Clementina, Part XX [extreme, sf/horror/fantasy, monster, insects, tentacles, transgender, anal, lactation, incest(M/S,S/S), TTTTTFFF]

As with the previous installments, if this sort of thing is not your cup of tea, please do not read any further. I want readers to have fun – not be disturbed. Please heed all warnings!

There are transgender people in this story, there are monsters in this story, and there are transgender monsters in this story. I AM NOT IMPLYING TRANSGENDER PEOPLE ARE MONSTERS. I am just having fun with genders, ‘cause, after all, ain’t that the point?

This story assumes you have read all previous parts. If you haven’t you will probably find some of this bewildering.

This part continues chapter 4. This part includes people being fucked by a swarm of insects. Be warned. I get the sense that the bug theme isn’t as popular as some of the previous chapters. Well take heart, after this one there is just one more part in this chapter.

I appreciate all your comments and feedback in the comments section and read every one of them. And if you have been paying attention, more than one reader suggestion has made its way into the story…

This begins immediately after Part XIX ends.

Thank you

Clementina, Part XX

Chapter 4: Brood (continues)

“How long do we wait?” Clementina asked. She had sat down on the soft pink mound next to her sister, Ona, and was holding her hand. Ona, her stomach massively swollen, her breasts swollen as well, lounged on the mound. She didn’t seem to be in pain, but I couldn’t believe having that many eggs and that much phallite semen inside her abdomen was comfortable. And her throat, vagina, and anus had to all be really sore at this point after that pounding.

“It usually takes about 24 hours for the queen to gestate,” Makala said. “The worker brood princess will care for her during this time. There’s not much we can do for now. If we all reconvene back here first thing tomorrow, you should be here for the birthing.”

Clementina decided to stay near her sister, but the rest of us wandered back up to the house. I was exhausted from the morning’s adventures and after doing a couple of perfunctory chores around the house, spent most of the rest of the day napping, lounging around the pool, or playing games. I went back down to the brood chamber once to see how Ona was doing, but she hadn’t changed much.

I crawled into bed earlier than usual, thoroughly exhausted, and fell into a deep sleep.

I probably would have slept in left to my own devices, but dawn was just breaking when Olympia and my mother appeared in my bedroom.

“Wake up,” my mother said. “Ona is getting ready to give birth.”

Sleepily I pulled on a bikini, noticing that the top didn’t seem to fit quite right – had my breasts grown in the night? They felt heavier and milkier than usual. Shrugging, I grabbed a bottle of water and a granola bar for a quick breakfast, and wandered down to the brood chamber.

Ona’s situation had changed since the last time we had been there. The mound in her stomach was moving, shifting, squirming, like the mass of eggs was shifting around inside of her. Her breasts had grown even larger and milk-filled, though they were not squirming like her stomach was. Clementina was standing next to her sister, holding her hand. Ona did not appear to be in any pain, in fact she smiled when my mother and I entered the chamber.

“I think it’s time for the queen to give birth,” she said.

I walked completely around Ona and the pink mound, just taking in the situation. The rest of the human crew – Olympia, Athena, Demeter, my mom – all stood around near the princess egg circle watching. Makala and Alura – in their monster forms – were at Ona’s shoulders. Princess Rosie, her own breasts seeming to have grown overnight with milk, hovered at Ona’s feet, ready to act the midwife when the time came.

My bikini top still felt uncomfortable. I looked around the room and noticed that everyone else was adjusting their tops regularly. I could see the increased milk. Alura noticed me looking.

“You don’t think that Ona and the princess would be enough to provide milk for the entire brood, did you?” she asked. She lifted one of her green, laden breasts and squirted it playfully in my direction.

“I guess I hadn’t really given it much thought,” I said, wishing I had had the time to make coffee before darting down to the brood chamber.

An anxious energy permeated the room. I was about to ask Makala and Alura what to expect when Ona answered the question for me.

