My [M] ex [F] and I started our relationship off with sex on the first date higher than either of us had ever been.

In my early twenties a friend a few years older than me contacted me about a job opportunity. He’d graduated high school ahead of me, and dropped out of college to use his parents money to buy into a medicinal Marijuana collective in Northern Oregon. The way he explained it, hiring locals had proven to be a well that dried up sooner than expected. The population of the towns adjacent to the operation wasn’t very large. And many of the early hires had either proven to be lazy or untrustworthy. So he’d asked some friends in Socal to put the word out to guys they thought might do well. I’d held down a job since I was 16, and while I enjoyed my smoke and drink I had a reputation for being strict on DUIs and was never seen blacked out or vomiting. The bar was set super high, I know.

But I’d fucked up my senior year, eliminating my chances at any scholarships. The pay that was promised was equitable to $20 an hour in 2009 so that along with the call to adventure in a strange land was all the convincing that I needed. They had bought a lot of property in Gaston and McMinnville. So they set me up with a 2 bedroom apartment for next to nothing. For an area that’s not too far away from Portland it’s important to remember that woods Oregonian are different than city Oregonian. The same way a LA Californian is different from Paso Robles Californian. They were still hippies by my standards, but rustic gun toting hippies, especially the ones involved in the green market.

Those first few months were rough, the work took its tole and I only knew two peoplein the whole state. The collective was small and in its infancy, so disorganization was rampant. On any given day I could be clipping or treating product, packaging, and since I was a strong able bodied young man I was used heavily for moving equipment and product. I didn’t have a car and the turn-around rate was so high that a lot of coworkers didn’t bother to get to know me. They gave weed out as a sort of bonus to keep us from stealing and selling on the side. An offense that not only got you fired, but I’d also heard it landed you an ass beating and a drop off on a lonely woods road. Our HR department left a lot to be desired. Luckily for me I had online video games to help keep in contact with home, and weed to distract from everything else.

McMinnville is a small university town, I don’t use the word cute to describe a place often, but it is. I was desperate for entertainment, they had a great theater that doubled as a pizza joint. And the book store did a lot to contribute to the charm of the town. I’d struck up a conversation with a woman a few years older than me. She was teasing me about the Chuck Palahnuik I was thumbing through and turned me on to Neil Gaiman. I didn’t think that women just talked to you like this but I later learned that workers in the green market are easy to literally sniff out. When she gave me her number to use as a book marker I coveted that thing like gold.

I texted her that day, half expecting the number to be fake. To my surprise it worked, who the hell gives out their number to a stranger ? I didn’t know people did that in actuality, I suspected her of being after my kidney. I called her the next day, and met her for a coffee at the local shop that did a lot to add to the ‘cute’ brand I’d given the town. All of this within walking distance of my apartment by the way, the town was centralized around the university. Everything on the outskirts was mostly agricultural. That coffee was probably the most stressful coffee I’d ever had.

Her age and education really made me feel like I was fighting on the back foot to keep up in the conversation. Wich is funny thinking back on it, she was only 23 and I was 20, and she hadn’t even finished her bachelor’s. The lack of sun does something to fair skinned people out here. They’re more pale than I’d ever encountered in Southern California, this made her cheeks betray her. I could tell whenever I said something that peeked her interest romantically, every compliment that landed was on full display and she knew it. This evened the playing field a little bit. She wore thin rimmed glasses, her dirty blonde hair tucked into a knit cap, she looked much more plump in her warm clothes, I guess we all do. But her curves were hard to hide, and something about the way she smiled was a flute to my snake. Soft brown eyes and an upsweep to the tip of her nose amplified her cheeky playful personality tenfold.

I’d never been so aware of my race than when I lived there. McMinnville has a Hispanic community, certainly. But in the city where I grew up we made up the majority of citizens. Especially since I wasn’t a stranger to the sun back home, my skin never felt so dark. This was multiplied by the lack of edible Mexican food.  People thought taco bell was ethnic here, they ordered Quesadeers. We talked about that, and I told her that I immediately clocked the local carneceria when I was given the tour. My moms recipe for arroz and frijoles along with salsa made it so that I could at least give myself a slice of home. This made for an easy in, along with a mutual love for Kill Bill, we had our first real date set for the following Friday.

I had two bedrooms but one just had a few totes and bulk groceries. I only had a recliner, TV and stand in the living room. I asked around and managed to get a small dining table for my kitchen along with a couch and dresser for dirt cheap. The delivery cost was almost more than the cost of the furniture itself. I told my friend from home my situation who was helping me set up. He explained that it was a good start but I needed a coffee table and some paintings or something, my apartment gave off “guy that lives alone” vibes. It stung despite the fact that I was a guy and I indeed lived alone. I made the mistake of stopping by an artsy little furniture store this time. Two motel lobby quality paintings, a coffee table, and two chairs for my little balcony cost me more than all of the other furniture the previous day.

