Ex Roommates (M/F)

Mellony: I was riding on the A train, lost in a world of thought when your name crossed my mind. It wasn’t the first time this had happened, in fact the occurrence had become a regular part of my daydreams. I wondered if you even remembered me… two years was really a long time. Even if you did, it was probably only hatred that my name summoned within you, not the few good memories we had shared. Los Angeles was nothing like the movies, I should have known, but here I am, back home once again. Wandering the streets of New York, feeling less and less like I belong anywhere.

The subway screeched to a stop, jolting me from my train of thought, two more stations until I would need to get off. My friend Jewels lives in midtown, you remember Jewels don’t you? She’s the one who you always would complain about because she drank your scotch whenever she visited. She was the only person I could think to call when my plane landed, except of course you. Maybe just a text wouldn’t matter, two years is a long time to still hold hatred isn’t it?

*Hey… it’s mel. I’m back in town for a bit, can I see what you’ve done with the place?*

I mean we did live together for almost 4 years, I only want to see my old home right?

The train creaks and groans as it reaches my destination.


I was making dinner when you texted me, why the hell would you want to see my renovations? The last words we spoke before you left were of hatred, wishing to never see eachother again. It’s not like we were lovers, just roommates. I hate to admit it but I really have thought a lot about you lately. I can’t bear the thought of letting this opportunity slide by, so I can laugh at you of course, nothing else.

*Hey? I guess you can stop by around 9?*



My stomach churned with anxiety as I made my way up the elevator to Jewels’ apartment. It was already 7, it’s not like I should dress up, why would I? Right?

Jewels won’t be home until 10 so I used my key to open the door and rushed in, slamming the door behind me. I dropped my giant suitcase on her guest room bed and pulled at the old and busted zipper. After a few seconds of struggle I managed to open it up and my clothes exploded onto the bed, the silk robe I use so often at work flew onto the floor and my heels clattered across the hardwood. I didn’t have time to clean that shit up, instead I grabbed my favorite red miniskirt. I refuse to wear this one to work, it cost me two hundred and I can’t risk one of my co-stars ripping it. I pulled off my travel sweatsuit and replaced it with the mini skirt. I grabbed this skimpy white top and guided it around my face so I did not rub off my makeup. I rushed out the door after checking in the hall mirror and grabbing my pocket book, the big black one that you used to say made me look like your mother.


I couldn’t stomach the meatballs I cooked after our exchange so I opted to instead clean. I always clean when I’m anxious, you probably never knew that, you just thought I was a neat freak. I started with the dishes, then I vacuumed, then the laundry. It was nearing 8 by the time I finally got dressed, slacks and a button down, the usual. You’ve only ever seen me in these clothes, I never really go out I suppose.


The elevator up to ~~our~~ no, your apartment is still creaky, Joe still works the front door, not that much has changed. I wondered if Gill, the old guy with the chiwawa, still sits in the Lobby every morning…


Here we finally are…



You are finally here, and you look just like I remember. The two years hadn’t touched you like they had me. I’m pretty sure I gained about 10 pounds and lost the same in hair, stress does that I suppose. You grinned and spoke, “The flooring looks so much nicer!” you croon.

I reply, “I polished it right after you left, the lack of porn star heels scraping at it helps I suppose.”

“No need to bring my profession into this;” you snap. Same old Mel.

“Do you want to see the place or not?”


You showed me around the apartment, I faked interest, nothing had really changed. I finally spoke (other than the mindless chatter) once we reached your bedroom.

“I’m going to be honest Ethan, I hate my job… I thought LA would be amazing but it’s the same as it was here, the company sends a couple of guys over and a crew, we smash, they go home. I haven’t had a true human interaction in so long.”

I cringe as I await your response, you cock your head and sigh.

