Midnite Vienna: Chapter Seven [MF/MM/FF]

Chapter Seven- Cup of Wonder

(Warning: Heavy Themes of Mind Break and N*n-c*ns*nt)

Reilly and her newest slave Amy exited the bathroom. Amy was having trouble understanding exactly what had just happened. Two years ago she had been enslaved after not meeting her quotas for Rouge Psychix, and she had gotten used to that way of life. Now she was under the control of the Task Force, and Reilly could tell it was really making her head spin.

They entered the main lobby, and now it was Reillys turn for her head to spin. Lily was no longer wearing pants, and was sitting on the face of non slave teller. The enslaved teller was tied up in a corner. Lily waved and joked “You could have been quieter in ther– God damn thats good— We all heard the spanking and the moaning out here, I had to do some fucki—fuck yea right there— crowd control”

Reilly blushed whether from Lily’s cute moans or Reilly’s earlier actions, no one knew. This blushing prompted a raised eyebrow from Amy. Just a second ago her mistress had been a fearless dominatrix, now she was acting like a teen who got caught masturbating.

Reilly looked at the male teller Lily was sitting on. “Uhh, can he breathe”

Lily laughed and wiggled her ass on top of the man’s face”Don’t worry about him, he’s having the time of his fuhuhking life down there” Lily bit her lip, obviously enjoying herself.

Reilly gave an awkward thumbs up “Alright, you keep an eye on them and an ass on him while Amy shows me the files”

Lily nodded and went into the 69 position, pulling down her new slaves pants and rewarding him with a blowjob. Reilly had to admit it her wet all over again, and made a mental note to try it with each of her slaves later.

Amy eagerly led her to the elevator, selecting a  private floor and putting in the code for access. “My old master isn’t here right now, so you won’t have to deal with him. Though I kind of wish I could see you break him”

Reilly chuckles “Well next time he’s in town I’ll make sure to do that”

Amy smiled as they reached the floor. Reilly wondered if her other two slaves could be this talkative, they seemed to act on instinct more then anything. Reilly considered that her psychic abilities were becoming stronger, and more fine tuned. Instead of just stopping out someone’s mind, she could make them a more intelligent slave.

The floor itself was a two story apartment. Slaves across the room were cleaning, or just lounging around, waiting for orders. They ignored Amy and Reilly, their master probably never expecting a situation like this to occur. Up the spiral stairs and into the main bedroom, and Amy showed her the main computer.

“Luckily for you, I was his secretary, so I have all his passwords.” She sat down and began typing. Reilly playfully massaged Amy’s shoulders.

“Good girl, im glad I’m the one who owns you now” Amy shivered at Reilly’s touch and blushed at her words. She muttered a thanks and continued searching for the phrases “Calvin Thomas” and “Midnite Vienna”

Dozens of results. Amy began downloading them all, while reading through the first few. “Looks like the Task Force aren’t the only ones this guys been pissing off”

Reilly leaned closer to the screen. “What do you mean?”

“Apparently they’ve wanted him to join up with Rogue Psychix for a while, but he refused. So they sent some telepaths to enslave him. He broke them, and after a few more attempts Rogue Psychix gave up.” Amy pulled out the USB drive.

“Guess that means we won’t gave to worry about reinforcements then” Reilly said as she took the USB from Amy. “Mission accomplished then. Let’s head home”

Reilly considered stealing the slaves lounging around the living room, but decided it would take too long and wasn’t worth the trouble. They went down the elevator and back into the lobby. Lily had her pants back on, and her new slave was standing next to her. His hair was a mess, and he had a dumb smile on his face.

Lily waved at them as they walked into the lobby. “Reilly this is Jeremy, Jeremy this is Reilly” Jeremy smiled at her

Reilly giggled at gestured to Amy. “Lily, Jeremy, this is Amy. Amy this is Jeremy and Lily.”

Amy looked confused, unaccustomed to such friendliness between telepaths. She gave her best awkward smile, and they all walked out of the lobby together.

“See? That wasn’t so bad” Lily said as they hopped into her car “This hideout was really empty, even with their lack of a presence here its surprising.”

Before Reilly could reply, Lily’s phone began to ring. She answered it, and her smile turned into a frown. The frown quickly turned into rage. “Goddamn fucking cocksocker, alright well be down there soon” she hung up and sped up, Reilly and Amy clinging to their seats.

“What was that?” Reilly said while hastily clicking her seatbelt.

Lily took a deep breath. “Looks like we’re the only ones who had a good day, there’s chaos back at your station. Missing and broken Officers all over the city. Including Watson.”

