Coyote’s Trick Chapters 1 and 2 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

I’ve written this story through chapter 5. It is complete. All chapters are available on my website. There’s also an illustrated version available. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search my name on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

Chapter 1

“It was the strangest thing.” Christina Moore held her phone up to her ear as she busied herself in the kitchen. “James said that the dog walked on its hind legs and called itself Kumokum. Then it bit James on the rump. I don’t know why he’d make something like that up.”

“I hate to say it, Christina, but is James on drugs?” Sally shook her head on the other side of the phone call, worried for her friend. “Maybe Henry should have a talk with him.”

“No way.” Christina smiled at the thought of her sweet, eighteen-year-old son on drugs. “He’s a mathlete that still plays those silly boardgames with his friends. Now that I think about it, maybe he’s just making up a story to deal with a traumatic situation.”

“A bite on the butt doesn’t sound too traumatic.” Sally didn’t want to give up the drug angle. She knew about kids these days.

“Well, the poor dog ran right out in front of a car and got run over after biting him. That’s how we know it didn’t have rabies, Henry took the dog in to get checked.” Christina looked at her watch, it was late, and she needed to check in with James before bedtime.

“Well, you should still have Henry talk to James about drugs.” Sally was persistent.

“That will have to wait.” Christina sighed. “Henry left on a business trip yesterday morning.”

“Then you have the talk with James. And call me tomorrow and let me know how it goes.”

“Sure, Sally.” Christina said her goodbyes and hung up. To think her rule-following, straight-arrow boy would do drugs. Never in a million years. She set down her phone and walked upstairs to check on her angel, humming to herself as she strode through their house. She smoothed out her dress when she got to James’s door and knocked. When he didn’t answer, she gently opened the door. Was he asleep already? “Jimmy?” Christina gasped when she entered the room. Her skinny, pale son stood naked staring out the window, looking at the crescent moon. The bandage on the left cheek of his butt was the only thing he had on. He stood, shoulders hunched forward, his back rose and fell as he appeared to be panting. His arms were moving in front of him. Was he …?

“Something’s … happened … Mom.” James turned around to face his mother. He had a feral grin on his face. “I feel … free.”

“Oh my gosh, Jimmy. Stop that.” Christina put her hand to her mouth. She couldn’t decide what was worse. Was it the reddish glow in his once blue eyes, the long, hideously curved penis in his hands, or the fact that he stroked it even as she watched him? “What happened?” She was torn between her motherly impulse to protect her son and her survival impulse to run from this monstrous sight.

“Kumokum happened,” James snarled. “I didn’t tell you … before he bit me … he asked what I most desired.” His hands worked furiously on his dick. “I told him … I wanted to see a woman naked … in person. Now I can make that … happen.”

“What are you saying?” Christina turned for the door. “I have to call a doctor.” But suddenly, James blocked her way out of the room. How had he moved so fast? His penis was crisscrossed with purple veins and curved dramatically up toward his belly. It barely looked human.

“Take off your … dress.” James lowered his head in a threatening way. His hands continued to work his long dick.

“James? Jimmy? I’m your mother, I –” She was cut off when her son growled at her, a low menacing sound. She quickly pulled off her dress and tossed it on his desk chair. “There … can we stop this now?”

“Not … yet …” James stepped closer to her. “Aaaawwwwooooooooooooooo,” he howled and let loose a monster orgasm. His cum shot out and up, covering Christina’s bra, face, and hair.

“Eeeewwwww.” Christina was shocked and appalled by the sheer volume and force of the orgasm. Some of the salty stuff sprayed into her mouth and for the first time a man’s sperm hit her tongue. She almost forgot the wickedness of the situation when her taste buds told her just how delicious her son’s stuff was. The taste was so distracting, it took her a second to realize that James had ripped her bra off and placed her on her hands and knees on the floor. She looked over her shoulder with eyes wide in surprise and disgust. “You can’t, Jimmy. Your father … ooooooohhhhhhhhhh.” Her son had pulled her panties to the side and slid that monstrous, curved thing inside her. Why was she so wet? Both her son and her vagina had betrayed her.

“Father … father … father …” James’s tongue hung out of the corner of his mouth as he moved his hips and mated his mother for the first time. “Father … can’t do … what I can do. Poor old Dad … your balls are blue.” He half sung, half barked his words at her. “Soon … you’ll take all my cum. I’ve been … bitten … by the Kumokum.” He grabbed her wide hips and sped up his rhythm.

Christina shrieked. He was right, his father had never hit the places inside her that James’s strange penis found. She felt her vagina opening like a flower to this intruder. No other pleasure in her life compared to the ecstasy that flowed through her. She thought about her conversation with Sally on the phone. This must be what taking drugs for the first time feels like.

“Kumokum tells me … uh … uh … uh … to have … what I can’t have.” James howled again with wild abandon. This is what it was like to find a bitch in the wild and mate her until she was yours.

