Sex with Soldiers at Mom’s House [MF][Teen][Getting Caught]

Gretchen wrapped her knees around the soldier’s hips and straddled him before reaching behind her ass to guide his cock inside her primed and ready squeeze box. Running her fingers along the throbbing, veiny appendage, she trailed her fingertips up until she found the spongy head with the diamond hard point right at its tiny eyelet. Using more force than required, she pushed the purple crown past her lips then leaned her bodyweight into the stem, forcing it into her vaginal canal before flexing her hips and thighs to plunge the head deeper before withdrawing just enough to ensure escape from the flexing tube was impossible. Penetrated and riding, she looked around the bed in search of her favorite prop.

“Where’s your fuckin’ hat?” she demanded to the young soldier as she bounced on his cock.

“Cover,” he panted.

“Fine, where’s your fuckin’ cover?”

He reached alongside the bed and snatched the camouflage material and handed it to the naked, teen he picked up after her shift working the bar at Applebee’s the previous night.

“Yee-haw!” she wailed, pantomiming a rodeo, waving the soldiers thin hat in the air. With the other hand she cruelly clawed at his skin which enthralled the young man intensely.

“Oh! I’m gonna cum!” the man grunted.

“Buss in me!” the rodeo rider called back.

“HARRR-UUGGHH!!” the soldier groaned.

“WOOOO!” the cowgirl belted.

A moment later, she leapt off the cock, cupped her vagina and waddled to the door without bothering to put anything on. Flinging the egress open with her free hand, the other side revealed Gretchen’s mother, Cynthia, smoking in the tiny living room. The pair lived together in the garish cinderblock two bedroom walk-up with thin interior walls that left the catchpenny abode completely bereft of privacy. The place was a shabby affair across the street from a gas station that wafted the odor of fuel throughout the entire building.

The thirty-six year old single mother was wearing a tight-fitting tank top that showed she still had a figure that sported a waistline and very respectable cleavage. She had been lounging in billowing pyjama pants that clung tightly in some spots but drooped in others while showing off the thin band of her black thong that matched a her ridiculously fuzzy slippers. She had been trying to catch up on her favorite show, but, unfortunately, her daughter had woken up and decided to put the lug she brough home from her bartending shift back to work on the other side of the drywall. After passing through the narrow door jam, Gretchen passed Cynthia without a word or a look on her way to deposit the young man’s captured seed in the bubble gum pink tiled bathroom that was in dire need of a good scrubbing. Cynthia, barely raising an eye to her naked progeny, rose from the laundry covered sofa and walked into her daughter’s room to gaze upon the naked man, lounging in her bed.

“Good morning,” Cynthia warmly greeted, lighting another cigarette as she looked down on the satisfied exposure of her daughter’s plebian Romeo.

“Oh! Hey! Umm… you Gretchen’s roommate?” the man stumbled while covering himself with the bedsheets.

“Roommate? No… why did ya cover up? You hiding something over there?” she smiled.

“Oh… it’s just… well… I didn’t…,” he stammered.

“Lemme see what you’re workin’ with!” she replied, pointing to the mess of bedsheets the man had balled up over his extremities.

“Umm… yeah… well…”

“Don’t be gross, Cynthia!” Gretchen yelled from the other side of the bathroom door in the tiny apartment.

Cynthia ignored her.

“You don’t come off as the shy type… let’s have a look,” she grinned.

Feeling emboldened, the young man pulled off the sheets and displayed the penis that had just ejaculated inside of Gretchen who was busy sitting on the only toilet attempting to drip out the man’s deposit. His penis was still in a post-ejaculation state where it held a modicum of rigidity but certainly lacked the tension to properly be put to use. Regardless, the man, determined to make a good showing of himself, began efforts to rectify his quaggy manhood by stroking himself with urgency while furrowing his brow in concentration.

Cynthia watched the young man with great interest as it never failed to surprise her the lengths a man would go to on behalf of his own penis. It was almost a misnomer to call the young masturbater a man since he was probably about the same age as her daughter; nineteen at the oldest. His body was well toned from the recent months spent on base exercising in the Arizona heat while being berated by men with more impressive patches on their sleeves. He had a handsome, boyish face with the attractive but dull eyes of a man who probably couldn’t be of much use beyond raising a flagpole for a woman to fly her fancy. Recalling from last night, the pair came home drunk and began their penetrative dalliance on Cynthia’s aging couch before advancing into the girl’s slovenly appointed bedroom; a veritable ocean of errant lingerie and dishware smeared with dried ketchup.

Cynthia leaned closer to thoughtfully inspect the young man’s progress.

“Well… I guess you could call that a dick,” Cynthia sneered, narrowing her eyes at the young soldier’s partial erection before taking a deep drag.

The well sharpened jab couldn’t break the man’s concentration. He grunted and doubled his efforts as Gretchen emerged, still naked, out of the bathroom having finished her cathartic ablutions.

“You can go now!” Gretchen commanded the leafless man, stroking his penis for an audience that just doubled.  

“Well… I was thinking we could do round three with your roommate here… I think she likes what she sees!”

“I told you, I’m not Gretchen’s roommate… I’m her mother… and I don’t get wet for baby dicks on the hairless bodies of pogs who never got outside the wire,” Cynthia grinned.

The young man immediately stopped fondling himself and made a confused, disappointed face, as if he were a dog who had been tricked by someone pretending to throw a ball. Then the man unceremoniously stood up and began rummaging through the piles of clothes in Gretchen’s room in search of his fatigues.

Cynthia used the hand containing her lighter to shield her eyes when he bent over, brandishing his hairy asshole for the two women while he scooping up his military issued wardrobe.

“I’ll see you at the Bee?” he said to Gretchen as he finished buttoning his fatigues.

“Sure baby, I’ll see you there.”

“What about after?” he smiled

“Not tonight… I need to let you rest and get your strength back up,” she mocked.

The man shrugged then fondled Gretchen’s bare breast in a classless manner, right in front of the woman who informed him she was her mother, as he walked out the apartment to head down the narrow flight of stairs and jump into his new mid-range Mustang recently purchased with the money saved during basic training.


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