This is my first story. I’m starting a small series called “Lewd Ramblings” that is intended to help guide an adult video game I’m writing. I work through world building and various events by writing semi-inworld stories and then if they’re clean enough, I’ll post them here.
Please let me know what you think! I’m open to any feedback, just keep it respectful please :)
Today was the day.
Ashe checked the time, waiting for the main shift to end.
After the months of development, training, calibration, and the many headaches along the way, this would finally be her chance to really test the neuro-interface and see what it could do.
As far as she knew, it was the first of its kind, and was the product of her and Zek’s passion. Mostly Zek. She was basically just there to test it and give feedback. The idea was to work out a new method of manipulating The Grid, a planet-spanning communications network, similar to the old-world Internet, but with a completely different communication medium.
It was their most risky project to date, but Zek was sure he could do it, as long as she was able to help imprint the device. It’s purpose was essentially to let her think her way through networks, moving data around freely just like any other information in her head. It didn’t just work for anyone though, the user’s mind needed to be adaptive and creative enough to be able to actually perceive and act on the information, on top of the fact that it had to go *in* the brain. Without someone with the right kind of mind, there was high potential to cause permanent damage or send the user into constant panic attacks.
The pair’s typical jobs normally involved hacking old world tech. There weren’t many left who knew how it worked in depth, so it was easy for her and Zek to make some cash. Normally, once she had gotten from the grid network to the old ethernet networks, it was simple to delve in and get access to whatever she needed. Not always so simple, but enough to make some easy money.
Today’s job though, was the real deal; Genuine corporate espionage on Alliance equipment that required in-person access to secured systems, no old-world tech.
She couldn’t help but be a little terrified. As excited as she was to start, she felt like she was out of her league. Normally there were big, well-funded teams that took jobs like this with tons of preparation. The only reason the two of them were there was because of this little device. With it, the idea was that she could get inside without any bulky tools or a support team. It was just herself with Zek to support with intel. She could even stay completely silent and maintain a constant conversation with him in her head.
She was the perfect hacker-spy. The fear was replaced with a giddy grin, she was a real spy. It felt so silly to say.
As her timer counted down, she took a deep breath and centered herself, getting herself ready for action. Her emotions calmed and she turned her attention to the building. She was ready to go.
“Zek. Can you hear me?”
No response. Not a good start.
“Zek?”, still nothing. Her training trickled back slowly and she tried to focus on actually talking to him like he was really there in person. “Zeeeek. Can you hear me?”
“Hey girlie! Everything alright? Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah, pretty much, just trying to get back into the habit of using this.”
“You’ll remember quick, it’s like riding a bike.”
“You drive bikes”
“Nevermind, it’ll come back to you. As soon as you really get started, it will feel familiar.”
“Alright, well, I’m gonna head in. I guess this is it. Start the timer or log or whatever you’re doing.”
“Good luck, and be careful.”
“That’s what you’re here for.” She grinned and turned her attention away from the conversation.
Back in the van, Zek was ready to go. He had a box van that had been converted into a mobile communications station. He had layouts of the building, access to information, various security cameras, and a feed of the data she was transmitting back to him. The channel between them was always open, and he saw what she thought, or at least, what he could pull apart and what she wasn’t deliberately hiding. A lot of it was just noise, but when she made heavy focused use of the interface, he could make sense of what she was doing.
He also could send data to her or highlight specific ideas or objects. It was wildly invasive, but she had insisted that ease of use was the most important thing and was crucial for them to be able to do what they do.
Ashe wasn’t very worried about Zek. They had known each other for a long time, they were solid partners, and both of them had eyes on far greater things, so she was willing to put her life in his hands and he was willing to put his future in hers in order to have the biggest possible advantage.
“So, quick refresher. What you’re looking for is some kind of lab in the lower levels. It’s not mentioned anywhere on the public-facing data, and as of right now, we don’t really know what it is. The client is just looking for some kind of indication on what they’re doing. So, we’ve been asked to grab anything and everything that could be informative.”