Ona’s eyes, which had been dreamily half-lidded suddenly shot open. Simultaneously a thick stream of slime shot from all of her orifices – mouth, vagina, ass. Clementina, who had been sitting beside her on the pink mound, reached for her hand, but Ona batted her away. The look of surprise on Ona’s face shifted – but I was unsure if the half-open eyes and parted lips indicated pleasure or pain.

Another surge of slime shot from her body. The mound of her abdomen had shifted again, spreading out, surging towards, pushing towards her slit, her ass, and her mouth. A convulsion rocked through her body and more slime poured from her orifices.

Ona gave another shudder, a moan. A fresh convulsion.

Then the egg flood began.

First it was her slit. Her thick, heavy labia, which were already pouting and parted, spread even wider. A surge of slime came through, then her slimy translucent sheath slipped out between her meaty lobes, hanging down heavily across her asshole. Her fleshy sheath hung there for a moment, dribbling thick slime from the end, then her meaty lips stretched wide, making room for the eggs tumbling out through her sheath, pouring onto the floor. The masses of eggs that had entered her body had been tightly packed clusters of tiny, round, slimy spheres not unlike fish eggs. However, what poured out of her stretched snatch now were larger, seeming to come in three sizes – smaller ones were the size of a small grape, medium ones were slightly smaller than a table tennis ball, and a small handful were larger, about as big as a large orange.

After the first surge shot out of her pink, pouty snatch, there was a pause, then Ona convulsed again. With this convulsion, her asshole gaped, stretched, and her anal sheath shot out a foot or more. And out of her sheath, still more eggs.

By this point it had become clear to me that Ona’s moans and cries were not of pain but of pleasure. She reached up, stroking her overly-engorged breasts, sending milk arcing into the air from her long brown nipples above wide aureole. My own breasts, already feeling swollen with milk became uncomfortable enough that I cast off my bikini top, letting them fall free, relieving some of the pressure but still they remained uncomfortably heavy. I seemed to have set the standard because Olympia, my mom, Clementina, Athena, and Demeter all did the same.

Ona’s moans and cries of orgiastic pleasure echoed throughout the chamber, and the slime on the floor deepened as more slime slipped from her gaping orifices, and from the rest of our bodies as our own arousal increased.

Ona’s mouth was open, she moaned, and as she did so, her last sheath popped out of her mouth, followed by a stream of eggs, accompanied by retching noises as her abdomen expelled ready-to-hatch eggs out through every available aperture.

Princess Rosie, her bug-centaur form hovering constantly around her queen, began gently pushing the sliming, pulsing eggs to the edges of the chamber to make more room for the flood of fresh eggs that poured from Ona’s body. How that many eggs had fit into her body was beyond comprehension. Shock after shock rolled through her and more and more slimy, pearly eggs slid from her three sheaths that were now each extended well over two feet from all three orifices. Her overburdened breasts shook with each heave. Her pussy lips parted wide to make room for the flood. Her asshole gaped an angry pink as a large egg pushed through the long sheath extending from its depths.

When the mountain in her abdomen had shrunken some, Ona rolled onto all fours and gently lay down on her stomach and breasts, pushing the last of the eggs out of her long, slimy anal sheath. Finally, she took a deep breath and smiled.

“Wow,” she whispered, rolling back over onto her back, her dark hair plastered to her head with a combination of sweat and slime. “That was fucking incredible. Any time we need a new brood, just let me know. Jesus.”

I turned my attention from Ona to the eggs that were pulsing and throbbing in the corner. Ona propped herself up on her elbows and looked around the chamber.

“Are they hatching?” she asked.

I peeked around the room towards the edges, where Princess Rosie had been shepherding the eggs. They lay in piles up against the walls, pearly and coated in thick slime. They pulsed and throbbed in the pink glow from the center mound. There seemed to be about a half-dozen of the larger eggs, perhaps twenty or thirty of the medium eggs, and a myriad of the smallest ones.

As if on queue, the several larger eggs rolled out away from the piles, coming to rest in the slime on the floor. We all stood around watching expectantly. Makala and Alura knew what to expect, as did Princess Rosie, but the rest of us were in the dark.

