragged into the hall, apparently she can… and will. [Humiliation +6][Exhibitionism +5]
“Oh no… I can’t believe I’m out here naked.. I… PLEASE… PLEASE!!! let’s go back to the room!!! I’ll do anything else PLEASE don’t let anyone see me like this!” You beg your heart out, tears straining and threating to fly.
“You’ll do anything will you? That’s a very dangerous thing for such a submissive slut to say. Do you realize what your getting yourself into?”
“I…” You find yourself at a loss of words, the humiliation of being out in the hallway in your dorm campus and the look in your roommates eyes that suggests you’ll be used like the slut she thinks you are.
“Look slut. I’ll make this real simple for you. You agree to be my slave indefinitely until I’m sick of you, or… We can drag your naked ass downstairs and you’ll be seen by a lot of students, but I’ll let you get dressed after and we can go on to be good friends and roommates. Lastly I have a third option, you won’t like it, but it saves you from being my little personal rug muncher if its not your style. what’s it going to be slut?”
Branching Path
A. You agree to your roommates request and become her slave[Starts F/f story]
B. You can’t become a slave! besides you don’t even like women. Refuse her request.[Starts Exhibitionism/Dare taker Story]
C. You know whatever that third option is it can’t be good. But you know in your heart your not into women. Your not against it, but its certainly not for you. Maybe the third option is preferable?[Starts M/f story]
**Chapter 2 Footnotes**:
**Lust:** 100/100 [Warning high lust affects decision making]
**Exhibitionism:** level 2
Chapter added 7 Level up! 4/5 till next level
**BDSM:** level 2
chapter subtly added 5 for submissive behavior Level up! 0/5 till next level
**Humiliation:** level 3
Chapter added 12 Level up! 4/10 till next level
**Denial:** level 1
3/30 till next level
[edges add 1, days without add 5, orgasms remove 5]
**Willpower:** 1 [feeling very submissive]
**Timeframe for voting? A real one!**
So I starting tomorrow I start my last week at my current job and will probably not be able to find time to write a chapter tomorrow…. although, that said I’m really enjoying writing this so timeframes could be from tomorrow, before 3pm EST or the following day, again, before 3pm EST. We’ll see what happens when I wake up tomorrow.
**Notes section**
Please, please, please! Considering leaving feedback on the story. I’d like to know on what I’m doing right/wrong to better improve not only the story, but my skills towards writing. This chapter came out a hell of a lot shorter then I wanted but I wasn’t sure I wanted to commit to a particular genre without the appropriate feedback and voting. hopefully meaning that if the majority of you who want an M/f story I didn’t just take that away from you to make the chapter a little longer. In the future I do plan to include much larger chapters which will take me much longer to write, but hopefully give you all the most content.
That’s all for tonight folks! hope you’ve enjoyed tonight’s chapter and I’ll check in come morning!
C please. Loving the story so far :)