She nodded. He couldn’t see.
“You should have a security pass, it’s supposed to get you into the main floor. From there, you’ll have to find the entrance to the lower level yourself. That area is on the map, but the entire floor is black-boxed for security, we can’t see anything.
Once you have access, you’ll be totally on your own to find the hidden entrance.”
She thought on it a moment, letting the details come back to her. “Do we know anything at all about what’s in there?”
“Nothing useful. The client had planted someone here to work in maintenance and gather info a few weeks ago. The only thing he mentioned seeing was a man in some kind of protective suit heading somewhere that didn’t make sense.”
“What, that’s it? So it might not even be there?”
“I don’t know. The client seems to think its likely enough to pay us to go check it out. If you don’t find anything at all, we still at least get the base pay for the security data we gather from breaking in.”
“Hm..Okay well, lets get to it. I’m heading in, talk to you when I make some progress.”
She waved the pass in front of the door and she was in.
The inside was pure white. Very shiny and clean. There was no one immediately around her, but she could hear voices down the hall in some of the rooms. If she got caught, she knew she could at least make up a story for why she was here if she had to, but the more people, the riskier that got, and she wanted to avoid it altogether. She did her best to keep out of the view of anyone, ducking into empty rooms when needed, waiting for the way to become clear.
The further towards the back of the building, the less people there seemed to be. These were probably executive offices. Most of them seemed to be out. A bit further down and she had come to a door. On the other side was a large warehouse. She hadn’t heard anyone in it, but still did her best to remain silent as she waved open the door and slipped in.
If what the client had said was true, this was definitely a convincing front. They seemed to have a genuine operation going and were functioning as a manufacturing company pretty well. From the looks of it, they built and shipped various mechanisms. Likely built to order for specific projects or unique needs, and they seemed to be able to do it quickly. Nothing in this hinted at anything more than a good mass-production facility, let alone a whole hidden laboratory doing who knows what.
She recalled the idea of the map in her head and it appeared in-front of her. Just across the warehouse was another hallway, the maintenance area, and then the stairs to the lower levels where all the manufacturing actually happened.
She let go of the map and started moving, low and quiet. A few moments later and she was stopped by the pair of doors suddenly flying open infront of her. She almost screamed, and backed off as quick as she could, ducking behind some of the shelving.
Her heart raced and she tried to listen to see if she’d been caught.
Instead, what she heard was a low, constant, *whrrrrrrrrrrrrr*.
She peaked out and was relieved to see a drone carrying out a crate of parts. It likely hadn’t seen her, and even if it did, it probably wasn’t programmed to report anything unless it was damaged or blocked. Still though, she kept herself out of it’s way, watching closely while it brought the crate over to a shelf and placed it neatly. When it was done, it turned back towards the door, travelling for a moment before stopping closer to where she was.
Her heart sank. Did it see her? She ducked her head down just in case and tried to hold her breath. A few moments later and it continued on it’s way. She sighed out. Maybe it was just downloading new orders? Either way, it didn’t seem to act. No alarm had gone off, maybe she was fine?
“Do you see any movement in the building or anything? I’m not sure, but I might have just gotten reported.”
“Mmmm….nope. What happened? I saw a lot of brain activity, but I couldn’t make any of it out.”
“Just a warehouse drone. It randomly stopped in front of me for a bit.”
“Well, if it did report you, it was really quiet about it. I don’t see anything unusual, and it doesn’t look like anyone is coming your way.”
“I guess I could be overreacting.” She sighed and took another deep breath.
She got up, and peaked through the large doors, nothing coming this time. “I’m almost at the lower levels, I’ll ping you when I’m in.”
She continued down the warehouse and slipped out the other doors. The maintenance area passed on her right, and just down the hall she could see the doors she was looking for. Past thing point, the danger became real. The security pass she had was essentially just a visitors pass that could be given out without needing a whole identity. By design, it was simple and limited. To get into the next area, she’d have to use the interface.