The leather shell of one of the eggs suddenly split open. The thing inside didn’t emerge like Princess Rosie had, but rather sort of fell out of the soft thick shell of the egg. When unfolded, it stood about a foot tall and was a tiny version of Princess Rosie – six bug-like legs and a carapace attached to an upper body of a phallite-female.

“That is a Centurion, they direct the workers” Makala said, as Rosie reached down, picked up the newly emerged creature and pulled it to her breasts, where it suckled. Another large egg split open and another centurion emerged, which Makala suckled. The other four large eggs split open in rapid succession, and my mother, Clementina, Demeter, and myself all took a Centurion to our bosom, letting the tiny creatures drink the milk from our overfilled breasts. It was a relief.

After all six centurions emerged from their shells, the twenty or thirty of the mid-sized eggs rolled out free of the stack and into the middle of the floor.

As with the Centurions, the medium shells split open, except this time they were not Centurions, but eel-like creatures. They rather looked a lot like smaller phallites, but pale gray and only about four inches long.

“These are the weavers,” Makala said. “They weave whatever the workers need to complete their tasks. All they need is the raw materials in the cave and slime.”

The weavers must have had some kind of an innate directional sense, because they each honed in on a different one of us, and after a moment each of us had taken a seat in the slime on the floor to make it easier for the five or six weavers suckling at our breasts. The weavers felt a lot like small phallites as they moved across your body, coating it with slime. I had a Centurion and a weaver sharing one nipple, and four more weavers tag teaming the other. The mouths of the weavers were small but big enough to suck in the end of the entire nipple in their mouths. Their sucking motions sent shivers down my spine and bringing my cock to attention.

I had ditched my entire bikini, and one weaver, apparently sated with milk, crawled down my stomach to my cock, wrapping itself around my semi-hard meat. I felt my erection grow as the creature made circles up and down the shaft. The centurion had disengaged from my breasts and was now rubbing her tiny breasts up against my cock. I glanced over at Makala and one of the weavers was similarly working on her cock. As another weaver had its fill of my breast milk, it too moved down to my growing cock, moving slowly around my meat in synch with its comrade. My mother’s centurion was perched on her stomach running her tongue up and down her meat.

“Is it normal for the newly-hatched brood to do this?” I asked Makala.

She didn’t even open her eyes, enjoying the ministrations of three weavers and the centurion, while another couple weavers still worked on her breasts.

“Yeah, isn’t it fucking awesome?” she replied, tossing her horned head back in pleasure.

I glanced over to Clementina. The weavers on her had moved away from her heavy, milk-laden breasts to her meaty labia and several were pressing inside her slit. A couple more were circling the pearly sheath that was poking out of her pink, pouty asshole. I watched as I felt a weaver poking at my own anus.

I was so lost in the experience that I had forgotten about the huge mass of small eggs that still hadn’t opened yet.

I didn’t hear them hatch, the chamber held no sound besides that made by us enjoying the Centurions and the weavers. But suddenly, an army of small beetle-like creatures descended upon us.

The sensation was indescribable. We all were laying on the floor toying with Centurions and the weavers, when we were engulfed from all sides by thousands of tiny beetles. There must have been five or six per egg and when they hatched they made straight for the largest things in the room. In this case it was us humans or cave creatures.

From next to me I heard Makala whisper, “ah, the drones” before she was smothered under the mass of insects.

The beetle-like drones spread across the room, coursing through the slime effortlessly and crawling up onto our naked, slime-covered bodies. I thought initially they were interested in milk like the weavers and the Centurions, but instead they were interested in our orifices.

The beetle-drones pushed on my asshole. I fought against them. I had had a lot of things inside me in the weeks since that fateful night I came over to look at Clementina’s plumbing, but something in me rebelled at the idea of having these beetle creatures swarming through my innards. When I tightened my sphincter, they changed their tack, crawling up my cock and poking at the tip.