“You can always quit Mel, I hate to admit it but you weren’t the worst roommate. If you want I can try to get you a job with Yaltec…”

You always were such a kind guy… we may have fought like dogs but you never truly tried to hurt me. Maybe it hasn’t been too long, maybe I really do have something for me in New York…


You might not be the most easy going girl but I feel like I owe you something. After all, we did share the same air for years. I hate to say I’m glad you texted me, but it’s true. I don’t have a lot of friends, I haven’t been on a date in months. Maybe you could be the answer.

We both clearly need a relationship, we both need sex that actually has meaning, not just mindless throwing of bodies against eachother. You perched on my bed and stared out the window, your thighs slightly open as if to welcome me. I wondered why I hadn’t noticed how gorgeous you were in this light. You tilt your head up and without warning grab my collar and pull me down on top of you.


I forgot how huge you were, six five about, it doesn’t help that I’m close to five two. I can tell I caught you off guard as you fall on top of me. Your legs spread and you land in a sort of straddle over me. I giggle as I see a flash of anger across your face. I work in porn, I can always tell when a man is secretly kinky. You might be shy on the outside but there has to be a demon somewhere in there, and I’m pretty sure I’m about to meet him.

You pause, frozen still as a statue, the only sound in the room is our breath. Suddenly you push my hands onto the bed behind me, a breeze of your cologne flows past my nose. Your snarl through gritted teeth, “You’re going to regret that.”

Without an ounce of consideration you thrust your lips forward grabbing and biting mine. Your hands are still pressing mine deep into the mattress. The grasp of your lips is too strong, but I can’t pull away. You know I want it.


I’m furious at you, I hate you, how can you just march into my life and do this? Why am I so drawn to you? My pelvis grinds into you, your wrists strain against me, your lips grasp for air. I throw your hands down and pull myself off of you, you look confused, but that evaporates as you see what I pull from my bedside drawer.


Two pairs of handcuffs and a gag? Well I definitely wasn’t wrong. All I can conjure are thoughts of all the disgusting things I want you to do to me. One after the other they plow through my head like wildebeests, until suddenly you break the stampede with a single phrase, “Are you ready princess?”

Hell yeah, but all I can manage is a nod, giddyness spills over me, I haven’t experienced true sex in months. I stand up, sit near the headboard, and await your anger. I don’t have to wait long, you clasp my hands into the cuffs and then attach them to the wrought iron headboard, cool against my wrists. The gag is next, a ball gag, worn from your past lover’s teeth. I really hope you sanitize these..


Only one thought circles my head, getting inside of you. Not a second more should be wasted. I’m already rock hard by the time I rip off my trousers, your skirt is next. I yank it down and you groan as the force pulls you down the bed. Too bad you can’t complain with that pretty little gag on. I smile as I notice the lack of panties, you wanted this didn’t you? I straddle you, the bed creaking under the newly added weight, my knees digging into the mattress. I pull apart your legs and bring them over my shoulders, I want to see your pretty face while I destroy you.


You grin as you tease my waiting hole with your tip. I arch my back, trying my best to push you inside. Finally after what seems like ages you begin to thrust. Each push inching further and further into me, I strain my restraints in pleasure, you’re so big. I feel your tip pounding my belly, your 9 inches destroying my insides. You flash your teeth at me as you reach a steady rhythm, not too fast, not too hard just yet.

You grab at my chest, fingernails digging into my breasts through my shirt. Clearly angered by this obstruction of your prize, you rip off the fabric cleanly, the cheap cotton splitting under your strength. You pound away, your glorious cock filling me with pleasure as you grope my bossume. Harder and faster you thrust into me, your hands scratching into the sides of my tits.


I can tell I’m close, pounding and pounding into your warmth. Your breasts still perky as if to spite the men who have pulled and pried at them over the years. I dig my fingernails deeper as I reach the edge, finally letting loose ropes of my seed into you. I feel your walls tighten, pulling me in further as you seize with pleasure, your body sucking every last drop of my cum into your waiting womb. Finally after a few finishing thrusts I slowly pull out. You sigh with relief thinking it’s over, little do you know this was only a warm up.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/odrf4p/ex_roommates_mf