But luckily it all scored huge points with her, it felt so odd allowing a stranger into my new little home. I’d already started on the food, super basic, street style tacos with rice and beans on the side with some jaritos to wash it down. I should have known, hindsight is 20/20 but she brought up the prospect of us smoking together. I eagerly showed off a few Mason jars each with an ounce of the strongest weed I’d ever had at the time. I offered a small bong or a wood pipe (ill advised) but she had her own papers and suggested we roll a few joints. The fact that she had zig zags and a zippo but no weed of her own would be an obvious tip of what our dynamic was to me now. But to my 20 year old brain this was just convenient.

The overpriced balcony chairs proved to be the real MVP of my recent purchases. McMinnville apartments are different than the ones I was used to in California. We weren’t all sandwiched together. There was a small patch of woods separating the four units from the next set. We enjoyed a picturesque sunset through the tall moss covered trees as we ground down a few buds wich she expertly rolled into several uniformed joints. I don’t remember starting the movie, but I must have, she didn’t know her way around an Xbox at that time. I just remember the smoke, I was used to burning down a small bowl by myself. Being that I was the professional in our situation I’d figured that I’d stop passing a joint when she did. But she kept lighting another and another.

The movie was clearly secondary, we were talking through the hole thing. By the 2nd joint I was the highest that I’d been in some time. She’d removed her coat when she came in but I never noticed her removing her long sleeve exposing her tank top. I later learned that she was on the better part of a C cup with a push up bra that made them seem much larger. The movie was now nonexistent. Despite my patio door being open it did little to dissipate the volume of smoke we were outputting. I’d smoked before but not like this, I feared the edge and what lay beyond it. But like a good siren, she lead me over more easily than I would’ve believed. I eventually tapped out but it was too late, I was already in her wonderland on the third joint.

There was a complete tonal shift to our back and fourth, my guard was gone and so was hers. I’d only known the girl for a week and change but she was so quick to laugh and free of judgement that I was entirely at peace. I was more comfortable than I’d been since I moved here. Her wit was quick, and her smile was more contagious than the common cold. Conversation was diving deeply in multiple different avenues but we reached a turning point when talked about our family. She opened up about her brother and their dynamic. I opened up to her about my family more than I ever had at the time. We played bargain bin therapist for eachother for some time. I confessed that I’d never opened up to stranger like this before. We laughed about how lucky we were that neither of us was a psychopath.

I shared the thought I had about her harvesting one of my kidneys. She laughed and told me that I had no bathtub she could fill with ice. A laughing fit erupted that left us breathless. The tone shifted again, her cheeks were a burning indicator of what was on her mind, betraying her again. “Why are you sitting all the way over there ? Why haven’t you made a play yet ?,” I would have loved to have seen my expression in this moment. At some point Vollme 1 of Kill Bill had ended leaving the title screen still on my TV. She allowed silence to fill the room as her words rung in my ears like a gong. I told her that I didn’t want to creep her out, or assume. She laughed and asked me what I expected from a stay at home date. I confessed that I was unsure if she was interested in me in any romantic capacity.

That smile was there again, that smile that pierced the walls I’d built for the world with ease. She stood up, closed the patio door, and flicked off the light. I turned the tv off, night had fallen and the glow of the moonlight silhouetted her shape. She was by no means chubby, maybe slightly heavier than she would’ve wanted. But it gave her hips and chest a curve that woman would kill for. She knelt on the cushion beside me “I’ve heard that some guys need blunt signals, but you need a neon sign, don’t you ?,” she said with a clink of her zippo. I was an audience to her performance than, the moonlight gave her skin a glow that my inebriated little brain was hypnotized by. “You ever shotgun a hit before ?,” she asked.

I confessed that I’d only ever seen it done a few times in person at get-togethers but never had the pleasure myself. She explained the simplicity of it “You take a healthy drag, and hold for a moment. When we press our lips together make a kissy little ‘O’ and inhale while I exhale. Simple as that, French smoke,”.

I’d watched her wet the tip of the joints before with her lips for what I later learned was an even burn. The lighter sparked that way only a zippo can, giving off a small bright light that illuminated the face of the siren leading me to the rocks. She held the tip to the flame till it charred before she took a generous hit. I was already much higher than I’d ever been, but I could not pass this up this opportunity. I was already on Mars, how far could Uranus be ? She set the lit joint down in my ash tray, I remember having my hair buzzed down to zero because she placed the tips of her fingers right where the back of my skull ended and neck began, her thumbs behind my ears. It was exactly how she said it would be.

Lowering herself so her lips could meet mine our lips pursed. She exhaled and it was unlike any hit I’d taken before. The pleasure her breath had behind it with my inhale pulled it deep into me. Her lips detached from mine with a whisp trailing off. I held it in easier than I’d worried I could. My lips pointed up like a wolf mid howl, I exhaled a smoke stack larger than I could have anticipated.

