My girlfriend Anastasia has a thing for incest.
This was revealed during a session of post-coital pillow talk some months into our relationship when the last of our sexual skeletons were being let out of the closet; I finally admitted I was into “hotwifing” (the voyeuristic thrill of watching your wife or girlfriend with another man) and Anastasia admitted she was into consensual incest. These were far from out only kinks, mind you, but certainly counted as our most deeply held sexual secrets.
Lying nude on her side in bed, her beautiful, warm face framed in thick brown hair, Anastasia explained in a low voice that she had always wanted to fuck her Dad but knew with bone-deep certainty that he’d never go for it. “I hinted every way I could think to, subtly at first. Finally, I let him walk in on me masturbating one time a year back when I was nineteen thinking it was basically ‘now or never.’ He lectured me after and took the dildo away. So much for that,” she sighed, rolling her large green eyes. “Mom got me a lock for my door after all was said and done, and she told me to use it during my ‘private time’ going forward.”
I reached out and tweaked one of her exposed large brown nipples until it hardened. She giggled, breasts jiggling softly. I surveyed her athletic frame at length, marveling at her soft tanned skin for a few moments. “At least,” I said finally, “You still have your brother.”
“He’s married, dork,” she said with a sly half-smile.
“So’s your dad,” I pointed out with a smirk, tweaking the nipple again. “To your mother, as I recall.”
Anastasia brushed my hand aside playfully. “Yeah, but my mom’s a bitch. She’s not half as cool as your mom. Or as good-looking. I figured Dad would be starving for a good lay.”
“Which you absolutely are a good lay, thank you,” I said, leaning in for a long kiss.
As we kissed, I had what I can only describe as an epiphany – an idea fell into my head so unexpectedly I nearly laughed as she and I frenched. Once we parted, I said softly, “So your Dad’s out. Your brother’s out. Who does that leave, then?”
“What, besides cousins I haven’t seen in half my life? Not a lot of thrill there. That’d be more like fucking a stranger.”
I grinned from ear to ear. “What about *my* Dad?”
The first thing to know about my Dad is he adores Anastasia, and has adored her since she and I were both ten. Her family moved into the neighborhood just down the street back then, and now ten years later Anastasia’s the daughter he and my mom never had. He never pushed us together romantically, but when we grew together at last he was beyond thrilled to hear it.
He sat me down in the living room before Anastasia and I had our first date and told me in polite but no uncertain terms not to fuck it up. “You only get one Anastasia in your life, ever, and that’s if you’re lucky,” he told me. “Don’t do anything you’ll regret, Jake. Be the gentleman I’ve raised you to be, do right by her, and you won’t regret it.”
A week or so passed from the day I suggested Anastasia fuck my father. She came over every day to plot, scheme, and screw in my bedroom. And when the time was finally right, we started to spring the trap.
When Anastasia and I came out of my bedroom and into the kitchen one evening following a pair or orgasms apiece, Dad was cooking up dinner and Mom nowhere to be seen. My bedroom was separated from the kitchen down a long hall past the laundry room, bathroom, and a second bedroom-turned-office so there was some degree of privacy, but I had little doubt he had any question what Anastasia and I had been up to. We were, after all, two attractive twenty-year-olds desperately in love with each other holed up in a bedroom without a television for the past hour and a half.
Anastasia, dressed now in a simple short-sleeved white V-neck t-shirt and black yoga shorts, made a point to skip over and give my Dad a bear hug and kiss on the cheek. “Hi Nick,” she said cheerfully, having long since graduated to using first-name privileges. “Whatcha makin’ me?”
My Dad chuckled good-naturedly as I took a seat at the bar countertop directly across from the stove where he appeared to be frying tortillas. “Quesadillas,” he replied happily. “More than enough to go around if you’d like to stay. I’m not sure what time Jake’s mother is going to make it home from work – hours from now would be my guess – but I know she wouldn’t object.
I knew that was a certainty. Mom – Stephanie, for the record – had already asked me if I’d like a loan for an engagement ring two weeks ago.
Anastasia grinned and cuffed Dad’s arm. “Quesadillas, my absolute favorite. I wonder how that came to be?”
I snorted. “’Cause you’re his favorite person in this house.”
Dad waved the spatula dismissively as Anastasia laughed. “Well, you can’t fault him for having good taste.” She looked up at my Dad with wide, impish eyes, and said in a deliberately overwrought tone,
“My hero!” Taking his face in both hands, she had to stand on her tiptoes to deliver a quick kiss to his lips.
Dad, briefly stunned, looked at me mouth agape. I spread my hands as if to say hey, what can you do? and grinned. Dad shook his head, laughing, and muttered, “Guess I’ll make these more often.”