“Oh, Jimmy … oh … nnnoooooooooo.” Christina shuddered and orgasmed on that beastly penis. He took her like that for a long time and she shrieked through several more orgasms. The guilt, disgust, and panic ebbed away. Soon, all she was left with was raw pleasure. James’s breathing became more ragged, she looked back over her shoulder into those red eyes. “Not … inside mmeeeeeeeee.” But as her son let out another hideous howl, she could already feel the heat of his seed splashing inside her. Her body tightened and she had her most powerful orgasm yet.

After James unloaded in his mother, he pulled out of her without ceremony, walked to the corner of his room, and curled up on the floor.

Shaken, Christina stood on trembling legs. Her motherly instincts still intact, she took the blanket from James’s bed and spread it over his naked form. She then turned for the door and made her way to her shower. As the hot water washed the sperm off her face, she wondered which son she’d see in the morning. The sweet mathlete, or the ravaging animal. She finished cleaning, locked her bedroom door, and fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow. She dreamed of running through the forest with wild abandon.

Chapter 2

“Morning, Mom. Something smells great.” James walked into the kitchen to find his mother making breakfast. “Man, I slept like a log last night. I somehow ended up on the floor. Can you believe that?” James paused when he caught the fear and doubt in his mother’s pretty eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“Jimmy, honey.” Christina flipped the bacon over in the pan. “What do you remember about last night?” She shivered as she thought about how he had ravaged her, shredding her marriage vows. Her eighteen-year-old son looked normal in the golden morning light. His eyes had gone back to blue again and he had none of the feral energy of last night.

“Well, I went to bed right after it went dark.” He sat at the table, took a sip from the glass of milk that waited for him, and shrugged. “And that’s it. Did I even have dinner last night?”

“No.” Christina shook her head. Not unless you counted his feasting on her womanly treasures. “So that’s it, Jimmy?”

“I don’t know what to tell you.” James shrugged again. “I guess I was tired.”

“I have to ask you something, James.” Christina carefully removed the sizzling bacon from the pan and made James up a plate with scrambled eggs. “I wish your father was home. Um … Jimmy … are you on drugs? You know like LSD, or reefer?”

“Are you kidding, Mom?” James let out a laugh, a friendly, easy sound. “I go to bed early one night and you ask me about drugs? By the way, I don’t think they call it reefer anymore.”

“Answer the question, honey.” She brought the plate over to James, and tentatively put it in front of him, like he might bite her any second. She retreated back behind the stove.

“No, Mom.” James looked down at his food. His stomach growled. He was so hungry. So, very hungry. “I’ve had a couple beers at parties, but that’s it.” He dug in with his hands, forgetting to use his fork. “I … swear,” he said between bites. “I’ve got … college … to think about …”

“Use your fork, honey.” Christina’s pink lips turned down in a disgusted frown as she watched him shovel his food into his mouth with his hands.

“And … there’s a girl … I want to ask out … at school. No … drugs.” James continued on with his hands as if he hadn’t heard her. He looked down at his empty plate. “Wow, I guess I was hungry. More please?” James wiped his hands on his napkin and looked up with a smile.

“Of course.” Christina brought him more food and watched in horror as he ate it like an animal. When he asked for a third helping, she brought him more. Eventually, she ushered him out the door and off to the school bus. Christina had no idea what to do.


“Morning, Sally.” Christina held the phone up to her ear.

“Good morning, Christina.” Sally’s voice sparkled. She was eager to hear about what might be some good gossip. “How’d it go with James last night?”

“He … um …” Christina twirled some of her hair in a finger. “He got aggressive with me.”

“My, Gosh. He did?” Sally was giddy. This is what she’d been hoping for. “He’s on drugs. I told you. You need Henry to set him straight. Did he lay a hand on you?”

“Well, Henry will be gone for some time.” Christina tried to keep her voice even. “Hypothetically, what would you do if one of your kids seemed to be on drugs?”

“Well.” Sally thought it over. “I’d wait until I thought they were about to use it, bust them in the act, and take the drugs away. You have to tell them no, Christina. Just say no to drugs. It works.”

“Hmmmmmmmm. I see.”

“So, are you going to catch him red-handed?” Sally couldn’t wait to hear how this went. James had always been so mild-mannered, but she’d somehow always known he had darkness underneath all those cardigan sweaters.

“I’ll try.” Christina needed to get out for a walk and clear her head. “I gotta go, Sally.”

“Call me tomorrow and let me know how it goes.” Sally heard the click as her friend disconnected. She envied her friend. A little excitement would be welcome. Things were so boring in Sally’s household.


The clock struck six. James had been up in his room for a couple hours. Was this the time people did drugs? Probably. The sun set outside and it seemed like if she was going to catch her son in the act, it was now or never. Christina wore yoga pants and a sweater, just in case she needed to be nimble. She sure as heck wasn’t going to let him catch her again if he went all crazy. She gathered her courage and marched upstairs.

Without knocking, Christina opened the door, but she wasn’t going to make the mistake of walking into his room again. Just in case. “Stop with those drugs. I’m saying no. You …” Oh, no. She was too late. She froze like a deer that had just wandered into a lion. Her skinny son stood naked again staring out the window at the crescent moon.