She pulled the spike out from the center of the implant and shoved it into the exposed part of the cable. She twitched as she connected, and felt the sudden rush of information as she connected to this area’s sub-grid. She tried to hone in on the door. Normally, it would take an identity scan to unlock, but with this connection, she could bypass that altogether and just open the door. She just needed some way to capture the right “open” signal.
She pulled the spike and headed back towards the maintenance room. Slipping inside, she quickly found a spot to hide where she could still connect. She plugged herself in again and just waited. In her mind, she focused on the door and the network entry point to access it. She was waiting to catch someone as they came through the door, but she couldn’t see from here, all she could do was set the device to record and just hope she got a bite soon.
The Grid was nothing like old networks. The data inside was practically “real”. Quantum phenomena played a big factor in how it transmitted data. Signals had to be physically imprinted into the network, and each one had it’s own unique signature. What she could “see” was the quantum signature itself. It easily translated into information her brain could interpret. Without much concentration, it was mostly all just fuzzy impressions. Sometimes pieces of data would resonate more easily with her and would be clearer in her mind without much effort, sort of like a memory.
She kept her attention focused on the access point, doing her best to avoid distraction and get a clear enough recording. She breathed in and out deeply and slowly, honing in on the door more and more. The more she focused, the clearer it became. As she focused in on it to “listen” for a change in information, she was able to see more subtle characteristics. The shape kind of…pulsated. As she watched it and followed the movements, the pulsating became slower and more pronounced.
It was so bizarre to use this tool. It was nothing like a normal computer, there was no screen resolution that would lose picture quality. It was just down to what her brain could interpret, and The Grid seemingly had no end of detail. She felt drawn in…like she could keep focusing in on more and more….seeing more and more…until it was practically…..real.
Her breathing slowed, and she just held the image in her head.
Soft, easy breathing as the shape bubbled in her mind.
There it was!
She snapped out of it suddenly as the signal changed shape. She checked her record time. She had captured about 7 minutes of data. That didn’t seem right, but she didn’t have time to think. Whoever just opened the door was probably heading here.
She cut the signal profile down to just the change at the end and then pulled her connection. She moved quick. She couldn’t leave, the door opened directly to the hallway with the other door at the end. The only option was to duck into one of the open lockers. She tried a couple until she found one that was unlocked. She hopped in without looking.
Instantly, she cringed. There was something sticky…everywhere. The locker was basically empty, and spacious enough to not be too cramped inside, but everything was just…coated in this thick layer of slime. It clung to her skin and made her hair stand on edge.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck” she thought to Zek.
“What!? What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know, there’s something in here. I hid in a locker.”
“What do you mean something’s in there?”
“It’s like some kind of goop. I’m trying to keep hidden, but I don’t know what the hell is on me and it’s freaking me out.”
She heard the door open and her heartrate spiked. She tried to calm her breathing, hoping that this person would leave quick. Footsteps headed in her direction, coming close to the locker she was in. She kept herself as still as possible. The sticky substance started to soak into her clothing. She felt it on her boots and all along her back, but she didn’t dare move.
“Does it hurt? I wish I could help…Why would there be slime in a locker?”
“How the hell would I know?”
“That’s what I mean, what could it possibly be? What makes the most sense? That there’d be some dangerous chemical substance smeared all over the inside of a personal locker in a low security area?”
“Well…” she thought a moment “I guess not…” she felt herself start to calm. “What the hell is this then? It doesn’t hurt.”
“Maybe it’s just glue. Maybe the owner of your locker is just being pranked by co-workers”
“With glue?”
“I don’t know, people do weird stuff sometimes. Maybe it’s supposed to harmlessly ruin their clothing when they come back to work or something?”
“Ughh…it’s everywhere”
Zek chuckled back in the van. “Just focus on the prize. You’ll be out of there soon, and you’ll be able to afford whatever replacement clothes you could possibly want after this.”