Anastasia put an arm around his waist and hugged into him, and Dad looked at me questioningly. I just nodded my approval to the unspoken question that, yes, everything was fine, so he proceeded as usual and draped an arm around her shoulders. Dad flipped a quesadilla, saying, “And what’re my two favorite people up to this fine evening?”
Anastasia answered from where she was nestled into him, saying, “We’re thinking about using your pool, but only if you join us.”
Dad cocked an eyebrow. “Why’s that? Tired of Jake’s company already?”
Anastasia rolled her eyes. “No! I just don’t get to see enough of you. At least join us in the hot tub for a while.”
Dad served up three plates for each of us and nodded. “Alright, after dinner then – the hot tub it is.”
I grinned. “Don’t go putting on Mom’s two-piece for us. That shit won’t fly.”
“One time I did that. Once. And whisky was involved, not quesadillas.”
After dinner Anastasia and I waited for my Dad in the hot tub, I in my swimsuit and Anastasia in her white t-shirt and little else. She hadn’t brought a bathing suit – a fact omitted from my father – and took the opportunity to take a dip in her t-shirt.
The night was cool, the air still, and the sun nearly set. I took a sip of water from a plastic mug, and said, “You took off your bra, right?”
In response, Anastasia sat a little higher in the water for me, her breasts breaking the water line to expose her nipples and the fabric of her sodden, borderline transparent t-shirt clinging to them. “Duh,” she said with a broad smile. “God, this is fun. I can’t believe you’re going for this!”
“He’s yours if this works,” I said with a calm I didn’t particularly feel. “Just don’t over-extend yourself. Play the long game and we just might have a shot at this.”
Anastasia slithered over to my side of the hot tube and gave my cock a squeeze under the water, and didn’t let go. “Baby, if this works then we both get what we want. I’m not about to screw it up.” She gave me a long kiss. “Now close your eyes… and picture him blowing a load in my hot, wet pussy,” she breathed. She pumped my dick a little. “Imagine him cumming into my cunt right in front of your eyes. Your own father, hotwifing your girlfriend. You like?” She felt me go to full hardness instantly, heard my breathing change. “I think you do. I think he does too.”
“You know I do.”
Anastasia smirked. “Then let’s make it happen already.” She kissed me again and slid back to her old position on the opposite side, sinking down into the water nearly up to her neck.
No more than three minutes later, Dad came out from the kitchen in swim trunks after having cleaned up the kitchen. I took note of the beer in his hand and was pleased – anything to lower his inhibitions couldn’t harm the outcome of the situation.
Anastasia looked up at him and flashed her most winning smile. “Come sit with me, Nick!”
“What, you two fighting or something?” my Dad asked with a chuckle, stepping into the water and dutifully plopping down on to the step waist deep in water next to Anastasia.
“No,” Anastasia said, “I just don’t want to give this one” she pointed languidly in my direction, “any ideas. I forgot my swimsuit.” She sat up then on the step herself, exposing quite a lot for my father to suddenly have to avoid looking at.
But look he surely did. His eyes widened as water cascaded down Anastasia’s perfect breasts and rolled off her flat stomach; she might as well have been topless for all the good the nearly sheer shirt was doing her. “Put your arm around me,” she invited him,” “I get chilly out of the water.”
My Dad looked at me with a mixture of emotions on his face, so I said, “Go ahead Dad, it’s really not a big deal.”
He took a swing of beer and put his arm around Anastasia’s shoulder, and she wrapped an arm around his bare torso, pushing her breasts into him. “Thanks,” she purred, nestling into him.
“No problem,” Dad said carefully. “Are you guys doing alright tonight?”
“Sure,” I said. “How come?”
“It’s just… I don’t mind Anastasia being… affectionate, I’m just a little surprised. I usually just get a hug and a kiss on the cheek if it’s a good day,” he chuckled and stroked her shoulder a bit.
Anastasia sighed contentedly. “We were just talking about what a good guy you were earlier, and I feel like I should do more to show you how much I care about you. And like you. And… want to be with you.”
That seemed to puzzle him. “With me?”
She nodded. “You know, spend time with you. Quality time. We aren’t going to be going to junior college forever, and we want – I want, at least – to make the most of our relationship. Yours and mine. I want it to be the best it can be.” She lifted her head slightly and gazed up into Dad’s eyes. “Whatever that looks like.”
The innuendo was subtle, but seemed to have reached him. “Well,” he said carefully, “Stephanie and I are here for you both anytime we can be. I hope you know that. In any capacity you might want or need.”