“I’m beginning to suspect that you’re interested in me,” I said shattering the mood. This sent us into another fit of laughter that inevitably dragged out some coughs. It was worth it, her laughter warmed me like nothing else in this cold corner of the country. I asked her what she liked, if there was anything she wanted me to focus on. This caught her off guard, I didn’t know this would put her on the back foot. Unknown to her I have a subconscious draw to woman a hair older than me, my first sexual experience was with an older woman and she taught me the brainless skeleton key to a woman’s pleasure. Ask her to explain what she wants in detail, follow those details to the letter and she’ll generally do whatever you want after that.

Within reason of course.

Now that I had a glowing neon green light, I figured that this gave me room to explore what our limitations were in what was another shift of the tone. She explained that her neck and nipples were fantastic places to start. Her neck had already been an appetizing target for me. After a few generous kisses my lips traced her jawline.  From the end of her jaw my lips sketched out the side of her neck and followed it back up the middle of her throat for more kisses. As good a time as any to start unwrapping this present I’d found far beyond the clouds. I cannot stress enough how her body caught the moonlight. When I unveiled her breast with a fumble of her bra strap, they dropped the way big breasts do into their natural position. Her nipples were puffy silver dollars, I picked up a breast in in each hand. Starting with the left I dragged my tongue along the her perfect circles, her nipples stiffened taller than I’d ever seen in person. She arched her head and made a sound that had the drawl of an ‘N’ in it.

I sucked on them lightly “how hard ? ,” I asked switching from one to the other. Her back was arched as she guided me harder once. I obliged, I’d never played with tits in this mindset before. Every move was honest, my hands and ears studied what was working on her and what wasn’t. I loved that our roles had reversed. Before her conversation skills outpaced mine by a mile, but here, here we were on my playing field. She was under the impression at the beginning of our date that she’d have to hold my hand through this. She was glad that I’d taken the lead because she had become to be too high keeping up with me.

The mistakes we make when we’re trying to impress someone.

By this point our play had pacified my mind. Anyone whos ever been high knows that you can get lost in an activity under the right set and setting, and lost in her I was. “The bedroom. I’ve got fresh sheets,” I managed to get out in between mouth fulls of her. She kicked off her shoes and dropped her cold weather pants. In this light I couldn’t tell the color but her bikini cut panties, but I could see they had polka-dots on them. The threshold of my bedroom door was not permeated by the moonlight. She skipped into my bedroom and into what looked like pitch darkness. I followed her in, stripping down the whole way. I had blackout shades on my window for undisturbed sleep, I have no idea how she found my bed without the light so easy.

Visual sensory deprivation.

I felt her in my bed and aligned my self along side her so that my cock rest on her leg. I wanted her to feel this erection, I hadn’t felt this painfully hard since puberty. Another “unn” sound escaped her. I asked her what she’d like next, her voice was confident but there was a hint of a stammer. She wanted to be eaten out, but she asked that i kiss her body first. That moonlit silhouette that I’d seen earlier, I drew it from memory with my lips. Taking my time around her hips and her mons to savor my favorite bit. She’d left her panties somewhere on my bedroom floor.

She apologized for her bush in between moans, I interrupted her with a long flat drag of my tongue on her outer lips. I told her I didn’t mind, infact I loved it. I instructed her to treat my mouth like it was hers, wherever she wanted me to go, I’d go. And like a cheat code in a video game I went. Up, down, circle, up along the left, light flat circle, down, light penetrating circle, up along the right, light circle with the tip. Her legs splayed when I did this. Her inner lips were sticky to the touch with her reaction and my saliva. She asked for me to lightly work on the clit with the tip of my tongue while I slide a finger into her. That’s when the ‘yes’ started. At first it was long yes with my insertion.

Every push of my finger earned a yes, her pelvic bone was spasming lightly. She guided my finger and tongue into the rhythm and angle that zoned her out. Speech functions were offline. The ‘N’  sounds became ‘A’ sounds similar to those made by someone getting into a hot tub that was too hot. I was going off of light cues from before, making it up as I went along. Her hip thrusts were sparatic, there wasn’t a lot of conscious movement to it. The sounds of my fingers and tongue were now audible with that wet sticky noise. A sharp shrill scream shot out of her, the clap of her hand grasping her mouth shut it off. Her thighs squeezed my head and pulled me upward. Her body seized into an arched position. I thought she was going to break my neck.

