[M]y [f]irst time

First time poster! This is a two part story about a girl I once knew, 10 years apart. If there’s interest, I’ll go ahead and write up part two. Part one begins at a McDonald’s.

When I was in tenth grade, with zero sexual experience, I got my first part-time job at a McDonald’s. Despite my lack of sexual history, they decided to hire me anyway. There were two entry level positions to choose from – front counter or kitchen. From what I understood, the front counter was mainly staffed by females, while the kitchen was full of dudes. Apparently, the team lead, a young Filipina a few years older than me, put me on front counter because she thought I was cute. This was confirmed on my first day, when she walked over with a smirk and said, “You’re cute,” and then gently slapped my dick in front of all the customers. Kidding about the second part. Although this fine young Filipina thang was indeed objectively attractive, my eyes were set on another girl that worked the front counter. Let’s call her Ellen. Because that’s her real name.

Ellen was (and I assume still is) a cute, docile girl. Cute, not hot. What’s the difference between cute and hot anyway? Probably small boobs. She had a sense of humour for sure, but she was soft spoken, and I kinda liked that. She was about 5’4″ and she dyed her black hair with streaks of blonde (which was very in at the time). She had small, perky breasts with dark nipples – I hadn’t seen her breasts or nipples at this point, but it turns out your lip skin can be surprisingly indicative of your nipple skin colour. However, what I found most attractive about her was her smell. It’s difficult to describe a scent with words, but it was something like sweet grapefruit with a hint of 10-piece chicken nugget meal. What a turn on.

Ellen and I clicked from the moment we met each other in the break room. We would line up our breaks and use our 50%-off employee discount to have meals together. When I told her jokes, she would laugh at said jokes. When I made fun of her Asian accent, she would playfully slap me on the arm. When I leaned over to get a whiff of her angelic hair, she’d asked me what tf I was doing. Apart from the shifts we shared at McDonald’s, I quickly discovered she actually went to my high school. I didn’t know of her, as she was two grades older – she was even older than my older brother. An older, docile, cute, lady friend. Nice.

Then one day, my friend Jason broke the news. She had a boyfriend. He went to another high school, and drove a black Mercedes SUV. Definitely doesn’t sound like a guy to mess with. So with Jason’s timely message, I started to back off. I didn’t want no trouble. I cast my gaze on the other find young thangs at the McDonald’s front counter. Maybe my Filipina team lead was still interested.

Despite my attempts to back away, Ellen continued to show an interest in me. To be fair, she was probably just reaching out as a friend, but I didn’t possess the maturity nor awareness to accurately decipher her advances. As far as I was concerned, she wanted me, and she wanted me bad. And so I played along. On a cold winter night, after a long Saturday shift, we were both preparing to head home when I noticed she didn’t have a very warm jacket on. So as the gentleman I was, I offered her my hoodie. It wasn’t very thick, but it was the kind of hoodie that was lined with furry furriness on the inside. She smiled and accepted it.

The next day at school, I ran into her and her friend walking in the hallway. She was still wearing my furryass hoodie. I smiled and asked if she planned on giving it back, but she teased and said it was hers now. As she walked away with her friend, she said she’d find me later at lunch. Something about her wanting to keep my hoodie turned me on. Maybe I felt like her wanting something that belonged to me, somehow equated to wanting me as a person. Or maybe I felt like she was showing it off to her friend, proudly. Or maybe it was the fact that her scent particles would be all up in that hoodie, given the large, absorbant surface area of its furry insides. Probably the last one. I nodded to myself, as a trickle of blood rushed down to me wee nether regions.

I couldn’t wait for that lunch bell to ring. We had been texting during all of second period, and I was curious what or where her plan would lead us. She just told me to go down and find her outside the school. And when the bell finally rang, I raced down from the third floor, squeezing my way through a river of students. I opened the doors, and there she was, standing on the steps, still wearing my hoodie. I walked over and she immediately said “Let’s go to your place”. Ho. Ly. Shiet. My mind was racing, and my peepee was hardening. At this point, I had no idea what to expect. I mean, a girl had given me a peck in elementary school, and I was exposed to porn, but never anything as real as this. I tried my best to play it cool. I told her someone might be home, but it didn’t hurt to check, since I only lived a couple blocks away.