Reilly felt a wave of anxiety for her friend. She had only met him a while ago, but the idea of him being enslaved somewhere made her want to walk into the *Midnite Vienna* right then and there.


Watson was still unbroken, somehow. He had the feeling that if Calvin wanted to, he could have broken him by now. Instead, every couple of hours a slave would walk in, give him an injection in the shoulder, stroke his dick, and leave. Again and again this happened, and at first Watson had no idea what was going on. Then he noticed the changes.

Watsons already muscular body was getting bigger, becoming champion weightlifter size. He was also getting taller, and more hair was beginning to grow across his chest, crotch, and arms. The worst part however, was his dick. It had grown by five inches, and was in a constant state of half election. It was wider too, now bigger around then some peoples arms. He did his best to concentrate, to calm him self down, but Calvin must have noticed, because the slave began coming more often. Not always to inject him, but always to stroke him back to full erection.

It was becoming unbearable, his balls were aching and his hips were beginning to hump the air subconsciously. Officers Glenn and Tannon were untouched, and while Watson was relieved, it made him wonder what Calvin’s plan was.

Glenn looked around, and smiled at Calvin. “I’ve almost got it sir, well be out of here in a jiffy” Watson looked at her hands, and saw the small locking she had made out of a Bobby pin. Watson gave her a look of pride and approval.

“Good work, I didn’t entirely like the idea of sitting here and letting then inject me until help arrived” Glenn dropped to the floor, rubbing her wrists where the handcuffs had been.

Tannon kept an eye on the cell door while Glenn began working on Watsons cuffs. She did her best to stay out of the way of Watsons new massive dick. Watson was also having a difficult time, as Glenn had to get up close to his body to reach his cuffs. Her breasts pushed against his side, and her breath was on his neck. Before Watson knew it, he was breathing heavily, and precum was dripping out the tip of his cock

*He could break her*

*He could fuck her stupid right now*

*Tannon could be next*

*Two more sluts for master*

Watson shook his head. He needed to get all of them out of here as soon as possible. Whatever was in those injections was getting to him. Nothing that had changed about his body was irreversible once he got back to the station. *Though the bigger dick was nice, he would probably keep that*

Watson also took time to rub his wrists once he was free. His new body made him feel more like a monster then a telepath. *A very attractive monster at that*. He grabbed his head. Calvin would pay for this, and for every Officer he had broken in the past six months.

Watson jumped as Tannon grabbed his shoulder. He had been so deep in thought he hadn’t noticed she was free. Tannon asked “Are you okay sir? It looks like those drugs messed you up a bit”

Watson smiled and gave a thumbs up “Little on the stiff side but otherwise I’m holding up. Let’s get the fuck out of here before someone notices we’re missing”

Glenn was working on the door. “Should be done in a second.”

Watson looked out the bars as best as he could. As much as he wanted to leave…”We need to get a good look around at this place”

Tannon turned to him “What the hell are you talking about…sir”

Watson leaned against the wall. “Right now we have no idea what the inside of the *Midnite Vienna*, or whatever this place is, looks like. For all we know this place could be a full on Fortress.”

Glenn stood up and pushed open the door. “Its a raw deal, but we signed up for it. We can’t go back to station empty handed after what happened to the other officers”

Tannon shook her head “Did you see what he did to Jillian? He didn’t even touch her and she…her body…” Tannon looked at the spot on the wall where Carter had been broken. “Staying here any longer would be a mistake”

Watson breathed in and looked Tannon in the eyes. “How many officers have to be broken before we beat him? Every second we delay, another person’s life is being destroyed, and their mind stolen from them. If we don’t get the layout of this place now, we’ll have to send more officers in, and they might end up just like Carter.”

Watson straightened up and cracked his fingers. “We’re already here, and we’ve already suffered losses. Let’s get this job done, and get the fuck out-” Watson suddenly remembered the words Calvin had said to him. *What did you think the first time you met Officer Pinder?* He grabbed Officer Tannon by the shoulders. “You need to get out of here right now”

Tannon looked at him like he was insane. “Yea…that’s what I was trying to say?”

Watson shook his head “No no, there’s a message you have to give to the task force. Calvin might have an incredibly powerful niche that he shouldn’t have, and the captain needs to know about it”

Glenn asked “What niche? And why shouldn’t he have it?”

Watson sank down to the floor “Tha ability to read minds. I’m sure you can understand why that’s a powerful ability”

Tannons eyes widened “Thats horrifying…”

Glenn looked down at Watson “But why shouldn’t he have it?”

