[Part 4] To Save a Horse (female pov, oral, blindfold, gangbang, creampie, nc, orgy, imprisoned)

[Rachel’s Saga Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/odwnf8/rachels_saga_erotic_story_hub_female_pov/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – New idea! This post has links to my previous chapters near the top, and a plot summary and character descriptions further down (for those who want to enjoy the current chapter without reading the whole thing). There’s some minor plot spoilers in the descriptions so please start with the links if you want the whole story unspoiled from the beginning! 😊


Chapter 4: To Save a Horse

I stepped back through that doorway to hell and scanned the room again. My images were no longer on the TV screen thankfully, so that torment had finally ended. There appeared to be a grid of pictures from different cameras now, Rick and another man were pointing at them and discussing something. It seemed this whole house was littered with hidden cameras, any wonder Maya said the guys would know if we weren’t working!

A light waft of marijuana smoke hung in the air now, mingling with the smells of the liquor and cheap food. Emily had been cornered by one of the men, her empty tray now lay on the floor at her feet. She was pinned against the wall and was being roughly kissed on the neck by a shorter stout individual who had also managed to slip one of his hands up under her shorts. Her eyes had the all look of someone who was dead inside.

The gal who had been working the stripper pole was in the middle of a sexual act of her own. She was straddling Danny, who was reclining on the sofa. They were face to face, his dick firmly planted inside her while she rocked her hips. In the grasp of one of her hands was the penis of another man, and she was stroking it softly as she bounced. Her eyes were closed, and a soft moan was escaping her lips.

Tom was still at the table nursing his second sandwich. My yellow bikini top was laid out in front of him and he was gazing at it in perverted admiration.

“Kevin?” I spoke up, repeating the name Maya gave me.

“Over here slut,” came the crude response from the lanky white man relaxing on the sofa next to Danny. “You can stop now Carol, I got someone else now.” Carol released her grip on his penis, gave the man a wink, and went back to focusing on Danny, locking her eyes on his and resting her arms on his shoulders and she grinded away with her hips.

“Here you go” I bent down to place the tray on the sofa next to him, as there wasn’t really any other options. As I let go of the tray he reached out and placed one hand on my shoulder. He firmly guided me down until I was kneeling in front of him. His other hand reached out and softly gave one of my bare nipples a gentle tug.

“I got something for you slut,” he said with a smile. He reached behind him and pulled out a sleeping mask. “Gonna need to blindfold you for a bit,” and with that he slipped the mask on me and my world went dark.

“Hey Rick can you turn this slut on?” I heard Kevin call out. A moment later with a gentle humming the vibrators in the front of my panties and the small dildo still wedged in me both sprung to life. I shivered a bit.

I sat for a few seconds in the darkness as Kevin shifted around a little. Then I was smacked on the cheek with something. Slap! Slap! Slap! Then came Kevin’s mocking voice: “Got a nice cock for you here slut! How bout you get to work?”

With that I felt the touch of his penis on my lips. After a brief pause I opened my mouth and he slid it in.

“Mmmm there we go, good slut!” he moaned and started his rhythmic thrusting as I held my mouth open for him. Unlike Tom who expected me to do everything, Kevin simply thrusted away while sat motionless, letting him assault my face. The vibrators were beginning to work their magic now as well and could feel myself growing aroused.

Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and lifted it up. My hand was placed on another penis, “get working slut” an unfamiliar voice commanded. I started rubbing it the best I could.

The vibrators continued their work, determined to bring me to orgasm, and they were slowly succeeding. It was getting harder to concentrate.

Another arm grabbed my other hand, pulling it upward and now I was servicing a third man. I heard a phone snap a picture.

Someone grabbed my left breast and started pinching my nipple gently between their fingers. A grunt came from my right, and one of the men roughly removed my hand, a split second later I felt something touch my cheek, then a sticky wetness. One of them was cumming on the side of my face!

I blushed hottly in embarrassment, but could do little else as I had to hold my body still. My mouth was still being ravaged by Kevin, and I dared not upset him. Not that I had much time to do anything, as my fingers were quickly being wrapped around a new dick.

As the assault continued, my body finally gave into the vibrators. Waves of pleasure were washing through every inch of me, it was like nothing I’d ever experienced before! I moaned softly, and had to fight hard to keep my teeth from touching Kevin’s penis as my body shook. My mind was a sopping mess, and my body was being transformed into one too as the penis in my other hand was pulled away. A second later its own sticky gift was dribbing down my chest.

Another penis took its place and it sounded like a bigger crowd of voices was around me than before.

The disorienting ordeal continued. The second orgasm was even more intense than the first. The third was good too. The fourth started to hurt a little, and by the 5th I must have appeared clearly in some discomfort.

The men didn’t care though, they simply kept coming, and cumming. On my face, my chest, my neck, my hair, my hand, one even held up my arm and painted his sticky liquid onto my armpit. I counted at least 10 times. My whole upper body was a smelly sticky mess of sweat and semen.

