I Curtsy to the Men that I’ve fucked [MF]

[Audio Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/oawmb1/f4m_i_curtsy_to_the_men_that_ive_fucked_british/)

For those who may not be familiar with the term, a curtsy is a traditional gesture or greeting.  Typically performed by a woman, she bends her knees with one foot in front of the other.  It’s meant to be a public form of respect, of deference towards someone superior.  It’s an antiquated custom, as you’ll likely only see it with the Royal Family.  

I started to curtsy when I met my husband, then boyfriend.  There was a night of bloody incredible sex.  Lust.  Obedience.  Revelation.  During those early dating times, there was this thoughtful and deliberate sexual leadership from him.  And that night, I fully realized and understood my potential, his expectations and aspirations of me.  My own epiphany.  The next morning, I was still in this bewildering sex daze, still incapable of forming coherent thoughts.  But as we parted ways, I had done something that I’ve never done before.  I curtsied to him.  

Perhaps it was just a reflex, or some involuntary action that I felt compelled to do.  But it just felt right to do so.  Out of respect, and gratitude towards him.  Sure my hair was disheveled, body filthy, head still spinning from the fucking – but during that modest curtsy, there was true clarity and purpose for me.  My husband of course thought I was being silly, but rather enjoyed the gesture.  And I was happy to do so, to deference for his leadership and allowing me to fuck him.  Over the following months, everytime we fucked, I curtsied to him.  This likely reinforced this mannerism in my mind.  Once we got engaged and eventually married, we since relaxed the rules a bit.

The thing is, I’ve carried over this curtsy reflex in our Hotwife lifestyle.  For example, I had a date with William, a stranger for a one night stand.  Upon first greeting him, there was a polite and cordial handshake.  There was already a lot of sexual energy between us.  To him, I was to be a vessel of his ego, his validation, his gratification.  Something to play with, only to discard and dispose of afterwards.  And true to our intent, that night, William allowed me to fulfill his expectations and aspirations of me.  Just like that first time with my husband.  The next morning, as we were parting ways, I curtsied to William.  Out of deference to him.  Why you ask?  Because after he’s fucked me, he’s now superior to me.  For me, it’s the civilized way for me to respect his newfound rank.  

Turns out that William became more than a one night stand, as we established this fuck buddy relationship.  So each time we greeted each other, I curtsy to him.  Even if we were alone in his flat, or I joined him at the pub with his friends.  I greeted him with a curtsy, to acknowledge and respect his sexual superiority over me.  His friends likely thought that I was a deranged Brit, stuck in a decorum of the past.  But they’ll never know how perverse my mind truly is.  

My curtsying mannerism carried over to future men.  Enter the hotel room with a polite handshake, and leave with a submissive curtsy.  If you’ve dominated me, fucked my brains out, allowed me to be used as your vessel of gratification, then I’ll curtsy to you from now on.  It’s now ingrained in my mind.  No matter if you’re the nicest of men, or the slimiest of assholes.  Your sexual superiority has been planted in me, and for that I defer to you. 

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/oawmq9/i_curtsy_to_the_men_that_ive_fucked_mf


  1. It’s amazing how the a simple gesture can hold so much meaning. As I listened to the audio, the image in my mind was the most enticing thing I could imagine in that moment. You are a credit to sensuality.

  2. So how does this work? Do you curtsey to the guy each time he walks in the room? How low do you curtsey?

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