My Dark Hero: Part Six [Romantic/erotica/fantasy]

**Chapter Six**


Neither of us said a word in the car. After demanding I get in, and helping me get fired, there was no way in hell the conversation would be flowing from my side. I just stared out the passenger window, totally detached.

Keeping to the speed limit, Kincaid took me further than the restaurant where I didn’t work anymore. The radio was playing softly in the background, while the purring engine and the lights of the city lullabied me into a type of trance state. It felt like I was on some kind of drug, consisting of childhood hopelessness and acid. When the shiny Mustang finally came to a stop in front of a restaurant I never knew existed, the drug began to wear off.

A valet approached my door, but Kincaid signaled him to back off.

“If you drive with me then I open your door. It’s a safety precaution.”

It seemed like the trip hypnotized Kincaid as well, because he sounded different – more respectful, if that was even possible.

He got out and walked around the front of the car, buttoning up his jacket and fixing his collar as he moved past the headlights. He fired up a yearning between my legs, and as much as I wanted to hate him, I couldn’t stop myself from finding him completely irresistible. Before opening my door, he slipped the nervous valet some money and the key.

I stepped onto the curb feeling very conscious about my waitress uniform. It was a fairly busy place, but it wasn’t overcrowded enough to blend in. Some of the stuck-up patrons gave me that look they’d give a dog that’s dying in the street, although they quickly got back to their own business when they noticed Kincaid next to me.

“What are we doing here?” I asked.

“We’re having dinner, over which we can discuss my dilemma.”

He placed his hand on the small of my back and gave a gentle push. Still very self-conscious and uncomfortable, I walked through the dimly lit entrance. The smell of fine cuisine tickled my senses and I could almost taste the chocolate mousse cake in the glass display.

“Wait here.” Kincaid said as he made his way to the hostess to arrange the table.

I took the opportunity to get used to my surroundings, because the high ceilings and the classy sections looked like something out of a movie. The silverware rung like bells against the expensive white China, and the hushed conversations droned just underneath it. I’ve been in exclusive restaurants before, but I usually came in through the back and I couldn’t exactly enjoy the atmosphere like the patrons did.

“This way.” Kincaid’s hand was on the small of my back again.

He trailed behind me while I followed the hostess to a table in the middle of the restaurant. Some of the people we passed greeted Kincaid and others preferred not making their presence known. This guy was higher up the food chain than I thought.

When we reached the meticulously set table, Kincaid pulled out my chair.

“Now you want to be a gentleman?” I spat out the words and walked to the opposite seat.

The hostess gave me a strange look, but remained unobtrusive.

“Manners cost nothing. It’s like knocking, and waiting for somebody to invite you in. I’ll teach you all about it over dinner.” Kincaid mockingly replied.

I couldn’t figure out if he was just too hyped on his own arrogance or whether he had a neurotic need to be right all the time, so I just sat down. As he joined me he ordered a bottle of wine I still can’t pronounce.

At first he just looked at me with some enchantment, but I knew better. Kincaid didn’t play nice with other kids. He used them as toys instead. He believed everything and everyone belonged to him, like the furniture in one of his many homes. All is expendable if he wishes it to be. However, the frustration of not knowing what his plans were got the better of me.

“Can you please tell me why I’m here?” I demanded.

“I already told you, we’re having dinner to discuss my problem.”

“And how exactly do you want me to fix it? You saw the apartment building I came out of, right? You noticed the drug dealers on the corner? That’s where I live numb-nuts. You get that?”

Before Kincaid could reply the waiter stepped closer with the bottle of red wine. He poured a little bit into a glass then waited for Kincaid to test it. Like the experts I saw on television, Kincaid smelled the wine before taking a sip. This was followed by a pleased nod, encouraging the waiter to fill our glasses and leave the bottle.

“I have no idea how wine tasters do it.” Kincaid said as he placed the glass back on the table.

“Excuse me?” I asked with some confusion.

“Wine tasters…I think they’re full of shit. I try it every time and I still don’t get it. If wine tastes good then what does all the other stuff matter?”

He was definitely up to something and I didn’t want to be one of his projects.

“Why are you telling me this? Does it look like I give a crap about wine tasting?”

