The Sinner [raceplay, Milf, coercion, impregnation]

*[Warning: this is a work of fiction. Please do not take everything you read in these writings seriously. Thank you.]*

[Saturday @ 10:20 am]

I decided to go to my local church to pray at the mini chapel. I entered the building and took a seat and began to pray. Two months ago I moved to the south to find a better teaching job that had a great living wage since the pay wasn’t great for a majority of schools anywhere else. Living in the south has been a love and hate relationship. I love the cleanliness, the weather, and the cost, but I feel that I stick out like a sore thumb. I’ve been told this many times after moving here and I don’t know if it’s a compliment or insult. I’m scrawny, have light brown skin, dark hair, and I’m 20 years old. The guys around me most of the time are muscular, light skinned, blonde, and seem to be way more older.

The mini chapel was empty and I was the only one there. I put my knees down on the kneeler and began to recite my favorite bible verses. Suddenly out of nowhere I heard someone speak.

“Hello” said a soft voice.

I turned around and noticed a woman standing by the doors. She had honey blonde hair, pale light rose skin, red lipstick, blue eyes, was thin and short, and seemed to be a bit older like around 50. I stood a few seconds observing her before I said something.

“Oh, hi” I responded.

I looked back at the altar. I then tried to focus back on praying, but she was still in the back of my head. I heard clanking sounds of what I assume to be her high heels getting closer. At that moment she sat in the same row as me, just a few seats away. She spoke.

“Thank god you aren’t one of them negros” she said reassuringly.

“Or a gook” she continued.

I looked at her with blankness and in that moment I decided to shrug it off and looked back at the altar. However she spoke again.

“I’m trying to figure you out son. Are you Indian or Hebrew?” She said ignorantly.

“I’m Hispanic” I said with a cold impatient voice.

“Oh Hispanic,” she said in a sarcastic understanding voice.

“So you’re those ones that illegally come into the country” she said in a smug voice.

“Not all of us are like that, okay” I said in a defensive tone.

I got up and started to make my way to the exit until she grabbed my hand. It was warm and tender. I looked down at her.

“Wait, I’m sorry if I came off as racist,” she said pleadingly.

“Please sit down” she asked calmly.

I nodded yes. I sat down next to her. She smelled like rose perfume. She was wearing a flower print blouse tucked in with skin tight jeans and wore black high heels. I took a look at myself and I was wearing a champion t shirt, skinny jeans, and converse.

“I think we got on the wrong foot here,” she said.

“To make it up to you, you can call me any derogatory name you want” she continued.

I looked at her in bewilderment. Was this lady really asking me to curse her out?

“Sorry, What?” I asked

When she heard this she began to laugh. With each laugh she began to lose herself and started to howling with laughter.

“What’s so funny” I asked.

It took a few seconds for her to compose herself and when she did she responded.

“You never wanted to make fun of a white hag before?” She asked in disbelief.

“I mean, I’m more confused about what’s happening here than anything” i responded.

“C’mon now, don’t you want to make fun of me after I called you all those names?” She replied.

“Okay fine then” I obliged.

“You’re a white bitch” I said unapologetically.

“Ouch” she said jokingly.

“See, did that feel good?” She continued.

“I guess” I replied.

At this point we both caught eachothers eye and she looked away. Almost like a kid looking away after their crush notices them.

“What’s your name” she asked.

I looked at her before responding.

“Jose” I replied with.

“Hmmm,” she said.

“My name’s Barbra,” she replied.

“So, do you have a girlfriend?” She asked.

“Nope” I responded.

“Ever had sex?” she asked.

“A few times” I replied.

“Never been satisfied enough though” I continued.

“Do you ever consider doing raceplay?” She asked.

“Race what” I asked not knowing what it was.

“Raceplay” she said again.

“It’s a fetish” she continued.

“What sort of fetish?” I asked.

“Oh you know,” she replied.

“Like humiliation based on race or ethnicity, calling eachother vulgar slurs, re-enactments” she continued.

“That seems very messed up don’t ya think” I responded.

“Not if every one involved has given consent” she said justifying.

“I guess so huh” I responded.

She turned and looked at me.

“So since you’re a young man who’s clearly of a different ethnicity I want to see if you’re interested” she said.

“Me doing that? No way” I said scoffing at the idea.

“Damn son, you’re really killing me over here” she said impatiently.

After some radio silence she pulled out a piece of paper and pen from her purse and jotted something down.

“Here,” she said.

“If you ever change your mind, this is where you can contact me and my address is on there too” she continued, handing me the piece of paper.