As we turned the corner to my house, I noticed the car was still in the driveway. It was my mom’s car. Rats. The sensible thing would have been to turn around and head back to school (or find a large bush or some other discrete location). But my horniness got the better of me. I told her to be very quiet, as we walked over, silently opened the door, and – FUCK *beep beep beep*. I forgot the home security system beeped three times every time a door opened. Surely, if my mom was indeed home, she would have heard that. I panicked, and quickly opened the door to the nearest room and instructed her to get in. As if waiting for an earthquake aftershock, we stood silently, frozen in the room for at least a minute. It seemed like no one was coming downstairs to check on the door. Then she went over to the bed and sat down. “Is this your room?” she whispered, as she noticed the pink bedsheets and girly decorations. Clearly it wasn’t my room. At the time, we had rented a few rooms to Japanese exchange students. This was Yukari’s room.

I paused for a second. I stood there, looking at Ellen on the bed, and then looked down and asked my dick “What would Jesus do?”. I walked over and joined Ellen on the bed. We took off our shoes and just laid there on Yukari’s bed for a while, staring at each other, nose to nose. “I like your smell,” I confessed. “Are you sure it’s not Yukari’s smell?”. “How did you know her name’s Yukari?”.”It said ‘Yukari’s Room’ on the outside of the door, you dingbat.”.”Do you wanna make out?”. She smiled, (which was sufficient consent in 2008), and I went in and kissed her. Just before I made contact, she closed her eyes. She looked so cute and innocent that I kept mine open just to look at her. I put my tongue in her mouth, and then she put her tongue in mine. We kept at it for a couple minutes, and while our lips were still locked, she did this thing where she blew a gust of air into my mouth, and my cheeks puffed up like a balloon. I found this hilarious, and I still use that move on girls until this day. “You wanna touch my boobs?” Right, the boobs. I had forgotten all about the boobs. I took off her/my hoodie, and pulled down the neck of her low cut shirt to reveal her lace bra. I remember it was beige and had little flowers on it. It reminded me of a tablecloth design you would see in an antique shop or a senior home. No matter, boobs be boobs. I pulled down the bra to reveal the aforementioned dark nipples (the first real life boobs I have ever seen). I licked and sucked them to my content.

To be honest, I didn’t do this for very long, as I liked kissing her lips more than the boobs. So I took a bit of initiative this time, went back to kissing her mouth, and then started rubbing her crotch over her jeans. As I rubbed, I felt her exhale gently into my mouth. I kept at this for a while, until she was doing more exhaling than actual kissing. I reached down and started unbuttoning her jeans, half expecting her to stop me. She didn’t stop me. I continued undoing her jeans, revealing a pair of panties with the same antique/senior home tablecloth design as her bra. No matter, pussy be pussy, I thought. I never actually pulled her jeans down. I just slipped my hand in there, over her panties and continued rubbing. Obviously, the fabric of her jeans were much thicker than her senior home tablecloth, and it was wet. I’m not going to overdo it and say she was soaking or dripping (as that would have been terribly disrespectful to Yukari if that had been the case). She was moist. But she was moist enough that I could feel the outline of her pussy through her panties. I felt the lips, and then rubbed deeper into the little indent in the middle. As I continued to rub, she got wetter and wetter. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I pulled my hand out, and then went inside her panties. I navigated my way through a pubey bush, and then arrived her pussy. Eureka. And what a slippery surprise that was. I rubbed the middle a bit more, and finally slipped my middle finger inside her. That’s when she finally let out an audible moan.

The more I fingered her, the more her subsequent moans encouraged me to finger her. It was what they call a positive feedback loop. And indeed it was, as neither of us came that day. After a while, I decided to stop, as I felt like we should get back to school before third period began. I also felt guilty about doing this in Yukari’s room. Yukari was nice to me. Then I imagined doing this with Yukari one day. We kissed a bit more, and she adjusted her bra and buttoned up her jeans. I grabbed my hoodie, and left it on a shelf as we ran out of the house.

We did this (this, being making out and fingering) a few more times over the next week or two, and eventually stopped when she started dating a new boyfriend (I later found out she was hooking up with three guys simultaneously). Nonetheless, I told her I had a fun time, and we parted ways when she graduated. At this point, we had both left McDonald’s, and she had actually moved to another city. However, as fate would have it, we met again roughly ten years later (Part 2).

Anyway, I actually had a lot of fun writing this. Will probably post Part 2 in a bit :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ohtc1m/my_first_time

1 comment

  1. I like your wing writing style, a lot!

    >silently opened the door, and – FUCK *beep beep beep*.

    >”You wanna touch my boobs?” Right, the boobs. I had forgotten all about the boobs.

    >I stood there, looking at Ellen on the bed, and then looked down and asked my dick “What would Jesus do?”.

    Great lines! You deserve more upvotes just for this style. Would like to hear the second part of it!

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