The Promise Ring, Part 3: Holy Matrimony

[In the Beginning](

[Do Unto Others](

I had wanted to propose to Grace as soon as she turned 18, but her father wouldn’t give his blessing until we were done with high school. So I proposed graduation weekend. She smiled when she said “Yes” but it seemed like her eyes were somewhere else. When we kissed she had that funny taste she got in her mouth sometimes. She’d been working as the soccer team’s equipment manager after school and had been eating a lot of those weird protein yogurts that she talked about but I never saw her eat. I don’t know if it was that or just being around exercise equipment (I had heard her grunting a couple times from weightlifting while I waited outside to pick her up) but she was looking better than ever. It definitely inspired impure thoughts but we had made it this far celibately. We just needed to make it down the aisle to bid our virginities farewell.

She asked Maria, her cousin Paul’s girlfriend, to be her maid of honor. I had hoped she’d pick Hannah from Christian Student Union and our church but honestly I was just relived she didn’t pick Rachel Woods (who had been calling herself Raven the past year). Rachel/Raven had become a new friend of Grace’s and was filling her head with all sorts of nonsense. She thought she was a witch or something and talked about dancing naked in the moonlight to commune with pagan goddesses. Sick stuff and clearly of the devil’s influence. Grace and her had been hanging out more since she spent time in Mr. Thomas’s philosophy club.



“You’ll do anything to give me the perfect wedding, right?”

“Absolutely, Grace.”

“Even if it sounds crazy?”

“I’m crazy about you, so of course.”

“Okay.” She locked eyes with me and put on her serious face. “I want you to pick Damian as your best man.”

“Mr. Thomas? A teacher?!?”

“I mean you would have probably just picked your dad otherwise.”

She was right but I sure wasn’t going to admit it now. “Mr. Thomas doesn’t even like me.”

“He does, though.”

“Well, I don’t really like him. I’m sorry. I know you do but he rubs me the wrong way.”

“Christian, one of the greatest things a person can do is reach out to someone and show them that they can get so much more out of life.”

Darn. She was right. I guess it was my duty to my faith to do all I can to share the Good News with Mr. Thomas. Making him Best Man seemed like overkill but any road that leads to the Lord is the right one.


Grace kissed me (that funny taste again…) and hugged me right. “Oh Chris you just made me so happy.” She never called me Chris. No one did. Except Mr. Thomas.

“And one more thing…”

“Okay…” After the first request I was warier.

“I know the temptation is getting stronger the closer we get.”

She wasn’t wrong there…

“So I found something that can help you. Help us, really.”

She handed me a small box. I opened it. There was a weird kind of contraption. I wasn’t sure what I was looking at.

“What is this?”

“It’s a cage.”

“A cage? What’s something like that even able to keep caged?”

“It’s for your… you know.”

I prayed that I did not know. “My what?”

“Your thing.”

I stared.

“Your [penis].”

“Yeah, I got that.” I said, shocked at the significantly less anatomical word she actually used.

“It’s even got a hole big enough you can still pee so you can leave it on all the time.”

“Is that a lock?”

“Yeah and I would hold on to the key.”

“That’s a lot…”

“It’s about trust and faith. If I’m going to be your wife I would hope you trust me.”

I couldn’t come up with an argument to that. So when we got home I put it on. Grace offered to help but I figured showing her my private parts was inappropriate. So I gave her the key. The cage was cramped and uncomfortable. I decided to give it an honest try, for Grace’s sake, but figured I’d probably ask for the key within the week.


I didn’t even feel the cage anymore, unless something aroused my interest. Unfortunately Grace, perhaps feeling emboldened by our engagement, had been dressing less modestly. At first it was excusable things like short sleeves. Then the sleeves disappeared altogether. Then her skirts kept getting shorter. Then she began baring her midriff. Our school didn’t really have a dress code, as long as you didn’t come to school in underwear or a bathing suit or whatever. So Grace showed more and more skin. It was the kind of thing that would make me engorge but the cage prevented that so my arousal only led to pain. I liked to think the suffering brought me closer to Christ, but I think that’s just wishful thinking. I did break a few times and asked Grace for the key but she talked me into keeping the faith.

My bachelor party was torture. I mean that literally. Mr. Thomas hired inappropriate adult entertainment to dance in front of me in a state of undress. They tied me to a chair and gagged me so I could resist. I am a man of faith but also a weak creature of flesh and their obscene gyrations provoked a physical response that just led to more pain. Mr. Thomas and some members of the soccer team (that I guess he invited since they weren’t my friends) then… and I’m sick recounting it… they fornicated with the dancers. To my eternal shame I admit it aroused me but I swiftly received my punishment from the pain in my groin.