“And if you ever plan on coming over, please do it after 8. That’s when I’m usually curious the most” she said seductively.

I gave a single nod and looked back at the altar. She got up and walked right out the door. I sat there for a few minutes making sense of what just happened. I pocketed her number, got up, and left.

[Saturday @ 3:56 pm]

Researching raceplay is very tricky task. You need to put two forms of sex media together, that being porn and articles based on raceplay. Raceplay gets a really bad rep from the kink community from what I’ve read so far. I began to doubt myself, but I really had a huge crush on Barbra and I wondered if she felt the same way. Maybe she was trying to tell me something but she didn’t know how to say it. I wanted to tell her that I wanted to start a relationship, but I was too scared to admit that I didn’t approve of the raceplay part. I had to tell her.

[Saturday @ 8:32 pm]

I decided to go see Barbra. I finally mustered the courage to go talk to her and let her know how I was really feeling. As I got into my car I put the directions on my phone to her address.

“Hmmm, she’s decently far” I thought.

As I drove into the night the thought of me and Barbra being together excited me. I felt like a kid having a 1st crush all over again. I tried to play music to take my mind off Barbra but she was too irresistible. My hands started sweating and my heart pounded as I got closer to my destination. Soon enough I was already at Barbra’s house. As I got out of the car I felt the cool wind blow. I was going to do it….

As I rang the doorbell I felt a bit of confidence. I saw Barbra’s silhouette get closer to the door through the Flemish glass. She opened the door.

“Ah, I see you have came,” she said.

“Come inside” she insisted.

I nodded yes and made my way into her home. She had a nice home. It wasn’t fancy or bland, it was just normal. I can tell she never had much visitors since she had a single table with two chairs only at both ends, a single love seat, and skinny top freezer refrigerator. She was most likely a single lady who enjoyed the finer things in life and never really wanted to have close relationships with her boy toys.

“Nice place” I said.

“Thanks,” she replied.

“If you want you can sit on the couch while I whip up a quick snack” she continued.

“Alright” I responded.

She disappeared into the kitchen as I sat on the loveseat. The smell of a burning incense like lavender had filled the room and the heater was on since it was a pretty chilly day. She came back a few minutes later bringing two glasses, a bottle of wine, crackers, hummus, cheese, and silverware. She handed me one of the glasses and poured me some wine. She put all the stuff on the coffee table and sat next to me. She still looked very beautiful like how I saw her in the chapel.

“Barbra, I need to tell you something” I said.

“Okay, I’m all ears” she replied.

“Okay, I really like you Barbra, I really do. Do you think we can date without all that raceplay stuff?” I asked.

She looked at me like I grew a second eye or something. She took a deep breath and spoke.

“I’m sorry Jose, but If we’re gonna date, I need to be sexually satisfied with my kinks, I can’t just drop everything I love about raceplay to date you.” She replied.

Her saying that made my stomach drop. I loved Barbra and I really wanted to have a relationship with her.

“If you’re not comfortable with this stuff, I don’t blame you. We can still be friends,” she said.

“The doors that way if you want to leave” she said while pointing at the door.

“Barbra you know I li-“

“Just give it up Jose, just let me fulfill my kinks. I’m not looking for a normal relationship.” she interjected.

I began to get red. I felt embarrassed that I had come all the way over here to look like fool. Barbra however got closer to me. Barbra pressed her face closer to mines and caressed my face with her soft hand while she spoke.

“Jose, please do this, for me?” She asked in a soft spoken voice.

Without a moments hesitation I agreed.

“Okay” I whispered.

At that moment I really thought that were going to kiss, but she pulled away, got up, and looked down at me.

“Do you want to start now” she asked

“Umm, yeah that’s fine” I replied.

“Okay,” she said.

She sarcastically left and re-entered the room now in fully play mode.

“Seems like today’s your lucky day, you aren’t on strawberry picking duties anymore, you’re now going to service me,” she said in a demanding tone.

A grin immediately was displayed on my face.

“I’m going to fuck you so bad to the point where you wish I gave you a green card, but first of all you need to shower because I’m not going to share my body with a dirty beaner” she said.

“Yes ma’am” I responded.

She showed me the way to the shower and ordered me to strip. She put latex gloves on and started touching parts of my body like I was some animal. She grabbed my dick and jerked me off for a few seconds until I got hard.

“See that,” she said.

“That’s the dick of a savage animal. All your kind want to do is stick their huge cocks into any women and impregnate them cuz they don’t have any morals” she said while jerking my off.