“Hey…” I started to complain, but my cries were drowned out when a horde of drones poured into my mouth. I coughed, choked, spitting several of them out as I retched out a ball of slime.

“What the fuck,” I managed, trying to push the swarming horde off my body, struggling to keep them from pushing inside my asshole, or penetrating my mouth again. I pushed myself up back into a sitting position. The Centurion and the weavers had moved over against the pink mound, making room for the hordes of the drones. I made my way to my feet, trying not to hurt the drones them but trying to get out from under their swarm.

By now the floor of the room was one moving mass of drones. I pushed myself to my feet and swept the beetles off my bare body. I wanted out, I wanted to be free of the horde. I needed to go.

I turned towards the door, trying to softly push my way through the pile of drones that was now three or four inches high, squirming, writhing, making a soft, high-pitched keening.

Then above the noise of the drones, I heard another sound, a moan in my mother’s voice. Then one in Clementina’s. These were not moans of pain, they were moans of pleasure.

I had been so focused on my own drive to escape that I hadn’t even considered what anyone else was going through. I looked around the room.

Where my mother had been, all I could see was a mound of drones, squirming, writhing, coating my mother’s body, pushing in where ever they wanted, entering her mouth, her ass, her tentacle snatch. The same thing for Clementina, for Ona, for all the others. Several mounds were surmounted by drone-covered cocks sticking up in the air, semen and slime coursing down the bodies of the drones coating them.

I was the only one afraid.

I looked back down at the mass of drones that were covering my legs. Somehow they had sensed my fear and anxiety and backed off, stopping just above my knees. They had paused and a myriad of little beetle eyes looked up at me.

I took a deep breath. My cock, which had lost tone started to come back to attention as I slipped back to my knees and gently leaned back, letting the tide of drones overtake me, relaxing my muscles and letting them go where they pleased.

They first pushed their way inside my asshole. First a tentative few, then when I didn’t react negatively, a few more, then finally a surge, a tide, a flood of drones poured past my sphincter and into my ass. More swarmed over my body, climbing my cock, teasing the tip, and crawling down the long urethra running along the underside of my meat. More drones climbed up my head, across my face, pushing into my mouth, down my throat, and deep inside my body.

I looked down. Underneath the pile of drones I could see my stomach beginning to bulge. The number of drones inside me increased as more of them poured up my ass and down my throat. I closed my eyes and let my head sink onto the slime-covered floor as the sensations of the creatures inside me and outside surged through me. It was incredible. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced.

My ass was stretched wide and my sheath extended at least a foot as more drones surged inside me, writing in my body and making me moan.

I felt eyes on me and turned. My mother was watching me be swarmed by drones as she was being swarmed herself. She smiled then turned on all fours, her drone-filled stomach distended in front of her and laying on the slime-filled floor. It was hot in a really weird way. My mother turned her asshole towards me, her sheath sticking out and hanging down, filled with drones that were still pouring inside of her.

My mother beckoned me.

“But, won’t I hurt the drones if I fuck you?” I asked, barely able to get the words out around the beetles coursing around in my mouth.

From one of the mounds of bugs came Makala’s voice.

“Don’t worry, the drones are practically indestructible. The only damage you could do might be to knock off a leg or an antenna, which they will grow back. So relax.”

With that, several things happened all at once. That seemed to be just the signal that some of the others were waiting for, because a mound that turned out to be Clementina opened her asshole and took Olympia’s meat. The twin sisters Athena and Demeter paired off with Alura and Makala respectively. And Princess Rosie stretched out Ona’s asshole and slid her entire forearm inside.

“What are you waiting for?” my mother asked.

Through the hordes of drones coating my meat, my body, my breasts, I managed to stroke my cock. As I realized just how tough and hard the little drones were, I became more strident about just pushing them out of the way. I approached my mother, my body covered in a squirming mass of drones and looked down at her pink, stretched, sheathed ass, which was a sea of drones, some pouring in and some pouring back out.