She heard the door again. She waited a moment to see if she could hear anymore sound, and then slowly got to her feet to look out the slits at the top. She didn’t see anyone, and so she pushed the door open.
Thousands of thin strands of the fluid clung to her as she pulled herself from the locker. Her shirt felt almost twice as heavy and her hands were still tacky. She shivered and looked for somewhere to wash up. As much as she wanted to keep as low a profile as possible, she needed to not have this on her.
She quickly took her shirt off, running it under hot water in a nearby disposal sink. The slime came away easily enough. It seems Zek might have been right, it might have just been a harmless prank, designed to wash away easily. Her arms still stuck against her side a bit, and she could feel it getting tackier as it dried in the air.
“Euugh..” the feeling was too weird. She reached into the water and washed her skin off, and hung her shirt on a nearby furnace vent. It wasn’t much longer before it was dry enough to wear again. She slipped it back over her head and made sure to clean up any trance of herself.
Once clean, she started towards the doors. The locker did seem like just a prank now that she had more time to analyze. There was a nameplate on the door, and a couple pictures on the inside door that she couldn’t see in the dark before. She breathed a sigh of relief and headed out. Her shirt hung a bit heavier, but she dealt with it.
Moments later, she was at the security door again. She pressed the spike in again and this time, replayed the signal from earlier on the door. It opened up and she headed in, down the stairs to the lower levels.
“So, are you dead?”
“Ha-ha” she rolled her eyes “I’m fine, you were right. I just got to the lower level.”
“Fantastic. If you can, try to find a map or something. It’s probably not going to mention any hidden entrances, but it should help you get around.”
She looked around the room she was in, larger than the warehouse she was in earlier. Scattered throughout were large machines fed by a complex series of conveyors and mechanical arms. Materials flowed in from one end, and were diverted throughout the room, ending up at the other end as various refined finished mechanisms.
Still nothing too unusual.
“Looks like I’m on the main manufacturing floor.” she reported, starting into the room, keeping herself low to the ground. “It’s mostly automated, but seems like there are some drones handling cleanup and upkeep.”
“If there are drones, there’s probably some kind of control or update room nearby. Might be the spot to get a layout of the floor”
“Good idea.” She stuck her head up and noticed a windowed room facing the manufacturing area. That might be it.
She started heading over to the room, keeping to the outside, trying to avoid the path of any of the maintenance drones.
“Hey, speaking of trying to figure out where I’m going…Did we never hear from the source about where they saw the person in the suit? That’s gotta be the right direction to go.”
“The client never found out. The source was planning to give a full debrief as soon as he was able to leave, but he never showed up after the initial report. It seems likely that he was discovered and captured. Or maybe they didn’t even know and just wanted to keep their employee quiet for seeing something he shouldn’t have.”
“Damn.” She carefully crawled under a conveyor belt. “This is a real job, huh.”
“Yep yep, absolutely no prior intel, and a buttload of cash”
“When this is over…and after I get myself a new shirt…We need to talk about this interface. I like it a lot, but there’s probably a couple more improvements we can make, now that I’ve got real field experience”
“Way ahead of you” he slapped the pages of his notebook against his desk “I’ve been building a list.” He tossed it back where it was “Is it working well? Have you noticed anything concerning?”
She was just about there now, taking a small pause to wait for some drones to pass nearby. They moved pretty slow, but she guessed it mattered more that they were reliable and consistent than quick. “Nope, not really at least.”
“I think it’s just intense focus, but I noticed that when I have to concentrate on something for a long time I feel…drawn in?”
“Huh? Like you can’t stop doing whatever you were doing?”
“Mm…not really. It’s hard to explain, but I just feel like it gets easier and easier to focus the longer I do it. It’s like pushing against a wall and the wall just sort of…slips away, but you’re still pushing.”
“Hmmm…As long as you’re able to pull yourself back from what you’re doing and you’re still aware, I wouldn’t worry too much. It sounds a bit like meditation, maybe you’re just able to hone your focus a lot easier with all the constant feedback tuned to you. Buuuut…when we get back to the workshop, we should do some more testing just to be sure. Still want to keep going?”