It was probably only a few seconds but she dropped me and exhaled deeply. I wrenched my head free and gasped for air. The tongue work already made breathing a chore and I hadn’t taken a breath before she did that. I laughed when I could, she eventually did too. Language hadn’t quite returned to her yet. My facial hair was drenched, I dragged it on my sheets and aligned myself with her again. Her hands were tight in front of her chest with her hands balled up in fists like she was holding an imaginary sheet in front of her tits. Soft ‘A’ sounds were still escaping her every other breath.”You okay ? You still with us ?” I joked.

Her body still gave off a light tremble without warning. She regained a touch of composure “No one’s ever taken me there before,” she admitted. Her voice had softened, she was naked in body and in soul. That spice that she normally added was gone, this was her, raw and on display for me. I told her that her reactions get me off, and that her vagina feels the best once it’s coated with her cum. I informed her that we hadn’t even started. I had no stop-watch on me but it felt like we lived a lifetime in between her lighting that last joint and her nearly climaxing my head off. “I want to feel what I’ve done to you, can I  ?,” I asked. She made a noise that sounded equal parts ready and concerned.

I kept to on her back and rest my knees on either side of her ass. I nowcwish I’d turned the lights on for this but I was ravenous. I took her heels and placed them in the crook of my armpits and shoulders. I placed my hands in her inner thigh, right where it became her ass. I spread her for me, I used the tip of my cock to search for mouth. When I placed the tip of my cock between her inner lips she whispered “ohhh God…” I dragged my hips back a hair and slid in with no resistance.

Her cum had lubed her walls generously enough that I felt I could give her the whole thing on the first push. A sharp “ahh” came out of her. I moaned out a reply. I could feel every bit of her, I could feel her ass cheeks on my balls. The soft skin of her plump little thighs was being dug into by my finger tips. I pulled back and in slowly, applauded by the sticky noise of her vagina. Her ‘A’ sounds were longer and louder, punctuated with a “fuck”. I readjusted my right hand so that I could lightly thumb her clit. Her hips instantly reacted “too much too much too much” the words shot out. I moaned out a small chuckle. “Just fuck me. Pound my cunt. I want it.” Her request made me bold, I’m working with no more than 6 tops. But it was more than enough to get an “oonf” out of her. I kept that pressure and pace up.

The yes came back again, this time rapid fire and in tandem with my pace. Over and over again, lightly leaning forward so her legs bent back a little, her feet still tucked in my pits. Her yes becames fucks, and her fucks became loud sharp ‘A’s. Despite the pounding i felt her hips push back, she was cumming but I wasn’t going to stop until she told me to. The ‘A’s were screams now, I later got to know the neighbors and they never mentioned it. Either they never heard or never cared to mention that they did.

The slap of my balls against the base of her ass smushed into the bed is what did it for me. I still have no clue how my balls can be so sensitive normally but feel no pain as I’m driving them full force into someone else. She’d devolved into noises coming from her throat comparable to a gulp. The urge to cum was undeniable, I was close. “Hey, we forgot a condom. In or out ? Pill ? No pill ?” I asked hastily to no response. Speech was offline again. I aired on the side of safety and pulled out, with two or three quick strokes I shot my load out across her. She yiped and sounds of a fuss were punctuating her sounds of pleasure. I plopped in ecstasy along side her moaning deeply and loudly. Nothing resembling English came out of either of us for some time.

Her first words back were “light, I need a light. And a towel !,”. I got up and boy was she a sight. From naval to chin I’d shot a thin strand of cum across her body. This was the first time I’d seen her naked really. Her big soft thighs laid right where I dropped them, her chest was still heaving and even more impressive in the light. But her face, she was on another planet communicating to me through some radio system. Poor thing had received the pump-N-dump treatment from her ex’s and expected no better from me. Later she confessed that much of what we’d done was a first for her, including the oral.

“Towel, please. Yes, cum, I know. Now towel,” she said to snap me out of it. I tossed her my only spare that wasn’t used to clean messes and laughed. “You need a shower, not a towel,” I told her. She agreed, and went in first. I wiped off with wet naps she was surprised that I had. She made fun of my man soaps and purple scrubber. I went a touch overkill and made fun of her for being the first woman to piss in front of me, and in my shower no less. She was mortified and apologized for it the rest of the night, she thought I wouldn’t notice. She was right, i didn’t. I just knew that women need to piss after sex and it was more than likely that she did while showing. Sharing this with her did nothing to ease her embarrassment, she’d already confirmed her indecency.

We started Kill Bill over and mopped up the left overs of dinner as a midnight snack. She ended up leaving around 1am. She made me promise to treat her like a lady and take her out on a proper date. I did, one became two, two became three. Before we’d known eachother for a two months she was my girlfriend officially. She stayed that way throughout my stay in Oregon, a little under two years. I had issues I needed to resolve in California, she couldn’t make the move and wasn’t able to try long distance.

We broke up, it wasn’t as clean as we could have made it. I haven’t looked into her almost a decade now. But that night at my place, that was a good night. Spent in the clouds.


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