But in truth I did care. For some odd reason I wanted to know more about Kincaid’s thoughts and opinions, even though he had a criminal record that was most likely longer than my arm. He also had blood on his hands and a history that could send any saint straight to hell, making him even more addictive than the toxic air in my neighborhood.

“I’m just saying, circumstances don’t define a person’s character.” Kincaid replied with all the calm in the world.

“Is this your way of excusing the life you lead?”

It was the first time I heard him laugh. Even though it was soft, I could tell it was genuine. And the way his lips curled at the edges had more than just a little influence on my attraction towards him.

“Nope. There’s nothing that can excuse what I do for a living, but there’s still hope for you…if you survive the night of course.”

Those last words brought me back to reality. Thanks to the warm lighting of the restaurant and Kincaid’s sudden charm, I almost lost sight of the situation. This wasn’t a romantic date. It was a mind-fuck session with one of the most dangerous men in the city.

“You don’t know anything about me, but thanks for the encouraging words. Feel free to shove them somewhere uncomfortable after I leave.”

I was dead anyway, the least I could do was to go down fighting.

“Okay. Then how about we order some dinner?” Kincaid gallantly changed the subject without a hint of anger or irritation.

“I’m not hungry.”

He nodded his head with understanding, leaving the menu where he was about to pick it up.

“Fair enough. Should we talk about why you’re here then?”

“If it’s not too much trouble. I’d hate to interrupt another boring rant about something I care nothing about.”

If Daniel could see me he would be pissing his pants, because his little sister was literally tempting a slow and painful end.

“Fine. Let’s cut to the chase. I want you to start touching yourself. Right now.”

Charming Kincaid had left the room, only to be replaced by the guy I threatened a few nights earlier. It wasn’t a request I expected, especially not in our particular situation, which caught me by surprise.

“What type of sick joke is this?” I said with some outrage.

“It’s not a joke. I want you to pull up your dress and touch yourself, while I watch.”

Kincaid looked at me as if I was the only person in the room. He didn’t talk softly, he didn’t take note of who might be listening, and he was dead serious.

“We’re in the middle of a crowded restaurant. How do you see this playing out?”

“I see it playing out exactly like I want it.”

I couldn’t believe this guy. Was he for real? He couldn’t possibly expect me to masturbate where I was sitting?

“You’re insane. Really, I mean it. Do yourself a favor and invest some money in several psychological specialists. I get the feeling you’ll need them all. Now, if there isn’t anything else, I’ll be going.”

I kept my eyes locked onto his as I stood up, making sure to enforce my confidence. But before I could start clicking my fake Prada heels, Kincaid sunk his teeth deeper.

“Daniel still has a few enemies. Did he tell you?”

At some point in our lives things took a dramatic turn for the worst. Daniel kept getting involved with the wrong people, and his growing obsession to make a quick buck eventually saw us switching roles. The responsible big brother transformed into one who was now careless and dependent. As for me, I simply felt obligated to pick up the pieces.

“I’ll take your silence as a yes.” Kincaid interrupted my thoughts.

“What are you getting at?” I asked with a little less attitude.

“I’ll take care of all his friends if you do what I ask tonight. He’ll be safe again, which I can promise you he’s not at the moment. Plus, I still have your gun.”

He reached into his pocket, pulled out his phone, and placed it on the table next to his glass of wine. From underneath his jacket he revealed my gun, which he softly placed next to the phone.

“All it takes is a call.”

Truth be told, I didn’t mind having sex with Kincaid. In fact, I got excited at the thought of him touching me again, which is what this scenario was probably leading to. The idea that he wanted me so badly was a turn-on I couldn’t turn off.

“How do I know you won’t just find another loophole to fuck me with?”

“I’m a man of my word, regardless of what you may think. You’ll be rid of me and your brother’s immediate problems as soon as our night ends.”

Funny enough, for a criminal he sounded more honest than anyone else I’ve encountered in my life, including Daniel.

“You realize they’ll throw us out?”

“It’s a risk I’m willing to take.” He said with no hesitation.

“Make the call first.” I insisted before sitting back down.

No, I didn’t care about the people in the restaurant. They could all be part of a small apocalypse and it wouldn’t affect me one bit. I wasn’t brought up to care. But there was something brewing between me and the man who patiently unlocked his phone.

“Frank, go ahead with the Dawson arrangements.” Kincaid ordered. “There, it’s done. Your turn.”