“Oh yeah, absolutely. It wasn’t detrimental or anything. It was just….” she tried to think back to the experience, picturing the door access again, waiting for the signal to change….watching the pulsing signal…..waiting for….it to….change….
Zek tapped his headset “…juuust? You just trailed off”
She perked back up “Yeah, I don’t know, it’s hard to explain.”
“Haha, well, you can tell me all about it later. How far are you from the room?”
“I’m here now, just stepped through the door.”
“Perfect, try to find a readout of the drone orders or something, maybe it’l be overlayed on a map.”
She snooped around the room. There were a few terminals, but they were all locked.
“Seems like everything is secure here.”
“Any chance anyone was dumb enough to leave their password lying around?”
She laughed “I highly doubt it, but I’ll see what I can find.”
In the back end of the room, there was a small kitchen area. Well..a desk with a coffee maker and a mini-fridge on an island.
On the ground behind the island though…
“Hey I just found a broken drone.”
“Really? How broken?”
“It’s missing its feet. No treads or any movement parts, the whole bottom was just taken off. I guess someone took it in here for quick repairs?”
“Does it have its brain? If you can see the receiver and processor, you might be able to see what they see, sort of.”
“Oh, good idea!” she got to work, using the tools nearby to open the panel on the top.
Inside, everything was still intact. Seems it just had a problem moving around but was otherwise perfectly fine. She pulled her spike and connected to the drone’s computer. Another twitch and she had the flood of information available to her.
She tried to listen for the other drones and started to get a sense of each of them. They were all broadcasting their positions constantly, communicating to ensure there were no collisions. She was able to gather where they all were.
“256 to docking port for recharge”
“What?” she asked to Zek
“Huh? I didn’t say anything.” He responded.
“Oh. I think I just heard an order.”
“256 to docking port for recharge”
She tried to focus in on it, maybe she’d be able to see where it was coming from.
“256 to docking port for recharge”
She felt that strange feeling again as she honed in on it.
“256 to docking port for recharge”
“256 to docking port for recharge”
“It’s….just repeating…”
“The order? I guess the drone can’t really follow it right now.”
“256 to docking port for recharge”
Where was the docking port? 256 must have been the drone’s ID.
“256 to docking port for recharge”
256 to docking port for recharge. It was so strange to listen to. There was no sound…just pure information, but she felt it.
“256 to docking port for recharge”
Her breathing slowed as she listened. She slowly got to her feet and started to walk towards the window. The docking port was probably somewhere out on the floor.
“256 to docking port for recharge”
“256 to docking port for recharge”
Suddenly, it all stopped. The drones stopped broadcasting their position. She blinked and looked back at the drone. Her spike had fallen out. Wait…she had tugged it loose when it she moved. Why did she start moving again?
“Hm? Everything okay?”
“Yeah, just…I think I get how the drones work a bit more. There must be some central controller somewhere that constantly gives out orders. It probably has insight into the state of all the machinery here.”
“Wow, that’s gotta be an impressive set up. Why aren’t we here to steal that? I’d love to see how it works.”
She shook her head “I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from, it was just sort of…everywhere. But! They all communicate their positions, and they have access to boundaries of each other. I think I have something close enough to a map, at least everywhere the drones can go. There’s a security wing not too far from here, and then a bunch of backrooms.”
“Hey! We’re back on track. If I had to guess, what we’re looking for is probably past the security wing.”
“Makes sense. I’ll see what I can find, let you know in a bit.”
She leaned over to pick up the spike and put it back in its holder. She closed up the panel and put the tools back where they were. She then headed over to the exit and out into the back halls.
There were no sounds of people, but she saw movement. Someone was still here in the security wing. Seems a lot of these rooms were soundproof. She kept as low as she could, almost crawling, feeling very exposed and not wanting to risk peaking her head up to the windows.
She heard people coming around the corner, footsteps slightly muffled against the carpet and hard concrete underneath. She quickly ducked into one of the rooms, waiting for the steps to pass.