The exception seemed to be Kevin who’s tireless assault on my mouth seemed to yield nothing. I tried sucking, or playing with his cock using my tongue, but nothing seemed to help. He didn’t seem to mind though, moaning blissfully to himself as he thrusted away. My jaw however was in torment from being held open for so long, but there seemed to be little I could do.

After another uncomfortable orgasm, and after I finally had two free hands for the first time in a long while, I finally felt Kevin’s cock stiffen. His hands firmly grasped my head and his cock lurched, slamming in the back of my mouth by my throat.

“Swallow slut” Kevin shouted as his cock finally released. I swallowed, or at least I tried. I also gagged, choked, and coughed as his salty ejaculate filled my mouth. When he finally released me I fell to the floor exhausted. The vibrators were shut off. I could hear the men congratulating Kevin, and the sound of pictures being taken.

My ordeal wasn’t over yet however. After a few seconds on the floor I was lifted to my feet by a couple of the men. There was some pulling at my panties, and they came loose. A refreshing coolness wafted over my hips, as the panties and sewn in dildo were damp with sweat and my own juices. Blindfold still on I was led nude across the room, stumbling as I went. Trickles of semen were clinging to my face and breasts, and I imagined I looked like a disheveled mess. My whole body felt ready to collapse. I almost tripped over someone’s legs as my own were separated and I was slowly lowered to my knees. I realized I was straddling someone who was laying on the ground. There was a touch on my pussy lips, and a cock slid inside me.

“Okay little filly time to ride!” It was Rick inside me! He removed my blindfold and I blinked in the bright light. He laid back, lounging, with his arms behind his head. “Get with the fucking now. Once I’m done you are too.” With a defeated sigh I pulled my weakened body up, and let it slide slowly back down his length. Rick moaned in pleasure.

The men who had helped me to him left us, one saying goodbye to Rick as he went. People were starting to disperse. The TV showed a security camera feed with a woman I didn’t recognize on it. She was handcuffed to a pipe somewhere and a couple of men were fondling her. She was twisting her body in a vain attempt to escape their grasp and appeared to be shouting in protest, though there was no sound of course. A single tall man with a shaved head stood there watching the screen. I saw Emily’s clothes on the floor by her tray where she was being assaulted by the stout man earlier. There was no sign of her or the other women though.

Rick was true to form and didn’t last long. His penis was jumping already, coating my insides with a layer of semen to match the stickiness that was drying on my skin. As he filled me I couldn’t help but think of Maya and her pregnant belly. Was my fate going to be the same as hers?

Rick smiled the satisfied smile of a man living his fantasy. We sat locked together for a while the semen continued drying on my skin. He stared straight at me, and I stared blankly at his heaving chest. Is this how Emily felt?

After he started to shrink Rick helped me through a different set of doors and into a large elegant bathroom. He instructed me to shower and shave. I hobbled over to the shower and turned it on, my eyes spotting another of Rick’s cameras way up near the ceiling; so I’d be watched here too it seems. Too tired to give it much care I turned on the water. Then after a minute of fiddling with the knobs I was in bliss. The warm water washed away the sticky residue of semen from my body and hair, and I rinsed out my nether regions as well as possible. Soap and shampoo cleansed my sore and broken body, and by some miracle my half awake brain managed to do some touch-up with a razor without drawing blood.

I sat there for a while in the warmth, letting the comforting water run over me. Rick eventually appeared again and made a joke about draining the whole ocean just to bathe. He guided my still nude body back through the now empty house. Finally with a click and a clank I was locked away back in my darkened basement room.

A porchlight from outside gave me some light, as did the single working bulb above the mirror in my small bathroom. Rick had placed my bikini top and shorts on the mattress on the floor, as well the welcome bag from Maya. I slipped into one of the pairs of panties she had given, turned off the bathroom light and collapsed exhausted onto the mattress.

I lay there a short time while my mind settled. This had been the most erotic day of my life. If only it had been consensual it would have made an amazing memory, but all I wanted was to forget it ever happened. I was left feeling violated, sore, and bruised. I felt embarrassed and betrayed by my body’s reaction to the vibrators, and frustrated I could do nothing to change what seemed to be my fate. Too tired to hate myself for long though I drifted off to sleep, dreaming I was one of the pigeons outside of my old window at home, free to take flight and find my own future.

To be continued…


Hi again horny friends and strangers! 😊

Thanks for reading, as always I’m happy to hear people’s thoughts and feedback, as I’m still new at erotic writing! Also a big thanks to everyone who’s already been doing so and giving me fun new ideas and pointers. You guys and gals make writing these stories all the more enjoyable! 💕

Edit: And thank you for the award kind stranger! 😘

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oebd5g/part_4_to_save_a_horse_female_pov_oral_blindfold