After everyone left the house, I quickly closed the door and pulled up the shades. I pulled a chair over near the open window, and positioned it so it could be seen by everyone who walked by. Then I unzipped my jeans and lifted up my shirt. I then looked at my mirror across the room at my body. I’m not conceited, but damn I looked fine….
I sat on the chair backwards and opened my legs real wide in my panties. I could already feel myself getting very wet and I needed to get a Dick. Too bad I didn’t have any. Getting back to business, I rubbed my pussy lips from over the silky feel of my panties and felt my clit growing already. I unhooked my bra and saw that my nipples were getting bigger by the second. I took two fingers and twisted my nipple a little between them and immediately got wet at the site of it at the mirror. I used my other hand and went back down to my soaking wet pussy. There was a big wet spot forming on the blue silk of my panties. I took the advantage to look outside my window and saw a few people looking in shock at me fingering myself through my panties. I giggled, and closed my eyes and went back to my pleasure. It felt SO good to feel the wetness slip down my thighs and my nipples get huge and red. I would have done anything to get a Cock between my lips at that minute in time. I continued feeling hot and sweaty and getting closer and closer to orgasm, but I figured I should stop, I wanted Cock, nothing could replace that feeling of wanting a big fat Cock.
Mmm wish i was nearby to fill that craving ?
god i wish id have seen you playing with yourself i would have offered you my cock to play with instead