Step Sister Corruption Part 141 – Day 77 Brynn Brings the Wrong Thing (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


Fuck my life!

I had watched Gabe rail Kelly’s poor asshole this morning and now he wants to do the same to me….at least that’s what he keeps hinting towards.

What in the holy hell gave him that idea to fuck her ass?

Though I will admit it was kind of hot watching Kelly’s reaction as her asshole was getting destroyed by his cock.

And she’s been hiding in her room all day from what Gabe told me.

Plus I kind of text Kelly throughout the day asking how she’s doing. And to find out what it was like.

Essentially Kelly told me at first it hurt like a bitch but slowly it started feeling good like near the end did it feel good. She was just happy Gabe took it slow and was gentle on her ass.

Maybe I should start training my ass before Gabe sticks his big ass dick up my ass?

I guess I should be happy he’s doing this before he changes and possibly has a BIGGER cock than he already has now.

I both shuddered and became intrigued at the thought of him possibly having a bigger dick.

First I need to focus on the task at hand….Brynn’s payment to us.

Before I left today I wrote down some *items* I wanted her to get especially after I heard what she did last night trying to guaranteeing her getting action from Gabe.

Both of them didn’t know I heard *EVERYTHING* and at first I was pissed but once I heard Gabe negotiate Brynn being my first volunteer for my new box I decided to let it go.

Besides the orgasms from last night were fantastic.

So this morning I wrote down some of the more harder items that Muschi uses that isn’t available to the public that Brynn had to get for tonight and added at the bottom *I know what you and Gabe talked about last night so get it done.*

I lightly heard Brynn exclaim “Fuck my life” as I was walking away from the house which made me happy.

I looked at Brynn, “Did you get what I asked for?”

Brynn nodded, “I could get in trouble if anyone finds out I did this.”

I smiled at her, “Then maybe you shouldn’t have tricked us last night.”

Brynn frowned, “I know. But I just wanted some time with Gabe.”

I held up my hand, “I heard your conversation with Gabe and you’re right we should have had you come over sooner but you did what you did. So now as payment you have to do this.”

Brynn frowned but nodded, “Fine. So what do you want me to do?”

I smiled, “First let’s see it.”

Brynn sighed and took off her back pack before setting it on the ground. She opened the bag and started riffling through it until she found what she was looking for.

She pulled out a case that I’ve seen my dad use to hide his gun in….before he sold it for more booze that is.

Brynn held the case and opened it showing me the contents. In the case was a gun looking device but more of something you’d see at a hospital and not at a shooting range. She removed the gun and lifted the foam to reveal four clear cases.

I reached down and grabbed one of the cases to open it up.

Inside the case was 30 little metal bullet looking things that had a little window to look into that showed some liquid in it. Each *bullet* had their own little needles at the end. Each vial was filled with a different color liquid. Five blue, five pink, five white, five red and five green.

Written on the case said what each color represented.

White said it was for breast enhancement.

Blue was for male enhancements.

Pink was for female enhancement.

Green was for female modification.

And red was for fertility.

I smiled looking at the case instantly thinking of ideas of what I could do with this.

Brynn saw the look in my eye and quickly spoke, “Remember Summer if you use any of these I’ll get in serious trouble. We only use these at the clinic they’re not meant for the general public. I only brought these because I owe you so consider us even.”

I looked at her, “Yes your D͏e͏bt to me is done but the D͏e͏bt you owe to Gabe we’ll be taking care of shortly.”

Brynn sighed, “Fine.”

I reached down at the case and picked up the gun, “So how do I load one of these?”

Brynn sighed, “Here let me show you.”

She grabbed the gun from my hands and reached onto the back and pulled. When she pulled on the back a center piece opened up.

She grabbed one of the *bullets* from the open case I was holding, a green one, and slid the the *bullet* into the opening. She slightly pushed the back and the opening closed.

She held up the gun, “Just like that. All you need to do I put it against someone, preferably their ass cheek, and pull the trigger. The injector with push the cartridge into the person and the cartridge will inject the person with the dose loaded in the cartridge. Then it’s just put the used cartridge back in the case until all have been used. It’s pretty simple.”

I looked at the gun, “Uh huh,” as I marveled at the device. Mainly the liquid.

Brynn continued, “Remember Summer this isn’t a toy. We only use this in rare cases to help those that show no effects from the serum.”

I looked at her, “But you still use it.”

Brynn shrugged, “Sure but we try to exhaust other avenues first. This stuff **that I’m giving you** is only to pay off a debt. Once you use it all up I’m not doing another refill or anything. And if you’re caught with it you don’t know me.”

I held up the gun, “But can’t they pull the serial numbers to trace where it came from?”

Brynn shook her head, “No I made sure this wasn’t in inventory and I covered my tracks so please be careful. If any one finds out I’ll just tell them it was a clerical mistake.”

I looked at her, “So what exactly does the stuff do?”

Brynn sighed as she grabbed the case from my hand and pulled out one of the cartridges, “The white we typically use on females to help encourage milk production but it has other benefits like help breast growth.”

She put it back and held up another, “The pink is to help encourage a female’s libido and help increase sexual arousal.”

She held another, “The blue is to help with male erectile dysfunction along with help increase sperm production.”

She held up the next, “The red is to help increase fertility.”

And she held up the last, “And the green is meant to help an overall female growth.”

She put away the cartridge, “All of these have a lot of other benefits but like I said we only use it as a last resort.”

I looked at her, “But why?”

She looked at me, “Because of how powerful it is. If the fertility serum shows no effects on the individual we typically use these to help coax the serum into working. That’s all these are used for.”

I looked at the gun and then at her, “Then why give me this?”

Brynn sighed, “Because you wanted something to really help simulate sexual partners. Well there you go. A sure fired way to jump start any encounter you may have.”

I blinked at her before I put everything back in the case. I picked up the case and handed it back to Brynn, “I was thinking like maybe a stronger version of Lilith’s Elixir that isn’t on the market. Or maybe a stronger version of any of the products the Muschi provides. Not some fucking thing that could get me arrested or something.”

Brynn blinked, “So you didn’t want this?”

I shook my head, “Not if it does what you’re talking about I don’t want to inject anyone with something that’s going to make someone start fucking lactating or fix erectile dysfunction.”

I pointed up stairs, “Do you really think Gabe has erectile dysfunction? If anything he needs erectile softener or something.”

Brynn laughed, “Sorry.” She put the case back in her back pack. She looked at me, “I’ll see if I can find something like that then. Your note wasn’t exactly specific.”

I smiled, “I guess not. So you’ll fix this?”

Brynn nodded, “Sure but I’ll have to do a little bit of digging.”

I nodded and then a thought hit me.

I looked up at Gabe’s room. The more I thought about it the more I thought it was just evil.

But I had to ask the question.

I looked at Brynn, “Does Muschi make something to slowly turn someone into, oh I don’t know, a sex crazed nympho?”

Brynn laughed, “Yeah that’s what Muschi does.”

I asked my next question, “What about something that makes you crave cum?”

Brynn didn’t bat an eye, “Actually Yes. Yes they do.”

I smiled, “Ok. Here’s what I want.”