Watson looked at the wall opposite of him “That niche is supposed to belong to Agent Rebecca Reigns, a member of the Psychic Task Force…” Watson looked up at Glenn and Tannon “Agent Reigns is an International Level Telepath.”

Tannon gasped “So if Calvin has it…”

“…Then Calvin must have broken her.” Glenn finished

Watson nodded and held up two fingers”So now we have two missions. One: Officer Glenn and I will map out this place as best as we can, before leaving. Two: Officer Tannon will find the exit as fast as she can, and let the task force know that we could be dealing with an international level incident”

Tannon nodded “Yes sir, I’ll make sure they know.”

Glenn laughed and put her forehead in her hand “So it’s into the belly of the beast for us”

Watson stood up and cracked his knuckles “Indeed. Step one: find me some goddamn clothes”

——–Tannon: A few minutes later——-

Tannon was frustrated and terrified at the same time. This place was a fucking maze, and seemed to go on forever. She had found a staircase, and gone down it for God knows how long. She assumed they were in some kind of skyscraper, but after looking around one of the floors, she realized there were no windows. She came to the conclusion that this was actually an underground facility, and she had gone in the exact wrong fucking direction.

Tannon had no idea how anyone at the Task Force was going to beat Calvin. She was constantly terrified that he was reading her every thought, knowing exactly where she was going, and what her goal was.

While looking for an elevator, she turned a corner and came face to face with her worst fear. Calvin standing there, smiling at her. She couldn’t move, to scared to run. He shook his head playfully “You see, I wasn’t going to lay a finger on you two. But now…”

Calvin started walking towards Tannon, and she took a few steps back. Her instincts kicked in, and she put a barrier around her mind. Even if he was International Level, she was going to put up a fight.

Calvin stopped, and frowned “Damn it, I guess i shouldn’t have been so forward with Watson huh? Now all three of you know about me”

Tannon swallowed and smiled with fake confidence. “Yea we do, and I have no idea where they are right now. Read my mind all you want, they’ll get out of here and let the whole task force know”

Calvin sighed as he got closer to her “Its supposed to be a surprise sweetie, you can’t go around mouthing off about it” his hand shot out and grabbed her chin. His hand cupped her cheek, and his thumb ran across her lips.

Tannon couldn’t even speak, let alone move. Her lips tingled as his thumb touched them. She gasped as he pulled her cheek open, inspecting her mouth and tongue. She couldn’t stop herself from opening it wider, sticking out her tongue for him.

Calvin smiled as he examined her mouth. “A fun fact for you: the skin on the inside of the mouth is the same type of skin on the inside of a vagina. One might say, it means that mouths were always meant to be fucked.” His thumb caressed her tongue.

Tannon shivered and fell to her knees. “Mouthe are…meant to be fucked?” She was having trouble thinking, all she could focus on was Calvin. She was doing her best to keep the barrier up around her mind, but it was getting incredibly difficult.

Calvin nodded and patted her head “Yes they are, especially yours. Your tongue and throat were ready as soon as my thumb entered your mouth”

Tannon could only watch as Calvin pulled out his cock, and drop it on her face. It felt so heavy, the tip dripping pre cum onto her hair, and the balls just below her chin. The sweaty scent of it was intoxicating. Her tongue was already licking against its base, she was losing control.

Calvin held the back of her head “You want it don’t you?”

Did she? No of course she didn’t, she was an officer of the…of the…Tannon realized she couldn’t even think of the name of where she worked. Was she getting dumber? This thought was cut short by the tip of Calvin’s dick entering her lips.

Tannon was only able to get out a small gasp before the whole cock was shoved down her throat. Calvin used her hair as a handle, roughly fucking her mouth like he was trying to impregnate it. Tannon gulped it down, drolling pooling at her legs and dripping down her shirt.

She had a mission, but what was it. She needed to tell someo–*gulp gulp gulp*. Tell who? Tell wh–*glug glue glug*. Wait what was she thinking abo–*smack smack smack*.

Calvin pulled her head all the way down to the base of his dick, her lipstick leaving a mark around it. He held her there, cumming down deep into her throat and belly. She swallowed eagerly, lovingly looking up at her new master as her mind shattered. Her pussy quivered in pleasure, and an orgasm wracked through her body, still unable to move.

Calvin left her there, staring up at the ceiling with an open mouth filled with cum. She swallowed, and waited for more orders like a good little slave.

*End of Chapter Seven*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ohs6uv/midnite_vienna_chapter_seven_mfmmff