Saryn Chronicles (Part 2) (FM) Exposition and explanation

(So first off, sorry for the delay. Any future chapters will be coming out much quicker.

Secondly, this is almost purely exposition and explanation so if you want the smut then skip to chapter 3. It’ll be out very shortly after this one.

Thirdly, my writing serves three purposes, 1. an exercise of my literary capabilities. 2. To entertain and immerse. 3. It’s smut, you know what it’s for. having said that, please critique me, tell me where and what I can improve upon or even just what bits you loved more than others.)


As fire enveloped me I tried to scream. The sound died in my throat though. It was from my own throat that the flame used to direct itself. My eyes took in more colors and details than I’d ever thought possible. Then, in an instant, my vision cleared.

My bare chest heaved and my hands played all my my throat, searching for the damage I surely had. Nothing was there, in fact, I felt amazing. It was as if I’d just woken up from a long nap on a bed of clouds. Then my eyes fluttered in the back of my head for a moment as incredible power flowed into my slit

The power was pure energy, I didn’t stretch or fill, but it electrified me like nothing ever before. Slithering into my womb was unimaginable power. Just as quickly as it entered, it was gone. My breathing came in gasps as I begged the being before me.

“What was that?! Please, more!!”

I’d never begged for anything before, but I craved that sensation again. With a deep and dark chuckle the creature before me replied.

“That, my dear, was the power of you claiming your reward.”

He held up a hand before I could say anything and twirled his finger. My leather armor and black cloak covered me once more as he walked to the women still chained to the wall.

“Firstly, you may call me Lust. It’s not my true name, but you don’t deserve to know that yet. Now listen carefully as I don’t want to repeat myself.”

My eyes widened and even if I knew what to say, my throat dried up, devoid of the ability to speak. He padded over to the women, his body solidifying further. They shook in fear as he approached them. He smelled the flaming red hair of an elf who undoubtedly would’ve been gorgeous, if not for the bruises and cuts, and her left eye was nearly swollen shut.

“Your grandfather was a powerful warlock, he’d made a deal with me for that power. The first daughter of your family would be mine, to do with as I please.”

He shrugged as I squeaked in a minuscule rebellion

“I had no real reason to help or refuse, but I figured his offspring would offer me a decent chance at spawning servants.”

He glanced back to me and moved down the line of women, eyeing them with boredom.

“I have aspirations and plans, but I’m not malicious or unfair. So when your father called upon me and begged me to cancel the deal, I agreed. After all, it was neither your sin, nor his.”

The Demon stopped at the last woman in line and smiled, she was the only one who didn’t appear pregnant with goblin spawn. A rather plain looking woman with dirty brown hair stared up at him with eyes devoid of hope. His member stirred and he grasped the woman’s head, pulling her onto him. Surprisingly she seemed more than willing and began to sloppily devour it with gusto.

“However, I couldn’t just lose my investments. So your father and I struck a deal. Your life and soul would be yours, but I’d be able to store power within you. The power that, if grown in the hells, would get me executed immediately.”

His words were interspersed with light moans and the ravenous slurps of his prey. He seemed to almost glow at the woman’s attention and his free hand flexed, raw power radiating from it.

“See, I need an army, humans and their like have their souls fought for by much stronger creatures. That means that I need something… lesser.”

He looked to me pointedly as his face contorted into a smile, purple tattered wings sprouted from his back, stunted as if they were for a creature only a quarter his size. Black cum flowed out of the woman’s mouth as she failed to contain his orgasm.

“That’s your part. You’re my harvester. The power you hold is three fold.”

With a wave of his hand the women on the wall all collapsed into unconsciousness. He sauntered towards me, black fluid and saliva staining his shaft. Talons scraped across the stone pedestals, the sound resounding through the chamber. Before he held up a finger, counting them off.

“One, my sexual appetite within you has awoken. This allows you to be unharmed by things that would kill most people. For instance, a giant cock that should break you. So long as you have enough power, your body will flex and bend, shaping to do the impossible.” With an offhand wave as if it was irrelevant, he added “you can also take strikes that’d cripple men and be perfectly fine.

He’d arrived face to face with me now. I couldn’t tell how large he actually was, across the room he seemed to stand above eight feet, but now he couldn’t have been more than 6. His deep violet eyes bored into me and it felt almost like I was seeing myself for the first time.

“Two. As you’ve witnessed here, any creature that empties its seed into you will be eradicated when you flex the desire to do so. Three. You need not fear actual pregnancy from your harvest, the collected potential will be sent to my own dimension. Our children will then be secreted away until such a time as I have need of them.”

I knew that I should have questions, objections, anything, but his words resonated in me. I knew they were true and it was almost as if I’d known them to be true all along. The only thing I didn’t know, I asked, my voice clear as if I hadn’t just breathed hell fire. Defiance and hatred at both him and myself rung in my tone.

“What if I don’t want to do any of this?”

He chuckled and smiled, planting a quick peck on my cheek.

“Simple, my power will make you. I need you to harvest monsters for me. Not humans, elves, or dwarves. You’ll find that our body and power has a disdain for them.”

With a sigh he twisted his hand, an ebony knife materializing there.

“If you really don’t want the fun way, then here. Kill a beast or monster with this and it’ll be harvested and sent off to my realm. It won’t be quite as strong for me, but it’ll suffice if you send me enough of them. And once you send me a sufficient army… then I’ll leave you be and you can have your old boring body back.”

He leaned forward and sniffed, sucking in a breath of my hair. I was reminded of the power that’s flown into me and shivered slightly. Then he whispered instructions into my ear before the world went black. I awoke in a small town’s tavern, all gear and an ebony knife beside my bed.