Anastasia shrugged. “Steph works sixty plus hour weeks during the busy season this time of year, and I know you’re shouldering a lot by yourself. If you need anything from me, don’t be afraid to ask, ok?” And then she sat up then fully, and started to pull up the hem of her shirt from the bottom up and over her head.
My Dad went white. “What’re you doing?” he asked, his eyes riveted to her body.
“It’s chafing, and I don’t think visually it’s making much of a difference in terms of modesty,” Anastasia said as she tossed the soaked shirt off to the side, freeing her bouncing breasts at last for his unimpeded inspection. She moved in back to her old position, pressing her now bare tits against his flesh. “Want to put your arm back around me?”
“I, ah, think I should go inside,” Dad announced, rising abruptly. His erection was obvious even from where I sat. “Excuse me. Sorry.” Red-faced, he walked to the patio door and entered the house.
I caught Dad the next morning after Mom had left for work while he was having coffee and reading the news. I wasted no time sitting down at the kitchen table directly next to him. As he looked up and began to speak, I cut him off, saying, “Listen, Dad, about last night. Anastasia wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable.”
Dad sighed. “I know, Jake. She’s just your girlfriend and I really didn’t want to overstep my boundaries there.”
I laughed, instantly relieved. “Dad, you’re not going to. I’m totally fine. You’re allowed to admire her; you’re my Dad for Christ’s sake, not some douchebag. Look, here, let me show you something.”
I scooted the chair closer to him and pulled out my phone while opening my locked Photo Vault app and navigating to a collection of Anastasia’s topless nudes, selecting one on the screen before sticking it in front of his eyes. “See? Those are her breasts. I literally don’t care if you stare at them. You’re welcome to anytime, Dad.”
My Dad flinched, and started to look away, “Jesus, Jake, come on son!”
“Dad, I’m making a point. You’re allowed to appreciate her. I’m not going to be shitty about it and neither is she. Get it? She wants you to appreciate her, and so do I.”
He blinked. “What exactly are you trying to say?”
I took a deep breath. Here goes. “I’m saying she doesn’t mind if you admire her, and I don’t mind it either.” I forced myself to pull up another picture on the phone. “Look at this one.” And another. “And this one.” Another. “Look at her here.”
He did. God bless him, he did look at every last one. I kept showing him pictures of her topless, pictures she had sent me over the past year and many more I had taken recently specifically for this exact purpose. After many minutes had passed, I eventually ran out of topless only pictures. “Do you want to see more?” I asked casually.
My Dad seemed to jerk his head as if coming out of a trance. “Son, I don’t think I should.”
“She recorded something special for you.”
“Anastasia… what?”
“She recorded something special for you. A message. She said if you made it through all the pictures, she wanted you to see, you could see the special message. Don’t you want to see the message?”
“She wanted me to see these?”
“Yeah, Dad. She did. And if you want to see more, you have a special video message waiting for you. I promise it’s worth it.”
My Dad looked at me curiously. “You’re really OK with this?”
“Absolutely and completely. I’m sitting here, aren’t I? This is actually a lot of fun for me, believe it or not.”
“Why’s that?” he seemed genuinely puzzled.
“I wouldn’t want to share her with just anyone, Dad. Believe me. Nobody else has seen her like this, and I mean nobody. You’re in a unique position here, so you tell me – do you want to see what’s next, or not?”
My Dad shrugged. “I… shit. Alright. You’ve got me. Show me what’s next.”
“Not on the phone,” I said. “On the couch. I’ll hook up my laptop with an adapter and we can watch it off the TV. Get comfortable and all.”
We stood and made our way into the living room where I rapidly connected my laptop to the HDMI cable to the TV input. Wireless mouse in hand, I was ready to surf from the couch that sat across the room from the television.
Dad occupied one end of the sofa, so I took the other end and turned on the TV with the remote. Soon my desktop was displayed across the larger screen, and I navigated to a folder entitled, “Anastasia – for Dad.”
Dad shook his head in wonder. “You guys really set me up, didn’t you?”
“Don’t go reading too far into anything yet,” I cautioned him as I clicked. “Don’t get all analytical on me. Just enjoy the ride for now, ok?”
“Whatever you say, son.”
“Well, tell you what. You tell me you don’t want to see more after this,” I said, selecting the first file, a picture of Anastasia completely nude in my bed, facing the camera, legs spread, mouth in a wicked smile of pure delight as her pussy accepted the head of a truly impressive pink silicone dildo.
A long moment of silence descended. I studied my Dad out of the corner of my eye as he stared nearly transfixed at the image in front of him. I wondered what he was thinking. Was he admiring her gleeful expression? Her young breasts? Her neatly trimmed patch of brown pubic hair? The way her labia stretched to accept the cockhead? Something else entirely?