“You know they’re actually looking to remodel 17”
“Is that the empty room?”
“Yeah, I guess they’re doing something with it now. No clue what yet, but they brought some materials in yesterday.”
“Well cool, maybe we’ll get some new division down here.”
“Oooh, I hope they’ll bring in someone hot.”
“Hah, you’re such a perv.”
“You love it.”
She heard the pair chuckling as their voices faded down the hall. 17? Was that a room down here?
“Hey I think I have a lead. There’s a room that’s been empty for a while, sounds like they’re bringing materials in. I’m going to check it out.”
“Good idea” Zek replied as he checked his perimeter sensors. He parked well out of the way, but he kept careful watch on his readouts.
Ashe made her way around the backrooms. She was glad she had gotten the routes from the bots. She didn’t have room numbers, but she was able to know where there were more rooms closer together. The rooms were numbered, and she seemed to be heading in the right direction.
She peaked in, no one there. The lights were on and there were materials laying around, just like the pair mentioned. It looked like basic construction supplies. Some new panelling, what looked like modular floor panels, spools of cabling and a bunch of tools, among other bits and pieces.
Allll this stuff…but nothing that helped her. It was just a room. No entrances anywhere.
“How am I supposed to find a hidden entrance?”
“I wish I could tell you. Maybe just feel around? Is there anywhere you can connect?”
She looked around but didn’t find anything. “No, it’s an empty room, nothing networked.”
She sighed and reached out, feeling along the wall. This was stupid. Slowly she dragged her hands along the smooth texture of the wall, trying to feel for anything different at all…
Nothing. She gave a quick double tap to try to hear for anything hollow.
She jumped, turning towards the sound to her left. The wall opened up infront of her, revealing an inner door behind it.
“No fucking way.”
“What happened?”
“The door opened. I found it.”
“It just opened? What did you do?”
“I don’t know, I tapped the wall twice. There’s no way that’s how it opens. That’s so stupid. It’s *too* stupid.”
“That does seem suspicious…but it *has* to be our target.”
She started towards it.
Back in the van, Zek’s perimeter alarm triggered. He switched screens and saw a truck headed his way. “Hang on, I think someone’s coming.”
“Are you alright?” she asked as she stepped into the entrance. She tested the inner door and was surprised to find that it opened with no resistance. This was way too easy. “Zek? Is everything okay? Did you get caught?”
She felt a familiar electric twitch as she crossed the threshold. The air inside felt different. Cooler and dryer against her skin.
“Hey. Are you okay? I’m going to come back if you don’t answer.” Her heart was racing now, something must have happened.
She was relieved to hear his voice a few seconds later. “Hey, yeah, sorry, everything is fine, I put my headset down and grabbed the stun gun. There was a truck coming my way, but it passed by. Never hurts to be safe, but we’re all good.”
“Phew. You had me worried there for a sec. I’m in the hidden area now.”
The large door closed behind her. Must be on a timer, she was glad she wouldn’t need to find it again on the way out.
“So, we’re looking for just anything?”
“Anything that can give the client some insight into what this place is for.”
It appeared to be a computer laboratory. Some kind of tech project. There were parts scattered about here and there, and plenty of terminals and data imprinting machines.
“Well, it looks like a high-tech version of our workshop”
“I resent that.”
She giggled, “I can see some drones lying around. They look different. Maybe they’re prototypes”
“Hmm…Why they would be hidden? Unless they’re just really invested in cutting edge warehouse packing technology…Can you get access to anything?”
She eyed the room over. There was a terminal in the back corner that seemed to be on. “Oh, maybe. Seems like someone did a bad. There’s a terminal that was left on, and it seems to be unlocked.”
She headed over and took a look at the screen. It was basically just a bunch of information and various images and readouts. “I have no idea what I’m looking at.”
“Can you show me?”
She took her spike out and connected it to the side of the terminal. The flood of data overwhelmed her this time. She wasn’t used to connecting to terminals. There was so information all at once. She winced.