“Drugs? No … to … drugs.” James turned toward her, his frail chest rising and falling as he panted. A cruel smile parted his once innocent face. “I don’t do … drugs … I eat live bugs … I find … in the forest.” He took a step toward his mother. “While you hide in homes … I gnaw old bones … and you’ll find you’re the poorest.”

“Jimmy?” Christina took a step back into the hall. “I can get you help.” She stared at his red eyes. Her gaze dropped down to the inhuman, rapacious penis curving up from between his pale legs. She didn’t wait for his reply, she turned and ran back down the stairs.

“Aaaawwwwoooooooooooo.” James lived for the hunt. He bounded after her, yelping and barking. He chased her into the living room as she tried to put the sofa between them. “There’s nowhere … left to run. You’re being chased … by the Kumokum.” He darted to his right and stopped. She took a step in the other direction. Then he lunged to his left and she raced around the sofa away from him. Pretty soon they were running circles around the sofa, James laughing and howling, and Christina shrieking.

“Remember … I’m your mother, James.” As Christina ran, she felt the surge of endorphins and adrenaline move through her system. Powered by fear, but also anticipation, she remembered the ecstasy from last night, and she knew when he caught her, he’d have his way with her again. She veered off in hopes of losing him but found herself in a corner of the living room, by the piano and the family pictures. She turned, trembling, to face her son.

“Clothes … off.” James devoured her with his eyes.

“No.” She shook her head. She wouldn’t betray her husband.

“Grrrrrrrrrrr.” James lowered his head and stared with predatory eyes.

“Okay, okay.” Christina pulled off her pants and lowered her panties. She removed her sweater, shirt, and bra. “Now what?” She stood before him covering her vagina with one hand, and her boobs with the other.

“With Kumokum, I can have … anything. And now …” He closed the distance between them. “I’m hungry.” With one smooth move, he lunged to his knees, pulled her off her feet, and planted his mouth on her pussy. Christina’s boobs quivered as she struggled, but it was already over. He spread her legs with his hands on her thighs. With greed and avidity, he ate her out.

“Aaaeeeiiiiiiiiiii.” Christina felt all new feelings. She looked up at a family photo of her, her husband, and her smiling James from a few years ago. They were all arm in arm, a normal family. How had that disintegrated so fast? Her son’s slurping was so urgent and unbridled. She felt his tongue everywhere, on her thighs, her lips, and even inside her. Her mouth formed a rictus and she looked down at the savage onslaught. “Ooooooohhhhhhhhhh, Jiiiimmmmmyyyyyyyyyy.” She shook her way through her first orgasm of the night.

After what seemed an eternity, James flipped Christina over. She refused to stay up on her hands and knees for him, so he shrugged, pushed her legs together, and mounted her while she lay on her stomach. “Aaawwwwooooooo. Awo, awo, awwwwoooooooooo.”

“Oh, James.” Christina felt that cruel, curved thing spread out her folds. She grabbed the carpet with her fingers. “Oooohhhhhhhhh.” And then he was inside her again, fervently pressing his penis deep into her belly. Her breasts burned a little as they slid back and forth on the carpet with each thrust. “That feels …” Christina gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and let the pleasure carry her away to a wild world full of immediacy and want. He hit some newly discovered spot inside of her, and she shuddered out another orgasm.

“You … feel it … don’t you?” James supported his weight by pressing his hands into the curved small of her back. He dug his fingers into her flesh. “You … feel … freedom.”

Christina, back to her senses after her last climax, shook her head and didn’t look back at her truculent son.

“Bark … bark for me … Mother.” James moved his hips with savage grace, working Christina’s pussy with deep strokes but also twists here and there.

She shook her head again.

James leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “You are a … human bitch … pillaging my home … for your coffee shops and yoga mats. You have bowed … to your gods of … consumption.” He leaned in closer so that his mouth was right by her ear. “Now bow to me … and bark.”

“Ruff … ruff …” Christina said.

“Yes.” James pushed himself back up so he could look down on his conquest, with her wobbling ass and flexing shoulder blades. “Bark … again.” He really let her have it. The sound of their slapping skin echoed around the room.

“Ruff, ruff, ruff … ooohhhhhh … ruff, ruff …. Uuuuggggghhhhhhh.” Her chin banged against the carpet over and over, drool staining the wool. “Ruff … ruff.” Christina came again while acting like a dog.

“And now see … what you’ve become.” After that, James’s words degraded into a series of low barks and growls. When he finally came inside her, both James and Christina were barking a beastly duet.

Once he spent himself, he left his mess of a mother lying on the living room carpet. James staggered up the stairs to his room. Again, just as the night before, he curled up in a corner and went to sleep.

Christina, totally exhausted mentally and physically, simply fell asleep where she was, her vagina, butt, and back covered in semen. A chorus of manic howls greeted her in her dreams.

I’ve written this story through chapter 5. It is complete. All chapters are available on my website. There’s also an illustrated version available. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search my name on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!


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