I used my thumbs to stretch her ass even wider, then sucked her long sheath into my mouth, taking a dozen or so more drones inside me. I pulled her slimy anal flesh deep down my throat. I no longer cared. I sucked slime and drones from my mothers ass sheath, then gave my cock another stroke and pushed it inside.

The sensation was unbelievable. Drones squirmed, shivered, crawled about inside my mother’s ass as I drove my two feet of meat in and out of her. The gushes of slime that cascaded from her ass and from my cock seemed to have little effect on the tiny creatures, and the mass of drones shook inside her distended stomach as I pistoned my thick meat in and out of my mother’s sheathed asshole.

Below her asshole, her tentacle labia grabbed onto my thighs and caressed my balls as I worked her over. My breasts shot milk across the hordes of drones the still covered the room. Drones still poured into my asshole and my own stomach was now distended as if I was pregnant, forming a huge squirming mass that quivered with each stroke of my cock into my mother’s ass. My breasts, which had finally released enough of their milk that they weren’t quite as enormous, hung across my extended stomach as I worked.

My mother moaned I could feel an orgasm working through her. I wasn’t ready to unload but I kept up the pace, reaching down and squeezing her milky breasts underneath the pouring mass of drones. She shook and quivered.

I glanced around the room. The entire space was covered in drones, coating several mounds that were clearly people in the throes of various stages of ecstasy.

My mother came again, her ass muscles tightening around my cock. I pulled my cock most of the way out, stretching her sheath that was tight against my meat. I stroked my cock with her anal flesh, then pressed back inside her, sliding it all the way in until my balls hit her tentacle labia. I felt my balls tighten. She came again, but I felt like I was still just getting started.

I looked to my right. Olympia was still working her heavy meat in and out of Clementina’s ass. Her own ass was puckered and crawling with drones in and out of her extended sheath. I came up behind her and she reached around, stretching her ass wide for me to slide in.

I slipped all the way, pressing inside Olympia even as I pushed her cock deeper inside Clementina. They both moaned as the drones writhed inside them. I pulled back out, stretching Olympia’s sheath out then pulling it inside my mouth, sucking slime and drones. My mother appeared beside me, having recovered, and we tag-teamed Olympia’s slimy sheath as she continued to ream Clemetina’s slimy bug-filled ass.

I pulled Olympia’s sheath back over my cock, pushed my mother back down on all fours, and shoved my meat back inside her ass with Olympia’s sheath still wrapped around my cock – stretching Olympia’s flesh several feet out of her body. Both women moaned simultaneously as I began working them over. I had made five or six strokes inside my mother when I felt a pair of hands grab my breasts from behind and Makala’s voice whispered in my ear.

“Do you want some cock, too?” she asked. I nodded and a second later Makala’s immense cock slipped into my sheathed asshole.

Drones were everywhere. The sensations of bugs inside me, Makala’s gargantuan cock pounding inside me, my cock inside Olympia’s sheath inside my mother’s asshole was too much.

I knew it was almost time.

From the area near the pink mound, came a sound, something like a whistle. I turned my head. The foot-high Centurions had climbed atop the mound and were making a sound, a call.

All at once, all the drones that had been swarming over us and through us, responded. Just as aggressively as they had been fucking us, now they just as aggressively began pouring out of every hole they could find – mouth, ass, vagina, cock, anything. The sudden sluice of drones from my body and from my mother’s asshole around my cock – and from my asshole around Makala’s meat – finally pushed me over the edge. My balls throbbed and my thick steaming semen dumped into my mother’s waiting ass and Olympia’s sheath. Makala came, pouring her own juice into me. My body shook as I came, and the drones swarmed out of my ass and mouth.

Within a minute, all the drones were making a neat little formation and following the Centurions out into the nexus.

Makala slid from my body as I slipped my cock from my mother’s ass and sank back into the slime on the floor. I moaned, and from around the room came similar protestations. Bodies, slime, semen, sheaths, covered the room.

“Wow, fuck,” Clementina said. “Is every brood birthing going to be like that?”

“It can be if you want it to be,” Makala said, smiling.