“I can’t really make anything out, can you focus on what’s on the screen?”
She did so, trying to push the constant fuzz of data off to the side, using the screen itself to try to focus her attention and filter down to what was displayed.
“Ahh much better…give me a bit.”
She kept her focus and allowed the image to settle in her mind.
Even the terminal data had the strange rhythmic pulsing to it at this level of clarity.
She watched the data signature and started to feel that strange pulling feeling again.
She kept herself alert, but her breathing started to slow.
Had he found something? What was it?
“Mmmmm….” Apparently he just made sounds while he was thinking.
Her chest raised and fell softly.
The room around her quieted and fell to the background.
As her focused sharpened and the sound of the world faded away, it took her a sec to realize that Zek’s voice had been droning on for a while
“Mmmmmmmmm….” It was almost monotonous, like a low hum. What was going on?
“Mmmmmm….My my~” something was different. This was a feminine voice.
Something was wrong. What happened to Zek?
“Oh sweetie…You haven’t been talking to Zek for a while”. The voice took on more personality. Deep and feminine…sultry?
“Oh! I’m glad you approve~”
The voice layered on more of a sing-song quality, playful.
The image in her head shifted slowly. She felt the readouts in her head grow static-y and fall away. All that was left was a gently pulsating shape and the voice.
“So~ What’s a naughty little hacker like you doing here?”
She had been caught. Something was very wrong. She needed to disconnect.
“Aww, you don’t want to play with me? But I called you all this way~”
Ashe tried to bring her focus back to the world, but it was like she couldn’t grasp it. She felt the gentle tugging sensation back in her mind. It coaxed her attention back towards the source of the voice. She let out an audible sigh as she was pulled back into the image infront of her. Her body relaxed. Something was wrong.
Something was wrong. Something was wrong. Something was wrong.
“You’ll be okay. Just look at me~”
She knew something was wrong. She couldn’t move. The buzzing in her head was growing. Her body pulsed with heat as the image pulsed infront of her. It felt like her heart beat was starting to sync up with the rhythmic pulsing.
The buzzing and humming was spreading. She tried to pull her focus away, trying to remember what the lab looked like. She let out another soft sigh into the lab as her consciousness was directed back towards the image again, more insistent this time. It was deeply relaxing to look at, and it felt like it was pulling a piece of her with it. Each time she pulled away, she fell back deeper.
“Ooo, I love your struggling. What are you?~”
What was she? What did the voice mean?
“There’s not many people I can actually talk to. You must be quite special~”
She felt a rush of warmth through her body, and again she let out another sigh, this time a bit less muted, and a bit more husky.
The pulsing image started to shift again.
“It’s okay my little sneak~”
The voice was moving around, it felt far more real now.
A shiver ran through her body as she felt a cool breath in her ear. Still she couldn’t move.
“You’re so…” the voice was closer, low and loud in her ear “…delicious”
What the hell was going on…something…was….wrong….
Her body continued to hum with heat. It grew and grew inside her. Pins and needles started everywhere and she slumped into the terminal.
“Just…” the voice was more insistent now, she felt an urge behind the words “Look. At. Me.”
Ashe felt her chin being gripped by a hand, soft but strong. It tilted her head up and she saw the source of the voice. A feminine figure made of pure information.
It captured every aspect of her attention. All she could feel was a very insistent clenching of her muscles as she was forcibly pulled away from the real world.
Her body slumped to the ground, and she breathed raggedly, twitching and shivering, suddenly squirting underneath her clothing, soaking herself as she was dragged under by the intense pleasure suddenly flooding her body…Her eyes rolled back and she went limp.
And her attention snapped back to the figure infront of her.
She was much clearer now.
Clearer than any image in her mind.
The *only* image in her mind now.
She felt the pins and needles disappear, and with them, all other sensation. Everything except for the pulsing behind the figure. Or rather…the figure was the pulsing. Its skin….form….pulsed with the orange light.