This wasn’t about Kincaid humiliating me – that much I could figure out. And it helped a little bit as I pulled my seat away from the table to give him a full view. There wouldn’t be any technicalities he could use on this occasion. When I lifted my skirt and sat back down, it was officially game time – and I was ready to play.

“Is this what you want to see?” I asked while seductively rubbing my thighs and exposing the last bit of flesh covered by my skirt.

It seemed like Kincaid wanted to say something, but he stopped himself. In fact, he was the one who looked a little intimidated, because he probably didn’t expect my aggressive approach. Much to his delight, I drowned out the people around me and matched his confidence.

I slid my hand higher up my thigh, and as I reached the outline of my underwear I laid back, pushing my lower body forward. There was no way anyone could miss what I was doing.

Kincaid looked at me as if he was spellbound, only shifting his gaze between my exposed underwear and my eyes. The sexual tension building between us acted like a small wave. At first only a few of the patrons noticed, but it gradually contaminated the rest of them, causing everyone to stop eating and pay attention to the show in the middle of the room.

I teased my clit through the black lace material, and as the familiar and horny sensations spread through my body, I tilted my head and closed my eyes. Every now and then I’d open them, just to see the expression on Kincaid’s face.

He was getting frustrated.

Lust was written all over him and it had a powerful influence on me, because without even trying I started getting wet. This powerful and darkly seductive man, feared by everyone who knew him and rich beyond my imagination, wanted nothing more than to rip me open with his cock.

I slid my finger across my underwear and between my pussy lips, slowly pulling my head back in ecstasy. Barely conscious of the massive audience, I moaned softly, intentionally creating more frustration inside Kincaid’s pants. My body reacted to the stimulation and the awareness that he was probably harder than a block of wood, making it even easier to take the next step.

While looking him straight in the eye, I stuck my fingers inside my underwear. He didn’t blink and he hardly breathed. Like a statute witnessing some astronomical event, Kincaid focused on me. I placed one leg on the table and got a little more comfortable, then I made one finger disappear into my pussy.

Believe it or not, it felt even more exhilarating than my first public display. In the distance I heard a few chairs moving around, and I couldn’t tell whether people were leaving or just getting a better view. Either way, I wasn’t stopping.

The tingling sensation was back, and I found myself yearning for Kincaid. All the anger and hopelessness I had stockpiled were being replaced with emotions associated with desire and acceptance. More importantly, I wanted him to take me right there in front of everyone.

As I slid my finger in and out of my pussy, I monitored the growing bulge in his pants. I wondered how long he would be able to restrain himself, but my curiosity was satisfied when Kincaid finally broke his enchanted silence.

He stood up, lifted the leg that was resting on the table, then aggressively yanked the bright white tablecloth from its smooth surface. This sent everything flying in all directions. The phone, the gun…and the limits. The bottle of wine and the glasses crashed on the floor, causing our onlookers to shift in their seats, trying to avoid the wine like silver bullets.

Without warning he grabbed me by the waist and lifted me onto the glossy table. The look in his eyes informed me that things were about to get very intense, and the way he started ripping my clothes off reinforced it.

Piece by piece Kincaid revealed my body to the exclusive restaurant. The buttons on my blouse didn’t stand a chance against his eager hands, and neither did my bra. But before he pushed me onto my back to pull off my skirt, he lingered on my breasts. It was the first time he saw so much of me, and he cupped them in his warm hands like they were the most precious jewels in the world.

Ignorant of the patrons, who by this time were either extremely horny or very pissed off, Kincaid licked the peaks of my breasts. The tiny bumps got hard against his hungry tongue, but it was when he softly bit down when I started getting lost in the game.

Without thinking I grabbed the back of his head and pushed out my chest. Now I was the one who wanted more. His hands were all over me, like an addict who couldn’t get enough, and it would only take a few more seconds before he’d push me down and pull off the rest of my clothing.

As the waitress uniform found a new place on the floor, I wondered when the owner was going to shut us down. Where were the sirens or security at least? Are they actually going to let this guy fuck me on their table?

But nobody intervened.

From the corner of my eye I noticed how the patrons who didn’t leave – the majority of the initial group – turning their chairs in our direction. It seemed everyone wanted a better view.