The wedding went mostly smoothly. Grace’s dress was revealing with bare shoulders, a plunging neckline and a short skirt. Without the bustle and veil you wouldn’t know it was a wedding dress. Also Grace’s father kissed her on the lips giving her away. I guess different families show affection differently but it still weirded me out. And after our “I do” I did feel what I hoped would be the very last crotch pain from how turned on I got by kissing my beautiful wife Grace.

I never cared for Damian Thomas as my best man and certainly never brought him on to the path of righteousness. His bachelor party shenanigans were downright sadistic. But letting us honeymoon at his uncle’s beach house almost made up for it. We headed directly for the bedroom.

“Undress and lay on the bed,” Grace said, before heading to the bathroom.

I did as she asked. I lay on the bed wearing nothing but my cage. Grace comes out of the bathroom wearing nothing. Her body looks almost exactly like I dreamed it months before, except she has completely shaved her pubic hair. And she has a tattoo. Angel wings on either side of her (forgive my explicitness) vagina, with a halo above. I was shocked she had seen fit to adorn the perfect body the Lord had given her. But that was a tomorrow conversation. This had been so long coming I was willing to look past it.

“Take this cage off of me, Grace. The waiting is finally over.”

Grace took the key and unlocked me. The relief alone almost brought me to climax.

“I’m sorry honey, but you’ve still got some waiting to do.”


Then of course, Damian Thomas comes into our room. Naked with a member over double my size. Then it hits me (a realization, not the member): I’d known Grace long enough that even before her nude debut tonight I could have easily imagined what she looked like naked with a good degree of accuracy. But Mr. Thomas? I thought I had dreamed my sweet innocent Grace doing disgusting things to him with her mouth, but how could I have possibly imagined so accurately the monster appendage he had?

“It wasn’t a dream…”

“What’s that, Chris?” Damian asked. (Not my teacher anymore, no reason to stand on formality.)

“You, him, Maria! It wasn’t a dream, it was real!”

“I thought you knew that, babe. I mean… you were watching us. You sprayed your shorts watching us!” Grace seemed confused.

“I was drugged, I didn’t think it was real! You broke your promise! To me, to God!”

“Ok, Christian, we aren’t operating on the same level I thought we were. I’m sorry. I’m going to have to tell you some things and… I think it’s going to hurt.”

“This already hurts! Having my privates in a cage for four months hurt!”

Grace took a deep breath. “Ever since that night… Damian has had me. Almost every day. Only in the mouth at first. Then… my first day as… ‘equipment manager’ he started taking me in the [rear end].” She sighed. “So did the soccer team. And I loved it. I don’t think I can live without it.”

“But our vows-“

“I am still a virgin. I pledged to stay a virgin until my wedding night and I [self-pleasured] like crazy because I was so [G.D.] tempted but I didn’t want anyone in my [vagina] until tonight. And I’m sorry, Christian, but it’s not going to be you.”

“After all you’ve done, you won’t even make love to me on our wedding night?”

“I thought you would love this! I’m sorry you don’t but I want this to happen so it’s happening.”

“Actually,” Damian jumped in. “I’m pretty sure he does like it.” He pointed. I was shocked. Sorry to put it bluntly but I had my first erection in months.

“That’s… that’s… that’s in spite of what you’re telling me not because of it. I’m seeing a naked woman for the first time in my life!”

“Second time,” he said, raising two fingers to emphasize the point.

“First time I’m sober enough to know it’s real.”

Grace put her hands on the edge of the bed, bending over. “I’m sorry we didn’t talk this out first. But try to enjoy yourself.” Damian stepped around behind her. She was blocking my view of him (even though that was a part of him pretty hard to miss) but I could tell from the look on her face and the little grunt she made (which would have been cute in some other context) when he entered her.

I would say that she was no longer mine but it seems like she hadn’t ever been. Damian continued thrusting into her and she responded to every thrust in ecstasy. She called him “Daddy.”

“Oh God yes! F[ornicate] me hard with your monster [manhood] in front of my husband!” Grace screamed. I felt a pulse in my own at that moment. Oh no. I hadn’t even touched myself but I could feel it building in me. “OH GOD DAMIAN I’M C[limax]ING!” She screamed. And I did too. It got on her face and I saw her smile.

Damian grunted as he finished in my wife. Grace stood up. She wiped some of my fluid off her face and licked it off her fingers. (Yogurt! I’ve been so blind!)

“See, Christian. I knew you liked it. I think this marriage is going to work out just fine.” She climbed onto the bed. “Because of our little mix-up I was going to offer you sloppy seconds but I think you’re spent. You can still help with clean-up though.” She straddled my face leaving me face to face with her… angel. I knew after everything I shouldn’t but when she grabbed my hair I started licking. I could taste Damian. I had never engaged in any acts of sexual depravity with men (or anyone) but I recognized the taste at once… from Grace’s kisses these past many months.

On our first anniversary, Grace told me she was pregnant. I was still a virgin.