She turned on the shower and cold water began to pour on me. In an effort to keep warm since it was pretty cold already I reached out to turn the knob slightly towards the hot water and Barbra grabbed my hand and threw them to the side. She got her hand and proceeded to slap my wrist.

“Dirty Animals aren’t allowed to get warm water,” she said angrily.

“I bet you never had this great amount of water pressure back in Mexico, so be grateful” continued.

She watched me bathe while calling me vulgar obscenities.

“You’re finally getting clean now alien?” She said.

“Maybe if you didn’t pick strawberries all day in the sun then you could’ve had white privilege, but now you need to fuck a white chick to have little to any rights” she continued.

This is it. This is what I dreamed of.

“Halt,” she said abruptly.

“Hurry and dry up” she said while throwing me a towel.

As I dried up she got impatient

“Why is it taking you long to dry up you dumb illegal” she said angrily.

As I finished drying up she told me to go to the living room. As I walked she started to kick my legs.

“Go faster, I thought all illegals were good at running away from ice” she said.

Being satisfied at the sight of my naked body trembling in her cold living room, she started laughing. She finally let her final howls go and she turned around.

“Let me put something on to make me feel sexier” she said while walking to her bedroom.

I began to feel nervous and excited at the same time. I was about to have sex with one of the most smoking hot ladies I’ve seen in a long time. Barbra finally came out. She wore sheer stockings, a lingerie bra, applied another coat of lipstick, wore leather gloves, and lubed up her whole body.

“Let’s take this to the bedroom you beaner” she said.

We made our way to the bedroom and dimmed the lights. She closed the door and told me to lay down on the bed. As I laid down got on top of me and started kissing me. Her body was warm and tender. Next thing I know we are already having a steamy make out session. She grabbed my dick and began to jerk me off while making out with me. She started to finger herself and while jerking me off I started to rub her nipples and she began to moan. She slapped my hands away and grabbed onto my nipples and began to nibble on them. I felt an urge of pleasure that I haven’t felt before. I felt ashamed, but also turned on at the same time. My face began to get red.

“You like that don’t you you illegal alien?” She said.

She got up and went looking into one of the drawers. She looked back at my erected penis then back to the drawer and a few seconds later she pulled out a magnum condom.

“This is gonna feel great for your animal size” she said.

She took a glance at my penis and began to berate me for being uncircumcised.

“You animals don’t like to get circumcised do you? Classy guys are usually circumcised, you animals usually let the foreskin grow out,” She said.

“I bet your momma couldn’t even pay for their son to get circumcised.” She continued.

Barbra pulled the condom over the head of my penis and down my shaft. She got extra lube and put it on the nightstand just in case. She got on top of me and began to ride. My dick slid in and out. The wetness and warmth was exactly how I pictured it feeling like with an older lady. Barbra began to moan and rode a bit harder.

“Fuck you, you spic” she said while losing her breath while fucking me.

She started to calm down and began to breathe less heavily. She got off of me and layed on her back.

“Come fuck me hard spic. I can’t be the only one having fun tonight” she said.

I looked at her and began to smirk. I inserted my penis inside her and began to slowly fuck her. She looked at me and began to blush. I looked at her and kissed her on the mouth in return. She covered her face and her face began to go even more red. I’m guessing that she didn’t want me to see her show that much emotion since we were both here for opposite things. I got her hands and uncovered then from her face and I smiled. I stopped thrusting and just glanced at her, taking in her beauty. She smiled in return, but noticeably got angry and spit in my face. I got blind sided and she got on top of me and began to rough fuck me in return.

“You really think you could get away with that romantic shit you illegal” she said angrily.

I decided to over power her and picked up her body and she wrapped her legs around my waist.

“C’mon you illegal spic, punish me for doing what I did” she said.

At the top of the her lungs she screamed

“Rough fuck me you coward!” she screamed.

My face became hot and I immediately felt rage. I inserted my penis into her and began to to rough fuck her like there was no tomorrow. The lube began to turn into a cream like substance and caked my balls and Barbra’s pussy. I began to feel an orgasm coming up, so I had to do what was necessary to feel absolute bliss. I laid Barbra down on the bed. Barbra was sweating bullets and had shortened breath. She stopped calling me names because she finally understood what would happen, but she would say something that would make me snap.

“Is that all you got?” she asked weakly.