Kincaid snapped my attention back to the matter at hand when he separated my legs, then dropped to his knees to kiss my moist lips. This must have been a rare sight for the audience, because I couldn’t manage picturing him in that position – Kincaid on his knees, in front of a tiny woman?

When his tongue connected with my swelling clit, a tiny shock rushed through my body – and once again I found myself shuddering underneath his warm breath. His hands didn’t stop exploring every curve, not missing an inch between my ankles and my naval. All the while he kept tasting and teasing me with this tongue and those sexy lips.

I held on to the edge of the table just above my head, hoping it would absorb some of the nirvana that came from my pussy. It wasn’t any use. My brain was in no condition to give orders, nor were my limbs capable of following them. I was left at the mercy of my lust, and whatever Kincaid did to me.

Before the signals of an oncoming orgasm began to complete the circuit, Kincaid stopped. His hands slid from my skin and I couldn’t feel him anywhere. Enraged I opened my eyes and looked up. It definitely wasn’t the time to stop.

But like a phoenix he rose from his knees, slipping off his jacket in one swift motion. I watched him rip off his shirt, confirming the image I had of what he possibly looked like – although the real thing was much better. The excitement between my legs increased as I studied the contours of his muscular chest and shoulders. The angel tattoo on his right arm folded its wings perfectly around his bicep, and his packed stomach led the way to a very dangerous area. If there was one thing I’ll never forget about my first time with Kincaid, it was his gifted cock.

He continued to unbuckle his belt and kept his gaze in line with mine. Nothing was going to distract him from what he was about to do, and if somebody had the balls to try, they’d regret it quicker than they thought. As he pulled down his pants, his muscle shot out in readiness. It was time for round two.

I shifted my position to give Kincaid space between my thighs, conscious of his skin against mine. Lying down on top of me, I could almost hear his heart beating with insanity. It was beyond incredible, and I was utterly infatuated. We were both panting, thanks to all the adrenalin rushing through our bloodstreams, but the real rush was still coming.

With the distinct sent of Kincaid filling my nose, the penetration began. The big head of his cock separated my lips and gradually plunged deeper, placing that divine pressure on my pink walls. The warm throbbing only increased as Kincaid searched for the deepest part, not stopping until I gasped for air and pushed back against his powerful waist.

There was no squirming underneath his pure muscle weight. I had to take it as best I could with the little room I had, which meant biting down on his shoulder and digging my nails into his skin. But my reaction to the pleasure only spurred him on, motivating him to fuck me harder…and with more intent.

I had forgotten about our audience, along with the place where it all unfolded. My only purpose in life was to experience that moment, then remember it for as long as my memory allowed.

Kincaid’s body moving on top of mine was like a big ocean wave smashing against the rocks – dangerous and conflicted, but at the same time transcending and surreal. Every time he pulled back and drove forward, I felt my muscles getting tenser, anticipating the sweet release only he was able to give me. I clung to him so tightly my nipples could’ve stabbed through his chest.

Then it came.

With his strong pelvis stimulating my clit and his heart raging against my breasts, his cock got ready to burst inside me. In those last few seconds it expanded to the maximum size I could handle, followed by his hot seed spewing out with successive jerks.

It was his turn to shudder, sending me over the edge and into a sense of satisfaction I still can’t describe. I tangled my fingers into his hair before biting into his neck, the only way I could keep myself from screaming very dirty words. The more he jerked, the tighter I held on, clenching my walls around his spewing cock. And there we were, climaxing on the table of a restaurant filled with people.

Then, out of the blue, he kissed me. It was a kiss that was drenched in my demise, but nothing ever felt so perfect. His lips tasted of wine and his tongue a breath of fresh air. I couldn’t compare it to anything I’ve experienced before.

When the kiss ended he searched my eyes, and I saw a different side of the man I presumably hated. I saw a man falling in love, and I was falling with him.

A few more silent seconds passed before he said,

“I’m a bad man, Amy Dawson. And the universe where I deserve you will never exist.”

Before his words could sink in, the table overturned and we went sliding to the ground. I didn’t know what was happening until the bullets started raining down.



  1. “It was a kiss that was drenched in my demise.” Oh man that’s so good. Intensely erotic!

  2. This next part I can’t wait for. You will have to stay up all night for me please Mistress!

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