Unable to stand it any longer, I said, “Well?”
“Show me the next one, please,” he said in a low, even tone.
I grinned, and selected the next one. Anastasia riding the same dildo as I held it steady for her, fully impaled on its length. The look of ecstasy was unmistakable. I waited for his cue, and then on to the next one of Anastasia flashing me in the car on the highway. Then Anastasia spreading her pussy lips for the camera after I had dumped my load inside her, showing my sperm leaking out for my father to observe in perfect clarity, and then more still. This went on for some time – thirty specially-selected pictures to be exact, each one of which my father seemed to be burning into his memory – until we got to the message itself.
“Ready, Dad?”
“Yes,” he said at once.
I clicked.
The clip featured Anastasia sitting in her bedroom in an office chair by her computer, facing into her laptop’s webcam for the recording. She wore a simple black t-shirt, only visible from the waist up. “Hi, Nick. I hope you liked my pictures.” Her lips curled into a smile. “I have a simple proposition, and if you’ve made it through this many nudes of me it’s almost a no-brainer. The short version is I want to give you more.”
I watched my girlfriend’s hands slide up to squeeze her covered breasts invitingly. Her look was nothing but lustful. She continued by saying, “By now you and Jake are on the couch. So, here’s the deal: the two of you Skype with me, and let’s do that right here and right now. Help me help you, Nick. I want this, you want this, and Jake wants this. Let’s have some fun. Talk to you soon, yes?”
“Why?” Dad said as the clip ended, turning to me. “Why do you want this? Why go to all this trouble?”
I sighed. “It’s not that complicated, honestly. I’ve always gotten off at the idea of shall we say ‘sharing’ my girlfriend with the right kind of person, and you’re most certainly someone I know and trust better than anyone. I know you care about Anastasia, and appreciate her. As for Anastasia…” I started to answer, but thought better of it. “Why don’t you ask her on the Skype call? It’s really her story to tell.”
He shook his head. “Probably not, but even still. Jesus Christ… your mother, Jake. This entire thing with Anastasia is wild, but -”
I held up a hand. “Stop. You’re looking at an attractive lady right now who wants you to look at her. Nobody’s asking you to betray your vows here.”
“Aren’t you trying to get me to fuck your girlfriend? Isn’t that the big setup here?”
I smirked. “You’re getting warm, but not quite. Look, let’s do the Skype call already and enjoy that, ok? You have to admit you’re at least curious, right?”
“More than slightly,” Dad admitted. “Call her.”
I did. Anastasia answered on the third ring. She grinned when she saw both of us in the frame; I could tell she was in her bedroom. “Good morning, gentlemen,” she said formally as she settled into her chair. She wore a simple denim button-down shirt and khaki shorts, her hair swooped up in a fashionable approximation of a ponytail.
“Hey baby,” I said cheerfully. “I’ve got somebody else here who likes seeing you naked.”
Anastasia chuckled, smiling widely. “Is that right Nick?”
“I guess it is,” Dad made himself say.
“You guess?” Anastasia said, fishing for more. “Do you like seeing me naked or don’t you?”
“I fucking love seeing you naked, Anastasia,” my Dad said. “You’re stunning.”
Her grin widened a fraction further. “Much better. Did I get you hard?”
Dad looked embarrassed, glancing at me. Anastasia laughed. “You’re allowed to be aroused by a woman while you’re in proximity to another male, my dude! Don’t worry, nobody’s calling your sexuality into question, Nick. Just answer the question.”
Dad nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, you got me hard. I still am.”
Anastasia leaned forward toward the camera slightly, her face suddenly serious. “Prove it.”
“Do what now?”
“I’ve shown you mine. Show me yours. In fact, let me sweeten the pot for you.” She undid the buttons on her shirt to reveal bare breasts for the camera. Anastasia looked down at them, then flicked her eyes up to the camera with a suddenly inspired grin. Smoothly, she lifted one tit up as she lowered her head, snaked out he tongue, and licked her own nipple.
I heard Dad groan, and apparently Anastasia hear it as well. “Like that, Nick?” she teased. “Wish it was your tongue, though. But that’s a topic for another time. We’re not covering that one today.” She pulled at both nipples with either hand, biting her lower lip as she gazed into the webcam.
“Nick, show me yours now. Please.”
Part two to follow…
Pt, 2? Can’t wait
That’s a quite well written one with a very intriguing idea. I’m hooked.
Excellent story, well written and easily visualized
Absolutely stunning and arousing to say the least thanks
Hott need pt.2
Great story bring on part 2
I wish I was Nick. Can’t wait for p2