I happily obliged. I was going to do this for me already, not Barbra. I inserted my penis into her again and began to slowly fuck her. She was unfazed by this part already since she seen what I’m capable of. I began to pick up steam until I once again was at the rough fucking pace. Barbra began to moan loud and deep. I was feeling the cum coming back up. I was finally going to bust. With one last strokes I busted a giant nut. The orgasm felt amazing and I felt the warm gooeyness of my semen inside her, however I felt something wrap fright around my lower shaft. I pulled out my penis and noticed the condom had broke and I basically had came inside of Barbra. Barbra saw this too and began to panic.

“No, no, no! I’m not having some illegal’s kid!” She said wearily.

She reached into her pussy and began to claw out globs of semen like it was some radioactive material. She got up quickly and ran towards the bathroom. At this point I didn’t know if it was play or not and wondered if she even was on birth control. I took a look into the bathroom and she began douching herself.

“Please god, get this out of me” she said in the mirror while crying.

“Nothing is going to get that seed out Barbra. It’s just a matter of fate” I said.

“Fuck you!” She said aggressively.

“Do you really think I want you kid?!” She screamed.

I began to feel a bit guilty about what happened to Barbra.

“If you want, we can head to a store tomorrow and get the Plan B pill if you want?” I suggested.

“You know nothing about this place do you? We live in a rural city in the south, so you really think Plan B is going to be available asshole?” She screamed at me.

“You’re in your 50’s right? You can’t even get pregnant can you?” I said reassuringly.

“Yes I can dumbass” she screamed.

“I had a few eggs that were good for a few years” she explained.

I looked down in shame.

“I think you should leave,” Barbra said.

“Maybe we can figure out something tomorrow” I replied.

I looked at her. Her once beautiful gaze turned into stress and anger.

“Okay” I murmured.

I put on my clothes as fast as I could to avoid awkwardness. As I left, Barbra didn’t acknowledge me and just told me to close the door on the way out. On the drive home I sat in silence making sense of what happened.

“What would my parents think of me” I thought.

The shame of impregnating Barbra stood with me. Could I have ruined her life?

I was able to make it back to my house. It was already 12:32 in the morning and I was really tied. As I closed the door of my house I stood for a few seconds before looking at my couch and immediately crashing on it and passing out.

[Sunday @ 12 pm]

As I woke up everything that happened the night before began coming back to me. I felt guilty for impregnating Barbra. I called her many times throughout the day and she never responded. As the days passed I decided to head to her place on Friday to check up on her because I felt that was enough to time for her to calm down.

[Friday @ 11:44 am]

As I walked up to the door, she immediately opened the door. Maybe she heard my car coming and ran towards the window to see who it was. Barbra was near the porch. She still looked beautiful. After some time gazing at eachother she finally spoke.

“If you want to come in you can” she suggested.

I nodded and walked up the steps towards the house and went in. She closed the door. It felt cold and harsh, like if someone had closed any source of heat or light for a few days. I sat on the loveseat with Barbra. She looked at me and spoke.

“I think you’re wondering why I haven’t been answering your calls,” she said.

“It’s because after you impregnated me, I had to drive all the way to the neighboring city to be able to even buy a morning after pill” she said.

“I even booked a hotel room because I knew I wasn’t going to make it back in two days,” she said.

“I’m so sorry Barbra. I’m sorry I did that to you.” I responded.

“Actually don’t be, it’s both of our faults for getting too rough,” she said

“I guess when you’re madly in love with someone you can get a bit, CUCKOO-CUCKOO!” she said while pointing at her head and circling her finger.

I laughed. She began to smile at the sight of me laughing too.

“So you don’t want a kid right?” I asked.

“God no,” she admitted.

“I rather gauge my eyes out than have a spic kid,” she said.

“I rather have a spic that can fill my pleasures, just not the other way around” she continued.

“Very well” I said whole grinning.

We both kissed. It felt like nirvana. I had doubts about this relationship working, but all of that was out the window.

“Are you coming?” She asked.

“To what?” I replied.

“To the President’s rally?” She said.

“Biden’s in town?” I asked.

“No silly, the real president of America,” she said while pulling out a MAGA hat and putting it on.

“Oh,” I said.

“Yeah sure” I replied.

“Good hun,” she said.

“I made these signs that were going to wave over there, does that sound good to you?” She asked.

I looked at the signs. The signs said “prosecute those who are in favor of abortion!” and “Biden wants to kill your babies! Say no to medications that get rid of embryos!”. I smiled while looking at them and finding it ironic that the lady that killed my child was going to hold a sign against contraceptives. She noticed me smiling at her signs and held my chin up and kissed me one last time.

“C’mon spic, there’s a rally that we need to get to” she said.

I looked at her and smiled.

[the end]

(Note: thanks for reading my first ever erotica story!)