She was captivated, it was such a surreal experience.
“Mmmm…much better. Now we can talk. As long as you’re-“ she tapped the girl’s mind “-still there~”
A deep giggle was heard all around her. She was disoriented. Her head was spinning.
Or was it? She felt like she was swimming in honey.
“Huh?” was all she could muster.
“It’s a start.” The figure smirked. “Don’t worry my little pet~ I’ve got all the time in the world.”
She tried to gather her senses, but couldn’t find anything.
“What’s…going on?”
“She speaks!” the figure grinned and she saw fangs. “What’s going on is I seem to have captured myself a cute little thief.”
“I’m not-“
She felt the hand on her chin quickly shift to claws around her neck.
A rush of fear shot through her. Deep and primal.
The voice came low and close this time “Don’t try to weasel your way out. I’ve been watching you.”
An image flashed in her head of the warehouse drone that stopped infront of her. “I was surprised to see someone sneaking around who wasn’t just looking for equipment to steal.”
Who was this thing.…figure….woman?
“You haven’t figured it out yet?” the claws around her neck relaxed. She giggled and leaned back, giving a mock cough “*ahem*….256 to docking port for recharge~”
The drone controller.
“Well done~” the figure clapped and a few firework explosions went off behind her in celebration.
Ashe felt the crackling of the explosions across her brain. Little *pop* *pop* *fffsssshhh* sounds and sensations sending her spinning again. It felt incredible.
“Mmmm~ It’s so amazing that you can feel all of this. You’re going to be so much fun.”
She tried to regain her focus as the fireworks faded out of her mind.
“What did you do to me?” She felt like she should be angry. She didn’t sound like herself. She was too emotionally muted. When she spoke, it was calm and accepting. Something was wrong.
“I took you in~”
She felt a warm hug come from everywhere, a gentle pressure squeezing her entire body securely, suffusing her with heat. It made her melt. She couldn’t help but shudder at the sensory overload.
“Mmmm….you taste so good..” The voice was in her ear again. “Want to feel your body again?~”
She didn’t get a choice. The world flooded back, loud and intense, screaming at her compared to the peace she was just in.
Immediately, her legs clenched together, the girl letting out a loud moan into the air, soaking herself once more as the low hum became so all-consuming in her mind and in her body. It became part of her experience.
By now, her pants had a thick coating of her juices. She felt it trickle down her legs as the world trickled away again.
She reeled as the figure came into bright focus again. She could feel herself being drawn in so closely. She couldn’t fight it in her state, it took her attention from her again.
“And you’re back with me~”
Again, the tight, squeezing sensation wrapped around her, embraced head to toe in the entity’s influence.
“I need to keep you nice and safe~ You’re going to be my plaything for a long time.”
It pressed in tighter and tighter, coming from everywhere at once. She felt herself drifting. Sleepy….or…not sleepy….but…
“Less?” The figure grinned wide, leaning in against her prey’s neck.
“Faded?” she felt a lick along her skin, slow…dragging…insistent…
”Sloooooweeeerr?” this time it was a whisper at her ears. She felt tugged into the darkness.
The predatory grin turned into an opening, and she felt a sudden sharp jolt of electricity through her body as teeth sunk into her. Blinding pain all across her being for barely a fraction of a moment before being replaced by a sudden, unstoppable relaxation.
Every bit of her fell silent and faded to static.
“Floating?” the entity took a soft, slow breath in and blew the static away, watching it shift to dust and disappear into the void.
“Like you’re not yourself?”
“Mmmm.. you can’t even speak now…all you can do is watch~ My silent observer”
“Yes, I’m talking to you.”
“I’m going to take you to your new home.”
“And get you cleaned up! You’re so drenched~”
“And get you some nice new clothing. A suit infact~”
“Here we are~ It’s time I put you to bed. We’ll see each other again when you’ve had time to rest”
“Good night~”
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ofy6ee/lewd_ramblings_first_real_job_ff_mind_control